


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ding is strongly enhanced by the presence of bicarbonate.
2 annel for small anions, such as chloride and bicarbonate.
3 eature of this system: ROS-GC is a sensor of bicarbonate.
4 bility and recovery of Ce in the presence of bicarbonate.
5 atalyzing the oxidation of formate to H2 and bicarbonate.
6 ate of decline of serum hematocrit and serum bicarbonate.
7 on of the carboxylate and subsequent loss of bicarbonate.
8 iobium-tantalum bearing minerals with sodium bicarbonate.
9 agnostic criteria to distinguish the role of bicarbonate.
10 m, and, following the final exposure, higher bicarbonate.
11 e- to 20-fold) compared to defects caused by bicarbonate.
12 ensitivity of ToxT to its positive effector, bicarbonate.
13 , and completely overcome by the addition of bicarbonate.
14 nism for the enhancement of ToxT activity by bicarbonate.
15 degradation in microcosms amended with 10 mM bicarbonate.
16 ated more pyruvate conversion to lactate and bicarbonate.
17 creased pancreatic and biliary fluid rich in bicarbonate.
18 rganic cofactor biotin for the activation of bicarbonate.
19 binding site for the physiological activator bicarbonate.
20 pidly the interconversion of aqueous CO2 and bicarbonate.
21 oteins, whereas sAC is uniquely activated by bicarbonate.
22 tural abundance, in inorganic carbonates and bicarbonates.
23 vate ratio but had no effect on the [1-(13)C]bicarbonate + (13)CO2:[1-(13)C]pyruvate ratio, an index
24 vestigational product administered in sodium bicarbonate 15 minutes after each meal.
25 74g.L(-1)), hydrogen peroxide (21.0g.L(-1)), bicarbonate (4.0g.L(-1)), carbonate (4.0g.L(-1)), chlori
26 s evidenced by significant changes in [(13)C]bicarbonate (-48%), [1-(13)C]acetylcarnitine (+113%), an
27 extracellular pH with 1 mm HEPES, removal of bicarbonate abolished feedback.
28 und that AE2 deficiency led to intracellular bicarbonate accumulation and increased expression and ac
29 by facilitating the exchange of chloride and bicarbonate across the plasma membrane of erythrocytes.
30 ion with 0.9% sodium chloride or 1.4% sodium bicarbonate administered with the same infusion protocol
31                             Serum magnesium, bicarbonate, albumin, and phosphate levels were the main
32 rove the observed trend via reduced cellular bicarbonate allocation to calcification.
33 icrobial fuel cells (MFCs) by using ammonium bicarbonate (AmB) solutions in multiple RED cell pair st
34      There was no interaction between sodium bicarbonate and acetylcysteine with respect to the prima
35 ferent from those produced in the absence of bicarbonate and are most likely specific for simian SOD1
36         However, feeding the bacterium (13)C-bicarbonate and cellobiose followed by NMR analysis show
37 ed evidence on the association between serum bicarbonate and clinical outcomes.
38 trations of inorganic forms of carbon (i.e., bicarbonate and CO2) in order to improve the efficiency
39  carboxysomes play key roles in accumulating bicarbonate and CO2, but other regulatory elements of ca
40 de surface through rapid equilibrium between bicarbonate and dissolved CO2.
41 change of sulfate or oxalate for chloride or bicarbonate and electroneutral chloride:bicarbonate exch
42 he produced gas, a mixture of ethanolaminium bicarbonate and ethanolamine bisulphide is also produced
43 ttack of the carbamic acid, and formation of bicarbonate and MNPZ.
44 extracted from four agricultural soils by Na-bicarbonate and Na-pyrophosphate, by two complementary a
45                           Intravenous sodium bicarbonate and oral acetylcysteine are widely used to p
46 trophic for its energy source and using both bicarbonate and organic matter as carbon sources.
47                                        Serum bicarbonate and pH decreased.
48 ed mode chromatography with aqueous ammonium bicarbonate and pyridine buffer solutions as mobile phas
49 s with the observed zero-order dependence in bicarbonate and simulated interfacial concentration grad
50 zed to receive tOPV with or without a sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate buffer at age 6, 10, and
51 effective complexation of chloride, nitrate, bicarbonate and sulfate anions via hydrogen bonding.
52 ined as the difference between the converted bicarbonate and the initial carbonate concentration.
53  applied to soluble inorganic carbonates and bicarbonates and then extended to insoluble carbonates b
54  was 115 for [1-(13)C]pyruvate, 56 for (13)C-bicarbonate, and 53 for [1-(13)C]lactate.
55  in vitro by incubation of UreG with nickel, bicarbonate, and GTP.
56  use the equilibrium between carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, and protons to buffer their pH.
57 h a continuous flow of (13)C-enriched sodium bicarbonate, and the sodium persulfate oxidation reactio
58 growth in media containing glucose and CO(2)/bicarbonate, and there is a positive correlation between
59              A three-variable model of IL-8, bicarbonate, and tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 accura
60 least 4-fold lower after reaction with 10 mM bicarbonate ( approximately pH 8.3).
61 ined the (13)C/(12)C ratio of carbonates and bicarbonates ( approximately 50-100 mg) with a precision
62 o tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates and bicarbonate are declining.
63 ntrations of ammonium phosphate and ammonium bicarbonate are used to extract bone proteins.
64 l solvent mixture, and tetra-n-butylammonium bicarbonate as a phase-transfer agent.
65 ts within the small intestine using bile and bicarbonate as chemical cues and responds by modulating
66 ion was carried out using water and ammonium bicarbonate as mobile phase in gradient mode.
67 ATP-dependent carboxylation of biotin, using bicarbonate as the CO(2) donor.
68 can hydrogenate CO2 to formate in water with bicarbonate as the only added reagent.
69 the digests were eluted with 200 mM ammonium bicarbonate at pH 8.2 for CZE-MS/MS analysis using 1 M a
70  be a unique type of PII protein that senses bicarbonate availability, consistent with its apparent g
71 kinetic properties might limit intracellular bicarbonate availability.
72 This chamber is immersed in a container of a bicarbonate-based physiological buffer that mimics the S
73 ery of oil bodies from rapeseed using sodium bicarbonate-based soaking and grinding media (pH 9.5) wa
74                                           In bicarbonate-bearing matrices, the fractionation depended
75 1) the presence of amines and water leads to bicarbonate being present and/or (2) the multiple types
76  P=0.003), sodium (beta=0.101; P=0.006), and bicarbonate (beta=0.094; P=0.009) were associated with h
77 g; P = .25), although daily changes of serum bicarbonate (between-group difference, -0.8 mEq/L; 95% C
78 ansporter, permeable to Na(+), H(+) (OH(-)), bicarbonate, borate, and NH4 (+).
79            In VSCTA-SAX, the use of ammonium bicarbonate buffer for elution improves resolution throu
80  of viral infection fibrils formed in sodium bicarbonate buffer remain stable over time, but semen-de
81  changed by using 40 mm HEPES in addition to bicarbonate buffer.
82 racellular fluid pH under OA by accumulating bicarbonate but exhibited a slight alkalosis in response
83  and SbtA, where BicA has a low affinity for bicarbonate but high flux rate, and SbtA has a high affi
84       The effect is not limited to carbonate/bicarbonate, but is extendable to a series of ions.
85                                    Carbonate/bicarbonate can also be sensitively detected.
86 e Regulator (CFTR) is the secretory chloride/bicarbonate channel in airways and intestine that is act
87  manner encodes an epithelial transporter of bicarbonate, chloride, and thiocyanate, named pendrin, t
88 esence of nitrate and significant amounts of bicarbonate (close to 2 mM), 5-fluorouracil was rapidly
89  K activity, and both were reduced by sodium bicarbonate co-transporter (P </= 0.0001) and carbonic a
90 on, they modulate the activity of the sodium-bicarbonate co-transporter, leading to a hyperpolarizati
91  hydrogen ion exporters, particularly sodium bicarbonate co-transporters and carbonic anhydrases, whi
92 n, sAC acts as a physiological sensor for pH/bicarbonate/CO2, and it has been implicated as a therape
93 iron, as iron chelation combined with sodium bicarbonate completely protected endothelial cells from
94                                      Initial bicarbonate concentration ( approximately 1 mM) was obta
95 uggesting that NBCe1 may operate over a wide bicarbonate concentration in these cells.
96 gallbladder containing dilute bile with high bicarbonate concentration.
97 r prevalence of vasopressor use, lower serum bicarbonate concentrations, and a higher prevalence of s
98 substantially above seawater values and that bicarbonate contributes a significant amount of the DIC
99                       The electrogenic Na(+)/bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1) of the Slc4 gene famil
100 out of astrocytes by the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1) played a crucial role
101                      The electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1 (SLC4A4) is a robust reg
102       SLC4A4 encodes the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1, a membrane protein that
103 c carbonic anhydrases, the basolateral Na(+) bicarbonate cotransporter Nbce1, and the basolateral ani
104 des the widely-expressed electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1, results in the bicarbon
105  heterologously expressed electrogenic Na(+)/bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1-A in an excised macropat
106 racterize Fe plaque using dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (DCB) extraction and elemental analysis reve
107 ims of this work were to examine whether the bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity of hSOD1 (hSOD
108                                          The bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity of hSOD1 cause
109                                     Although bicarbonate-dependent SACY activity requires Ca(2+), bas
110            Concern has arisen regarding high-bicarbonate dialysate and dialysis-induced alkalemia, bu
111 estinal epithelium by promoting chloride and bicarbonate efflux into the lumen through activation of
112               We introduce a novel carbonate-bicarbonate eluent generation system in which CO2 is int
113                 Demonstrably purer carbonate-bicarbonate eluent systems are possible compared to manu
114 ible compared to manually prepared carbonate-bicarbonate eluents and with considerable savings in tim
115      When applied to retinal photoreceptors, bicarbonate enhanced the circulating current, decreased
116                              We propose that bicarbonate enhances the rate of CO production on Au by
117 racted with Na-pyrophosphate but not with Na-bicarbonate, except for one soil.
118    Anion exchanger-1 (AE1) mediates chloride-bicarbonate exchange across the plasma membranes of eryt
119 e or bicarbonate and electroneutral chloride:bicarbonate exchange.
120 (ENaC) and the pendrin/Na(+)-driven chloride/bicarbonate exchanger (pendrin/NDCBE) transport system w
121                                   Bile flow, bicarbonate excretion, and total bile acids were measure
122                                 In contrast, bicarbonate exerted an effect when applied to the inner
123  in ToxT binding affinity in the presence of bicarbonate explains the elevated level of virulence gen
124                               Carbamates and bicarbonate fall within a small (13)C chemical shift ran
125  changes in HC membrane voltage also require bicarbonate flux across the HC membrane.
126 focused on use of N-acetylcysteine or sodium bicarbonate for the prevention of contrast-induced AKI a
127                                Intracellular bicarbonate generated by luminal H(+) secretion is remov
128 llected main peak in pH 9 buffer or ammonium bicarbonate generated chromatograms that are highly simi
129  saline group and 53 patients (35.1%) in the bicarbonate group (absolute risk difference, -1.8%; 95%
130                   Patients randomized to the bicarbonate group (n = 151) showed a higher urinary pH a
131 in 110 of 2511 patients (4.4%) in the sodium bicarbonate group as compared with 116 of 2482 (4.7%) in
132 99) were also similar between the saline and bicarbonate groups, respectively.
133 (VI) are in the following order: phosphate > bicarbonate &gt; borate.
134 sulfate > hydrogen phosphate > thiocyanate > bicarbonate &gt; chloride > formate approximately bromide >
135 change of hyperpolarized (13)C label between bicarbonate (H(13)CO3(-)) and carbon dioxide ((13)CO2),
136 oncrete (or those lacking adsorbed carbonate/bicarbonate) H2O2 activation for CWA decontamination is
137 ous acid production, and serum potassium and bicarbonate), hazard ratios of the composite outcome of
138                        Chloride (Cl(-) ) and bicarbonate (HCO3 (-) ) are two major anions and their p
139  interconversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) and bicarbonate (HCO3 (-)).
140                                              Bicarbonate (HCO3(-)) is an abundant anion that regulate
141 te (RnNCOO(-)), carbamic acid (RnNCOOH), and bicarbonate (HCO3(-)) moieties.
142                                   Removal of bicarbonate (HCO3(-)) shifts the Em from approximately -
143 ifferent concentrations (1, 3, and 10 mM) of bicarbonate (HCO3(-)) under light and dark conditions.
144 rbon dioxide gas (CO2) or its hydrated form, bicarbonate (HCO3(-)), into target molecules.
145 ong these, only sAC is directly activated by bicarbonate (HCO3(-)); it thereby serves as a cellular s
146 together with elevated terrestrial export of bicarbonate (HCO3(-); 3.6 mueq L(-1) yr(-1)).
147 ese data are consistent with the presence of bicarbonate, HCO3(-), since it is commonly observed at a
148 e, chloride, iodide, cyanide, pyrophosphate, bicarbonate, hydrosulphide, peroxynitrite, hypochlorite
149 ne and sulfate and production of sulfide and bicarbonate, (ii) methane loss coupled to production of
150 tomic analysis of CB1190 cells grown with H2/bicarbonate implicated the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) c
151 t that disrupting pH homeostasis by blocking bicarbonate import might broadly relieve the common resi
152 hich is then exchanged for urea and ammonium bicarbonate in a centrifugal filter, before treating wit
153 H regulator sensitive for acid that secretes bicarbonate in exchange for chloride.
154 e-mediated process, particularly the role of bicarbonate in increasing CO2 reduction rates, is still
155  the transmembrane transport of chloride and bicarbonate in model phospholipid liposomes, induce acid
156 planation was confirmed by administration of bicarbonate in the drinking water, which elevated tumor
157                   Therefore, the presence of bicarbonates in the environment stimulates the photodeco
158                                         Many bicarbonate-incorporating carboxylases rely on the organ
159 conversion of (13)C1-pyruvate to lactate and bicarbonate, indicating active glycolytic and OxPhos met
160 ident in all but slac1 and ost1 mutants, the bicarbonate-induced activation of S-type anion channels
161                       Lack of MPK12 impaired bicarbonate-induced activation of S-type anion channels.
162 uscular blockade agents or nitric oxide use, bicarbonate infusion, cardiac arrest, PaCO2, and peak in
163 ents of colored and alkaline waters (NOM and bicarbonate) inhibited the catalytic effects of Fe(VI) d
164 osphate in the mitochondria from ammonia and bicarbonate, initiating nitrogen disposal.
165                                     Although bicarbonate injection enhanced local rates near the inje
166 und that in all three species, CFTR secreted bicarbonate into airway surface liquid.
167 ating machinery to transport Ca(2+), Pi, and bicarbonate into maturation-stage enamel.
168 eloblasts express Dra and Slc26a6 to secrete bicarbonate into the enamel space in exchange for Cl(-).
169 meloblasts suggests that these cells secrete bicarbonates into the forming enamel, but it is unknown
170 ngle components of pancreatic juice, such as bicarbonate ions and calcium carbonate crystals, induce
171                  However, in the presence of bicarbonate ions, a significantly higher photoreduction
172 cal species such as hydroxide, carbonate and bicarbonate ions.
173 MR showed that the formation of carbonate or bicarbonate is excluded.
174                                 We show that bicarbonate is neither a general acid nor a reaction par
175 al concentration gradients, we conclude that bicarbonate is not a general acid cocatalyst.
176                  In contrast, in cases where bicarbonate is present at a higher concentration, aqueou
177                                              Bicarbonate is taken up into the V. cholerae cell, where
178                             Because ammonium bicarbonate is used, the samples can be evaporated rathe
179  H2O2 activation by surface-bound carbonates/bicarbonates (known H2O2 activators for CWA decontaminat
180 cilitating the measurement of anions such as bicarbonate, lactate, citrate and urate in a variety of
181                          After adjusting for bicarbonate less than 20 mEq/L, lactate concentration, r
182 tion in multivariate analysis included serum bicarbonates less than 20 mM (odds ratio, 4.9 [95% CI, 1
183 ltinomial logistic regression model, a serum bicarbonate level less than 10 mEq/L (compared with >/=1
184                      Both high and low serum bicarbonate levels associate with an increased risk of m
185  could identify patients with CKD and normal bicarbonate levels who might benefit from alkali before
186                      Elevating intracellular bicarbonate levels within HCs prevented this loss of fee
187           Oxidation of D2:(244)Y, which is a bicarbonate ligand for the nonheme iron, induces the pro
188     Notably, neutralizing tumor acidity with bicarbonate monotherapy impaired the growth of some canc
189 gimes (1) N-acetylcysteine (NAC), (2) sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) infusion, (3) NAC in combination wi
190 line, statin, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), NAC+NaHCO3, ascorbic acid, xanthin
191 remote basic site in the anion namely, OH of bicarbonate, NH of prolinate, and activated water in the
192 Ni(cyclam)(CO)](+), and a Ni(II) coordinated bicarbonate, [Ni(cyclam)(CO2OH)](+).
193 etylsalicylic acid, N-acetylcysteine, sodium bicarbonate, off-pump coronary revascularization, goal-d
194               A third species that is either bicarbonate or a second carbamate is evident from bimoda
195 cent studies indicate, however, that neither bicarbonate or borate is a substrate.
196 iography to receive intravenous 1.26% sodium bicarbonate or intravenous 0.9% sodium chloride and 5 da
197 radical, and did not occur in the absence of bicarbonate or with enzymes that lack the Trp(32) residu
198 , there was no benefit of intravenous sodium bicarbonate over intravenous sodium chloride or of oral
199 iated with the decision to administer sodium bicarbonate (p<0.0001).
200 rlier acid-base indicator of risk than serum bicarbonate, particularly in patients without acidosis.
201  evidence that pore dilatation increases the bicarbonate permeability (P HC O3/ Cl ) of anion channel
202                Pore dilatation increases the bicarbonate permeability (P HC O3/ Cl ) of CFTR, ANO1 an
203                                  Compared to bicarbonate, phosphate (1.0 mM) has a net stabilizing ef
204 w baseline chloride was associated with high bicarbonate, poor diuretic response, less hemoconcentrat
205 ed in medians (interquartile ranges) for the bicarbonate powder after 5, 10, 15, and 20 seconds, resp
206 ical diameter open for instrumentation using bicarbonate powder and glycine powder.
207 ts with exposed root surfaces, cleaning with bicarbonate powder cannot be recommended.
208 pture, chemical conversion, and storage as a bicarbonate, predominantly as NaHCO3.
209                 Paratyphi A following sodium bicarbonate pretreatment at 1 of 2 dose levels (group 1:
210 the hypothesis that impeding the reuptake of bicarbonate produced extracellularly by CA9 could exacer
211 d L-lactate, showing that CanB is crucial in bicarbonate provision for pyruvate carboxylase-mediated
212                          The elusive neutral bicarbonate radical and the carbonate radical anion form
213                               This marks the bicarbonate radical as the strongest known carboxylic ac
214  thermodynamic and activation parameters for bicarbonate radical dissociation, obtained from DFT comp
215 ations at the CAM-B3LYP level applied to the bicarbonate radical itself.
216 w report experimental studies for a model of bicarbonate radical, namely, methyl carbonate (methoxyca
217                               The acidity of bicarbonate radicals was also examined by DFT methods.
218                        DFT computations with bicarbonate radicals, solvated with up to eight water mo
219  renal function, the benefit of using sodium bicarbonate rather than isotonic sodium chloride for pre
220               To test whether hydration with bicarbonate rather than isotonic sodium chloride reduces
221 e 60 minutes after occlusion, the lactate-to-bicarbonate ratio in the AAR recovered but was still ele
222       At reperfusion, the average lactate-to-bicarbonate ratio increased in the AAR relative to that
223           These changes associated with less bicarbonate reabsorption and higher lithium clearance in
224 n with 5 mM glucose stimulates NHE3-mediated bicarbonate reabsorption.
225                                          Via bicarbonate regulation, sAC acts as a physiological sens
226 t release the mucus, but further addition of bicarbonate rendered the CF mucus normal, suggesting tha
227 /- 0.2 muM and 22.5 +/- 0.3 mM carbonate and bicarbonate, respectively).
228  The expression of both is controlled by the bicarbonate-responsive transcriptional regulator, AtxA.
229 mycosis, but not aspergillosis, while sodium bicarbonate reversed this susceptibility.
230 y formed by precipitation with carbonates in bicarbonate-rich environments, and their migration may b
231 mulates the exocrine pancreatic secretion of bicarbonate-rich fluid from the acinar cells of the panc
232  consisting of ethanol and FeCl2, and sodium bicarbonate (SBC) as a bubble-generating agent.
233                        ITPR3 is required for bicarbonate secretion by bile ducts, and its expression
234 nd containing less chloride (suggesting more bicarbonate secretion).
235 s cellular processes, including gastric acid/bicarbonate secretion, mucus secretion, and cell migrati
236 stinal (GI) tract CFTR promotes chloride and bicarbonate secretion, playing an essential role in ion
237 In addition to reducing biliary chloride and bicarbonate secretion, up-regulation of toll-like recept
238 ked reduction in pancreatic ductal fluid and bicarbonate secretion.
239       Anion exchanger 2 (AE2), the principal bicarbonate secretor in the human biliary tree, is down-
240  that many pH-sensing systems measure pH via bicarbonate-sensing soluble adenylyl cyclase.
241 bunit Cox5a, homologue of human COX4i1, in a bicarbonate-sensitive manner.
242 lts demonstrate a surprisingly high apparent bicarbonate sensitivity mediated by NBCe1 in cortical as
243 l cyclase (sAC), an evolutionarily conserved bicarbonate sensor.
244                           Because proton and bicarbonate shift concomitantly, it remained unclear whe
245                      Citrate, metabolized to bicarbonate, should decrease calcium excretion by reduci
246                      The appearance of (13)C-bicarbonate signal after administration of hyperpolarize
247 g of the downstream metabolites showed (13)C-bicarbonate signal mainly confined to the left ventricul
248 rized [1-(13)C]pyruvate, the resulting (13)C-bicarbonate signal was found to be 24 +/- 6% lower in th
249  is a positive correlation between the CO(2)/bicarbonate signal, AtxA activity and homomultimerizatio
250            The magnitude of both lactate and bicarbonate signals were positively correlated with the
251 molarity of medium used; the use of a sodium bicarbonate solution (pH 9.5, 0.1M) in the grinding and
252 noculum of virulent S. Typhi administered in bicarbonate solution can be performed safely using an am
253 d-naive volunteers when ingested with sodium bicarbonate solution.
254 less than 200 mV of overpotential in aqueous bicarbonate solutions.
255                     N-acetylcysteine, sodium bicarbonate, statins, and ascorbic acid have been studie
256                  In mutant sperm lacking the bicarbonate-stimulated SACY activity, bPAC restored moti
257   In the presence of atmospherically derived bicarbonate the formation of the bis-carbonato inner-sph
258 mediated increase in c-di-GMP is quenched by bicarbonate, the intestinal pH buffer secreted by intest
259 vant is the selectivity between chloride and bicarbonate, the major inorganic anions in biological sy
260  be inefficient conversion of gaseous CO2 to bicarbonate, the required substrate of various carboxyla
261                       Furthermore, combining bicarbonate therapy with anti-CTLA-4, anti-PD1, or adopt
262                 Further, we demonstrate that bicarbonate, through equilibrium exchange with dissolved
263 s blood electrolyte concentration to convert bicarbonate to CO2 before entering the membrane lung, en
264 ontrolled proton sink allowed one to convert bicarbonate to the detectable carbonate species.
265 y, showing evidence of impaired provision of bicarbonate to the four enzymes that participate in key
266 lleague's likelihood of administering sodium bicarbonate to the same patient under the same circumsta
267 injured hemisphere, while the hyperpolarized bicarbonate-to-lactate ratio was 33 +/- 8% lower in the
268 polarization of HCs also involves changes in bicarbonate transport across the HC membrane.
269  regulated, vectorial, basolateral-to-apical bicarbonate transport in polarized HAT-7 cells.
270  was recapitulated by selectively inhibiting bicarbonate transport in vitro and ex vivo.
271                                            A bicarbonate transport inhibitor, 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2
272 for NADH dehydrogenase subunit D4)/cmpA (for bicarbonate transport system substrate-binding protein A
273 ased viscosity in situ due to the absence of bicarbonate transport, explaining defective MCT that occ
274 inding protein A)/sbtA (for sodium-dependent bicarbonate transporter A): Delta4 mutant of Synechocyst
275 ransporter family with homology to the human bicarbonate transporter Band 3.
276                     SLC4A10 encodes a sodium bicarbonate transporter with a brain-restricted expressi
277 rough a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (sNHE) and/or a bicarbonate transporter, which utilizes the inward drivi
278 poxia induced the expression of at least one bicarbonate transporter.
279                                Transmembrane bicarbonate transporters and carboxysomes play key roles
280 requent inductions were of the sodium-driven bicarbonate transporters SLC4A4 and SLC4A9, which rely u
281  a small-molecule inhibitor of sodium-driven bicarbonate transporters, increased apoptosis in the cel
282                               AE2 creates a "bicarbonate umbrella" that protects cholangiocytes from
283 cal and isotopic equilibrium between CO2 and bicarbonate under these conditions.
284 f disparate practices with respect to sodium bicarbonate use.
285 at was not statistically significant: sodium bicarbonate versus IV saline in patients receiving low-o
286                                              Bicarbonate was coinjected in half of the domain to mobi
287 ion, pH, ionic strength, and the presence of bicarbonate was considered.
288                                              Bicarbonate was effective when applied either to the out
289                                              Bicarbonate was found to increase the activation of ToxT
290  The conversion of pyruvate into lactate and bicarbonate was imaged by using dedicated MR sequences a
291 arbonate cotransporter NBCe1, results in the bicarbonate-wasting disease proximal renal tubular acido
292 beled mu-(16)O(bridging-oxo) 1A(+) and (18)O-bicarbonate/water shows (1) no exchange of (18)O into th
293 ction and biliary secretion of bilirubin and bicarbonate were significantly higher after HMP, compare
294 s work identified another intestinal signal, bicarbonate, which enhances the ability of ToxT to activ
295      Increasing the luminal concentration of bicarbonate, which mimics CF transmembrane conductance r
296  active uptake of CO2 (70% contribution) and bicarbonate, while at high CO2 , cells were restricted t
297  from GTP at faster rates in the presence of bicarbonate with an ED50 of 27 mM for ROS-GC1 and 39 mM
298 )C isotope ratio in inorganic carbonates and bicarbonates with applications in different fields, such
299 ning the cold precursors THP-PSMA and sodium bicarbonate, with no further manipulation.
300 ielded the greatest improvement in PaCO2 and bicarbonate, with significant differences relative to th

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