


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion of the cell became thinner and remained biconcave.
2 the nucleated normoblast stage to the mature biconcave discocyte, both the structure and mechanical p
3 s, resembling normal reticulocytes to smooth biconcave discocytes.
4    When the attached spheres were changed to biconcave discs by flushing with an iso-osmotic solution
5 spheres in hypo-osmotic solutions and smooth biconcave discs in iso-osmotic solutions.
6             Urea by itself did not alter the biconcave disk shape of the red cell; however, above thr
7 are asymmetric including pushpin-, star- and biconcave disk-like structures, as well as more complex
8 of the human red blood cell is known to be a biconcave disk.
9 ed cells in rouleau, immediately reverted to biconcave disks as they flipped onto a stack.
10 e fraction of the cells, f, were taken to be biconcave disks perfectly oriented relative to the flat
11    Here, we report the preparation of unique biconcave djurleite Cu1.94S nanoplatelets (NPls) from te
12 ascent murine reticulocytes that mature into biconcave erythrocytes in vitro should be useful in furt
13  hours, about 20% to 25% of the cells became biconcave erythrocytes.
14 dren, flat glenohumeral joints; 19 children, biconcave glenoid; and 17 children, pseudoglenoid.
15 oglenoid, -10 degrees for those with flat or biconcave glenoids, and 0 degrees for those with concent
16                                              Biconcave human red blood cells moved downward at low fo
17     Morphological deviations from the normal biconcave RBC shape are commonly associated with disease
18                  Finally, we reveal that the biconcave red cell shape is highly stable under moderate
19 pted value of 2 x 10(-19) J to stabilize the biconcave shape against the cup shape.
20 d elasticity, can explain the red-blood-cell biconcave shape as well as other shapes that red blood c
21 hey lose their ability to recover the normal biconcave shape in successive loading cycles of stretchi
22                           The formation of a biconcave shape is attributed to the assembly and migrat
23 ectrin-based membrane skeleton maintains the biconcave shape of erythrocytes, but whether spectrins a
24  and thermal energies and also maintains the biconcave shape of RBCs.
25 membrane that are highly correlated with the biconcave shape of RBCs.
26 f the skeleton and confer the characteristic biconcave shape of red cells.
27 diate-stage iRBCs) tend to flip due to their biconcave shape, whereas schizonts (late-stage iRBCs) te
28 , loss of surface area, and acquisition of a biconcave shape.
29  nuclei and organelles and assume a flexible biconcave shape.
30 onversion of ISCs formed in vivo back to the biconcave shape.
31 nd their ghosts may be responsible for their biconcave shape.
32 rin links are used to populate spherical and biconcave surfaces and intermediate shapes, and coarse-g
33 t, with flattening of the posterior glenoid; biconcave, with the humeral head in articulation with th

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