


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the stone would employ a two-muscle chain of biceps brachii and latissimus dorsi.
2 ar enthesis organs were seen at 2 sites, the biceps brachii and patellar tendon insertions.
3 ospinal tract and responses were recorded in biceps brachii and quadriceps femoris.
4 erent input were observed in the homonymous (biceps brachii) and antagonist (triceps brachii) motor n
5 r (Pmajor) and posterior deltoid (Pdeltoid); biceps brachii (Bi) and Tri brachii (Tri), and linking m
6 e recorded in the surface EMG of contracting biceps brachii (Bi), evoked by taps applied to the tendo
7 e acquired high-density EMG signals from the biceps brachii in 5 male transhumeral amputees who under
8 he effects on the oxidative status of liver, biceps brachii muscle and serum were also tested.
9 rected to the motor cortex representation of biceps brachii muscle during the adaptation phase of the
10 same recordings were also performed from the biceps brachii muscle of additional 5 able-bodied indivi
11 red with single- and paired-pulse TMS in the biceps brachii muscle proximal to INB.
12 hibition (ICI) and facilitation (ICF) to the biceps brachii muscle proximal to the level of deafferen
13                            Spasticity of the biceps brachii muscle was assessed using the modified As
14 asound were recorded simultaneously over the biceps brachii muscle.
15 magnetic stimulation (TMS) in small hand and biceps brachii muscles before, during and after INB of t
16  array was used to record surface EMG of the biceps brachii muscles from both impaired and non-impair
17              M-wave recordings for bilateral biceps brachii muscles were also made.
18 he rotator interval and the long head of the biceps brachii tendon are anatomically closely associate
19 instability patterns of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon are difficult.
20 ted with instability of the long head of the biceps brachii tendon.
21 tor pollicis brevis, abductor digiti minimi, biceps brachii, tibialis anterior, extensor dig. brevis,
22 mous, monosynaptic Group Ia projections from biceps brachii to both the antagonist triceps brachii an
23   Small taps were delivered to the tendon of biceps brachii using an electromechanical tapper.
24  post-stroke patients with spasticity of the biceps brachii, we found involuntary microscopic contrac
25 scharge characteristics of 53 motor units in biceps brachii were recorded after being recruited durin
26            The surface EMG was recorded from biceps brachii when two different types of sinusoidally

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