


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 of approximately 200 kDa that also contained beta-tubulin.
2 cribe a direct interaction between LRRK2 and beta-tubulin.
3  colocalization with the cytoskeleton marker beta-tubulin.
4  determined by lysine 362 and alanine 364 of beta-tubulin.
5  protein, identified by mass spectrometry as beta-tubulin.
6  the side chains of porcine brain alpha- and beta-tubulin.
7 lity of the protein to interact with RhoA or beta-tubulin.
8 eracting with the acidic C-terminal tails of beta-tubulin.
9 hat this enzyme hyperglutamylates alpha- and beta-tubulin.
10 showed hyperglutamylation of both alpha- and beta-tubulin.
11 ubiquitination and degradation of alpha- and beta-tubulin.
12 n-1 but decreased CRMP2 coprecipitation with beta-tubulin.
13 cetyltransferase San at lysine 252 (K252) of beta-tubulin.
14 tic protein we considered the active site of beta-tubulin.
15 molide binds to the taxane binding pocket in beta-tubulin.
16 I-tubulin represented 3.2% of the total HeLa beta-tubulin.
17 re utilized to probe the DDM binding mode in beta-tubulin.
18 positive for Thy-1, neurofilament H, and III beta-tubulin.
19 he purification of a novel trimer, TBCD*ARL2*beta-tubulin.
20 tubulin in serving as a GTPase activator for beta-tubulin.
21 QQYQDA(428), lies at the end of helix H12 of beta-tubulin.
22 comprised of multiple isotypes of alpha- and beta-tubulin.
23 e triphosphate (GTP) nucleotide bound to the beta-tubulin.
24 sed for epothilone A in the taxane pocket of beta-tubulin.
25 . elegansNdc80 complex binds more tightly to beta-tubulin.
26 ich targets a distinct, non-taxoid pocket on beta-tubulin.
27 o interact at the colchicine-binding site on beta-tubulin.
28  previously been shown to be associated with beta-tubulin.
29 ntra-HEAT loop residues to engage alpha- and beta-tubulin.
30  with a marked decrease in protein levels of beta-tubulin.
31 s may depend on the nature of the alpha- and beta-tubulins.
32 pe, core beta-tubulins and Y-type, divergent beta-tubulins.
33 nfiguration, where alpha-tubulins lie beside beta-tubulins.
34 ly in the T218A variant, compared with other beta-tubulins.
35 single cosegregating mutation (p.R2G) in the beta-tubulin 4a (TUBB4a) gene that was absent in a large
36 ther the mutation resided within the Tubb4a (beta-tubulin 4A) gene, because mutations in the TUBB4A g
37 o heterozygous mutations affecting Arg391 in beta-tubulin 4B isotype-encoding (TUBB4B).
38 gation system include alpha-tubulin (but not beta-tubulin), a dynein subunit (IC2), two signaling pro
39          PDCD5 formed a complex with CCT and beta-tubulin, a key CCT-folding substrate, and specifica
40                                  Like PDCD5, beta-tubulin also interacts with the CCTbeta apical doma
41    These observations suggest that the alpha/beta-tubulin anchoring type I PKA may have an important
42 may be sequence-specific interaction between beta-tubulin and a protein involved in ODA attachment or
43 amyl side chains of porcine brain alpha- and beta-tubulin and also generated a form of alpha-tubulin
44 de the H12 helices of both alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin and are significant for CLIP-170 activity.
45 pitation revealed that NKCC1 interacted with beta-tubulin and beta-actin in spinal cords.
46 -binding pocket is located on the surface of beta-tubulin and characterized by a hydrophobic floor, a
47 ression of the neuronal isoform of class III beta-tubulin and formation of extensive intercellular ch
48 d show increased interaction with alpha- and beta-tubulin and HSP-70/HSP-90.
49 whereas Miro depletion destabilizes cortical beta-tubulin and increases divisions.
50  protein levels of class III neuron-specific beta-tubulin and microtubule-associated protein 2 were s
51 iptional up-regulation of cardiac alpha- and beta-tubulin and microtubule-stabilizing microtubule-ass
52     Immunostaining using antineuron-specific-beta-tubulin and monoclonal antibodies for KS, DS, and C
53 hetic peptides as well as soluble alpha- and beta-tubulin and paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules usin
54  cancer chemotherapeutic agent that binds to beta-tubulin and prevents mitosis through microtubule ov
55         The hyperglutamylation of alpha- and beta-tubulin and subsequent death of Purkinje cells in p
56 s behavior contrasts with that of alpha- and beta-tubulin and the bacterial tubulin-like proteins Btu
57 ional cell growth through phosphorylation of beta-tubulin and the resulting destabilization of cortic
58 ranscribed spacer region and portions of the beta-tubulin and translation elongation factor 1-alpha g
59                           We identified four beta-tubulin and two alpha-tubulin mutations in patients
60 dTBCB) affects the levels of both alpha- and beta-tubulins and dramatically destabilizes the MT netwo
61 tubulin localizes at the interface of alpha-/beta-tubulins and interacts with the phosphate group of
62 a fundamental dichotomy between F-type, core beta-tubulins and Y-type, divergent beta-tubulins.
63 e the disordered anionic tails of alpha- and beta-tubulin, and a flexible cationic domain to bind the
64 als how TTL discriminates between alpha- and beta-tubulin, and between different post-translationally
65 bl's tyrosine kinase binding domain bound to beta-tubulin, and both c-Cbl and Cbl-b displaced HDAC6.
66 essed by mutations in mec-7, which encodes a beta-tubulin, and dominantly enhanced by mutations in me
67 mon housekeeping genes, such as actin, alpha/beta-tubulin, and elongation factor 1-alpha.
68  (LSU, ITS1-2, and the genes encoding actin, beta-tubulin, and intein PRP8) revealed that this fungus
69          So far all such therapeutics target beta-tubulin, and structural biology has explained the b
70 hat CLIP-170 binds to both alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin, and that binding is not limited to the aci
71 nal transcribed spacer region and 5.8S rRNA, beta-tubulin, and translation elongation factor coding g
72 ed HtrA1 associates with purified alpha- and beta-tubulins, and immunoprecipitation of endogenous Htr
73 ore beta-tubulins (plant-like) and divergent beta-tubulins (animal and fungal).
74 e immunostained with an anti-neuron-specific beta-tubulin antibody (TUJ1).
75 ith the myoepithelial cell, as visualized by beta-tubulin antibody, lining the acinar lumen in a web-
76 -translational modifications (PTMs) of alpha/beta-tubulin are believed to regulate interactions with
77                      Mutations in alpha- and beta-tubulins are increasingly recognized as a major cau
78 the molecular level, in which the alpha- and beta-tubulins are separately processed in a chaperone-de
79 ssential for various cellular activities and beta-tubulins are the target of benzimidazole fungicides
80 rotubule (MT) protofilament reveals that the beta-tubulin Arg391 residue contributes to a binding poc
81 cs approach, we identified alpha tubulin and beta tubulin as proteins that interact with activated MA
82  ovarian cancer cell lines with mutations in beta-tubulin as well, wherein the drug resistance is med
83 ones and the Arl2 GTPase regulate alpha- and beta-tubulin assembly into heterodimers and maintain the
84      Immunostaining with neuronal (MAP2a and beta-tubulin), astrocyte (GFAP), and oligodendrocyte (CN
85 bulin monomer repeat, recognizing alpha- and beta-tubulin at both intra- and inter-tubulin dimer inte
86 ted that these compounds bind efficiently to beta-tubulin at the colchicine binding site.
87      The mutation is highly conserved in the beta-tubulin autoregulatory MREI (methionine-arginine-gl
88 ode of action as CA4P and bind reversibly to beta-tubulin, believed to be a key feature in avoiding t
89 ed spacer (ITS) region, and fragments of the beta-tubulin (BenA), calmodulin (CaM), and RNA polymeras
90 he sequence data show that the gene encoding beta-tubulin, benA, has high interspecies variability at
91 roteins, including RhoA, dynamin-1, kinesin, beta-tubulin, beta-actin, oxysterol-binding protein (OSB
92 aralogs of alpha-tubulin (alpha1/alpha2) and beta-tubulin (beta1/beta2) genes but alpha2-tubulin gene
93             Evidence suggests that class III beta-tubulin (betaIII-tubulin) may represent a prognosti
94 nstability of mutant proteins, and defective beta-tubulin binding in a subset of the tested mutants.
95 uggest that PDCD5 sterically interferes with beta-tubulin binding to the CCTbeta apical domain and in
96 01 binds to the colchicine-binding domain on beta-tubulin, but in a novel orientation.
97  the low molecular neurofilament subunit and beta-tubulin, but very little for beta-actin, consistent
98 ar pathway whereby direct phosphorylation of beta-tubulin by MNB inhibits tubulin polymerization, a f
99     High-resolution separation of alpha- and beta-tubulin by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide ge
100              Additional sequence analysis of beta-tubulin, calmodulin, minichromosome maintenance fac
101 or the cytoplasm of neuron-specific type III beta-tubulin(+) cells.
102 ast cancers, as modeled by MDA-MB-231 cells, beta-tubulin class III is a biomarker for cell survival
103 urthermore, decreased miR-200c and increased beta-tubulin class III were associated with poor outcome
104  exogenous miR-200c was also shown to reduce beta-tubulin class III, one of its predicted targets.
105 tified a low-energy binding model of the DCT/beta-tubulin complex (Pose-2/Conf-2) that is gratifyingl
106 stal structure of epothilone A with an alpha,beta-tubulin complex and for 2) a saturation transfer di
107               We conclude that the TBCD*ARL2*beta-tubulin complex represents a functional intermediat
108 ven, based on the crystal structure of alpha,beta-tubulin complexed with colchicine.
109 ed Ribbons contain acetylated alpha-tubulin, beta-tubulin, conserved protein Rib45, >95% of the axone
110 covalent interaction of AJ with a peptide of beta-tubulin containing the cyclostreptin-binding sites.
111 te that residue changes within the conserved beta tubulin core are largely responsible for the observ
112 chicine and TN-16, which both bind the alpha,beta-tubulin dimer.
113 entration, since they are required for alpha-beta-tubulin dimerization in vitro.
114 ules are built from linear polymers of alpha-beta tubulin dimers (protofilaments) that form a tubular
115  assembly-incompetent T2S complex (two alpha:beta tubulin dimers per molecule of stathmin), and by in
116 rictions associated with the co-evolution of beta-tubulin during the radiation of eukaryotes, underli
117 statically with one another and the tails of beta-tubulin, enabling septin-septin interactions that l
118 shed light on the binding of dictyostatin to beta-tubulin, establish a validated linker strategy for
119                              Both alpha- and beta-tubulin exist as numerous isotypes, differing in th
120                          Finally, alpha- and beta-tubulin expression is increased approximately 2.5-f
121 ysis identified one amino acid substitution--beta-tubulin F224--which was highly lineage specific.
122  represents a functional intermediate in the beta-tubulin folding pathway whose activity is regulated
123 gested a possible mechanism of inhibition of beta-tubulin folding.
124 ng to the CCTbeta apical domain and inhibits beta-tubulin folding.
125 ction at least in part through inhibition of beta-tubulin folding.
126 olding substrate, and specifically inhibited beta-tubulin folding.
127 ntage of cells expressing neuronal class III beta-tubulin following their differentiation in the pres
128                             Investigation of beta-tubulin for other phylogenetically restricted amino
129                                   Alpha- and beta-tubulin form a heterodimer that polymerizes to form
130 ntibody, we identify a Cterminally truncated beta-tubulin form with the same -EEEG C-terminal sequenc
131 hese MSAs on photolabeling were distinct for beta-tubulin from different sources.
132 utations in the Caenorhabditis elegans mec-7/beta-tubulin gene cause ectopic axon formation in mechan
133 t intron sequences from members of the plant beta-tubulin gene family as a target for plant DNA ident
134  but differentially expressed members of the beta-tubulin gene superfamily have been investigated for
135 riants that affect adjacent amino acids in a beta-tubulin gene TUBB2A.
136 anscribed spacer (ITS) and a fragment of the beta-tubulin gene.
137 onsequence, genetic variations affecting all beta-tubulin genes expressed at high levels in the brain
138 ns in a number of neuron-specific alpha- and beta-tubulin genes have been identified in both lissence
139 s drive functional diversification of alpha-/beta-tubulin genes in different fungal lineages, and res
140     Phylogenetic analysis showed that alpha-/beta-tubulin genes underwent multiple independent duplic
141 e, we find an inverse correlation among five beta-tubulin genes whereby the more abundant macronuclea
142 he nuclear ribosomal RNA (nrRNA), actin, and beta-tubulin genes.
143 rgoes a conformational change in response to beta-tubulin GTP hydrolysis [2, 3].
144 he multigene families that encode alpha- and beta-tubulins, have recently been implicated in these di
145 ), generated by polymerization of alpha- and beta-Tubulin hetero-dimers.
146 quired for the de novo assembly of the alpha/beta tubulin heterodimer.
147 t encode the structural component (the alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimer) can give rise to severe, spora
148 amino acids in diverse regions of the alpha-/beta-tubulin heterodimer, including the nucleotide bindi
149 interface and correct formation of the alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimer.
150 suggest a conformational change in the alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimer.
151  Microtubules are polymers composed of alpha-beta tubulin heterodimers that assemble into microtubule
152 appropriate amount of correctly folded alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers is critical for microtubule dy
153      Cellular microtubules composed of alpha-beta-tubulin heterodimers that are essential for cell sh
154 ghly dynamic polymers composed of alpha- and beta-tubulin heterodimers.
155 highly dynamic structures, composed of alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers.
156 l displacement that are assembled from alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers.
157 ts that are dynamically assembled from alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers.
158                                         BrdU/beta-tubulin/HNA/DAPI, BrdU/GFAP/HNA/DAPI, Ngn1/DAPI, an
159 lutathione s-transferase pi [GST-pi], Bcl 2, beta tubulin II [betaT-2], and HER2 neu) was evaluated b
160 s associated with differentiation, including beta-tubulin III (TuJ1) and TAG1.
161 neas were stained with mouse monoclonal anti-beta-Tubulin III antibody, and images were acquired to b
162               These surviving cells were all beta-tubulin III(+) and showed viral Ag expression.
163 h the neuron population to approximately 80% beta-tubulin III(+) cells.
164                                        These beta-tubulin III(+)-enriched populations remained fully
165  expression of neural markers neurofilament, beta-tubulin III, GFAP; or keratocyte-specific markers k
166  media, a peak level of the neuronal marker, beta-tubulin III, was observed on vmIPNs of 500 Pa, near
167 itive astrocytes; 2) SMI-311-, MAP2a/b-, and beta-tubulin(III)-positive neurons; and 3) galactocerebr
168                                          The beta-tubulin immunofluorescence analysis indicated that
169 grade labelings with Fluorogold (FG) and III beta-tubulin immunohistochemistry were compared.
170 e newly-generated cells differentiate into N-beta-tubulin-immunoreactive neurons.
171 on in corneal nerve density as detected with beta-tubulin immunoreactivity 2 hr after stimulation.
172 Cytosolic gamma-tubulin nucleates alpha- and beta-tubulin in a growing microtubule by forming the rin
173 y complex natural product acts by binding to beta-tubulin in assembled microtubules.
174 so unaffected by overexpression of class III beta-tubulin in HeLa transfected cells.
175 direct covalent binding of WA to Cys(303) of beta-tubulin in MCF-7 cells.
176 erved that PKCepsilon colocalizes with alpha/beta-tubulin in specific areas of the marginal tubular-c
177            However, expression of transgenic beta-tubulin in the larval brain leads to increased tubu
178                               Instability of beta-tubulin in the mgr larval brain is less pronounced
179 co-purification of guanine nucleotide on the beta-tubulin in the trimer is also shown, with implicati
180 tively induce degradation of both alpha- and beta-tubulins in a variety of human cancer cell lines in
181 tally confirmed functional divergence of two beta-tubulins in Fusarium and identified type II variati
182      Together our results suggest that MEC-7/beta-tubulin integrity is necessary for the correct numb
183 ttachment of ODAs requires glycine 56 in the beta-tubulin internal variable region (IVR).
184 site Thr166 promoted incorporation of mutant beta-tubulin into microtubules.
185 5C and polymerized TUBB3, the highly dynamic beta-tubulin isoform in neurons, is essential for netrin
186          Furthermore, transcripts of several beta-tubulin isoforms were increased in the Rassf1a-defi
187          However, by shifting the profile of beta-tubulin isoforms, cancer cells become resistant to
188       LRRK2 selectively interacts with three beta-tubulin isoforms: TUBB, TUBB4, and TUBB6, one of wh
189 e that encodes the neuronal-specific protein beta-tubulin isotype 3, can cause isolated or syndromic
190 ted to know whether changes in ZEB1 parallel beta-tubulin isotype changes, implicating beta-tubulin i
191 ive feedback regulation of mRNA for ZEB1 and beta-tubulin isotype classes I, III, and IVB in MDA-MB-2
192                  ZEB1 silencing also reduced beta-tubulin isotype classes I, III, and IVB mRNA, where
193 ubulin from different sources, with distinct beta-tubulin isotype content, were specifically photolab
194 d the identity and relative quantity of each beta-tubulin isotype determined.
195 cterize tubulin heterodimers that have human beta-tubulin isotype III (TUBB3), as well as heterodimer
196 tions in TUBB3, encoding the neuron-specific beta-tubulin isotype III, result in a spectrum of human
197 ions in TUBB3, which encodes neuron-specific beta-tubulin isotype III.
198                              It is the major beta-tubulin isotype of hematopoietic tissue and forms t
199 ng microtubule plus ends, and TUBB encodes a beta-tubulin isotype that is expressed abundantly in the
200                             The C termini of beta-tubulin isotypes are regions of high sequence varia
201 hat paclitaxel-induced reduction of ZEB1 and beta-tubulin isotypes are, in part, due to increased act
202 vious studies, these findings highlight that beta-tubulin isotypes function in both conserved and div
203                        Altered expression of beta-tubulin isotypes has been reported in cancer cell l
204         We have examined the distribution of beta-tubulin isotypes in mouse primary cultured cortical
205 -terminal domain of one of the most abundant beta-tubulin isotypes in the liver and therefore may aff
206 el beta-tubulin isotype changes, implicating beta-tubulin isotypes in ZEB1-associated cell survival p
207                              There are seven beta-tubulin isotypes present in distinct quantities in
208  Vertebrates produce at least seven distinct beta-tubulin isotypes that coassemble into all cellular
209 n the kinesin motor protein KIF21A or in the beta-tubulin isotypes TUBB3 or TUBB2B.
210        It was found that compared with other beta-tubulin isotypes, betaIII-tubulin bound the least a
211 exact amount of drug that binds to different beta-tubulin isotypes, bovine brain tubulin was photolab
212 espite the high degree of conservation among beta-tubulin isotypes, mutations affecting residue 365 d
213                            The regulation of beta-tubulin isotypes, the primary targets for antimitot
214  standard peptides for quantification of the beta-tubulin isotypes.
215 ides represent residues 274-281 in different beta-tubulin isotypes.
216  indicated that the latter may bind at alpha-beta tubulin junction in a protofilament at sites distin
217 function resulted in decreased soluble alpha/beta-tubulin levels and accelerated microtubule polymeri
218 site for Taxol is in a hydrophobic pocket in beta-tubulin, little was known about the effects of this
219                                      K252 of beta-tubulin localizes at the interface of alpha-/beta-t
220 In short, residues outside of 1-429 of human beta-tubulins make no contribution to microtubule assemb
221 l markers (nestin, neuron-specific class III beta-tubulin, Map2 a/b, and neurofilament), and photorec
222                               This region of beta-tubulin may determine the conformation necessary fo
223 tion of the possible disruption of the alpha,beta-tubulin-microtubule and/or G-actin-F-actin equilibr
224 ipitation experiments demonstrated that Cx43-beta-tubulin molecular interaction was depleted due to p
225 omprising one primary alpha- and one primary beta-tubulin monomers, though minor isoforms and pseudog
226                              Surprisingly, a beta-tubulin mutant that dramatically slows disassembly
227 erein the drug resistance is mediated by the beta-tubulin mutation.
228 B3), as well as heterodimers with one of two beta-tubulin mutations (D417H or R262H).
229 ion was not inhibited in cells with acquired beta-tubulin mutations that prevent taxane-induced micro
230                                        Among beta-tubulin mutations, only those in TUBB3 have been sh
231                 Analysis of the sequences of beta-tubulin near the Taxol binding site indicated that,
232           To understand why, we analysed the beta-tubulin Neighbor-Net and demonstrated a fundamental
233  antibodies to the cytosol by employing anti-beta-tubulin or anti-nuclear pore complex antibody as ca
234 in through episomal expression of alpha- and beta-tubulin or introduction of a brief pulse of the mic
235 ese microtubules by loss of either the MEC-7 beta-tubulin or MEC-12 alpha-tubulin or by growth in 1 m
236 these microtubules (loss of either the MEC-7 beta-tubulin or MEC-12 alpha-tubulin or growth in 1 mM c
237 ting from altered alpha-tubulin or class III beta-tubulin overexpression.
238  Comparative analyses of all loci, including beta-tubulin paralogs, indicate a lack of recombination
239 e autoregulatory capability of the wild-type beta-tubulin peptide, affirming the role of the cytoskel
240  photoprobe led to the identification of the beta-tubulin peptides TARGSQQY and TSRGSQQY as targets o
241 nstrated a fundamental division between core beta-tubulins (plant-like) and divergent beta-tubulins (
242                                    Class III beta-tubulin plays a prominent role in the development o
243 95% of Rbpms-positive cells were FG- and III beta-tubulin-positive after injury caused by optic nerve
244 d to the core beta-tubulins, while divergent beta-tubulins possessed Y224.
245 h destabilizes microtubules by deacetylating beta-tubulin, protected both the microtubule network and
246 beta-spectrin, PTL-1 tau/MAP2-like and MEC-7 beta-tubulin proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans.
247                              Both alpha- and beta-tubulin proteins possess carboxy-terminal tail regi
248 y use of the internal transcribed spacer and beta-tubulin regions.
249 nes (SSU-rDNA, actin, alpha-tubulin and five beta-tubulin sequences) to their abundance as macronucle
250    Corneal nerves were stained with neuronal beta-tubulin-specific TuJ1 antibody or chick nerve-speci
251  is indicative of a mechanism in which alpha,beta-tubulin subunit addition is tightly coupled to ATP
252 ity is coupled to the GTPase activity of the beta-tubulin subunit of the tubulin heterodimer.
253 P are required for the folding of alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits and assembly into heterodimers.
254 of the C-terminal helices in both alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits suggests an effect on interactions
255 ned that IC97 interacts with both alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits within the axoneme.
256 interprotofilament contacts between adjacent beta-tubulin subunits.
257 minal tail peptides found on both alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits.
258              These orientations of PDCD5 and beta-tubulin suggest that PDCD5 sterically interferes wi
259 ndle defects can be phenocopied by depleting beta-tubulin, suggesting Mgr function is required for tu
260  with GTP-tubulin shows that it binds to the beta-tubulin surface exposed at microtubule (+) ends.
261 ted into microtubules, contacting alpha- and beta-tubulin surfaces that do not participate in microtu
262            We show that TTLL3 glycylates the beta-tubulin tail at four sites in a hierarchical order
263 ylase, adds glutamates preferentially to the beta-tubulin tail.
264                        Our results show that beta-tubulin tails are the most effective at inhibiting
265        It was unclear whether the alpha- and beta-tubulin tails contribute equally to VDAC blockade a
266 --the alpha-tubulins TBA-6 and TBA-9 and the beta-tubulin TBB-4--are specifically expressed in overla
267    We found that the drug binds to a site on beta-tubulin that is distinct from the vinca domain and
268 st revealed that Eribulin binds to a site on beta-tubulin that is required for protofilament plus-end
269 sine triphosphatase and homolog of mammalian beta-tubulin that polymerizes and assembles into a ring
270  we identified five phosphorylation sites in beta-tubulin that serve as substrates for NEK6 in vitro.
271 e dynamics and flexibility of the portion of beta-tubulin that surrounds the bound nucleotide and mak
272 hat model confirmed that it is ARL2, and not beta-tubulin, that exchanges GTP in the trimer.
273 al antibody against this neuronal isoform of beta-tubulin (the TuJ-1 antibody), we have termed them T
274 e of the C-terminal tail (CTT) of alpha- and beta-tubulin, the location of detyrosination, polyglutam
275             Moreover, we found that axonemal beta-tubulins throughout the phylogeny have invariant gl
276 vealed that it did not affect the ability of beta-tubulin to fold or become assembled into the alpha/
277 the introduction of gamma-phosphate into the beta-tubulin to form GTP-bound tubulin.
278 ls enabled the purification of the TBCD.ARL2.beta-tubulin trimer found in cell and tissue lysates as
279               We conclude that the TBCD.ARL2.beta-tubulin trimer represents a functional complex whos
280  nuclear ribosomal DNA and a fragment of the beta-tubulin (Tub) gene revealed that Acrophialophora be
281 y selective covalent modifiers for Cys239 of beta-tubulin (TUBB) and Cys53 of protein disulfide isome
282                          Perturbation of the beta-tubulin TUBB2B is known to cause polymicrogyria, pa
283 ype, identified by neuron-specific class III beta-tubulin (TUJ-1) labeling, compared with cultures wi
284 ubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), class III beta-tubulin TUJ1, synapsin-1, VGluT, and cleaved caspas
285                                    Class III beta-tubulin (TUJ1)-expressing connections were found be
286 y-terminal tail domains (CTTs) of alpha- and beta-tubulins, using a series of mutants that alter or a
287  These new C-terminally truncated alpha- and beta-tubulin variants, both ending with -EEEG sequence,
288  strongly conserved IVR, whereas nonaxonemal beta-tubulins vary widely in IVR sequences.
289 e examined roles for the hematologic isoform beta-tubulin VI and functional genetic variants in the g
290                Together, our findings define beta-tubulin VI as a hematologic isotype with significan
291 n cell lines stably expressing the different beta-tubulin VI full-length variants, finding that the T
292 atients treated with paclitaxel and carrying beta-tubulin VI T274M exhibited a significantly lower th
293                                              beta-tubulin VI was highly expressed in blood cells with
294                  The TAPE domain binds alpha/beta-tubulin via its conserved, concave surface, includi
295            Sequence data from a fifth locus, beta-tubulin, was excluded from the study due to the pre
296  produced a change in the levels of alpha-or beta-tubulin, we conclude that these newly discovered fu
297 Further, complexes containing both Myo10 and beta-tubulin were readily precipitated from osteoclasts
298 was almost completely restricted to the core beta-tubulins, while divergent beta-tubulins possessed Y
299                Further, we generate chimeric beta tubulins with native tail sequences swapped between
300 d that PB-Gly-Taxol bound the target protein beta-tubulin with both high affinity in vitro and high s

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