


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  between AR and TrkA, which is controlled by beta1 integrin.
2 tion, likely via downregulation of NCAM1 and beta1 integrin.
3 s by dampening the RhoA pathway or silencing beta1 integrin.
4 involves loss of RAP1-mediated activation of beta1 integrin.
5 s downstream of cleaved CDCP1 complexed with beta1 integrin.
6 e haploinsufficient for both fibrillin 1 and beta1 integrin.
7 ntegrins and reduces the activation state of beta1 integrin.
8 l proliferation at least partly by targeting beta1 integrin.
9 in substrates restores focal localization of beta1 integrin.
10 ng electrotaxis via electric field-activated beta1 integrin.
11 ing following normal endocytosis of inactive beta1-integrin.
12 nd with E353 to mediate its high affinity to beta1-integrin.
13 onformationally active population of surface beta1 integrins.
14 l adhesion kinase (FAK) and ligand-activated beta1 integrins.
15 eased total protein levels of keratin-14 and beta1 integrins.
16 ive junctions, and "inside-out" signaling to beta1 integrins.
17 ation of Akt and the recruitment of talin to beta1 integrins.
18 sts with QHREDGS was found to be mediated by beta1-integrins.
19 nia, which enables uptake via mammalian host beta1-integrins.
20 were eliminated by neutralizing antisera for beta1-integrins.
21                             We observed that beta1-integrins accumulate on the luminal membrane of up
22                                              beta1-integrin accumulation is due to increased ceramide
23 icking mutant talin1(S425D) led to increased beta1 integrin activation and generated biologic effects
24 d in ICAP-1 destabilization, which increased beta1 integrin activation and led to increased RhoA-depe
25 We show that KRIT1 functions as a switch for beta1 integrin activation by antagonizing ICAP1 (Integri
26  showed that KRIT1 functions as a switch for beta1 integrin activation by antagonizing ICAP1-mediated
27 ta3 in human erythroleukemia (HEL) cells and beta1 integrin activation in macrophage-like RAW264.1 ce
28 ediated phosphorylation of talin1 leading to beta1 integrin activation is a novel mechanism that incr
29       Our data support that up-regulation of beta1 integrin activation participates in the progressio
30 onditions induced protein kinase C-dependent beta1 integrin activation, and FN assembly in normal glu
31  podocytes caused only a modest reduction in beta1 integrin activation, podocyte cell adhesion, and c
32 that talin1, but not talin2, is important in beta1 integrin activation.
33 is study, we identified a novel mechanism of beta1 integrin activation.
34 le for talin1 phosphorylation and subsequent beta1 integrin activation.
35  growth factor (VEGF) secretion and enhanced beta1 integrin activation.
36 ts from these mice show unaltered beta3- and beta1-integrin activation and consequently normal adhesi
37 r data indicate that abatacept may stabilize beta1-integrin activation in podocytes and reduce protei
38 resses result in a transcellular gradient in beta1-integrin activation with vinculin, focal adhesion
39 tion, paxillin and PAK4 phosphorylation, and beta1-integrin activation.
40       Notably, SCs in aged mice show altered beta1-integrin activity and insensitivity to Fgf2.
41                                   Augmenting beta1-integrin activity with a monoclonal antibody resto
42                        Loss of AMPK promotes beta1-integrin activity, the formation of centrally loca
43    Transient expression of tensins increases beta1-integrin activity, whereas tensin silencing reduce
44 g either talin or kindlin failed to activate beta1 integrins, adhere to fibronectin (FN) or maintain
45 ontrols surface topology of nanometer-scaled beta1 integrin adhesion domains in cis, whereas its liga
46               We conclude that regulation of beta1 integrin adhesion through talins and kindlins may
47  CCRL2, and the activation of dendritic cell beta1 integrin affinity.
48          Using an inducible system to delete beta1 integrin after completion of airway branching, we
49   Among the identified hits, we confirmed an beta1-integrin agonist, pyrintegrin, as a podocyte-prote
50                        Indeed, inhibition of beta1 integrins also leads to loss of electrotaxis in ke
51                                           As beta1-integrin also activates NF-kappaB, our findings re
52 i-dependent glycosylation and trafficking of beta1 integrin and decreased phosphorylation of focal ad
53 zed that the collaborative signaling between beta1 integrin and gp130 (IL-6 beta receptor, IL-6 signa
54 izes with and regulates the levels of active beta1 integrin and of phosphorylated FAK and ERK.
55 tosis, as monitored using antibody-clustered beta1 integrin and previous studies on other proteins, w
56  B1 cells constitutively expressed activated beta1 integrin and relocated from the peritoneum to the
57 ncover a potential role for PKP2 upstream of beta1 integrin and RhoA in integrating cell-cell and cel
58 ar matrix (ECM) also converge on GIV-GEF via beta1 integrins and that focal adhesions (FAs) serve as
59 ression by influencing the crosstalk between beta1 integrins and Twist to increase VEGF production.
60       At the molecular level, CYLD decreased beta1-integrin and inhibited pJNK induction by tumor nec
61  confirmed that level of bisecting GlcNAc on beta1-integrin and N-cadherin was increased in Fut8(-/-)
62                  Direct interactions between beta1-integrin and NF-kappaB p65 were induced in nonmali
63 cal adhesions, cadherin-11 co-localizes with beta1-integrin and paxillin and physically interacts wit
64       Expression of the modified CLC reduces beta1-integrin and transferrin receptor recycling, as we
65     These changes were abolished by blocking beta1-integrins and mimicked by blocking beta3-integrins
66                                              beta1D integrin and other costameric proteins were lost
67 ional beta-catenin, stimulates clustering of beta1 integrins, and enhances the conformationally activ
68 eptor-beta, transactivates synaptic TrkB and beta1-integrin, and via mechanisms dependent on integrin
69 ne 2 (CMG2), tumor endothelial marker 8, and beta1-integrin, and, with the assistance of other host p
70             Here we show that Thy-1 supports beta1 integrin- and syndecan-4 (Syn4)-mediated contracti
71 y, the formation of centrally located active beta1-integrin- and tensin-rich mature fibrillar adhesio
72 face beta1-integrin internalization via anti-beta1-integrin antibodies or the RGD peptide ligand-or b
73 ignificantly inhibited in cells treated with beta1 integrin antibody or Rap1A siRNA.
74                      A functional-activating beta1-integrin antibody rescued Hcy-suppressed adhesion
75                                   Therefore, beta1 integrin appears to serve as a motility-regulating
76                           The residual 3% of beta1 integrins are able to trigger intracellular signal
77                    We previously showed that beta1 integrins are activated in metastatic prostate can
78                                 However, how beta1 integrins are activated in PCa cells is unknown.
79 hile that thinned Ld lipid domains increased beta1-integrin-Arg-Gly-Asp-peptide affinity and valency,
80 human aortic endothelial cells, BA increased beta1-integrin-Arg-Gly-Asp-peptide affinity by 18% with
81                         We identified active beta1 integrin as a biochemical and functional partner o
82 nia enterocolitica, an enteric pathogen, use beta1 integrins as pathogen recognition receptors detect
83 hmidtea mediterranea as a model, we identify beta1-integrin as a crucial regulator of blastema archit
84  the PKC- and CaMKII-dependent activation of beta1-integrins, as well as their exocytosis.
85 ction experiments demonstrated that TIM4 and beta1 integrins associate upon receptor clustering.
86 rphogenesis and promotes the accumulation of beta1 integrin at sites of failed angiogenic sprouting.
87 nockdown retarded the efficient recycling of beta1-integrin back to the plasma membrane following nor
88                                              beta1 integrins (beta1) transduce mechanical signals in
89 rming growth factor-beta1 precursor (pro-TGF-beta1), integrins bind to the prodomain, apply force, an
90 aA directly affected the amount of host cell beta1 integrin but not other cellular integrins.
91 plasma membrane expression and activation of beta1 integrins, but not alpha4, alpha5, or alpha6 integ
92 e hydrogen bonds were not observed in talin1/beta1-integrin, but did exist in talin1(C336S)/beta1-int
93 ip binding and reduces surface expression of beta1-integrin by interference with recycling following
94 alpha-actinin promote talin association with beta1-integrin by restricting the motion of the cytoplas
95                     Here the authors develop beta1 integrins carrying traceable tags in the extracell
96 tion by sema3E in trans regulates individual beta1 integrin catch bonds.
97 ke serine proteases with aprotinin prevented beta1 integrin/CDCP1 complexing and downstream FAK/Akt s
98 X4, reduced monocyte migration and decreased beta1-integrin cell surface expression.
99          Loss of plexinD1 expression reduces beta1 integrin clustering, thereby diminishing avidity,
100                              Thus, c-Met and beta1-integrin co-internalize and become progressively r
101 itronectin) versus substrates that only bind beta1 integrins (collagen).
102 ta1-integrin, but did exist in talin1(C336S)/beta1-integrin complex.
103 in cell cultures and in live animals, active beta1 integrin complexed preferentially with functionall
104                               Further, using beta1 integrins containing a HaloTag in combination with
105                                 Importantly, beta1 integrins containing an extracellular pH-sensitive
106                                        These beta1 integrins control distinct antifungal effector fun
107                         We further show that beta1-integrin cooperates with fibroblast growth factor
108 in and the membrane-distal NPxY motif in the beta1 integrin cytoplasmic domain.
109           In addition, TNS4 interaction with beta1-integrin cytoplasmic tail positively regulates bet
110 1-integrin R760, and between talin2 K327 and beta1-integrin D759.
111                                              beta1 integrin-deficient alveolar epithelial cells produ
112  not observed in mice with neuronal-targeted beta1-integrin deletion, supporting the hypothesis that
113                                We found that beta1 integrin-dependent cell adhesion is critical for s
114  mesenchymal cells both in vivo and in vitro beta1 integrin-dependent cell adhesion relied on the rel
115 hed Galpha13-beta1 interaction and inhibited beta1 integrin-dependent cell spreading and migration.
116    These complexes are involved in promoting beta1 integrin-dependent directional migration in undiff
117  We also found that this phenotype relies on beta1 integrin-dependent local activation of the small G
118 o Tie2 increases Tie1-Tie2 interactions in a beta1 integrin-dependent manner and that Tie1 regulates
119 that the Galpha13-beta1 interaction mediates beta1 integrin-dependent Src activation and transient Rh
120  LPA initiates EMT in ovarian tumors through beta1-integrin-dependent activation of Wnt/beta-catenin
121                                         This beta1-integrin-dependent c-Met-sustained signalling on A
122 ion was also identified as a novel target of beta1-integrin-dependent TUDC action, which is frequentl
123 diminished VEGF production, and knockdown of beta1 integrins diminished Twist and VEGF production by
124 mmunoprecipitation studies demonstrated that beta1-integrin directly interacts with the bone morphoge
125 cal correction of ceramide levels-normalizes beta1-integrin distribution and sphingosine levels in CF
126                                              beta1-integrins downregulate acid ceramidase expression,
127 dies define distinct functions of epithelial beta1 integrin during both early and late lung developme
128                                      Whether beta1 integrin ectodomains visit conformational states s
129                                    Silencing beta1 integrin efficiently inhibited RCP-induced Slug ex
130 echanotransducers (focal adhesion kinase and beta1-integrin) ex vivo A 3-week low-energy shockwave re
131 ngs in other organs, loss of JAM-A decreased beta1 integrin expression and impaired filamentous actin
132 n, such that elevated Pyk2 levels stabilized beta1 integrin expression necessary to initiate the meta
133    Differences in the chemokine receptor and beta1 integrin expression profiles of progenitors betwee
134 tion, adhesion, and migration and suppressed beta1-integrin expression and activity in human CD34(+)
135  This study suggested that COX-2 upregulates beta1-integrin expression and cell invasion in NSCLC by
136 nt study investigated the effect of COX-2 on beta1-integrin expression and cell invasion in NSCLC.
137                       FoxC2 siRNA suppressed beta1-integrin expression and EP1-mediated cell invasion
138                                         Thus beta1-integrin expression by EZCs reduces movement of BM
139  Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) treatment increased beta1-integrin expression in NSCLC cell lines.
140 was further reduced by IR with downregulated beta1-integrin expression.
141              EP1 siRNA blocked PGE2-mediated beta1-integrin expression.
142 2 and p38 inhibitors suppressed EP1-mediated beta1-integrin expression.
143 ts show that CM Tln2 is essential for proper beta1D-integrin expression and that Tln1 can substitute
144             Furthermore, our data implicates beta1 integrin, FAK, and paxillin in mediating the obser
145 down-regulated under normoxic condition; (2) beta1 Integrin/FAK signaling pathway was activated in my
146 t CDCP1 cleavage, occurring at the apex of a beta1 integrin/FAK/PI3K/Akt signaling cascade, may repre
147                        ECM signals through a beta1-integrin/FAK/p190RhoGAP complex to downregulate a
148   Surprisingly, however, the major leukocyte beta1 integrin family member, alpha4beta1, was only part
149 mMYLK resulted in "inside-out" activation of beta1 integrin, followed by "outside-in" activation of c
150 uction of beta1D integrin isoform and active beta1 integrin from the buoyant domains in the heart; (4
151                                  Ablation of beta1-integrin from EZCs in vivo reduced the number of E
152             Additionally, blocking alpha5 or beta1 integrin function with antibodies reduced metastas
153                     KCa1.1 channels regulate beta1-integrin function and cell adhesion in rheumatoid
154 ignaling mechanism by which KCa1.1 regulates beta1-integrin function and therefore invasiveness of RA
155 of KIND1, a cytoskeletal protein involved in beta1-integrin function, causes Kindler syndrome, a gene
156                                   Restricted beta1 integrin gene deletion in embryos using Ttr-Cre or
157 a independent and dependent on regulation of beta1-integrin gene expression by NR4A1 which can be inh
158     We show that although short-term loss of beta1-integrin has no obvious consequences for normal li
159          We demonstrate that inactivation of beta1 integrin impairs TGF-beta from stimulating the mot
160 yocyte Cav3 correlates with increased active beta1 integrin in adult CM; (5) in vivo pressure overloa
161 stal NPxY motif in the cytoplasmic domain of beta1 integrin in early endosomes.
162  In this study, the functional importance of beta1 integrin in lung epithelium during mouse lung deve
163 oxygen species, suggesting a direct role for beta1 integrin in regulating alveolar homeostasis.
164  administration reduced the levels of active beta1 integrin in the podocytes, which was prevented by
165          Herein, we investigated the role of beta1 integrins in regulating this process.
166                     Mechanistically, loss of beta1-integrin in hepatocytes impairs ligand-induced pho
167                               First, loss of beta1-integrin in hepatocytes with liver injury triggere
168  NM II-C1C2 can interact and colocalize with beta1-integrin in neurites.
169 rucial role and novel mechanism of action of beta1-integrins in liver regeneration and demonstrate th
170                                      Loss of beta1-integrin increased SMAD1/5/8 and p38 signaling, su
171                     Conditional knock-out of beta1-integrin increases GFAP expression and astrocytic
172            We demonstrate that expression of beta1-integrin increases in EZCs following SCI in mice.
173 ization and homing to the injured vessel via beta1-integrin inhibition, which partially contributes t
174 sor AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) as a beta1-integrin inhibitor in fibroblasts.
175 beta1- and beta3-integrins, and unlike other beta1-integrin inhibitors which induce prometastatic bet
176 iated protein-1) to the cytoplasmic tails of beta1 integrins inhibits integrin activation.
177 nd C4-2B4 PCa cells, decreased activation of beta1 integrins, integrin-mediated adhesion, motility an
178      CagA translocation by Hp is mediated by beta1 integrin interaction of the cag-T4SS.
179 1 integrin that was accompanied by decreased beta1 integrin internalization and degradation.
180 ing this vicious cycle by triggering surface beta1-integrin internalization via anti-beta1-integrin a
181                            Reintroduction of beta1 integrin into miR-223-ovexpressing cells was suffi
182 egrin by competing with talin for binding to beta1-integrin intracellular domain.
183                             We conclude that beta1 integrin is essential for the attachment of the pr
184 ial for these processes, the in vivo role of beta1 integrins is a matter of debate.
185                            Here we show that beta1-integrin is an essential niche molecule that maint
186 rons and the surface expression of activated beta1-integrins is reduced on dendrites of Ndr2-deficien
187 veolae; (3) loss of Cav3 caused reduction of beta1D integrin isoform and active beta1 integrin from t
188 tion, although levels of the muscle-specific beta1D-integrin isoform were reduced by 50%.
189              On laminin, which binds APP and beta1 integrins (Itgb1), DS neurons formed enlarged and
190 c astrogliosis after conditional deletion of beta1-integrin (Itgbeta1).
191 nt inhibition of hepatocyte proliferation by beta1-integrin knockdown or p21 overexpression, resultin
192 integrin activation, and restore adhesion in beta1 integrin knockout fibroblasts.
193 ic responses were also absent in conditional beta1-integrin knockouts, and with inhibition of matrix
194                       Here, we show that the beta1-Integrin laminin receptor is required for RGC posi
195 nt study, we demonstrate that RCP stabilizes beta1 integrin leading to increased beta1 integrin level
196 isrupting TPC function halted trafficking of beta1-integrin, leading to its accumulation in EEA1-posi
197 abilizes beta1 integrin leading to increased beta1 integrin levels and activation of a signaling casc
198 n stress fibers, focal adhesions, and active beta1-integrin levels in cultured cells.
199 A activity is critical for cell migration on beta1 integrin ligands.
200                    Previous work showed that beta1 integrin localizes to invadopodia, but its role in
201 brotic skin by activating an LTbeta receptor/beta1 integrin (LTbetaR/beta1 integrin) pathway on ADSCs
202 f the molecular brightness of mCherry-tagged beta1-integrins measured using fluorescence correlation
203  the loss of TGF-beta signaling and elevated beta1-integrin mechanosignaling engaged a positive feedb
204 P1GAP levels in injured podocytes maintained beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion and prevented cellular
205 e shown that collaborative signaling between beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion to fibronectin and inte
206 f CD46 decreased proliferative potential and beta1 integrin-mediated adhesion.
207 rties in the perfused rat liver in an alpha5 beta1 integrin-mediated way.
208 ly understood how niche-derived cues such as beta1-integrin-mediated signaling are translated into NS
209 n essential role for Cas adaptor proteins in beta1-Integrin-mediated signaling events critical for th
210 ncogenic signaling pathways, including EGFR, beta1 integrin, MEK, and AKT, leading to loss of tissue
211 bitors, we define here a MAP4K4-moesin-talin-beta1-integrin molecular pathway that promotes efficient
212 own or treatment with OS2966, a neutralizing beta1 integrin monoclonal antibody, attenuated aggressiv
213 gulating PLD or Rap1A or by treatment with a beta1 integrin neutralizing antibody.
214 hanism of developmental failure in implanted beta1 integrin-null blastocysts and found that primitive
215 segregation phenotype was also reproduced in beta1 integrin-null embryoid bodies, in which primitive
216         Targeting this mechanosensing alpha6(beta1)-integrin offers a novel anti-fibrotic strategy ag
217 requires multimerization and associates with beta1 integrin on the cell surface.
218 he formation of ceramide platforms that trap beta1-integrins on the luminal pole of bronchial epithel
219 g in stimulatory or inhibitory ways with its beta1 integrin or Plexin C1 receptors, respectively.
220             In contrast, in vivo blocking of beta1 integrins or alpha4 integrins did not affect lung
221 ling-adaptor proteins, and in the absence of beta1-Integrin or Cas function retinal neurons form ecto
222                                 Knockdown of beta1-integrins or inhibition of cellular contractility
223 s integrins, and defects in either alpha3 or beta1 integrin, or the alpha3beta1 ligand laminin result
224 motion and metastasis of tumor cells through beta1 integrin partnering.
225 llectively, these findings implicate a Rap1A/beta1 integrin pathway, activated downstream of G-protei
226 Targeting the COX-2/EP1/PKC/MAPK/E2F-1/FoxC2/beta1-integrin pathway might represent a new therapeutic
227 g an LTbeta receptor/beta1 integrin (LTbetaR/beta1 integrin) pathway on ADSCs.
228                                        Thus, beta1 integrins promote resistance to antiangiogenic the
229              In cells growing in suspension, beta1-integrin promotes sustained c-Met-dependent ERK1/2
230 er, ZNF304 is a transcriptional regulator of beta1 integrin, promotes cancer cell survival and protec
231                       Furthermore, beta4 and beta1 integrin protein and mRNA expression is elevated i
232 g key hydrogen bonds between talin2 N326 and beta1-integrin R760, and between talin2 K327 and beta1-i
233                        The binding of Inv to beta1 integrins rapidly induces IL-18 mRNA expression, s
234 agen and lymphangiogenesis via activation of beta1-integrin receptor.
235 id-induced epithelial MV miR-17/221 promoted beta1 integrin recycling and presentation back onto the
236 miR-17/221 that in turn modulates macrophage beta1 integrin recycling, promoting macrophage recruitme
237 ha5beta1-integrin and facilitating effective beta1-integrin recycling back to the plasma membrane.
238 kdown of STXBP4 also substantially inhibited beta1-integrin recycling in human monocytes.
239 ubiquitin-mediated degradation and promoting beta1-integrin recycling.
240                                  Ablation of beta1-integrin reduced overall levels of BMP receptors b
241 to inefficient localization of the enzyme to beta1-integrin-rich cell adhesion complexes at the plasm
242 B2 and increased association of ErbB2 with a beta1-integrin-rich complex, which depended on GRB7-SH2
243                                              beta1-integrin(RNAi) animals formed small head blastemas
244 ls and progenitor cells were mislocalized in beta1-integrin(RNAi) animals without significantly alter
245                                   Therefore, beta1-integrin senses the SC niche to maintain responsiv
246                                              beta1 integrins signal through the Abl2/Arg (Abl-related
247         Sig1R promoted the formation of hERG/beta1-integrin signaling complexes upon extracellular ma
248                                              beta1-Integrin signaling within migrating GCL cells requ
249  well as short-hairpin RNA downregulation of beta1 integrin significantly reduced FAK/Akt phosphoryla
250                                              beta1-integrin silencing suppressed COX-2-mediated tumou
251 ted gene deletion or intravenous delivery of beta1-integrin siRNA formulated into nanoparticles that
252 e marrow stromal cells (BMSC) showed similar beta1 integrin-specific enhancement of PYK2 and STAT3 si
253 probability density plots thus revealed that beta1-integrin-specific interactions are predominately a
254 ly, survival signaling in melanoma cells via beta1-integrin, Src, and FAK.
255 tegrin cytoplasmic tail positively regulates beta1-integrin stability.
256 ancer cell aggressiveness through sequential beta1 integrin stabilization, activation of an ILK/EGFR/
257 inins 211, 411, and receptors containing the beta1 integrin subunit are required for radial sorting;
258 extend beyond those requiring binding to the beta1 integrin subunit NPxY motif.
259              Knocking down DDR2, but not the beta1 integrin subunit, a common subunit for all collage
260 ide or with a monoclonal antibody binding to beta1-integrin subunit and binding assays in different c
261    The expression of SEMA7A and its receptor beta1-integrin subunit increase during liver injury and
262  subunit of KCa1.1 coimmunoprecipitates with beta1 integrins, suggesting that this physical associati
263 oss of AMPK up-regulates tensins, which bind beta1-integrins, supporting their activity and promoting
264 wever, this effect was not due to changes in beta1 integrin surface expression or activation.
265 , which also elicited enhanced beta2 but not beta1 integrin surface expression, suggesting increased
266     Furthermore, expression of SNX31 rescues beta1 integrin surface levels and stability in SNX17-dep
267 reby permitting ICAP-1alpha binding onto the beta1 integrin tail.
268  Similarly like SNX17, binding of SNX31 with beta1 integrin tails in early endosomes occurs between t
269 ly diminished the interaction of talin2 with beta1- integrin tails.
270 ow here that talin2 has a higher affinity to beta1-integrin tails than talin1.
271 rated a significant increase in cell surface beta1 integrin that was accompanied by decreased beta1 i
272 -/-) mice exhibited reduced levels of active beta1 integrin that were responsible for reduced RhoA ac
273                                Complexing of beta1 integrin the 70-kDa with CDCP1 fragment induced in
274 h of activating and inhibitory antibodies to beta1 integrins, the conformational states that these an
275 ate that GMFG mediates the ubiquitination of beta1-integrin through knockdown or overexpression of GM
276 xogenously to the cells provoked a change in beta1 integrin to an active, high-affinity conformation
277                        Accordingly, we found beta1 integrin to be functionally upregulated in tumor s
278 pecifically the B isoform (alpha6B), couples beta1-integrin to mediate MMP-2-dependent pericellular p
279 nd trafficking-relevant site Thr(788/789) of beta1-integrin to stimulate the PKC- and CaMKII-dependen
280  vitro and in vivo, at least in part through beta1-integrin translocation leading to fibronectin asse
281 f GMFG in monocyte chemotaxis, adhesion, and beta1-integrin turnover.
282 ctivated forms of the BDNF receptor TrkB and beta1-integrins, two synaptic receptors that engage acti
283                             Dysregulation of beta1-integrin underlies Kindler syndrome skin fragility
284                            We concluded that beta1 integrin upregulation in BRGs likely reflects an o
285 y, but rather by matrix architecture-induced beta1-integrin upregulation.
286  silencing suppressed EP1-mediated FoxC2 and beta1-integrin upregulation.
287 duces membrane recruitment and activation of beta1 integrin via the low density lipoprotein receptor-
288  resulting in differential regulation of the beta1 integrins VLA3 (alpha3beta1) and VLA5 (alpha5beta1
289            Conversely, ectopic expression of beta1 integrin was sufficient to induce Slug expression.
290 ol-I binding molecules, an antibody-blocking beta1-integrin was used.
291 ial adhesins invasin and YadA with host cell beta1 integrin, we compared the sterol dependence of wil
292                                    COX-2 and beta1-integrin were co-expressed in NSCLC tissues.
293  FlnA loss leads to diminished expression of beta1-integrin, whereas FlnB loss promotes integrin expr
294 ment membrane extracellular matrix (ECM) via beta1 integrins which activate both ILK and Rac1 and are
295           ZNF304 transcriptionally regulates beta1 integrin, which subsequently regulates Src/focal a
296 cultured podocytes induced loss of activated beta1 integrin, which was similarly observed in kidney b
297 rolling the affinity states of two different beta1 integrins, which in turn elicit distinct effector
298 parallel, NR4A1 also regulated expression of beta1-integrin, which with PAX3-FOXO1A, contributed to t
299 dynamics simulations of a 3D model of alpha5 beta1 integrin with TUDC bound revealed significant conf
300 ort the generation of functional recombinant beta1 integrins with traceable tags inserted in an extra

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