


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ide chain of the pY ligand when it assumes a beta turn.
2 llows the phi and psi angle pattern of a II' beta turn.
3 3 of the 4 residues in a naturally occurring beta-turn.
4 le of conformations generally termed type IV beta-turn.
5 sults in the formation of a proline anchored beta-turn.
6 residues in the protruding loop close to the beta-turn.
7  phi dihedral angles within a classic type-I beta-turn.
8 which occur at the i+1 position of a type II beta-turn.
9 stabilize the intervening turn, or the first beta-turn.
10 s the highest achieved so far for predicting beta-turn.
11 he(280)Val(281) adopts either a type I or IV beta-turn.
12 iguration and one in which the peptide had a beta-turn.
13 side chain when the peptide ligand assumes a beta-turn.
14 e direction of the peptide chain, define the beta-turn.
15 of the binding groove and the unfolding of a beta-turn.
16 tand the role of water in the formation of a beta-turn.
17 methylvaline induces a right-handed type III beta-turn.
18  of the pore and C-terminally by an extended beta-turn.
19 e that is not the anticipated "mirror image" beta-turn.
20 rns, which are highly reminiscent of peptide beta-turns.
21 s, At2g44920 consists exclusively of type II beta-turns.
22 onsisting of mixtures of type II and type IV beta-turns.
23 helical C-capping motifs or type I' and II'' beta-turns.
24 sequences and forms a secondary structure of beta-turns.
25 otein, together with bands characteristic of beta-turns.
26 ed structures for the two peptides that form beta-turns.
27 l(3) and DMSO-d(6) solutions but do not form beta-turns.
28 structures and a decrease in random coil and beta-turns.
29 ypes in place of 2 residues in an engineered beta-turn 1 or beta-bulge turn 1 of the Pin 1 WW domain,
30 rallel-beta-sheets (1690cm(-1)) and H-bonded beta-turns (1664cm(-1)).
31 ain of the protein consisting of a predicted beta-turn ((58)GVWGG(62)) followed by two amino acid mot
32 e interactions critically depend on a type I beta-turn, a secondary structure element whose formation
33 ol to alpha-helix (PEVT, CEEEI, DispRep) and beta-turn (AAPLE) structures, respectively.
34 e alpha1 helix has a regulatory role and the beta turn and beta13 strand bind VWF directly.
35 e of the vicinal disulfide is to distort the beta turn and thereby properly position a backbone NH fo
36 2D NMR and CD spectra revealed an N-terminal beta-turn and a C-terminal helix that differentially inf
37  been previously proposed, together with the beta-turn and a disulfide bridge, to be essential for bi
38 nguish between a folded state with a type I' beta-turn and a misfolded state with a bulged turn, prov
39 rogen bonding interactions are formed in the beta-turn and alpha-helical transition state structures
40 the classical T state, Gly(B8) lies within a beta-turn and exhibits a positive phi angle (like a d am
41           The addition of NaOH decreased the beta-turn and increased the alpha-helix and random coil.
42       Gly residues (Gly58, 61 and 62) in the beta-turn and positively-charged residues (Lys72, Arg73,
43 nd PPII conformations diminishes in favor of beta-turn and random-coil states.
44 ures show that Glu(276) resides in a type IV beta-turn and the dihydrophobic sequence Phe(280)Val(281
45 to coat protein is dependent on angle of the beta-turn and the orientation of the charged surface on
46 pensatory effects of flexibility outside the beta-turn and tryptophan ring stacking may be responsibl
47 aled the crucial roles played by a predicted beta-turn and two conserved positively-charged motifs in
48                                          One beta-turn and two loops containing solvent-exposed hydro
49 nteraction with the lipoyl-lysine-containing beta-turn and with residues in the protruding loop close
50 ement with the conformers found in solution, beta-turned and open structures were also characterized
51 ew motif for Ca(2+), consisting primarily of beta-turns and beta-strands.
52 that the PPII structure is interspersed with beta-turns and that little PPII structure is present in
53 zed by two S-S bridges, with three classical beta-turns and twisted beta-hairpin without interstrand
54  as a local probe of the midstrand contacts, beta-turn, and overall beta-sheet content.
55 cup comprises the CTD and an ensuing type II beta-turn, and the stem comprises a 6-helix bundle.
56 7)) of N-d-Nal(2')(7)-ACTH1-17 induced a new beta-turn, and this shift contributed the selective agon
57  an Ile31-Ala42 peptide were consistent with beta-turns, and a beta-hairpin-like structure was indeed
58 ics of the peptide backbone, beta-sheets and beta-turns, and negatively charged aspartic acid side ch
59                         Several types of the beta-turn are defined according to Phi and Psi torsional
60                                              Beta-turns are common conformations that enable proteins
61                   In question is whether the beta-turns are locally defined by short-range interactio
62                                       Type I beta-turns are the most common type of reverse turn, and
63 the i + 1 and i + 2 amino acid residues of a beta-turn, are envisioned to act as folding nucleators b
64        Conformational studies revealed a new beta-turn (Arg(8)-Trp(9)-Gly(10)-Lys(11)) in N-d-Nal(2')
65 h structures are characterized by a type II' beta-turn around Gly(3)-Phe(4) and a gamma-turn around G
66 ures of 1 and CCK-8(s) share a common type I beta-turn around residues Nle3/M3 and G4 and diverge fro
67 l structures within the linker, with a short beta-turn around S249 in the activated conformation.
68                            Using the peptide beta-turn as a structural template, we designed a series
69 the consecutive conformations assumed by the beta-turn as it presents the discriminator base N73, the
70  reverse micelle surface, the formation of a beta turn at the anchor point that brings N- and C-termi
71       The RGD motif of EGF2 forms a type II' beta turn at the tip of a long protruding loop, dubbed t
72  domains A (13-22) and B(30-35) and a type I beta-turn at 23-27.
73 A4 adopt beta-strand conformations without a beta-turn at key residues.
74  fraction (less than 10%) of hairpins with a beta-turn at position V18F19, with another 10% of hairpi
75  a d-amine terminus within the confines of a beta-turn at the end of the H-bonded antiparallel beta-s
76 ical induction arises from the nature of the beta-turn at the N terminus: the tertiary amino acid L-V
77 gy was successful in overlapping or isolated beta-turns, at buried (up to 50%) or completely exposed
78 es with a well-defined conformation with two beta-turns based on the NMR conformational analysis in t
79 yzed in high enantiomeric excess (ee) with a beta-turn-based ligand.
80 antiparallel-beta-sheets and negatively with beta-turn+ beta-sheets proportion of dough and gluten.
81 lypeptides which form the greatest amount of beta-turn/beta-aggregate structure.
82 elements include the alpha-helix C region, a beta turn between the beta4 and beta5 strands, and an Ar
83 e of the peptide consisted of a well-defined beta-turn between Gly(13) and Asp(16) of gastrin.
84 azPro) have been shown to prefer the type VI beta-turn both in crystals and in organic solvents by NM
85 r for the acyl-azPro bond and prefer type VI beta-turns both in crystals and in organic solvents by N
86 ere used to assign the population of type-II beta turns, bulged turns, and irregular beta turns for e
87 hroism spectra showed that MIMOOX had mainly beta turns but no alpha helix as Tat OYI.
88 in-coupled receptors Ste2 and of the central beta-turn but instead required two conserved Trp(1)-Cys(
89 e beta2-alpha2 loop from 310-helical turn to beta turn by unbiased molecular dynamics simulations of
90 between the helices, and the residues in the beta-turn, by aspartic acid was used examine the importa
91 ion, but incorporated an additional extended beta-turn (C11) to form an overlapped double turn motif.
92 ns with aromatic residues within a localized beta-turn capable of forming non-native hydrophobic cont
93  complexation between substrates and a rigid beta-turn catalyst.
94  substantial percentage of conformers with a beta-turn centered at Val24 and Gly25, as well as eviden
95 or binding strongly suggests that the B7-B10 beta-turn changes conformation on receptor binding.
96 uses residues within cTnI-I to switch from a beta-turn/coil to an extended quasi-alpha-helical confor
97 cted topologically through the adoption of a beta-turn confirmation in the cytoplasmic C-tail of each
98  preparation of model peptidomimetics, whose beta turn conformation was confirmed by dynamic NMR expe
99 ption of the orientation of the peptide in a beta-turn conformation in the binding site, as well as o
100 more, a 14-mer signal sequence that adopts a beta-turn conformation is required for apical localizati
101 ith a high propensity to fold into a type-I' beta-turn conformation or the statistically preferred ty
102 he proline analogue on the energetics of the beta-turn conformation that develops within the pentapep
103                   Peptide agonists bind in a beta-turn conformation that organizes the characteristic
104 -172) changes from an unstructured loop to a beta-turn conformation upon ATP hydrolysis.
105 o far in this peptide, which adopt a dynamic beta-turn conformation with coil-like chemical shifts at
106 a unique "Hook"-like structure with a double beta-turn conformation, which is accommodated in distinc
107 alysis suggested that 5 adopts in solution a beta-turn conformation.
108 e of a peptide population outside the single beta-turn conformation.
109 Gly(10) is +/-85 degrees , consistent with a beta-turn conformation.
110 e TMT and bind DMT, adopting a stable type-I beta-turn conformation.
111  2F5 has shown that the 2F5 peptide adopts a beta-turn conformation.
112 ble of conformations, which contains various beta-turn conformations ( approximately 26%), in additio
113 the postfusion helical bundle structure) and beta-turn conformations (as in the complex with the 2F5
114    We have designed cyclic peptides to adopt beta-turn conformations by the incorporation of a side-c
115  very stable and highly predictable type II' beta-turn conformations for all compounds.
116  sequence requiring the presence of a stable beta-turn conformations, like in the study of protein-pr
117 ormational states include type I and type II beta-turn conformations.
118 nds were found to exist in type I or type II beta-turn conformations.
119 ts from PII to internally H-bonded (gamma or beta turn) conformations and to alpha helix in longer se
120 hich contained a 25% population of irregular beta turns containing two peptide hydrogen bonds to the
121 imately 46% beta-sheet and approximately 23% beta-turn content, in excellent agreement with our REMD
122 onformation and a decrease in beta-sheet and beta-turns content.
123  a hydrophobic loop region and a hydrophilic beta-turn contribute to the interactions with the membra
124 concerted hinge-like rotation at its B20-B23 beta-turn, coupling reorientation of Phe(B24) to a 60 de
125 near C-hydroxyalkylamido peptidomimetics and beta-turn cyclic peptidomimetics via "volatilizable" ami
126                                              Beta-turn cyclic peptidomimetics were generated by intra
127 H-bonds, except the one directly next to the beta-turn, does not change the folding rate, suggesting
128 pha-helix, two short beta-strands, and three beta-turns, encompassing Val117 to Pro164, which binds t
129  make significant contact with the enzyme, a beta-turn exists between residues 422-425 in the presenc
130 demonstrated that an evolutionarily flexible beta-turn facilitates progressive refolding of the 3'-te
131 (Sox)-based fluorescent peptides following a beta-turn focused (BTF) design for the continuous assay
132    The L,D series of oligomers forms ordered beta-turn foldamers, characterized by a 311 pattern.
133 e-II beta turns, bulged turns, and irregular beta turns for each peptide.
134                                              beta-Turn formation has been proposed to be a potential
135             Additionally, we find that these beta-turn formations, conserved in Cks homologs, have im
136 at more stable than the lowest-energy double beta-turn forming conformer.
137 olecular weight, (iii) transfer energy, (iv) beta turn frequency and (v) isoelectric point.
138 ia-causing K404E mutation precludes a type I beta-turn from retaining the substrate for the second de
139 idual endonuclease loop with a seven-residue beta-turn from the autoprocessing domain of Hedgehog pro
140 cocrystal structures, that the same flexible beta-turn functions as a wedge between the discriminator
141 cant immobilization of the Phe ring near the beta-turn, further supporting the structural ordering.
142 d preceding Ala(5), which results in type VI beta-turn geometry along Ala(4)-Ala(5).
143 nthesized in which an invariant glycine in a beta-turn (Gly(B8)) is replaced by d- or l-Ser.
144 reverse turn contexts: a five-residue type I beta-turn harboring a G1 beta-bulge (using a Phe-Yyy-Asn
145 tended conformation followed by a C-terminal beta turn, however, [BrPhe(22)]sCT(8-32) adopts a type I
146 main adopts the nativelike diverging type II beta-turn in aqueous solution in support of the predicti
147 ino acid L-Val induces a left-handed type II beta-turn in both the solid state and in solution, while
148                                      A tight beta-turn in the helix-loop-helix motif of the cap domai
149 ated the presence of a loop structure with a beta-turn in the middle of the exon 9 peptide and a loos
150 ydrophobic domains are composed of transient beta-turns in a highly dynamic and disordered chain, and
151 ed within three separate type I 3:5 G1 bulge beta-turns in human fibroblast growth factor-1, and thei
152              Numerous methods for predicting beta-turns in proteins have been developed based on vari
153   The results indicate an important role for beta-turns in the nucleation mechanism and structure of
154 is of a geometric characterization of 10,245 beta-turns in the protein data bank (PDB) suggested that
155 onformation that resembles a hydrogen-bonded beta-turn, in which the ornithine takes the place of the
156   The transition of the beta2-alpha2 loop to beta turn increases the solvent-exposure of the hydropho
157 of Loop 2, with odd-numbered residues in the beta-turn interacting with other agonist-activation elem
158 to the formation of antiparallel beta-sheet, beta-turns, intermolecular beta-sheet, and aggregation o
159  beta-hairpin is characterized by a type II' beta-turn involving residues G29 and A30 and two short b
160 dopamine receptors indicating that a type VI beta-turn is a possible bioactive conformation of the ho
161                                          The beta-turn is a well-studied motif in both proteins and p
162                                          The beta-turn is critical for immature virus assembly and th
163 ands bearing the H-Tyr-Pro-Trp/Phe-Phe-NH(2) beta-turn is important for MOR binding but may not be im
164                                         This beta-turn is involved in antibody binding, exhibiting th
165                                    The first beta-turn is near native-like in the transition state fo
166  in N-d-Nal(2')(7)-ACTH1-17, compared to the beta-turn-like structure at NDP-alpha-MSH (His(6)-d-Phe(
167 t 2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic acid stabilizes a beta-turn-like structure with the D-Phe/D-Nal(2') residu
168 e find that this fragment exhibits localized beta-turn-like structures at the two clathrin binding si
169 lifies a novel approach to cyclize a Type II beta-turn linear peptide and provides a foundation for f
170 y caused by localized destabilization of the beta-turn linking strands C and D caused by loss of the
171 motif, which we named the R-motif, forming a beta turn located near the inactive catalytic triad in a
172 ons clustered in an evolutionarily versatile beta-turn located between strands 3 and 4 of the nucleot
173             Inspired by nature's hint that a beta-turn loop within calpastatin forms a broad interact
174                The design and synthesis of a beta-turn mimetic library as a key component of a small-
175 he tripeptide beta-strand mimic Hao, and the beta-turn mimic delta-linked ornithine to generate water
176 NH2, 7, possessing an indolizidinone type VI beta-turn mimic was synthesized via improved high-yieldi
177 es of kinetic evidence that the inclusion of beta-turn mimics alters beta-sheet folding rates, enabli
178                                      Type II beta-turn mimics and polyproline II helix mimics based u
179 cial kinetic experiments to demonstrate that beta-turn mimics can act as strong nucleators in the con
180                                        These beta-turn mimics can now be used to interrogate protein
181 sheet folding rates, enabling us to classify beta-turn mimics into 3 categories: those that are weak
182                       We have incorporated 6 beta-turn mimics simulating varied beta-turn types in pl
183            Bivalent molecules containing two beta-turn mimics with side chains that correspond to hot
184                                              Beta-turn mimics, molecules that replace the i + 1 and i
185 d to assess the nucleation capacity of other beta-turn mimics.
186 a-amino acid, and two delta-linked ornithine beta-turn mimics.
187 acid linkers have been prepared as potential beta-turn mimics.
188 ntical pair of structures, all with a stable beta-turn motif at the C-terminus.
189 pproach, the requirement for the constrained beta-turn motif is obviated by alkylation of a cysteine
190                           Unlike traditional beta-turn motifs such as d-Pro-Gly, both the 2-Abz and d
191                         We also suggest that beta-turn mutants can affect nucleotide selection becaus
192 e suggest that the unusual phenotypes of the beta-turn mutants reflect the consecutive conformations
193 analysis, to show for a family of engineered beta-turn mutants that stability (range of approximately
194 ange of statistically favored and disfavored beta-turn mutations and implicate a loosely assembled be
195 en monomer and dimer is a consequence of the beta-turn networks within the hinge.
196 olypeptide to the mixture of beta-strand and beta-turn observed in the Head-II crystal structure.
197  analogue (i.e. a hydrogen bond in the first beta-turn of ProtL's beta-beta-alpha-beta-beta fold) was
198                                The d-Phe-Pro beta-turn of the cyclic beta-hairpin antimicrobial decap
199                Mutations in the beta-hairpin/beta-turn of the DNA-binding domain of Pax-5 demonstrate
200 residues G2 at the N-terminus and F12 at the beta-turn of the peptide reside near the membrane surfac
201 s to RNA translocation, mainly mediated by a beta-turn of the RecA1 domain containing the newly ident
202 ed us to detect a global motion in the first beta-turn of the third IgG-binding domain of protein G (
203 ntibody 447-52D targets the highly conserved beta-turn of variable loop 3 (V3) of gp120.
204 he-), and the striking resemblance with both beta-turns of the orally bioavailable peptide cyclospori
205 (all-trans) template structure possesses two beta-turns of type II along Ala(6)-D-Ala(1) and Ala(3)-A
206 ith coil structure and at least one flexible beta-turn, of type I.
207 nt of niches occur either following a type 1 beta-turn or at the C-termini of alpha-helices, and nich
208 ociated binding site involves a rare type VI beta-turn or touch-turn that is anchored by a cis-prolin
209  Two new analogues with modifications in the beta-turn, P26D27[14-38](Abu) and N26G27K28[14-38](Abu),
210 e development of a tertiary amine-containing beta-turn peptide that catalyzes the atroposelective bro
211 peptide, which contains a Trp-based type II' beta-turn pharmacophore.
212 e in transition state stabilization with the beta-turn playing a central role.
213 e phase transition and increased the type II beta-turn population with respect to the parent polypept
214 idues are statistically preferred at several beta-turn positions, presumably because their unique sid
215 rably to conformational stability in certain beta-turn positions.
216 s the peptide has significant populations of beta-turn, PPII, 3(10)-helix, and pi-helix-like conforma
217 helix), while the other six are in unfolded (beta-turn/PPII) conformations.
218 , there were changes in the structure of the beta-turn preceding the CXXC motif when compared with wi
219           Here, we introduce a new method of beta-turn prediction that uses the support vector machin
220  segments A and B separated by a 4 AA type I beta-turn region and segments B and C separated by a 7 A
221                                          The beta-turn region fits into a binding pocket on the top f
222  introducing aromatic substitutions into the beta-turn region of the N-terminal beta-hairpin, using b
223 volves the insertion of amino acids into the beta-turn region.
224 iew of elastomeric proteins in general where beta-turn-related structures serve as fundamental units
225 -selective analogues have the usual type-II' beta-turn reported in the literature for sst2/3/5-subtyp
226 oxysporum revealed the presence of a central beta-turn resembling that of its yeast counterpart.
227        Considering the significant number of beta-turn residues in every globular protein and the fre
228 volves replacing non-proline and non-glycine beta-turn residues with preferred proline or preferred g
229                           Insulin contains a beta-turn (residues B20-B23) interposed between two rece
230 ates activity and replacing it by the IL-1Ra beta-turn results in a hybrid protein that folds faster
231  piston-like rearrangement between BC and DE beta-turns results in beta-strand slippage.
232 -amide bonds by the incorporation of type VI beta-turn scaffolds with oriented appended side chains.
233 r that is consistent with and stabilizes the beta-turn secondary structure.
234  was chosen to favor nucleation of canonical beta-turn secondary structures.
235 s, we have investigated the influence of the beta-turn sequence on protein stability and folding kine
236 f Zn(2+) ligands, ligand arrangement and the beta-turn sequence that acts as a preorganization elemen
237 asing conformational stability by optimizing beta-turn sequence.
238 obular protein and the frequent deviation of beta-turn sequences from preferred proline and preferred
239                                     However, beta-turn sequences often deviate from preferred proline
240 d TG5K) and a series of four-residue type I' beta-turn sequences, commonly found in beta-hairpins.
241 ggest that the hMC4R selectivity is due to a beta-turn shift induced by the Pro ring that makes the g
242  probe the hydrogen-bond contacts across the beta-turn, show significant disorder, indicating that mo
243 two well-defined turns in solution, a type I beta-turn spanning Asp(134)-Glu-Gln-Phe(137) and a type
244 s a conformational constraint to enhance the beta-turn spanning His6 and D-Phe7, while the pharmacoph
245  isomer adopts only one well-defined type II beta-turn spanning Pro(139)-Lys-Gly-Cys(142) but display
246 ning Asp(134)-Glu-Gln-Phe(137) and a type II beta-turn spanning Pro(139)-Lys-Gly-Cys(142).
247 -strands connected by two overlapping type I beta-turns stabilized by the aspartate and threonine res
248 omatic sequon, Phe-Asn-Xxx-Thr, in a type I' beta-turn stabilizes the Pin 1 WW domain.
249 t the i - 1 or i + 4 positions relative to a beta-turn strongly stabilizes the hairpin conformation.
250 ctivity, is not necessary, and that a type I beta-turn structure at the C-terminal part of both ligan
251 lation indicated that the peptides exhibited beta-turn structure at the X-Pro-Gly-Y sequence and form
252 Pro93 is critical for stabilizing a multiple beta-turn structure in the hinge region that properly po
253  of peptide-activated GPCRs that recognize a beta-turn structure in their endogenous ligands.
254            The spectra are consistent with a beta-turn structure in which each monomer forms an antip
255 on CLR with conformations characterized by a beta-turn structure near their C termini rather than the
256 cine sensitivity that were consistent with a beta-turn structure of Loop 2, with odd-numbered residue
257                                  The compact beta-turn structure of peptide 920 bound to LpxA may ope
258 , respectively, a 310-helix turn or a type I beta-turn structure of the beta2-alpha2 loop, exposes tw
259   The motif itself is contained in a type II beta-turn structure that is similar in its conformation
260 ides and includes an alternating beta-strand/beta-turn structure with seven glutamine residues per be
261  disordered structure to a repeating type II beta-turn structure, forming a beta-spiral above the TT.
262  extent of local residual (alpha-helical and beta-turn) structure, as well as a network of electrosta
263 ddition of acid promoted the random coil and beta-turn structures at the expense of alpha-helical str
264 lations tend to overstabilize ideally folded beta-turn structures in NTL91-39.
265         Despite the clear preference for C10 beta-turn structures in the basic unit, however, the pre
266    Formation of the component beta-sheet and beta-turn structures of CLN025 was probed independently
267 uctures and nanoporous patterns formed after beta-turn structures were present via changes in either
268 lastin-mimetic polypeptides, in that type II beta-turn structures were stabilized for peptide segment
269 he peptide was found to adopt beta-sheet and beta-turn structures, with their relative proportions ch
270 conceived as "minimalist" mimics of peptidic beta-turn structures.
271 nsemble of conformations, including multiple beta-turn structures.
272  4.0 A, found for a guanidinium Czeta at the beta-turn, suggests N-H...O-P hydrogen bond formation.
273                  In contrast, insertion of a beta-turn template (D)PG rapidly accelerated aggregation
274 on affected elongation rates: insertion of a beta-turn template d-Pro-Gly in the center of the peptid
275                   A three-residue N-terminal beta-turn that assumes two different conformations in a
276 tatistically favored residues, in the type I beta-turn that has been suggested to be a main site for
277 all three charged amino acids in a conserved beta-turn that is predicted to contact thrombin, pTyr418
278 y BAFF-binding residues are presented from a beta-turn that we have shown previously to be sufficient
279                          One special type of beta-turn, the type VI-turn, usually contains a proline
280 al subunits containing an N-terminal type II beta-turn; there is a rise of 16.6-16.7 A and a tilt of
281  that extends from that peptide NH, across a beta turn to another backbone hydrogen bond, and then ac
282    We also demonstrate the transformation of beta-turn to gamma-turn structure in similar CTPs by inv
283 ding the Phe-Asn-Xxx-Thr motif (in a type I' beta-turn) to the enhanced aromatic sequon family double
284 that the barrier for the 310-helical turn to beta turn transition of the wild type is higher by about
285                                 A reversible beta-turn transition was identified in the peptide encod
286                The carbopeptoid units form a beta-turn-type structure, stabilized by an intramolecula
287 porated 6 beta-turn mimics simulating varied beta-turn types in place of 2 residues in an engineered
288 interactions, inter-ring hydrogen bonds, and beta-turn types on [2]-catenane energetics.
289 e relaxation dynamics of the beta-sheets and beta-turn were measured independently by probing the cor
290 hat the oxyaza moiety can effectively induce beta-turns, which can make the newly discovered oxyazape
291 viruses is composed of either beta-sheets or beta-turns, which is consistent with X-ray crystal data
292 ges from PII to internally H-bonded gamma or beta turns, while the chain with seven alanines forms al
293 ,6'R,7'aR stereochemistry mimicked a type II beta-turn, while the scaffold with the 3'S,6'S,7'aR ster
294 er observed experimentally features a type-I beta-turn with a canonical 10-membered ring C=O-H-N hydr
295  aromatic sequon complementary to the type I beta-turn with a G1 beta-bulge.
296 s suggest that the binding site might form a beta-turn with topology sufficient for binding of NHERF1
297 NA repeats adopt similar well-defined type I beta-turns with Fab311 and Fab317, respectively.
298  a Phe-Yyy-Asn-Xxx-Thr sequon) and a type II beta-turn within a six-residue loop (using a Phe-Yyy-Zzz
299 ilize the cis-amide bond and mimic a type VI beta-turn without incorporation of additional steric bul
300                       Thus a single flexible beta-turn would orchestrate consecutive addition of all

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