


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 anscription factors including Gli, GAGA, and Bicoid.
2 rosophila requires the anterior determinant, Bicoid.
3 paired activity and thus indirectly requires bicoid.
4  reliance of anterior gap gene expression on Bicoid.
5  operates through a different mechanism than bicoid.
6 just beyond the initial border delineated by Bicoid.
7 s of maternal transcription factors, such as Bicoid.
8 plied to the mRNA secondary structure of the bicoid 3' untranslated region of Drosophila.
9 ectly and specifically to stem-loop V of the bicoid 3' UTR through its amino-terminal GLUE domain, ma
10 r axial patterning is largely established by bicoid, a rapidly evolving maternal-effect gene, working
11  regions containing saturating levels of the Bicoid activator, but function additively in regions whe
12                       Short interruptions of Bicoid activity alter the most anterior cell fate decisi
13 trol of the AP patterning system and require bicoid activity.
14              Indeed, it has been argued that bicoid, an instrumental "anterior" factor in Drosophila
15 es out this dual role, we sought to identify Bicoid-ancillary proteins that might mediate Bicoid's fu
16                               PITX2 binds to bicoid and bicoid-like elements in the Dlx2 promoter and
17 pecifically bound to the DNA and that whilst Bicoid and Caudal display a higher specificity, the othe
18 es in flies relies on redundant functions of Bicoid and Caudal, leading to a lack of dramatic action
19  control or splicing, or the localization of bicoid and gurken mRNAs and the organization of the micr
20  localization of three critical mRNAs-oskar, bicoid and gurken.
21 ions are distinct from the interplay between Bicoid and Hunchback, which pattern the anteroposterior
22           Together, our results suggest that Bicoid and its related homeodomains utilize distinct rec
23  Dl gradient are different from those of the Bicoid and MAPK phosphorylation gradients, which pattern
24                While orthologs of Drosophila bicoid and nanos play a conserved role in anteroposterio
25           Although the mechanisms that drive bicoid and oskar localization have been elusive, oocyte
26  is required for the localization of gurken, bicoid and oskar mRNA as well as post-translational modi
27 cytoskeleton in Drosophila oocytes, in which bicoid and oskar mRNAs become localised to establish the
28  9 oocyte and the subsequent localisation of bicoid and oskar mRNAs to opposite poles of the cell.
29 or the microtubule-dependent localization of bicoid and oskar mRNAs to opposite poles of the Drosophi
30 ule cytoskeleton directs the localisation of bicoid and oskar mRNAs to the anterior and posterior pol
31 shed during oogenesis by the localization of bicoid and oskar mRNAs to the anterior and posterior pol
32 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of Drosophila bicoid and oskar mRNAs.
33  a microtubule reorganisation that localises bicoid and oskar mRNAs.
34                Unlike maternal mRNAs such as bicoid and oskar that are localized by directed transpor
35                     Our results suggest that bicoid and oskar transcripts are also delivered to the o
36 and prevented essentially all translation of bicoid and several other mRNAs before egg activation.
37                   However, most insects lack bicoid, and the molecular mechanism for establishing hea
38 al 3' UTR, and (3) genetic interactions with bicoid, and with genes encoding eIF4E, Larp1, polyA bind
39 nteriorly localized MAPK substrates, such as Bicoid, antagonize MAPK-dependent downregulation of Capi
40 s involved in segmentation, fushi tarazu and bicoid, appear to have acquired these roles by functiona
41 s, supporting the idea that other regions of Bicoid are also important for cooperativity.
42 bryo and reveal that the nuclear dynamics of Bicoid are critical for maintaining precision within the
43 the phylogenetic distributions of panish and bicoid are limited to specific families of flies, reveal
44                                          The Bicoid-based anterior patterning system of Drosophila em
45 ties of two Drosophila homeodomain proteins, Bicoid (Bcd) and an altered-specificity mutant of Fushi
46 ning; such processes include localization of bicoid (bcd) and gurken (grk) mRNAs and anchoring of the
47 e 2) is directly activated by the morphogens Bicoid (Bcd) and Hunchback (Hb).
48  photoswitching of a fusion of the morphogen Bicoid (Bcd) and the photoconvertible fluorescent protei
49 est that the Drosophila transcription factor Bicoid (Bcd) binds to several thousand sites during earl
50          The Drosophila mophogenetic protein Bicoid (Bcd) can activate transcription in a concentrati
51 domain of the Drosophila morphogenic protein Bicoid (Bcd) complexed with a TAATCC DNA site is describ
52 crease the overall amount of the maternal TF Bicoid (Bcd) fivefold, Bcd concentrations in cells at po
53                                          The Bicoid (Bcd) gradient in Drosophila has long been a mode
54 ided by the Drosophila morphogenetic protein Bicoid (Bcd) in wild-type (wt) embryos with embryos lack
55         The Drosophila morphogen gradient of Bicoid (Bcd) initiates anterior-posterior (AP) patternin
56 osophila embryos where the maternal gradient Bicoid (Bcd) instructs anterior-patterning (AP) patterni
57                                              Bicoid (Bcd) is a Drosophila melanogaster morphogenetic
58         The Drosophila morphogenetic protein Bicoid (Bcd) is a homeodomain-containing activator that
59                                        While Bicoid (Bcd) is a known upstream regulator for hb expres
60                                              Bicoid (Bcd) is a transcriptional activator required for
61                       The maternal morphogen Bicoid (Bcd) is distributed in an embryonic gradient tha
62                              The gradient of Bicoid (Bcd) is key for the establishment of the anterio
63                 The homeodomain (HD) protein Bicoid (Bcd) is thought to function as a gradient morpho
64                    In the Drosophila embryo, Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen controls cell fate along 70% of t
65  developed methods to analyze the Drosophila Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen gradient system.
66 ntity of the model, the scaling power of the Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen gradient's amplitude nA.
67 ely by the activity of the dipteran-specific Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen gradient, which operates both ins
68 cusing specifically on the properties of the Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen gradient.
69           In Drosophila, the gradient of the Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen organizes the anteroposterior axi
70 as a broad anterior domain controlled by the Bicoid (Bcd) morphogen, and then in a stripe at the posi
71                              Localization of bicoid (bcd) mRNA in the oocyte is a microtubule-mediate
72                               In Drosophila, bicoid (bcd) mRNA is prelocalized at the oocyte anterior
73                              Localization of bicoid (bcd) mRNA to the anterior and oskar (osk) mRNA t
74 cal Puf protein Pumilio temporally regulates bicoid (bcd) mRNA translation via evolutionarily conserv
75  untranslated region (UTR) of the Drosophila bicoid (bcd) mRNA.
76 ternal determinants, such as oskar (osk) and bicoid (bcd) mRNAs, that determine the AP polarity of th
77                                              Bicoid (Bcd) protein distributes in a concentration grad
78                                          The Bicoid (Bcd) protein gradient is generally believed to b
79 ression of the maternal transcription factor Bicoid (Bcd) provides positional information to activate
80 supporting ectopic posterior localization of bicoid (bcd) RNA.
81                                          The Bicoid (Bcd) transcription factor is distributed as a lo
82 on the transport of RNA complexes containing bicoid (bcd), an anterior determinant.
83 ression levels of gurken (grk), oskar (osk), bicoid (bcd), and decapentaplegic (dpp) transcripts are
84 r embryos by depleting a key maternal input, bicoid (bcd), and measuring gene expression patterns of
85 xpressed a potent transcriptional activator, Bicoid (Bcd), in pole cells.
86 studies of the Drosophila morphogen gradient Bicoid (Bcd), which is required for anterior-posterior (
87 ere we perturb the timing of the shutdown of Bicoid (Bcd)-dependent hunchback (hb) transcription in t
88 axis is controlled by the morphogen gradient Bicoid (Bcd).
89 a spatial gradient of the maternal morphogen Bicoid (Bcd).
90 gonized by the anterior patterning morphogen Bicoid (Bcd).
91 ient of the homeodomain transcription factor bicoid (Bcd).
92 ar combinations of binding motifs, including Bicoid-Bicoid, Hunchback-Hunchback, Bicoid-Dorsal, Bicoi
93 ncluding in the posterior, where we observed Bicoid binding despite vanishingly low protein levels.
94 he DJ1/MTA1/RNA polymerase II complex to the bicoid binding element (BBE) in the TH promoter.
95 ntrast to canonical models, we observed that Bicoid binds to DNA with a rapid off rate throughout the
96 lute concentration), the noise in readout of Bicoid by the activation of Hunchback, and the reproduci
97  show that including trapping and release of Bicoid by the nuclei during cleavage cycles does not alt
98 eroposterior patterning in insects that lack Bicoid can provide insight into the evolution of the div
99                            To understand how Bicoid carries out this dual role, we sought to identify
100 hila TFs during early embryonic development: Bicoid, Caudal, Giant, Hunchback and Kruppel.
101 -Bicoid, Hunchback-Hunchback, Bicoid-Dorsal, Bicoid-Caudal and Dorsal-Twist.
102 enic Drosophila embryos using the Drosophila bicoid cis-regulatory and mRNA localization sequences.
103 bryos are members of the Pitx gene family of bicoid-class homeodomain proteins.
104 scoring the need to study DNA recognition by Bicoid-class homeodomains in an individualized manner.
105 the subsequent recruitment of Staufen to the bicoid complex.
106 munoprecipitated with Bin3 and is present in Bicoid complexes.
107 ion of Hunchback, and the reproducibility of Bicoid concentration at corresponding positions in multi
108 an account for most of the properties of the Bicoid concentration profile.
109      Therefore, cell fates exposed to higher Bicoid concentration require input for longer duration,
110 tely 1 hr after fertilization), with nuclear Bicoid concentration rising and falling during mitosis.
111 demonstrating a previously unknown aspect of Bicoid decoding.
112                                              Bicoid deficiency results in embryos with tail-to-tail p
113                                           In bicoid-deficient Episyrphus embryos, nanos is insufficie
114 e an alternative mechanism, which assumes no Bicoid degradation.
115 epressor by recruitment of a co-repressor to Bicoid-dependent promoters.
116 e use optogenetic manipulation to switch off Bicoid-dependent transcription in the early Drosophila e
117         We demonstrate that a model based on Bicoid diffusion and nucleocytoplasmic shuttling in the
118                                              Bicoid directs pattern formation in the developing Droso
119  evidence is presented for the importance of Bicoid-Dorsal linkage in the integration of the anterior
120 ncluding Bicoid-Bicoid, Hunchback-Hunchback, Bicoid-Dorsal, Bicoid-Caudal and Dorsal-Twist.
121                                       In hid bicoid double mutants, mis-specified cells in the presum
122 ching measurements and indirect estimates of Bicoid-eGFP diffusion constants (D < or = 1 microm(2)/s)
123 radient in Drosophila embryos that express a Bicoid-eGFP fusion protein.
124  mRNA localization during midoogenesis, when bicoid first accumulates at the anterior.
125                          We further observed Bicoid forming transient "hubs" of locally high density
126 te their similar distributions, we find that Bicoid from Lucilia and Calliphora do not rescue Drosoph
127 expressed eGFP fused to the coding region of bicoid from three dipteran species in transgenic Drosoph
128 ly to replace the function of the Drosophila bicoid gene for the initiation of patterning along the a
129  of regulatory factors, such as the maternal Bicoid gradient [6, 7].
130   This suggests that nuclei do not shape the Bicoid gradient but instead function solely during its i
131 elp to identify and develop better models of Bicoid gradient formation.
132                 The exponential shape of the Bicoid gradient had always been interpreted within the f
133 issue of Cell now report live imaging of the Bicoid gradient in developing fruit fly embryos.
134 number of nuclei during the formation of the Bicoid gradient in embryos of Drosophila melanogaster.
135 nsistent with experimental observations, the Bicoid gradient in our model is established before nucle
136                                          The Bicoid gradient in the Drosophila embryo provided the fi
137                     The examples concern the Bicoid gradient in the early Drosophila embryo, the dors
138 imulation results show that a size-dependent Bicoid gradient input can lead to reduced Kruppel expres
139                         The medium where the Bicoid gradient is formed and interpreted is very dynami
140  the gap gene hunchback (hb) by the maternal Bicoid gradient is one of the most intensively studied g
141  to account for the observed dynamics of the Bicoid gradient, but no one model can account for all it
142 ns where there are diminishing levels of the Bicoid gradient.
143 r Hb border in response to variations in the Bicoid gradient.
144 pe of the Drosophila, Lucilia and Calliphora Bicoid gradients appears to be a conserved feature of th
145                                 Orthologs of bicoid have been identified in various cyclorrhaphan fli
146   Patients have mutations in PITX2, a paired-bicoid homeobox gene, also involved in left/right polari
147 ique arginine at position 54 (Arg 54) of the Bicoid homeodomain enables the protein to recognize X1 b
148                                    Conserved bicoid homeodomain factors thus appear to be the key fac
149  chemical footprint analyses reveal that the Bicoid homeodomain makes both shared and distinct contac
150  identified a missense mutation in the PITX1 bicoid homeodomain transcription factor in a family with
151 of X1 at position 4 (TAAGCT) is protected by Bicoid homeodomain.
152            The pitx2 gene is a member of the bicoid-homeodomain class of transcription factors that h
153 ood agreement with recent experiments on the Bicoid/Hunchback system in the early Drosophila embryo a
154   Deletion of a short stretch of sequence in Bicoid impairs its nuclear accumulation.
155 patterning defects caused by extra copies of bicoid in Drosophila melanogaster.
156  regression for modelling the propagation of Bicoid in the embryo and infer aspects of source regulat
157 , Bin1 and Bin3, both of which interact with Bicoid in vitro.
158 or requires RNA binding, we suggest that the Bicoid-interacting methyltransferase might be important
159               Bin3 was first identified as a Bicoid-interacting protein in a yeast two-hybrid screen.
160     Here, we show that retraction requires a Bicoid-interacting protein, Sap18, which is part of the
161 rsion of the two-hybrid method and found two Bicoid-interacting proteins, Bin1 and Bin3, both of whic
162                                              Bicoid is a key determinant of anterior Drosophila devel
163                                              Bicoid is a molecular morphogen-controlling embryonic pa
164                                              Bicoid is a morphogen that sets up the anterior-posterio
165                 We show that the majority of bicoid is actually localized later in oogenesis, when th
166 e custom two-hybrid method we used, in which Bicoid is bound to DNA via its own DNA binding domain, r
167  model where, in labral regions of the head, Bicoid is converted from an activator into a repressor b
168                          The maternal mutant bicoid is particularly useful model with which to addres
169                                              Bicoid is present in an anterior-to-posterior concentrat
170 cally, the gradient of the nuclear levels of Bicoid is stable, whereas the pattern of MAPK phosphoryl
171                                              Bicoid is the founding member of the K50 class of homeod
172                                              Bicoid is the only known protein that uses a homeodomain
173                    PITX2 binds to bicoid and bicoid-like elements in the Dlx2 promoter and activates
174                       Mutations in the PITX2 bicoid-like homeobox gene cause Rieger syndrome.
175                                     Pitx2, a bicoid-like homeodomain transcription factor and Dlx2 ar
176 , we show that Tbx1 is co-expressed with the bicoid-like homeodomain transcription factor Pitx2 in se
177 carboxy-terminal half, specifically bind the bicoid-like motif of SURE (GTTAATCCG).
178 ry and sufficient for binding of GTF3 to the bicoid-like motif of the Troponin I slow enhancer.
179 on factor 3 (GTF3) binds specifically to the bicoid-like motif of the troponin I(slow) upstream enhan
180  is necessary and sufficient for binding the bicoid-like motif.
181 de domain 6, interacted most avidly with the bicoid-like motif; the alpha- and beta- isoforms that in
182  bicoid mRNA as anterior determinant, but no bicoid-like sequence could be identified in this species
183 namic and support a model for maintenance of bicoid localization by continual active transport on mic
184 e identify a temporally distinct pathway for bicoid localization in late oocytes that utilizes a spec
185  the oocyte anterior by coupling them to the bicoid localization pathway, resulting in the formation
186             However, the role of ESCRT-II in bicoid localization seems to be independent of endosomal
187 ific RNA-binding protein that recognizes the bicoid localization signal.
188                                              bicoid messenger RNA localizes to the anterior of the Dr
189      Recent results suggest the evolution of bicoid might have involved dramatic changes in function
190 lls, the limits set by the random arrival of Bicoid molecules at their targets (which depends on abso
191  are likely to interact with other DNA-bound Bicoid monomers or other parts of the Bicoid protein.
192                                          The Bicoid morphogen evolved approximately 150 MYA from a Ho
193 maging, the development and stability of the Bicoid morphogen gradient in Drosophila embryos that exp
194                                          The Bicoid morphogen gradient in Drosophila melanogaster emb
195 is expression to explore the dynamics of the Bicoid morphogen gradient, a signal that patterns the an
196 gaster that compensates for variation in the Bicoid morphogen gradient.
197  consider four measures of precision for the Bicoid morphogen in the Drosophila embryo: the concentra
198 cifically to IV/V RNA, a minimal form of the bicoid mRNA 3' untranslated region that supports a norma
199 ior of the oocyte, the anterior anchoring of bicoid mRNA and the basal localization of prospero mRNA
200 ophila oocytes, the anterior localization of bicoid mRNA and the posterior localization of oskar mRNA
201  place Episyrphus within the clade that uses bicoid mRNA as anterior determinant, but no bicoid-like
202 opose that microtubule-dependent Exuperantia-bicoid mRNA complex formation in the nurse cell cytoplas
203        Super-resolution imaging reveals that bicoid mRNA forms 110-120 nm particles with variable RNA
204 p that disrupts the anterior localization of bicoid mRNA in late oogenesis.
205                                 Nonetheless, bicoid mRNA injected into the nurse cell cytoplasm, with
206                                  Fluorescent bicoid mRNA injected into the oocyte displays nonpolar m
207            Here we provide evidence that the bicoid mRNA is also selectively stabilized during oogene
208                                        Thus, bicoid mRNA is localised by random active transport and
209 n RNA-binding protein that co-localizes with bicoid mRNA is Staufen, which binds non-specifically to
210                                   Drosophila bicoid mRNA is synthesized in the nurse cells and transp
211                                 Furthermore, bicoid mRNA localises normally in shot(2A2), which aboli
212                                              bicoid mRNA localises to the Drosophila oocyte anterior
213 cterized a microtubule-dependent pathway for bicoid mRNA localization during midoogenesis, when bicoi
214 da links Staufen/oskar mRNA complexes to the bicoid mRNA localization pathway.
215 nce Miranda is expressed in late oocytes and bicoid mRNA localization requires the Miranda-binding do
216 ein complex that binds a minimal form of the bicoid mRNA localization signal in a manner both specifi
217                      We used variants of the bicoid mRNA localization signal to explore recognition r
218  abolish the final Staufen-dependent step in bicoid mRNA localization.
219 y play a redundant role in the final step of bicoid mRNA localization.
220 ght to count individual maternally deposited bicoid mRNA molecules and compare variability between em
221         Live imaging at stage 9 reveals that bicoid mRNA particles undergo rapid Dynein-dependent mov
222 determinants to discrete cortical positions: bicoid mRNA to the anterior cortex, oskar mRNA to the po
223                              Localization of bicoid mRNA to the anterior of the Drosophila oocyte is
224 Exuperantia to support anterior transport of bicoid mRNA, and microtubules are required for bicoid mR
225 lecules, translated from maternally provided bicoid mRNA, establish a concentration gradient in Droso
226 ior with oskar mRNA and to the anterior with bicoid mRNA, it acts as a marker for both poles of the o
227 w is required for the proper localization of bicoid mRNA, the anterior determinant that plays a criti
228 e imaging of fluorescently tagged endogenous bicoid mRNA, we identify a temporally distinct pathway f
229 coid mRNA, and microtubules are required for bicoid mRNA-Exuperantia particle coassembly.
230 II components do not affect the targeting of bicoid mRNA.
231 nd fail to fully polyadenylate and translate bicoid mRNA.
232 and translational regulation of the maternal bicoid mRNA.
233 localizes to the anterior of the oocyte in a bicoid-mRNA-dependent manner, and is required for the su
234 patterns and localisation of oskar and naive bicoid mRNAs.
235  protects the mis-specified telson tissue in bicoid mutants from hid-induced cell death, whereas mis-
236                                We found that bicoid mutants specifically defective in cooperative DNA
237 ilia and Calliphora do not rescue Drosophila bicoid mutants, suggesting that that Bicoid proteins hav
238 ablished through translational repression by Bicoid of homogeneous caudal mRNA.
239  find that, in Episyrphus, a highly diverged bicoid ortholog is solely responsible for the AP polarit
240 ocalization of four maternal mRNAs - gurken, bicoid, oskar and nanos - in the Drosophila oocyte is es
241 he human PLOD-1 promoters, contains multiple bicoid (PITX2) binding elements.
242  that Lucilia sericata and Calliphora vicina Bicoid produce gradients very similar to the endogenous
243                     Although the form of the Bicoid profile is consistent with a simple diffusion/deg
244 data and show that such a flow can lead to a Bicoid profile that is consistent with various experimen
245 re the spatio-temporal dynamics of embryonic Bicoid propagation.
246 n and stabilization, resulting in protracted Bicoid protein expression during embryogenesis.
247 enesis onwards to provide a local source for Bicoid protein for embryonic patterning.
248 with previously observed fluctuations in the Bicoid protein gradient [6, 7].
249 rosophila oocyte is essential to produce the Bicoid protein gradient that patterns the anterior-poste
250 importance of cooperative DNA binding by the Bicoid protein in establishing a pattern along the anter
251                                              Bicoid protein molecules, translated from maternally pro
252 s translated to form a morphogen gradient of Bicoid protein that patterns the head and thorax of the
253  the anterior body patterning morphogen, the Bicoid protein, requires both localization and translati
254         The mutations map across most of the Bicoid protein, with some located within the DNA-binding
255 nts appears to be a conserved feature of the Bicoid protein.
256 -bound Bicoid monomers or other parts of the Bicoid protein.
257 sophila bicoid mutants, suggesting that that Bicoid proteins have evolved species-specific functional
258  to interact with Drosophila GAGA factor and BICOID proteins.
259 main of the Drosophila morphogenetic protein Bicoid recognizes different types of DNA sequences found
260          These data suggest a model in which Bicoid recruits Bin3 to the caudal 3' UTR.
261 5' regulatory sequences (Pitx1(HS)) from the bicoid related pituitary homeobox gene (Pitx1) to target
262                                     Pitx2, a bicoid-related homeobox gene, plays a crucial role in th
263                                   Pitx2 is a bicoid-related homeodomain factor that is required for e
264 tion (c.388G-->A) was identified in PITX1, a bicoid-related homeodomain transcription factor critical
265 ntroduced Arg 54 to DNA recognition by other Bicoid-related homeodomains, including that from the hum
266         We report here that mice lacking the bicoid-related homeoprotein Pitx3 fail to develop DA neu
267 cription factor TBX4, a likely target of the bicoid-related transcription factor PITX1 previously imp
268                     Here, we report that the bicoid-related transcription factor Pitx2 is rapidly ind
269                                   Episyrphus bicoid represses anterior zygotic expression of caudal a
270                  The directional movement of bicoid RNA particles within the oocyte observed here is
271                                              Bicoid's activity, therefore, depends not only on its co
272 Bicoid-ancillary proteins that might mediate Bicoid's function in transcription or translation.
273                                   Given that Bicoid's role as a translation regulator requires RNA bi
274 ld-type (WT) PITX2a to DNA containing tandem bicoid sites in a head-to-tail orientation (Hill coeffic
275                                We found that bicoid stem-loop IV/V, which is sufficient for ovarian l
276                              RNAs containing bicoid stem-loops III/IV/V did localize within the embry
277 orders of magnitude from fertilization, when Bicoid synthesis is initiated, to nuclear cycle 14 when
278 d this process have focused on the classical Bicoid target enhancer located immediately upstream of t
279 nogaster embryos of the transcription factor Bicoid that forms a gradient and initiates patterning al
280 sed a genetic screen to isolate mutations in Bicoid that specifically disrupt cooperative interaction
281  transcription factors includes WT-1, TRA-1, bicoid, the bacterial sigma(70) subunit, STAT1 and TLS/F
282 mine the patterning activities of Drosophila Bicoid, the first known molecular morphogen and reach di
283                             One exception is Bicoid, the master organizer of anterior development in
284 the level of 7SK RNA, (2) reduced binding of Bicoid to the caudal 3' UTR, and (3) genetic interaction
285 lity of the Drosophila melanogaster protein, Bicoid, to stimulate transcription of target genes in pr
286 n is required for poly(A) tail elongation of bicoid, Toll, and torso mRNAs upon egg activation.
287                                 We find that Bicoid transcriptional activity is dispensable for embry
288 microm(2)/s) provide a consistent picture of Bicoid transport on short ( approximately min) time scal
289 ition 50, which has been shown to impart the bicoid-type (TAATCC) DNA binding specificity to other ho
290                      The area consisted of a bicoid-type homeodomain recognition cassette and a uniqu
291                Here we report that Pitx2a, a bicoid-type homeodomain transcription factor, can bind t
292 vels result from a rapid equilibrium between Bicoid uptake and removal.
293                                     Although bicoid was the first localized cytoplasmic determinant t
294 caling is accounted for by the properties of Bicoid, we expressed eGFP fused to the coding region of
295 novel functions of the Hox3 homologs zen and bicoid were adopted somewhere in the crustacean-insect c
296 which in Drosophila are performed jointly by bicoid, whereas hunchback appears to be regulated by bot
297 , head formation is driven by a single gene, bicoid, which generates head-to-tail polarity of the mai
298 polarity of the Drosophila embryo depends on bicoid, which is necessary and sufficient to determine t
299 re, our results indicate that association of bicoid with the anterior oocyte cortex is dynamic and su
300 ditional parameters, such as the lifetime of Bicoid, would help to identify and develop better models

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