


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in the SAT and very little expression of the beta3-adrenoceptor.
2 a-antagonists have agonist properties at the beta3-adrenoceptor.
3 e of two active conformational states of the beta3-adrenoceptor.
4 ative beta4-adrenoceptor) that resembles the beta3-adrenoceptor.
5 tive beta4-adrenoceptor is distinct from the beta3-adrenoceptor.
6 drenoceptor is genetically distinct from the beta3-adrenoceptor.
7 rom the other two subtypes difficult and the beta3-adrenoceptor a less-understood subtype.
8       Administration of the murine-selective beta3 adrenoceptor agonist CL-316,243 corrects obesity a
9 he beta1-adrenoceptor agonist dobutamine and beta3-adrenoceptor agonist BRL 37344A had little effect
10 ater by intra-BAT injections of the specific beta3-adrenoceptor agonist CL316,243 in one pad and the
11 ocal metabolic effects of a highly selective beta3-adrenoceptor agonist in humans.
12            The effects of a highly selective beta3-adrenoceptor agonist on insulin action, energy met
13                                    Cold- and beta3-adrenoceptor agonist-induced sympathetic activatio
14 s, but with limited clinical experience, are beta3 adrenoceptor agonists and phosphodiesterase type 5
15                                              beta3-Adrenoceptor agonists have recently been introduce
16 ker that causes agonist effects through both beta3-adrenoceptors and cardiac putative beta4-adrenocep
17  for future studies to better understand the beta3-adrenoceptor as a novel pharmacological target.
18 ased after activation of adipocyte-expressed beta3 adrenoceptors by catecholamines, and identified eo
19                               Stimulation of beta3-adrenoceptors by selective agonists improves insul
20     First, the ligand-recognition profile of beta3-adrenoceptors differs considerably from that of th
21 er, these experiments suggest that the human beta3-adrenoceptor exists in at least two different agon
22 agonist effects in mice lacking a functional beta3-adrenoceptor gene (beta3 KO).
23 ociation between the Trp64Arg variant of the beta3-adrenoceptor gene and visceral obesity.
24                                  The role of beta3-adrenoceptor gene polymorphisms has insufficiently
25 ypothesis that postmenopausal women with the beta3-adrenoceptor gene variant (Trp64Arg) have reduced
26 ion, older obese women carrying the Trp64Arg beta3-adrenoceptor gene variant have an impaired capacit
27                                            A beta3 adrenoceptor has been identified and cloned.
28 tagonist affinity measurements varied at the beta3-adrenoceptor in a manner similar to those observed
29 mpathetic ganglia neurons and an increase of beta3-adrenoceptor in the SAT.
30            Second, the expression pattern of beta3-adrenoceptors is more restricted than that of othe
31                                       Third, beta3-adrenoceptors lack the phosphorylation sites invol
32                   Importantly, the effect of beta3-adrenoceptor on mTOR complex 2 is independent of t
33      This article discusses three aspects of beta3-adrenoceptor pharmacology.
34       Alprenolol inhibited fenoterol-induced beta3-adrenoceptor responses while acting as an agonist
35                   In this respect, the human beta3-adrenoceptor seems similar to the human beta1-adre
36 efore examined the pharmacology of the human beta3-adrenoceptor stably expressed in Chinese hamster o
37                                 We show that beta3-adrenoceptors stimulate glucose uptake in brown ad
38 pamycin (mTOR) complex 2 has a novel role in beta3-adrenoceptor-stimulated glucose uptake in brown ad
39                 Both parts are essential for beta3-adrenoceptor-stimulated glucose uptake.
40                            Whether selective beta3-adrenoceptor stimulation exerts metabolic actions
41 onfounding factor in previous studies of the beta3-adrenoceptor Trp64Arg variant and energy expenditu
42                            Their target, the beta3-adrenoceptor, was discovered much later than beta1
43 arently differs between the human and rodent beta3-adrenoceptor, yielding considerable species differ

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