


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  absence of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline).
2 blockade of GABAA R-mediated inhibition with bicuculline.
3  receptor (GABAA R)-mediated inhibition with bicuculline.
4 amic acid, quinine, or strychnine but not by bicuculline.
5 y comicroinjection of the GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline.
6 tion or disinhibiting synaptic activity with bicuculline.
7 by spinal blockade of GABA(A) receptors with bicuculline.
8 etic application of GABA and its antagonist, bicuculline.
9  were resistant to gabazine and inhibited by bicuculline.
10 ted responses were blocked by picrotoxin and bicuculline.
11 the GABAA receptor antagonists picrotoxin or bicuculline.
12  reversed by the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline.
13 oride reversal potential and were blocked by bicuculline.
14  by strychnine and by picrotoxin, but not by bicuculline.
15 m slow oscillation induced by application of bicuculline.
16 in 5-HT elicited by DAMGO in the presence of bicuculline.
17 at was abolished by perfusion with 30-50 muM bicuculline.
18 duced in the presence of the GABA antagonist bicuculline.
19 bition of gating by inverse agonists such as bicuculline.
20 activity that was blocked by CNQX but not by bicuculline.
21 t did not affect the EEG amplitude evoked by bicuculline.
22 e speed of cell migration in the presence of bicuculline.
23 cimol and blocked by the specific antagonist bicuculline.
24 so increased dose-dependently in response to bicuculline.
25 LC neurons was diminished in the presence of bicuculline.
26 smaller, and was enhanced in the presence of bicuculline.
27 tyric acid (GABA)A receptors were blocked by bicuculline.
28 led to excite PVN neurons in the presence of bicuculline.
29  and AMPA-mESPCs) in the presence of TTX and bicuculline.
30 e GABA(A) receptor blocker and proconvulsant bicuculline.
31  IV-VI neurones at 0.1 Hz in the presence of bicuculline.
32 plication of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline.
33 h were mimicked by muscimol and inhibited by bicuculline.
34 sponse of NS to the GABA receptor antagonist bicuculline.
35 rastriatal injection of the GABA antagonist, bicuculline.
36 blocked by the application of CNQX, AP-5 and bicuculline.
37 effects were reversed by coadministration of bicuculline.
38 eceded 20 min earlier with administration of bicuculline (0, 7.5, 75, 150, 300 ng) or saclofen (0, 0.
39 th the selective GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (0.1 microM, 140 min) reversed the SKF38393
40 Muscimol-induced responses were sensitive to bicuculline (1-10 microM) and SR95531 (10 microM) and ba
41 l) were blocked by pre-application of spinal bicuculline (10 microg/50 microl).
42 a GABA-A receptor antagonist; 10 microM) and bicuculline (10 microM) +10 nM of leptin during the seco
43 al GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition with bicuculline (10 microm) and strychnine (300 nm), respect
44  microM) and the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (10 microM) diminished and abolished, respec
45                      IPSPs were sensitive to bicuculline (10 microM) in all neurones tested and rever
46   Perfusion of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline (10 microM) into the SN prolonged the carbac
47 perfusion of the GABA-A receptor antagonist, bicuculline (10 microm), blocked the METH-induced decrea
48 ts of CTOP but the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline (10 mum) did not.
49                                              Bicuculline (100 microM), a competitive antagonist at GA
50 ing infusion of the GABA(A) receptor blocker bicuculline (100 microM), extracellular 5-HT increased b
51        The evoked currents were inhibited by bicuculline (100 muM) and TPMPA (IC50, 5.9 +/- 0.6 muM),
52 s of single DRN microinjections of muscimol, bicuculline (136 pmol), NMDA, MK-801 (10 pmol) or vehicl
53 njection of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline (2 mM, 30 nl), into RPa increased CSNA (+234
54 gonist picrotoxin (0.25, 0.5 or 1 microg) or bicuculline (20 ng), the GABA(A) agonist muscimol (15 ng
55 jections of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline (20 nl, 1 mm), into the PF region elicited c
56                                              Bicuculline (3 mg/kg i.v.) immediately (in <1 min) evoke
57  made using the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline (3-30 ng), or the GABA(A) receptor agonists,
58                            On combination of bicuculline (30 microm) and strychnine (10 microm) the r
59                                              Bicuculline (30 microm) or strychnine (10 microm) reduce
60 S neurones following local microinjection of bicuculline (30 pmol/60 nl) completely inhibited the ele
61                                              Bicuculline/4-AP or KCl-induced depolarization reduces,
62 ne sodium (41 %, 1:1), and were depressed by bicuculline (-41 +/- 5.7 %, 5:8) and picrotoxin (-54 %,
63 ain regions, the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (50 muM) was infused into a rat ventral tegm
64 n BAT SNA were reversed by microinjection of bicuculline (60 pmol in 60 nl) into the rvmPAG at the le
65 mined the dose-dependent ability of GABA(A) (bicuculline, 75-150 ng) and GABA(B) (saclofen, 1.5-3 mic
66 d not block the induction of active sleep by bicuculline (a GABA(A) antagonist).
67 ve agonist), and the response was reduced by bicuculline (a GABA(A) antagonist).
68                          Bath application of bicuculline (a GABA(A) receptor antagonist) to brainstem
69 hallenged with 0, 0.1, 1 or 10 nm of leptin, bicuculline (a GABA-A receptor antagonist; 10 microM) an
70 tion of hypothalami with 10 nM of leptin and bicuculline, a completely blocked the leptin-induced dec
71 conditions, modulation of GABAA receptors by bicuculline, a GABA antagonist, or by diazepam, a GABAer
72 fore and during iontophoretic application of bicuculline, a GABA(A) receptor antagonist.
73 nd spontaneous interictal bursts recorded in bicuculline, a GABA(A) receptor antagonist.
74                               Treatment with bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, decreased DHHC
75  of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) or bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, into the PF-LH
76                     Administration of either bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, or CGP 35348,
77 ked currents were also completely blocked by bicuculline, a selective agent for GABA(A) receptors.
78  significantly attenuated in the presence of bicuculline, a selective antagonist of GABAA receptors.
79 neurones, blockade of GABA(A) receptors with bicuculline abolished inspiratory-phased inhibition and
80       In inspiratory-inhibited motoneurones, bicuculline abolished phasic inhibition, which frequentl
81 nt had no effect, blockade of GABA(A)Rs with bicuculline abolished the BDNF-mediated increase in NMDA
82                 The application of 20 microm bicuculline abolished the spontaneous inhibitory post-sy
83                                              Bicuculline administered alone caused a significant decr
84 GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, and bicuculline alone were performed in male C57BL/6J mice (
85                                              Bicuculline also potentiated 8-OH-DPAT-induced phase adv
86                                              Bicuculline also produced a progressive accumulation of
87 o burst when pharmacologically isolated with bicuculline, although the bursting is not robust in some
88               If this hypothesis is correct, bicuculline (an antagonist of inhibitory GABA-A receptor
89 fore and during iontophoretic application of bicuculline, an antagonist for GABA(A) receptors.
90 ine, an antagonist of glycine receptors, and bicuculline, an antagonist of GABA receptors.
91 gonist, inactivated part of the OMV, whereas bicuculline, an antagonist, disinhibited it.
92 an agonist of GABA, to inactivate the OMV or bicuculline, an antagonist, to block GABA inhibition.
93 ication of the GABA antagonists, picrotoxin, bicuculline and 1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine-4-yl methylph
94                                  Addition of bicuculline and 4-aminopyridine facilitated the occurren
95 ly induced by pharmacological manipulations (bicuculline and 4-aminopyridine) in the entorhinal corte
96 lating the perforant path in the presence of bicuculline and 6 mM K(+).
97 m events were 3.93 +/- 2.76 (+/-STD) min for bicuculline and 6.37 +/- 7.66 min for kainic acid, sugge
98 based on treatment of neuronal cultures with bicuculline and a model of experience-dependent plastici
99 n of GABA-A and GABA-B receptor antagonists, Bicuculline and CGP 35348 (CGP) respectively.
100 antagonist bicuculline, and coapplication of bicuculline and DNQX fully abolished this response.
101       We compared the negative efficacies of bicuculline and gabazine using the general anesthetic pr
102           We also report opposing effects of bicuculline and gabazine, such that bicuculline surprisi
103 1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus for the bicuculline and kainate models, respectively.
104 iggered [Ca2+]i increments were abolished by bicuculline and partially impaired by (1,2,5,6-tetrahydr
105 nist ICI182,780, but not by GABA antagonist, bicuculline and phaclofen.
106  in current amplitude that were inhibited by bicuculline and picrotoxin and facilitated by diazepam a
107 s, I(phasic)), the GABA(A) receptor blockers bicuculline and picrotoxin caused an outward shift in th
108                                     However, bicuculline and picrotoxin failed to block it.
109 EC50 concentrations of GABA, were blocked by bicuculline and picrotoxin with IC50 values of 2.7 and 5
110  was also blocked by the GABA(A) antagonists bicuculline and picrotoxin, suggesting that the inhibito
111 for deprivation-induced feeding in that both bicuculline and saclofen administered into the nucleus a
112 cleus accumbens shell and eliminated by both bicuculline and saclofen in the ventral tegmental area.
113 ium was blocked by the GABA(A)-R antagonists bicuculline and SR-95531 (gabazine) and increased in fre
114  Rhythmic activity persisted during combined bicuculline and strychnine application (50 microM each)
115                Disinhibition of the pFL with bicuculline and strychnine led to active expiration.
116  nicotine concentrations, in the presence of bicuculline and tetrodotoxin (TTX), increased the freque
117  inhibition of MCH neurons was eliminated by bicuculline and tetrodotoxin, suggesting that the effect
118  in the size of the receptive field, whereas bicuculline and TPMPA produced comparable 34 and 33 % in
119 tors, the gamma 2L receptors were blocked by bicuculline and were potentiated by pentobarbital and fl
120 uscimol with the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, and bicuculline alone were performed in mal
121 y blocked by the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, and coapplication of bicuculline and DNQX f
122 ced by 7.5mM [K(+)](o), 4-aminopyridine, and bicuculline, and electrographic seizures induced by high
123 ed with 7.5mM [K(+)](o), 4-aminopyridine, or bicuculline, and in vivo against seizures evoked by 6 Hz
124  synapses, including estrogen and short-term bicuculline, and is essential for upregulating spine den
125 injection of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, and the glutamate agonist kainic acid, into
126   Unexpectedly, we found a markedly enhanced bicuculline- and L-655,708-sensitive background GABA(A)
127                                              Bicuculline application decreases and GABA application i
128                                              Bicuculline application produced a greater decrease of t
129                                              Bicuculline application produces more pronounced broaden
130                                              Bicuculline application routinely blocked DSC altogether
131 ficking, and synaptic downscaling induced by bicuculline application.
132                                              Bicuculline applied to the stimulation site augmented ce
133                                              Bicuculline applied to the stimulation site changed the
134 MCH neurones exhibited Fos-IR in response to bicuculline as compared to HCRT and other PF-LHA neurone
135 del of seizures (1 h in 0 Mg2+ and 50 microM bicuculline at 35-37 degrees C) reproduced the HCN chann
136 inistration of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline at reactivation, indicating that the disrupt
137 ased 5-HT to approximately 70% above the pre-bicuculline baseline.
138 y the GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)R) antagonist bicuculline between P0 and P7 but not at P14.
139 amma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors with bicuculline (BIC) phenocopied the dendrite-promoting eff
140 icroinjecting a GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline (BIC, 0.1 nmol), before and after blocking V
141        Microinjection of the GABA antagonist bicuculline (BIC; 1 nmol) into the same region, to reduc
142  ipsilateral RVLM GABA(A) receptor blockade (bicuculline, BIC, 400 pmol, 100 nl; n=12) in rats with c
143 istration of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline blocked induction and expression of the inhi
144                         Local application of bicuculline but not the SK-channel blocker apamin attenu
145                DRN single microinjections of bicuculline, but not muscimol, NMDA, or MK-801 induced p
146 n in the presence of 6 mM K(+) and 30 microM bicuculline, CaEDTA slowed the rate at which evoked burs
147                                              Bicuculline caused the monkey to react in an exaggerated
148 nity for [(3)H]CGP54626 binding sites, while bicuculline compounds had no affinity.
149 treatment with the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline confirmed that PSCs were specifically mediat
150 i.c.v.-GnRH and pharmacological stimulation (bicuculline/D,L-homocysteic acid mixture) of the main ol
151 its shows that for the majority of IC units, bicuculline degrades binaural processing involved in dir
152 inal administration of the GABAA antagonist, bicuculline, disrupted A3AR-mediated analgesia.
153 asome, whereas the up-regulation of APs with bicuculline dramatically increased the activity of the p
154 owever, blocking tonic GABA(A) currents with bicuculline enhanced synaptic summation more strongly in
155       Application of the GABA(A)R antagonist bicuculline enhanced the migration rate by 30%, suggesti
156 trast, blocking inhibitory transmission with bicuculline enhanced the reverberation.
157                                              Bicuculline evoked high-amplitude rhythmic epileptiform
158                                              Bicuculline exerted a much weaker effect on neuronal res
159                                              Bicuculline exerted partial protection (by 30%) while GA
160 ished when established pairs were exposed to bicuculline for 3 d, but not by long-term incubation wit
161 roinjection of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline, further demonstrating changes in GABA neuro
162                  Prior NTS microinjection of bicuculline (GABA(A) antagonist) prevented the mGluR-med
163    Conversely, in AP rats, microinjection of bicuculline had no effect, whereas kynurenic acid decrea
164                   In contrast, injections of bicuculline impaired amplitude decrease adaptation and u
165 along with consistent excitations induced by bicuculline in awake, unrestrained rats, suggest that mo
166 NAC shell pretreatment of either saclofen or bicuculline in rats.
167 ctivity was induced by arterial perfusion of bicuculline in the in vitro isolated guinea pig brain.
168 ted by saclofen and significantly reduced by bicuculline in the nucleus accumbens shell and eliminate
169 of gamma-aminobutyric acid interneurons with bicuculline in the presence of the weak K(+) channel blo
170  muscimol, GABA, bicuculline methiodide, and bicuculline (in order of potency).
171 er, 7 ng of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline, in LS significantly decreased maternal aggr
172            In contrast, the GABAA antagonist bicuculline increased eating behavior at all VP sites, y
173               Inhibiting GABA receptors with bicuculline increased NMDA receptor-induced cAMP synthes
174  infusion of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline increased serotonin (5-HT) efflux in the DRN
175 whereas brain-derived nerve growth factor or bicuculline increased the ratio by approximately 1.8-fol
176   The GABA(A) receptor (GABA(A)R) antagonist bicuculline increased the speed of neuroblast migration
177 ipulated sites within that zone by injecting bicuculline (increasing neuronal activity) or muscimol (
178 yer-specific effects of focal application of bicuculline indicate that the GABAergic depolarization i
179 tagonists, evoked IPSCs that were blocked by bicuculline indicating that they are mediated via GABAA
180 al load were reversed by a GABAA antagonist, bicuculline, indicating dependence on GABAA receptor sig
181 me with the addition of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline, indicating that APs are sufficient to activ
182 onal cultures, NOS inhibition attenuated the bicuculline-induced activation of ERK and the expression
183  response was abolished during the period of bicuculline-induced activation.
184 NA expression or genetic deletion blocks the bicuculline-induced decrease in GluR2 expression and mEP
185                          Here we report that bicuculline-induced increase in neuronal activity leads
186 igin, spatial extent, and laminar profile of bicuculline-induced interictal-like activity on neocorti
187      In contrast, DG is not required for the bicuculline-induced scaling down of excitatory synaptic
188 cortex of anesthetized rats with and without bicuculline-induced seizures.
189 phosphorylation is specifically required for bicuculline-induced synaptic scaling down in mouse hippo
190 y that suppressive locomotor effects of RMTg bicuculline infusions were due to unintended spread of d
191 orrelation between EEG events at the site of bicuculline injection and discharges in distant areas, m
192 ades to fall short of their targets, whereas bicuculline injections cause most ipsiversive saccades t
193 ns of GABA and a picrotoxin (PTX)-sensitive, bicuculline-insensitive current that probably arises fro
194  astrocytes were identified: classic GABA-A, bicuculline-insensitive GABArho, and GABA-A-GABArho hybr
195  many aspects of the pharmacology of native, bicuculline-insensitive insect GABA receptors.
196                    The results revealed that bicuculline insensitivity of the rho1 GABACR was mainly
197           In control rats, microinjection of bicuculline into the DMV increased PES, whereas microinj
198 st muscimol or the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline into the IC or NBM during learning or retrie
199 periment showing that bilateral infusions of bicuculline into the VTA produce activation rather than
200 acid (GABA) receptor A antagonist substance, bicuculline, into the PPN of non-human primates (n = 2)
201 roinjecting the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline, into the rostral raphe pallidus (RPa) on ar
202 agonist, saclofen, or the GABA-A antagonist, bicuculline, into the VTA, and then whether VTA baclofen
203 ol/side), or the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (12.5 pmol/side) before being sub
204              The GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (8 microM) did not change C4 VR f
205 clamide plus the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BIC) before performance of a hyp
206 atively, application of the GABAA antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BIC) shortened expirations and c
207 nfusions of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline methiodide (BIC), in nine freely moving maca
208 ) and selective GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline methiodide (BMI) (100 ng), were administered
209 injection of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI) 10 pmol (100 nl)(-1) into t
210 inistration of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI) also cause rapid enlargemen
211 injection of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI) into the RP evoked increase
212 n of the DMH by unilateral microinjection of bicuculline methiodide (BMI) on Fos expression in select
213 tical and brief arterial infusions of either bicuculline methiodide (BMI) or 4-aminopyridine (4AP).
214 istration of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI) resulted in increased plasm
215              The GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide (BMI) was stereotaxically microin
216 e GABA(A) receptor antagonists picrotoxin or bicuculline methiodide (BMI), and had longer decay time
217 diffusion of the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide from the tip of a glass recording
218                                              Bicuculline methiodide has been shown to block mutual in
219                               Application of bicuculline methiodide in embryos capable of LB switched
220 es (IISs) were induced with iontophoresis of bicuculline methiodide in rat neocortex.
221                               Picrotoxin and bicuculline methiodide inhibited both components, consis
222 and fluoxetine, whereas the GABAA antagonist bicuculline methiodide potentiated the effect of CRH and
223 ic acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide within the dentate gyrus abolishe
224  a dose-dependent fashion by muscimol, GABA, bicuculline methiodide, and bicuculline (in order of pot
225              Following VMH administration of bicuculline methiodide, glucose infusion rates were sign
226  electrical stimulation and chemical (0.3 mM bicuculline methobromide) activation of the dorsal PAG e
227 currents in the presence of tetrodotoxin and bicuculline methobromide.
228                                The effect of bicuculline microinjection in the PPN matches that of or
229 maller than the peak increase observed after bicuculline microinjection into the rostral raphe pallid
230 y (EEG) and cranial window techniques in the bicuculline model of sustained generalized seizures in n
231       In non-inhibited motoneurones, neither bicuculline nor strychnine markedly changed inspiratory
232  in the presence of the GABA(A)-R antagonist bicuculline, nor in brain slices from NKCC1-knockout mic
233  unmasking is attributable to the effects of bicuculline on different central auditory processes.
234 roxyisoxazole)hydrobromide (muscimol), 10 ng bicuculline or a combination of the drugs.
235 sessed either by a GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline or a selective extrasynaptic GABAA receptor
236 compromised central input to HE neurons with bicuculline or by surgical ablation of the central patte
237                               Treatment with bicuculline or gabazine to enhance neuronal activity pro
238    In a subset of neurons, GABA(A)R blockers bicuculline or gabazine were applied in addition to iGlu
239 ast, microinjection of a GABA(A) antagonist (bicuculline or gabazine) into the CVLM dramatically atte
240 less GABA-mediated inhibition was reduced by bicuculline or picrotoxin.
241  or microinjection of the GABAA antagonists, bicuculline or SR95531 (60 pmol in 60 nl), into the dors
242 amplitude produced by chronic application of bicuculline or tetrodotoxin is both mimicked and occlude
243      These differences were maintained after bicuculline or tetrodotoxin, indicating they were specif
244 ntagonist kynurenate or the GABAA antagonist bicuculline (P > 0.05).
245 r, in the presence of the GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline, p35 knock-out slices, but not wild-type sli
246                               In response to bicuculline perfusion into the PF-LHA, rats exhibited a
247                        At the end of aCSF or bicuculline perfusion, rats were killed and c-Fos immuno
248  (ACh) induces increases in the frequency of bicuculline-, picrotoxin-, and 4-aminopyridine-sensitive
249               Finally, systemic injection of bicuculline prevented nicotine-induced firing alteration
250 rneurons, and blockade of GABAA receptors by bicuculline prevented the reduction of CSD amplitudes by
251                                 In contrast, bicuculline produced an amplitude-dependent dysmetria: i
252 ly, the lipophilic competitive antagonist (+)bicuculline promoted receptor surface expression, includ
253 amate agonist AMPA or the GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline raised RF and the frequency of calls emitted
254 eatment with the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, rapidly and robustly induces ubiquitination
255                                 In addition, bicuculline readily abolished these transients without a
256 ng elicited by NAC shell baclofen, NAC shell bicuculline reduced but did not block feeding elicited b
257 lfotetramine, and the competitive antagonist bicuculline reduced fluorescence near the levels in GABA
258  muscimol, and the GABAa receptor antagonist bicuculline, respectively, on the properties of individu
259 ll mice with the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline restored corticosterone levels and anxiety-l
260  microdialytic application of L-glutamate or bicuculline resulted in reduced discharge of arousal-rel
261 on, sequential application of strychnine and bicuculline revealed a small (5.2 +/- 1.0 pA) GlyR- but
262  the dorsal hippocampus, with the antagonist bicuculline, reverses the anxiolytic effect of running.
263                                              Bicuculline, Ro15-4513, finasteride, kainic acid or AMPA
264 hyperpolarized SPNs, an effect that was also bicuculline sensitive.
265        We describe a novel tonically active, bicuculline-sensitive chloride conductance that is insen
266                        We conclude that this bicuculline-sensitive conductance needs to be accounted
267       Propofol activated gabazine-resistant, bicuculline-sensitive currents when applied to either pr
268 -21 increased the frequency and amplitude of bicuculline-sensitive currents.
269 a and minaxolone (1 microm) evoked a similar bicuculline-sensitive inhibitory conductance, indicating
270 urring pattern consisting of a monosynaptic, bicuculline-sensitive inhibitory connection from an isle
271 and muscimol attenuated this inhibition in a bicuculline-sensitive manner.
272                        With 10 mum GABA, the bicuculline-sensitive tonic currents were approximately
273 xpressing nociceptors, and formed GABAergic, bicuculline-sensitive, synapses onto host neurons.
274                                  Whereas VTA bicuculline significantly blocked the increased feeding
275 tra-MRN injections of the GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline significantly stimulated SCN 5-HT release, w
276    Moreover, the receptors were resistant to bicuculline, strongly antagonized by (1,2,5,6 tetrahydro
277                                          The bicuculline-strychnine rhythm frequency decreased during
278           Blocking GABAergic inhibition with bicuculline substantially increased neuronal discharge r
279 abolished by the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, suggesting that the CB1R-mediated depolariz
280  the presence of tetrodotoxin, AP5, CNQX and bicuculline, supporting an indirect effect.
281  infusions of the GABAA receptor antagonist, bicuculline, suppress robust activations of locomotion e
282 fects of bicuculline and gabazine, such that bicuculline surprisingly activated non-alpha-containing
283 nhibition was blocked by bath application of bicuculline, the incidence of plateau activity increased
284                               Application of bicuculline to alpha1beta2gamma2 receptors in the absenc
285                               Treatment with bicuculline to decrease GABA(A) receptor signaling from
286                         Dialysis delivery of bicuculline to the PnO of male mice (n = 18) anesthetize
287 icroinjection of muscimol (to inactivate) or bicuculline (to activate) to these amygdaloid subregions
288                                              Bicuculline treatment also leads to an increase in the l
289        The 5-HT release induced by intra-DRN bicuculline was also blocked by co-injection of DR4004.
290 ating and REM sleep-suppressing effect of PF bicuculline was not attenuated by systemic administratio
291 e into dendrites and postsynaptic density by bicuculline was prevented in neurons from mice harboring
292              The GABA-A receptor antagonist, bicuculline, was able to reverse the effect of IL-1beta
293                               APV, CNQX, and bicuculline were included to block fast synaptic transmi
294  and a specific GABA(A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline, were administered before GHB.
295 ed by the SK(Ca) channel blockers apamin and bicuculline, whereas I(sAHP) is resistant to these agent
296 tivated currents, it prevented inhibition by bicuculline, which acts as an inverse agonist inhibiting
297                           In the presence of bicuculline, which blocks inhibitory GABA(A) receptors,
298 ches to inhibit spontaneous GABA(A)R gating, bicuculline, which inhibits spontaneous current in the a
299 l by iontophoresis of the GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline while the rest of the cortex was blocked by
300 ated transmission application of SR-95531 or bicuculline, while abolishing GABAA receptor-mediated ph

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