


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 over words (in abstracts) and references (in bibliographies).
2 n architecture, and optional description and bibliography.
3 ng tabulated comparisons and a comprehensive bibliography.
4 g tabu-lated comparisons and a comprehensive bibliography.
5 mpared with that previously described in the bibliography.
6 Med, EMBASE) and by hand-search of articles' bibliography.
7  MEDLINE search as well as review of article bibliographies.
8 additional references were obtained from the bibliographies.
9 66 through 2000 using MEDLINE, psycINFO, and bibliographies.
10 ified by using CancerLit, MEDLINE, and study bibliographies.
11  identified by searching MEDLINE and related bibliographies.
12 re search and from manual reviews of article bibliographies.
13  consultation with experts and evaluation of bibliographies.
14 were found by searching MEDLINE and selected bibliographies.
15  search of the MEDLINE database and selected bibliographies.
16 located primarily through a manual search of bibliographies.
17 sources included Google Scholar and relevant bibliographies.
18 in PubMed and on secondary searches of their bibliographies.
19 b of Science, and a manual search of article bibliographies.
20 ew of conference proceedings and publication bibliographies.
21 ough consultation of experts and searches of bibliographies.
22 stematic Reviews, and hand search of article bibliographies.
23 ase, and completed hand searches of relevant bibliographies and abstracts of conference proceedings.
24  on semantic decompositions of abstracts and bibliographies and compare it with the formal discipline
25  and 2000 and by manual searches of relevant bibliographies and conference proceedings.
26                         We also handsearched bibliographies and examined the citations to those studi
27 s, and PREMEDLINE databases and by review of bibliographies and expert consultation.
28                                              Bibliographies and experts were used to identify additio
29 ies were identified through hand searches of bibliographies and internet searches, and we contacted s
30                               The additional bibliography and list of Internet resources on bioinorga
31 d by searching MEDLINE (1966-December 1998), bibliographies, and authors' reference files.
32        Studies were retrieved using MEDLINE, bibliographies, and consultation with experts.
33 thors also conducted hand searches, reviewed bibliographies, and consulted context experts to ensure
34 ic databases from January 2009 to July 2017, bibliographies, and expert recommendations.
35  Dissertation Abstracts On-Line (1861-1999), bibliographies, and online conference proceedings (1999)
36 h searches of the MEDLINE database, selected bibliographies, and personal files.
37 search and Quality's Patient Safety Network, bibliographies, and prior systematic reviews.
38 by searching Medline (1966 to October 2004), bibliographies, and the author's reference files.
39 (BSIs) related to their use, PubMed, article bibliographies, and the authors' library were searched f
40  targeted keyword searches, manual review of bibliographies, and whether the article was a clinical t
41  targeted keyword searches, manual review of bibliographies, and whether the article was a guideline,
42 research articles, reviews, and an annotated bibliography, and on selected journals.
43 ety, and neurosis database; hand searches of bibliographies; and extensive peer review.
44 en the outputs of the model and experimental bibliography are reduced.
45                         A previous annotated bibliography assessed literature published between 1980
46                                              Bibliographies, book chapters, and meeting abstracts wer
47  were obtained through cross-referencing the bibliography cited in each work.
48 ic databases (1950 to May 22, 2012), article bibliographies, conference proceedings (2008-2011), and
49                                          The bibliography contains very few references from anesthesi
50  For this updated meta-analysis, we searched bibliography databases, trials registries, and meeting p
51 thcare Research and Quality and an extensive bibliography developed by the National Library of Medici
52 racts (2009-2013), Web sites, textbooks, and bibliographies for articles relating to trauma DC.
53           Additionally, we manually searched bibliographies for related references.
54 ne and Embase through June 2012 and searched bibliographies for relevant studies for additional refer
55 e searched 5 databases and retrieved papers' bibliographies for relevant studies published through Ma
56 ce, Cochrane Library, and a manual search of bibliographies for studies published up until July 18, 2
57 guage from 1996 to October 2013) and related bibliography for studies reporting on the postoperative
58                             A hand search of bibliographies from guidelines and review articles from
59                                              Bibliographies from relevant articles, professional soci
60 tional Network for the Rational Use of Drugs Bibliography from 1 January 2006 to 3 April 2014, withou
61 ; guideline registries; and gray literature (bibliographies, Google, and experts).
62 ; guideline registries; and gray literature (bibliographies, Google, and experts).
63 ographies of articles identified on MEDLINE, bibliographies in textbooks on percutaneous coronary int
64 graphies of papers identified on MEDLINE and bibliographies in textbooks on substance abuse.
65 be the organization and main features of the bibliography in FlyBase (flybase.org), the MOD for Droso
66 n, tabulated comparisons and a comprehensive bibliography including papers in press.
67  comprehensive, non-redundant and up-to-date bibliography is a crucial component of any Model Organis
68                                            A bibliography mapping service has been added, and an ID m
69 passive-only mechanisms proposed in existing bibliography-namely, the geometrical effect of the divid
70  October 2007, as well as a manual review of bibliographies of all articles meeting inclusion criteri
71  and hand searches and an exploration of the bibliographies of all included papers.
72                                              Bibliographies of all retrieved articles were also searc
73                                              Bibliographies of all the retrieved articles were also s
74             Additional data sources included bibliographies of articles identified on MEDLINE, a surv
75             Additional data sources included bibliographies of articles identified on MEDLINE, biblio
76             Additional data sources included bibliographies of articles identified on MEDLINE, EMBASE
77             Additional data sources included bibliographies of articles identified on MEDLINE, inquir
78 ween January 1990 and May 2005, and reviewed bibliographies of articles obtained.
79 lon cancer were identified using MEDLINE and bibliographies of articles thus identified.
80 LINE (National Library of Medicine) and from bibliographies of articles thus identified.
81                      PubMed, EMBASE, and the bibliographies of articles were searched for studies pub
82   This article brings to the present earlier bibliographies of books written by former mental patient
83 s and clinical reports, and by reviewing the bibliographies of clinical practice guidelines.
84                       A manual search of the bibliographies of electronically identified articles was
85                                              Bibliographies of identified articles and guidelines fro
86             Additional data sources included bibliographies of identified articles and preliminary da
87 NE (1966 to 1999), the Cochrane Library, and bibliographies of identified articles and reviews and by
88 edical journals, the authors' own files, and bibliographies of identified articles were conducted.
89 erpesvirus-6 was discovered) to the present, bibliographies of identified articles, and recognized te
90 manual review of relevant journals, and from bibliographies of identified articles.
91 rch (1980 to present) and a manual review of bibliographies of identified articles.
92 97), EMBASE, Phytodok, the Cochrane Library, bibliographies of identified trials and review articles,
93 15, databases from specialist societies, and bibliographies of included studies and recent relevant r
94 of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and bibliographies of included studies were searched from da
95                             We also searched bibliographies of included studies, related reviews, and
96                         We hand searched the bibliographies of included studies, yielding a total of
97                          We had searched the bibliographies of included studies, yielding a total of
98  materials from experts in the field and the bibliographies of key reviews and included studies.
99 , and EMBASE (1984-2001), manual searches of bibliographies of known primary and review articles, and
100 tudies examining pacing and syncope, and the bibliographies of known systematic reviews were also exa
101                                          The bibliographies of obtained articles were also reviewed.
102                            Subsequently, the bibliographies of obtained literature were reviewed for
103             Additional data sources included bibliographies of papers identified on MEDLINE and bibli
104                                              Bibliographies of pertinent articles and books were also
105 PubMed and from references identified in the bibliographies of pertinent articles and books.
106  references were obtained from searching the bibliographies of pertinent articles and by reviewing ar
107                                  A search of bibliographies of pertinent articles and queries of expe
108   Additional references were identified from bibliographies of pertinent articles and queries to expe
109 EMBASE (January 1969 to April 2010), and the bibliographies of pertinent articles to identify relevan
110 proceedings and abstracts, US Census Bureau, bibliographies of pertinent articles, and travel medicin
111 nical trials and was extended by a review of bibliographies of pertinent reports of original data and
112 ssertation Abstracts Online), Index Medicus, bibliographies of pertinent review articles and pertinen
113 MEDLINE data; directed searches based on the bibliographies of primary articles were also performed.
114 canned references in identified articles and bibliographies of prominent textbooks of physical examin
115        Studies were also identified from the bibliographies of published articles about test performa
116 ching Medline and CancerLit and by review of bibliographies of published trials.
117                       We searched PubMed and bibliographies of recent review articles.
118 EDLINE search (1966 to present) and from the bibliographies of relevant articles and were selected fo
119                             We also reviewed bibliographies of relevant articles to identify addition
120 entified through a MEDLINE search, review of bibliographies of relevant articles, and review of abstr
121 tified through a MEDLINE search and from the bibliographies of relevant articles.
122 LINE (January 1966-February 2000) as well as bibliographies of relevant articles.
123  PsycINFO and Current Contents databases and bibliographies of relevant articles.
124                         We also reviewed the bibliographies of relevant citations to identify additio
125 d, EMBASE, and Google Scholar databases plus bibliographies of relevant studies and reviews were sear
126                                              Bibliographies of relevant studies were also searched.
127                Additionally, we searched the bibliographies of reports identified and websites of hea
128                                              Bibliographies of retrieved articles and textbooks were
129 agnosis; or sensitivity and specificity; and bibliographies of retrieved articles and textbooks.
130                                              Bibliographies of retrieved articles were also used to i
131                                              Bibliographies of retrieved articles were manually revie
132 ured MEDLINE search (1966 to 1995), reviews, bibliographies of retrieved articles, author files, and
133 om a MEDLINE search (1966 to 1995), reviews, bibliographies of retrieved articles, author files, and
134                                  Searches of bibliographies of retrieved articles, the Cochrane Libra
135 s well as physical examination textbooks and bibliographies of retrieved articles, yielding 2521 pote
136  MEDLINE, supplemented by a manual search of bibliographies of retrieved articles.
137 rieved from MEDLINE and Reference Update and bibliographies of retrieved articles.
138 e using the keywords stroke and alcohol; and bibliographies of retrieved articles.
139 ses (1966-2006); conference proceedings; and bibliographies of retrieved articles.
140 d MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, and bibliographies of retrieved articles.
141 nown as Thompson ISI), and ERIC (1966-2007); bibliographies of retrieved articles; and conference pro
142 ls, we searched MEDLINE and EMBASE; examined bibliographies of retrieved articles; contacted experts
143                                              Bibliographies of retrieved reports were also reviewed.
144 ts of scientific meetings, and review of the bibliographies of retrieved studies.
145                           We scrutinized the bibliographies of returned studies for additional articl
146 EDLINE database, conference proceedings, and bibliographies of review articles and book chapters were
147 sion during pregnancy, by manually searching bibliographies of review articles, and through discussio
148 s; further references were obtained from the bibliographies of reviewed articles.
149 les for review and collected references from bibliographies of reviews, original research articles, a
150 he search was broadened by articles from the bibliographies of selected articles.
151 SCO panel literature search, as well as from bibliographies of selected articles.
152 edline Search (1966 to 1995) and through the bibliographies of selected articles.
153   We also searched related citations and the bibliographies of selected studies and relevant review a
154 ed systematic evidence reviews; experts; and bibliographies of selected trials.
155 databases from January 2009 to July 2017 and bibliographies of systematic reviews.
156 ctronic databases from 2009 to July 2017 and bibliographies of systematic reviews.
157 ce literature, including MEDLINE, along with bibliographies of textbooks in these areas, were searche
158 ary 1966-November 1997), personal files, and bibliographies of textbooks on physical diagnosis and id
159 rin, cerebrovascular disorders, and stroke), bibliographies of the articles retrieved, and the author
160  identified using a Mediline search, and the bibliographies of the articles were retrieved.
161                                    Published bibliographies of the field were also searched.
162             MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and the bibliographies of the papers identified were used as dat
163 erformed of the relevant journals and of the bibliographies of the papers identified.
164 ary, 2005), the EBMR, Cochrane Register, and bibliographies of the published articles.
165                                Review of the bibliographies of the references identified by this sear
166                                              Bibliographies of the retrieved articles were cross-chec
167     We searched the Medline database and the bibliographies of the retrieved manuscripts, reviews, an
168  We searched 12 electronic databases and the bibliographies of the retrieved papers, review articles,
169                                              Bibliographies of the retrieved studies were searched by
170 s, and further references were obtained from bibliographies of the reviewed articles.
171  references were obtained from searching the bibliographies of the selected articles, from dissertati
172     Additional references were obtained from bibliographies of the selected articles.
173                        Articles cited in the bibliographies of these and other articles were searched
174 ditional references were identified from the bibliographies of these articles and related textbooks.
175                                              Bibliographies of these articles and the personal librar
176                                          The bibliographies of these articles were reviewed to identi
177                                          The bibliographies of these references also were used to ide
178                                              Bibliographies of these studies were surveyed for additi
179 SIS, LILACS, Cochrane Library, and Brazilian Bibliography of Dentistry databases were conducted with
180                              A comprehensive bibliography of empirical research on informed consent p
181 E, Cochrane Database of Clinical Trials, and bibliography of retrieved articles through August 11, 20
182 Database), African Healthline, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Eldis, Briti
183 EDLINE, the ClinicalTrials.gov registry, and bibliographies on manufacturer websites for studies writ
184 describe the advantages of using the FlyBase bibliography over alternative literature resources.
185 splantation," "human," and "clinical trial." Bibliographies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, the United
186                             Principally, the bibliography provides a set of references that are speci
187 hed electronic databases, conducted a manual bibliography review, and consulted experts in the field.
188  through November 1995 and from an extensive bibliography review.
189 cles, with 1 additional article added from a bibliography search, for a total of 18 human studies.
190       This search was supplemented by manual bibliography searches of identified trials and other rev
191                                 Database and bibliography searches yielded 2,479 articles, of which 4
192  Additional articles were identified through bibliography searches.
193                                   Exhaustive bibliography searching of each identified article brough
194 coverage of experimentally validated data, a bibliography submission system is developed for scientis
195 rimental annotation, the PIR has developed a bibliography system for literature searching, mapping, a
196             We also hand searched manuscript bibliographies that met inclusion criteria, selected rhe
197 nt an overview of the current content of the bibliography, the pipeline for identifying and adding ne
198 rtain averaged observables from experimental bibliography, they are insufficient to vindicate aggrega
199 INE, EMBASE, 13 other databases, and article bibliographies to identify relevant evidence.
200                                  A review of bibliographies was also utilized.
201 d-of-life care literature and organizational bibliographies was conducted.
202                             Manual search of bibliographies was performed and relevant studies were r
203 o identify additional studies, and the final bibliography was distributed to experts in the field to
204              For each relevant citation, the bibliography was reviewed to identify additional sources
205                                              Bibliographies were also reviewed to find additional rep
206                                    Pertinent bibliographies were also reviewed to find reports not ot
207 tic reviews, and practice guidelines); their bibliographies were also reviewed to identify additional
208 es, clinical trials, case series), and their bibliographies were also reviewed to identify relevant p
209                   Unpublished literature and bibliographies were also reviewed.
210                        Relevant websites and bibliographies were also searched.
211                                     Selected bibliographies were also searched.
212                                              Bibliographies were hand searched, and authors were cont
213                                    Published bibliographies were manually searched, and unpublished s
214                                              Bibliographies were reviewed to extract other relevant a
215                                              Bibliographies were reviewed to identify other articles
216 rched up to the end of August 2015 and study bibliographies were reviewed.
217 s pertaining to diagnostic testing behavior; bibliographies were scanned to identify articles of pote
218 d support for indicated conclusions, and the bibliographies were scrutinized for pertinent references
219                                              Bibliographies were searched to identify additional arti
220 ), the Cochrane Network, HAPI databases, and bibliographies were searched.
221 human subjects and manual reviews of article bibliographies were used to identify studies of prognosi
222 ent spectra were clearly identified from the bibliography, which showed different main Raman bands at

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