


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  exhibit similar association affinities with beta-spectrin.
2 ired for dimerization of alpha-spectrin with beta-spectrin.
3 ie over nearby Z lines and that also contain beta-spectrin.
4  Drosophila mutants lacking either alpha- or beta-spectrin.
5 uantitatively studied their interaction with beta-spectrin.
6 NA repair gene, and SPTBN1, nonerythryocytic beta-spectrin.
7 same altered sarcolemmal arrays that contain beta-spectrin.
8 drin, beta-fodrin, and the muscle isoform of beta-spectrin.
9 caused by a complete deficiency of erythroid beta-spectrin.
10 y either alone or following association with beta-spectrin.
11 n, ZU5A, is directly responsible for binding beta-spectrin.
12 phorylation weakens the affinity of 4.1R for beta-spectrin.
13            Actin and 4.1R bind to one end of beta-spectrin.
14             Actin and 4.1 bind to one end of beta-spectrin.
15 5 and 272, as the minimum binding region for beta-spectrin.
16 I spectrin causes profound reductions in all beta spectrins.
17 fficient to mediate protein interaction with beta spectrins.
18 a 77-kDa peptide similar to repeats 10-16 of beta-spectrins.
19 -beta-spectrin and glycophorin C-protein 4.1-beta-spectrin.(1-7) Although evidence supports an essent
20 arry loss-of-function mutations in the mouse beta-spectrin 4 gene (Spnb4) that cause alterations in i
21 at SCRIB binds directly to the CH1 domain of beta spectrins, a molecular scaffold that contributes to
22 domain greatly amplifies the function of the beta-spectrin actin-binding domain (ABD) in forming the
23     In the absence of postsynaptic alpha- or beta-Spectrin, active zone size is increased and spacing
24                           In these mice, the beta-spectrin Agamma-globin (betasp/Agamma) transgene wa
25  the cytoskeletal proteins, alpha-fodrin and beta-spectrin, also selectively co-immunoprecipitated wi
26 d with a marker for Spnb1 encoding erythroid beta-spectrin, an obvious candidate gene.
27                                              beta-Spectrin and ankyrin are major components of the me
28 pear to prevent the assembly of conventional beta-spectrin and ankyrin at the lateral domain of the f
29 e associated with the cytoskeletal proteins, beta-spectrin and ankyrin, which may help to maintain th
30 n two additional membrane skeletal proteins: beta-spectrin and ankyrin.
31  observations suggest that interactions with beta-spectrin and ankyrinG help to maintain the concentr
32 ectrin superfamily, including alpha-actinin, beta-spectrin and fimbrin.
33 d bilayer through 2 linkages: band 3-ankyrin-beta-spectrin and glycophorin C-protein 4.1-beta-spectri
34           Antibodies to Ank 2, alpha-fodrin, beta-spectrin and IP(3)R-1 all co-immunoprecipitated NCX
35 pects of regeneration, including the role of beta-spectrin and membrane dynamics, the antagonistic ac
36 ich directly bridges the interaction between beta-spectrin and membrane proteins.
37 ng modification of the cytoskeletal proteins beta-spectrin and PIEZO1.
38  in humans, eliminates detectable binding to beta-spectrin and reduces binding to betaH-spectrin appr
39 echanical stress and propose that defects in beta-spectrin and tau may sensitize neurons to damage.
40                                              beta-Spectrin and the membrane skeleton have been propos
41 nning of the first homologous motif for both beta-spectrin and the related dimerization site of alpha
42 associated with decreased phosphorylation of beta-spectrin and with increased phosphorylation of band
43                   Neuroglian, ankyrin, alpha beta spectrin, and the Na,K-ATPase colocalize at the lat
44  further showed that band 3, alpha-spectrin, beta-spectrin, and ankyrin were present in a complex wit
45 in alpha-spectrin that occur upon binding to beta-spectrin, and it reports the first structure of the
46  in modulating its association affinity with beta-spectrins, and thus regulates spectrin tetramer lev
47  of GEs with specific peptides in alpha- and beta-spectrin, ankyrin, actin, p55, and protein 4.2.
48 e entrapped ATP derive from sequences within beta-spectrin, ankyrin, band 3, and GAPDH.
49                             We prepared anti-beta-spectrin antibodies by using synthetic peptides cor
50  staining was unaffected by preadsorption of beta-spectrin antibodies with A4/beta 1-40 peptide.
51 with these domain-specific affinity purified beta-spectrin antibodies, beta-amyloid plaques were spec
52 -insoluble amyloids were also stained by the beta-spectrin antibodies.
53     It was previously shown that ankyrin and beta spectrin are recruited to sites of cell-cell contac
54 ibit three striking parallels including: (1) beta spectrins are associated with the sites of cell-cel
55 humans, alphaI and alphaII spectrins but not beta spectrins are characterized by the presence of an S
56 y described, we show that alpha-Spectrin and beta-Spectrin are essential to maintain a monolayered FE
57 t is noteworthy that the PS binding sites in beta-spectrin are grouped in close proximity to the site
58                                   alpha- and beta-Spectrin are major components of a submembrane cyto
59  nor the pleckstrin homology (PH) domains of beta-Spectrin are required for accurate guidance decisio
60                                              beta-spectrins are crucial for the maintenance of cell s
61 ictly monomers (e.g. dystrophin), alpha- and beta-spectrins are stable as monomeric forms but occur p
62                 Spectrin betaIV is the first beta-spectrin associated with a subnuclear structure and
63    The N-terminal domain (residues 1-313) of beta-spectrin associated with F-actin with a Kd of 26 mi
64 rated to be essential for the alpha-spectrin:beta-spectrin association of the tetramerization site.
65 ', the partial domain involved in alpha- and beta-spectrin association, exhibits little interaction w
66 ATPase, codistributes with ankyrin and alpha beta spectrin at sites of neuroglian-mediated contact.
67  association of human erythrocytes alpha and beta spectrin at the tetramerization site involves inter
68 essed in mdx muscle, also codistributes with beta-spectrin at the mutant sarcolemma.
69 d in desmin -/- muscle and redistribute with beta-spectrin at the sarcolemma when costameres are lost
70 ating the association affinity of alpha- and beta-spectrin at the tetramerization site of different i
71 pha-catenin and the amino-terminal domain of beta-spectrin augment the interaction between alpha-cate
72 tide, consisting of the C-terminal region of beta-spectrin (beta C), was determined, and structural c
73           The non-pleckstrin homology domain beta-spectrin (beta2SP) (the official name for human is
74                               We report that beta-spectrin (betaI) replaces beta-fodrin (betaII) at t
75 a-fodrin (alphaII) and the muscle isoform of beta-spectrin (betaISigma2).
76 erall similarity of 89.0% and 95.3% to mouse beta-spectrin (betaSpIIsigma1) at the nucleotide and ami
77         We show that both alpha-spectrin and beta-spectrin bind PS and that sites of high affinity ar
78 previously known features of ANK repeats and beta-spectrin-binding activity with a fibrous domain nea
79  intrinsically disordered C-terminal tail of beta-spectrin binds the N-terminal tail of alpha-spectri
80 ss-dependent labeling kinetics of alpha- and beta-spectrin by LC-MS/MS identifies Cys in these antipa
81                                  Recombinant beta-spectrin C-terminal and alpha-spectrin N-terminal p
82 sence and presence of a model protein of the beta-spectrin C-terminal end.
83 a fused "mini-spectrin dimer" containing the beta-spectrin C-terminal region linked to the alpha-spec
84             Deficiencies of either alpha- or beta-spectrin can result in severe hereditary spherocyto
85 al domain in the carboxyl-terminal region of beta-spectrin (Cbeta region) to yield a triple alpha-hel
86 -containing liposomes with native alpha- and beta-spectrin chains and with recombinant spectrin fragm
87 s obtained if and only if Zu5 was mixed with beta-spectrin constructs containing repeats 14 and 15 in
88                     The results suggest that beta-Spectrin contributes to midline repulsion through t
89                            We show that SCA5 beta-spectrin dominantly mislocalizes alpha-spectrin and
90           For short constructs of alpha- and beta-spectrin, either as monomers or as alpha,beta-dimer
91 ral repeat, which binds to the complementary beta-spectrin element, and the adjacent complete repeat
92 lt, we have cloned three isoforms of a novel beta-spectrin elf (embryonic liver beta-fodrin), and her
93                  We mapped the 5'-end of the beta-spectrin erythroid cDNA and cloned the 5'-flanking
94 s of nematode beta-G spectrin and vertebrate beta spectrins exhibit three striking parallels includin
95                                         Thus beta spectrin expression in other cells was not required
96 f a beta spectrin transgene or to knock down beta spectrin expression with dsRNA.
97 teraction between members of the ankyrin and beta-spectrin families previously established in erythro
98             alpha-Spectrin is dependent upon beta-Spectrin for its normal subcellular localization an
99 trin molecules (four alpha spectrin and five beta spectrin fragments), KAHRP bound only to one, the a
100 ance yielded a K D of 15.2 nM for binding of beta-spectrin fragments to the ankyrin subdomain Zu5, ac
101 hted by its evolutionary conservation in all beta spectrins from Drosophila to humans.
102 on, we identified the adaptor protein ELF, a beta-spectrin from stem/progenitor cells committed to fo
103 re undertaken to identify sites of essential beta spectrin function in Drosophila and to determine wh
104 establish that DAnk2-binding is critical for beta spectrin function in vivo.
105            These defects are consistent with beta-spectrin function in anchoring proteins at cell mem
106 pectrin occur in the nervous system; and (3) beta spectrin-G in striated muscle is associated with po
107 me polymorphisms of the coding region of the beta-spectrin gene are also described.
108 g analyses, and gel mobility shift assays, a beta-spectrin gene erythroid promoter with two binding s
109     We have discovered another member of the beta-spectrin gene family by homology searches of the Ge
110 mutations and four missense mutations of the beta-spectrin gene in 11 unrelated families.
111 re required for high level expression of the beta-spectrin gene in these tissues.
112 se findings underscore the importance of the beta-spectrin gene mutations in the pathogenesis of HS a
113 rding spectrin, only three isolated cases of beta-spectrin gene mutations were recently reported in a
114                                          The beta-spectrin gene promoter was able to be transactivate
115 flanking genomic DNA containing the putative beta-spectrin gene promoter.
116    We have screened the coding region of the beta-spectrin gene using the SSCP technique, in 40 famil
117 only one alpha-spectrin and one conventional beta-spectrin gene, making it an ideal system to genetic
118 ermine the tissue-specific expression of the beta-spectrin gene.
119                       The alpha-spectrin and beta-spectrin genes are composed primarily of tandemly r
120                               Four mammalian beta-spectrin genes are currently recognized, all encode
121 ross the repeated segments of the alpha- and beta-spectrin genes.
122 throid alpha-spectrin (half-life=80 min) and beta spectrin (half-life=53 min) turn over more slowly t
123 ard to the first group, only one mutation of beta spectrin has been reported in the literature.
124 plicing of pre-mRNA transcripts of alpha and beta spectrin has emerged as an important generator of d
125 eat units (DSRUs) from the human erythrocyte beta-spectrin (HEbeta89) and the chicken brain alpha-spe
126 in the alpha20 repeat is important for alpha/beta spectrin heterodimer formation and/or alphaII spect
127  falling in the nucleation site of the alpha/beta spectrin heterodimer region.
128 ients harbouring mutations outside the alpha/beta spectrin heterodimerization domain, four had normal
129                      Tetramers of alpha- and beta-spectrin heterodimers, linked by intermediary prote
130             The results establish a role for beta spectrin in determining the subcellular distributio
131 +/- 4.0 ( +/- 2 SD) nM, and avidly binds the beta spectrin in MDCK cell lysates.
132   The results show that 1) overexpression of beta spectrin in most of the cell types studied was leth
133 ll types studied was lethal; 2) knockdown of beta spectrin in most tissues had no detectable effect o
134 an unanticipated role of the first repeat of beta-spectrin in actin binding activity and of the secon
135 fference for alpha-spectrin association with beta-spectrin in forming tetramers.
136 restingly, the complete absence of erythroid beta-spectrin in jaundiced mice leads to no detectable s
137 cross the CNS midline, suggesting a role for beta-Spectrin in midline repulsion.
138 er steady-state level than either ankyrin or beta-spectrin in mouse fetal liver cells.
139                              The presence of beta-spectrin in the amyloid plaques in a subset of spor
140 ation interaction between alpha-spectrin and beta-spectrins in Drosophila.
141  were very important in its association with beta-spectrin, in the following order: L49 > G46 > K48.
142 e other measurements except for nonerythroid beta spectrin, indicating that these subunits are protec
143 est that high-affinity actin binding by SCA5 beta-spectrin interferes with spectrin-actin cytoskeleto
144                      The critical domains of beta-spectrin involved in complex formation were determi
145                                              beta-Spectrin is a major component of the membrane skele
146  in labeled transverse sections reveals that beta-spectrin is also concentrated in perijunctional reg
147                                              beta-Spectrin is an erythrocyte membrane protein that is
148 that the Caenorhabditis elegans homologue of beta-spectrin is encoded by the unc-70 gene.
149 del in which an equivalent mutant Drosophila beta-spectrin is expressed in neurons that extend comple
150  apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells; beta-spectrin is found at the lateral membrane.
151                                              beta-Spectrin is normally found at the sarcolemma in cos
152                                        Thus, beta-spectrin is not essential for general membrane inte
153          Double antibody labeling shows that beta-spectrin is precisely colocalized with both VGSCs a
154 letal muscle, using immunofluorescence, that beta-spectrin is precisely colocalized with both VGSCs a
155                                     However, beta-spectrin is required for a subset of processes at c
156                             Mechanistically, beta-Spectrin is required for the localization of alpha-
157           In this study, we demonstrate that beta-spectrin is required for the physical integrity of
158                    Here, we demonstrate that beta-Spectrin is required in neurons for proper midline
159 ized the synapsin I attachment site upon the beta-spectrin isoform betaSpIISigmaI to a region of 25 a
160 encodes a homolog of betaH-spectrin, a novel beta-spectrin isoform first identified in Drosophila.
161                      First, we tested mutant beta-spectrins lacking ankyrin binding activity and/or t
162                      In neurons, the loss of beta-spectrin leads to abnormal axon outgrowth.
163                        In muscles, a loss of beta-spectrin leads to disorganization of the myofilamen
164     Disruption of the adaptor protein ELF, a beta-spectrin, leads to disruption of transforming growt
165 ft in arborization coincident with decreased beta-spectrin localization in distal dendrites.
166 t have single amino acid replacements with a beta-spectrin model peptide, consisting of the C-termina
167 ortance of the regulatory role played by the beta spectrin molecule in the assembly of alphabeta spec
168 gments, which encompass the entire alpha and beta spectrin molecules (four alpha spectrin and five be
169 nd ankyrin were not significantly altered in beta spectrin mutants, indicating that the two isoforms
170  defective motor axon regeneration in unc-70/beta-spectrin mutants and a candidate gene screen.
171                      Protein null alpha- and beta-spectrin mutants are embryonic lethal and display s
172                                           In beta-spectrin mutants many axons inappropriately cross t
173                                              beta-spectrin mutants show specific dose-dependent genet
174                                     Axons in beta-spectrin mutants spontaneously break.
175 overcome the lethality of a loss-of-function beta spectrin mutation.
176                                 In contrast, beta spectrin mutations had a striking effect on the bas
177                                              beta Spectrin mutations were lethal during late embryoni
178  Quantitative evidence is presented that the beta-spectrin N-terminal domain plus the first two alpha
179 autosomal dominant inheritance of one of the beta-spectrin null mutations.
180 omatography revealed that phosphorylation of beta-spectrin occurs in a sequential manner where each s
181                           Phosphorylation of beta-spectrin on Ser/Thr is well recognized.
182 , oncoretroviral vectors containing either a beta-spectrin or beta-globin promoter and the alpha-glob
183           Activated PKC and the PH domain of beta-spectrin or dynamin-1 concomitantly bound to RACK1.
184 RNA to selectively eliminate alpha-Spectrin, beta-Spectrin, or Ankyrin.
185 e found that embryonic liver fodrin (ELF), a beta-Spectrin originally identified in endodermal stem/p
186                                 A four-motif beta-spectrin peptide (beta1-4+) with this earlier start
187 6Arg28Ser peptide showed an affinity for the beta-spectrin peptide comparable to that of Sp alpha 1-1
188 sured by the enhanced competitive entry of a beta-spectrin peptide possessing both actin- and 4.1R-bi
189 ough these 2 mutant peptides associated with beta-spectrin peptide with significantly differing affin
190 itated entry into the junctions in situ of a beta-spectrin peptide, containing the actin- and 4.1R-bi
191 ) for construction of dimerization competent beta-spectrin peptides was particularly critical.
192            The oxysterol binding protein and beta-spectrin PH domains bound PtdIns-3,4,5-P3 and PtdIn
193                                       ELF, a beta-spectrin, plays a key role in the transmission of T
194                      Both alpha-spectrin and beta-spectrin polypeptides consist primarily of triple c
195 the coiled-coil domain is also restricted to beta-spectrin-positive puncta, while the isolated spectr
196 cement of the gamma-globin promoter with the beta-spectrin promoter allows the expression of the beta
197 sgenic mice, a reporter gene directed by the beta-spectrin promoter was expressed in erythroid tissue
198 ed to a 576-bp fragment containing the human beta-spectrin promoter.
199  that express human beta-III-spectrin or fly beta-spectrin proteins containing SCA5 mutations.
200 nical stress, exploiting mutations in UNC-70 beta-spectrin, PTL-1 tau/MAP2-like and MEC-7 beta-tubuli
201 able of recognizing the C-terminal region of beta-spectrin regardless of its phosphorylation state an
202                 In contrast, human erythroid beta-spectrin repeats 13, 14, 15, and 16 (prepared in al
203 affinity pull-down assays implicated Zu5 and beta-spectrin repeats 14-15 as the minimum binding epito
204 13 and 14 (HEalpha13,14) and human erythroid beta-spectrin repeats 8 and 9 (HEbeta8,9), are located o
205 ken brain alpha-spectrin and human erythroid beta-spectrin repeats can undergo bending without losing
206 tively, these results show the 14th and 15th beta-spectrin repeats comprise the minimal, phased regio
207         In this study, the minimal region of beta-spectrin required for association with alpha-spectr
208 dentification of the specific phosphorylated beta-spectrin residues and the ordered sequence of phosp
209                            In the absence of beta-spectrin, residues 14-20 and 46-52 were known to be
210            Pathogenic mutations in alpha and beta spectrin result in a variety of syndromes, includin
211 as a deficiency of human erythroid alpha- or beta-spectrin results in hereditary spherocytosis (HS).
212 le considerable heterogeneity is found among beta-spectrin segments.
213        Using comparative genomics, erythroid beta-spectrin (sptb) was identified as the gene mutated
214 -amyloid plaques, and that an abnormality of beta-spectrin structure or function may be involved in t
215 genome encodes one alpha spectrin subunit, a beta spectrin subunit (beta-G), and a beta-H spectrin su
216       It remains unclear as to whether novel beta-spectrins such as elf1-4 are distinct genes or beta
217 ) changed dramatically upon association with beta-spectrin, suggesting that the two regions undergo a
218  the docking of the intrinsically disordered beta-spectrin tail onto the more structured alpha-spectr
219 However, in the skeletal muscle of mdx mice, beta-spectrin tends to be absent from the sarcolemma ove
220 n, and it reports the first structure of the beta-spectrin tetramerization domain.
221 ficant increase in phosphorylation levels of beta-spectrin that is inhibited by preincubation of RBCs
222 butions of four specific functional sites in beta spectrin to its assembly and function.
223 mbinant spectrin peptides to model alpha and beta spectrin to study their association at the tetramer
224 ctrin to approximately 150-kDa fragments and beta-spectrin to approximately 120- and approximately 80
225 spectrin mutants exhibit a redistribution of beta-Spectrin to the axon scaffold.
226 ice site of intron 17 leading to an aberrant beta spectrin transcriptional message lacking exons 16 a
227 to drive tissue-specific overexpression of a beta spectrin transgene or to knock down beta spectrin e
228  nervous system-specific expression of a UAS-beta spectrin transgene was sufficient to overcome the l
229  the putative helical bundling in alpha- and beta-spectrin undoubtedly play a significant role in tet
230  to the N-terminal and C-terminal domains of beta-spectrin variants.
231                                 In contrast, beta-spectrin, VGSCs, and ankyrinG have a punctate distr
232  dystrophin, beta-dystroglycan and a form of beta-spectrin was strong but that for utrophin was marke
233    A 289-kDa isoform, similar to full-length beta-spectrins, was partially assembled from sequences i
234 system is the association between alpha- and beta-spectrin, where two partially structured, incomplet
235  membrane skeleton is composed of alpha- and beta-spectrin, which associate to form heterodimers and
236 peats comprise the minimal, phased region of beta-spectrin, which binds ankyrin at the Zu5 subdomain
237 ) Replacement of repetitive segments 4-11 of beta spectrin with repeats 2-9 of alpha spectrin abolish
238 ophila and Caenorhabditis elegans, a variant beta spectrin with unusual properties has been recognize
239  of a specific region near the N-terminal of beta-spectrin with a complementary region near the C-ter
240 hemistry revealed partial co-localization of beta-spectrin with NCX1, Na(+) pump alpha3, and IP(3)R-1

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