


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                   Integrins transmit signals bidirectionally.
2  within the critical interval were sequenced bidirectionally.
3 linergic motor neurons to control locomotion bidirectionally.
4 ment reactivated or enhanced gene expression bidirectionally.
5 ne, and progeny virus particles are secreted bidirectionally.
6 on to regulate spine morphology and dynamics bidirectionally.
7   The latter result indicates that AmtB acts bidirectionally.
8  photoactivated region occurred as MTs moved bidirectionally.
9 ane B ephrins and their Eph receptors signal bidirectionally.
10 g a bandshift were reamplified and sequenced bidirectionally.
11 at functions as a helicase to unwind the DNA bidirectionally.
12 e correlation between SSRT and motor urgency bidirectionally.
13 quencies can alter visual recognition memory bidirectionally.
14 ling receptors that can transmit information bidirectionally across plasma membranes.
15  Metazoa that transmit conformational change bidirectionally across the membrane.
16 dhesion receptors transduce mechanical force bidirectionally across the plasma membrane by tethering
17 in cell-adhesion receptors transduce signals bidirectionally across the plasma membrane via the singl
18 telet receptor that can transmit information bidirectionally across the plasma membrane, and plays a
19 and differentiation by communicating signals bidirectionally across the plasma membrane.
20 ell surface receptors that transduce signals bidirectionally across the plasma membrane.
21  done through a structural change propagated bidirectionally across the plasma membrane.
22    These data demonstrate that clustering is bidirectionally adjustable and tuned by behaviorally rel
23 ines synaptic maturation state, which can be bidirectionally adjusted into adulthood.
24 rization, generating long filaments spurting bidirectionally along axons-a phenomenon we call "actin
25 les that transport synaptic vesicle proteins bidirectionally along filopodia and fuse with the filopo
26 many cellular contexts, cargo is transported bidirectionally along microtubule bundles by dynein and
27  carriers of eukaryotic cells, moving cargos bidirectionally along microtubule tracks.
28                          While known to move bidirectionally along microtubules (MTs), the role of LD
29 yotic cells, many organelles are transported bidirectionally along microtubules by kinesin and dynein
30 ell imaging showed that the phagosomes moved bidirectionally along microtubules in RPE cells, with ki
31 he individually detected Tau molecules moved bidirectionally along microtubules over distances up to
32 rt machinery--individual droplets still move bidirectionally along microtubules with approximately no
33                   Many cellular cargoes move bidirectionally along microtubules, driven by teams of p
34  motor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can move bidirectionally along microtubules, switching directiona
35 erlin formed cytoplasmic particles that move bidirectionally along microtubules.
36            Most strikingly, granules traffic bidirectionally along neurites to an extent that depends
37 romatin entry sites on the X and then spread bidirectionally along the chromosome where they occupy h
38 rticles are multiprotein complexes that move bidirectionally along the cilium/flagellum.
39 l-shaped protein encircles DNA and can slide bidirectionally along the duplex.
40 ately before cell division, the copies eject bidirectionally along the long axis of the cell.
41 le is stimulated, vasomotor responses spread bidirectionally along the vessel axis purportedly via ga
42  and pharmacogenetic approaches were used to bidirectionally alter firing of D1-MSNs or D2-MSNs after
43                  Sleep and sleep deprivation bidirectionally alter molecular signaling pathways that
44        In vivo TEs were also selectively and bidirectionally altered by chronic activity changes.
45  occludens) domain AMPAR-binding protein, is bidirectionally altered by neuronal activity.
46 harmacological manipulations of this pathway bidirectionally altered cocaine seeking while governing
47  close-packed layers is improved by shearing bidirectionally, alternating between two in-plane direct
48 petitive and aversive olfactory conditioning bidirectionally alters the relative odor-drive of M4beta
49 Lys40, TAT efficiently scans the microtubule bidirectionally and acetylates stochastically without pr
50 er to create cadherin homodimers that signal bidirectionally and asymmetrically, instructing unequal
51                      Nerve endings were also bidirectionally and capacitively coupled (NE/NE coupling
52                              Thus, Lrp4 acts bidirectionally and coordinates synapse formation by bin
53 ologic treatments that alter DNA methylation bidirectionally and found them able to modulate dyskinet
54 ronal activity both in vitro and in vivo, by bidirectionally and proportionally adjusting postsynapti
55     tRNAs in yeast and vertebrate cells move bidirectionally and reversibly between the nucleus and t
56                Autophagosomes initially move bidirectionally and then switch to unidirectional, proce
57             Since TATA elements can function bidirectionally, and in solution TBP can bind to TATA el
58 bles into particles that move independently, bidirectionally, and intermittently in a fashion indicat
59  vasodilation that conducted rapidly (mm/s), bidirectionally, and into branches for distances exceedi
60 ecycled 40S subunits to remain on mRNA, scan bidirectionally, and reinitiate at upstream and downstre
61 , synaptic glutamate receptor trafficking is bidirectionally, and reversibly, modified by NMDA recept
62 ues of ring tension, explains why nodes move bidirectionally, and shows that tension is generated by
63 rast, only 4% of the EBV genome is currently bidirectionally annotated.
64 he inner membrane, from which it polymerizes bidirectionally around the cell circumference to form th
65                               The nodes move bidirectionally around the ring.
66 mologous recombination entails processing of bidirectionally arrested forks.
67 ncipal ICR at the Gnas cluster and functions bidirectionally as a switch for modulating expression of
68                   At rest, DCVs are captured bidirectionally as they circulate through Drosophila mot
69 functional because daf-7 and tph-1 mutations bidirectionally attenuate food level-dependent changes i
70              The DNA replication forks moved bidirectionally away from each origin at approximately 8
71 at c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 are bidirectionally axonally transported at fast rates in sc
72 ing affinity to blood elements and transfers bidirectionally between myocardium and blood.
73 vealed attenuation of effective connectivity bidirectionally between parietal and temporal AON nodes
74 rchestrated by instructive signals that pass bidirectionally between the epithelium and underlying me
75                                   tRNAs move bidirectionally between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
76      We conclude that cholesterol circulates bidirectionally between the plasma membrane and lysosome
77 y members and their cognate receptors signal bidirectionally, blurring the distinction between ligand
78              That DNMT3A and DNMT3B function bidirectionally both as DNA methyltransferases and as de
79 Initiation of DNA replication at oriC occurs bidirectionally both in vivo and in vitro.
80 ocA (formate channel A) translocates formate bidirectionally but the mechanism underlying how translo
81 tion-inhibition balance at a set of synapses bidirectionally, but on average the balance was maintain
82 ular biology, and medicine-information flows bidirectionally, but the map reveals a directional patte
83 tion transfer between V1 and PFC was reduced bidirectionally, but with a stronger decrease from PFC t
84 etween F-actin and G-actin that is modulated bidirectionally by cellular signaling.
85              Early endosomes are transported bidirectionally by cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin-3, but
86                     B7-1 and B7-2 can signal bidirectionally by engaging CD28 and CTLA-4 on T cells a
87 zed populations of Escherichia coli converse bidirectionally by exchanging acyl-homoserine lactone si
88  and we detected only short filaments moving bidirectionally by slow transport (rapid movements and p
89                            Many cargoes move bidirectionally by using both minus and plus end-directe
90 at key proteins involved in GABABR signaling bidirectionally change in a depression model and with ra
91 naptic scaling and intrinsic plasticity were bidirectionally coinduced by these manipulations.
92 h SLE were HLA-identical with their mothers (bidirectionally compatible) for the basic HLA-DRB1 group
93 ented in comparison to a random network; and bidirectionally connected pairs have stronger synapses o
94 ract tracers shows that MeA and MeP are each bidirectionally connected with each other and with limbi
95  a second type of cerebrocerebellar circuit, bidirectionally connecting the hypothalamus and the cere
96 erebellar circuit is a feedback circuit that bidirectionally connects the neocortex and the cerebellu
97 nal conservation of these enzymes may not be bidirectionally conserved.
98 ons suggest that tonic GABAA conductance can bidirectionally control brain rhythms through changes in
99 ese results suggests that NMDA receptors can bidirectionally control ERK signaling.
100 at the direct and indirect pathways can each bidirectionally control movement velocity, demonstrating
101       Here we use an optogenetic strategy to bidirectionally control nociceptors of nontransgenic mic
102 ulating neuronal excitability, striatal D2Rs bidirectionally control the density of direct pathway co
103                 These include the ability to bidirectionally control the membrane potential using dep
104  found that the timing of afferent input can bidirectionally control the sign of spike timing-depende
105 the steady-state AMPAR number at synapses is bidirectionally controlled by AMPAR/scaffold binding aff
106 rectly via an inhibitory output to thalamus, bidirectionally controlled by direct- and indirect-pathw
107 he excitability of an interneuron network is bidirectionally controlled by distinct epochs of activit
108 ta establish a role for BLA-vHPC synapses in bidirectionally controlling anxiety-related behaviors in
109 n between neuronal EphA4 and glial ephrin-A3 bidirectionally controls synapse morphology and glial gl
110 ero synaptic weights ('potential' synapses); bidirectionally coupled pairs of neurons are over-repres
111  because the voltage and calcium systems are bidirectionally coupled, theoretical studies have sugges
112                   Because voltage and Ca are bidirectionally coupled, they modulate each other's beha
113 sin or T. cruzi antigen can induce specific, bidirectionally cross-reactive immune responses in the a
114  receptors can modulate GABAergic signalling bidirectionally, depending on the basal PKA activation l
115 hat (i) span multiple pathways, (ii) contain bidirectionally deregulated components, (iii) are confin
116 ADDs) are a novel tool with the potential to bidirectionally drive cellular, circuit, and ultimately,
117 sts in the contractile ring where nodes move bidirectionally during constriction.
118                        Organelles often move bidirectionally, employing both plus-end and minus-end d
119 oning task that individual mouse GPh neurons bidirectionally encode whether an outcome is better or w
120 nteractions between peptide-MHC and TCR that bidirectionally expands the affinity range for positive
121 ttently illuminated for over 100 ms, until a bidirectionally extending channel (leader) was formed.
122 lication factory and newly replicated DNA is bidirectionally extruded from the complex, perhaps contr
123 l cells may in fact represent points along a bidirectionally fluid continuum of differentiation, with
124 es the self-assembly of cylinders, cubes and bidirectionally folded sheets.
125                            Many cargoes move bidirectionally, frequently reversing course between plu
126                     Many cargos in vivo move bidirectionally, frequently reversing course.
127  in vitro, and upon ATP addition, they moved bidirectionally, frequently undergoing fission into two
128 ces linear chromosomes and plasmids proceeds bidirectionally from a central origin, leaving recessed
129 plication of bacterial chromosomes initiates bidirectionally from a single site (oriC), and visualiza
130  they, like the linear chromosome, replicate bidirectionally from an internal origin.
131 drial DNA (mtDNA) transcription is initiated bidirectionally from closely spaced promoters, HSP and L
132 scripts (eRNAs) that are transcribed uni- or bidirectionally from estrogen receptor binding sites (ER
133  Saccharomyces ribosomal DNA (rDNA) proceeds bidirectionally from origins in a subset of the approxim
134 some studies conclude that initiation occurs bidirectionally from specific loci, others conclude that
135 NA) intermediates; (ii) resection proceeding bidirectionally from the break site; (iii) single-strand
136  forms an intramolecular loop that protrudes bidirectionally from the sister chromatid axis.
137 osome, and to show that replication proceeds bidirectionally from this origin.
138 e transcytosed through oral epithelial cells bidirectionally, from both the apical to the basolateral
139  melanosomes, move along single microtubules bidirectionally; however, analysis of the polarities of
140 on microscopy to show that lysosomes traffic bidirectionally in dendrites and are present in dendriti
141 te that synaptic responses could be modified bidirectionally in the CA1 area of kainic acid-lesioned
142 ation between asthma and depressive symptoms bidirectionally in the Coronary Artery Risk Development
143   We demonstrate that GFP-tagged PKD-2 moves bidirectionally in the dendritic compartment.
144 ealed that dFMR-containing RNP granules move bidirectionally in thin processes formed by S2 cells in
145 corded while rats traversed a circular track bidirectionally in which the track was either empty or c
146 to social and physical environments operates bidirectionally, in both adverse and beneficial contexts
147 directly show that the N. vitripennis wBv is bidirectionally incompatible with the N. giraulti wBg.
148 olbachia harbored in N. vitripennis (wAv) is bidirectionally incompatible with the single A Wolbachia
149 CI in the N. giraulti background and remains bidirectionally incompatible with wAg.
150 lts show that the wNlonB1-infected males are bidirectionally incompatible with wNlonB2 in their 'nati
151                         A and B sublines are bidirectionally incompatible, whereas males from AB line
152  crosses between the divergent A strains are bidirectionally incompatible.
153 ed at the decision point, were sufficient to bidirectionally influence impulsive choice.
154 nd that individual residues in these linkers bidirectionally influence Neto2 modulation of KAR desens
155  regions of the rostral ventromedial medulla bidirectionally influence pain perception, and locus coe
156  Thus, modulating the TRIP8b-HCN interaction bidirectionally influences channel trafficking and antid
157 uronal circuit, with dopamine and octopamine bidirectionally influencing the generation of cAMP.
158 ana) that is able to translocate amino acids bidirectionally into as well as out of the cell.
159  originated in the CA3 a-b region and spread bidirectionally into CA1 and CA3c dentate gyrus.
160 on, the focus is actively divided and ejects bidirectionally into opposite halves of the dividing cel
161 al model of GATA-1 activation by EpoR, which bidirectionally links a lineage-specific receptor and tr
162        These studies, which are the first to bidirectionally manipulate the primate amygdala for effe
163                                           By bidirectionally manipulating PV cell activity in visual
164                    Synapses in the brain are bidirectionally modifiable, but the routes of induction
165 orrespond to the conditioning intervals, are bidirectionally modifiable, display experience-dependent
166 ny synapses in hippocampus and neocortex are bidirectionally modifiable, that the modifications persi
167 eptive fields of visual cortical neurons are bidirectionally modified by sensory deprivation and expe
168 ngly suggest that individual synapses can be bidirectionally modified.
169 eport that stressor salience is critical for bidirectionally modifying presynaptic CB-1 receptor (CB1
170 is not clear whether aversion and attraction bidirectionally modulate a shared circuit or recruit dis
171  offered by these proteins is the ability to bidirectionally modulate DA neuron activity in in vitro
172 grates signals from several brain regions to bidirectionally modulate feeding and body weight.
173 0 with the outer helix and N terminus of KIR bidirectionally modulate gating.
174                         They show that CB1Rs bidirectionally modulate HCN-mediated Ih in a subset of
175  hM3Dq and the inhibitory KORDi were used to bidirectionally modulate PFC activity and measure social
176 ce of auditory stimulation, is sufficient to bidirectionally modulate the firing rate of dopaminergic
177             Here we show that GluR5 agonists bidirectionally modulate the strength of synaptic transm
178 ng and D2R activation or blockade in the NAc bidirectionally modulated blood glucose levels and gluco
179 ability in Aplysia sensory neurons (SNs) are bidirectionally modulated by 5-HT and FMRFamide.
180 d dyskinesia and striatal ERK activation are bidirectionally modulated by ablating CK2 in D1- or D2-p
181 eurons of the thalamic reticular nucleus are bidirectionally modulated by changes in intracellular fr
182 uRs and L-type calcium channels but also was bidirectionally modulated by dopamine D2 receptors.
183  raphe activation, their odor responses were bidirectionally modulated, leading to improved pattern s
184 ed midbrain dopamine neurons immediately and bidirectionally modulates (induces or relieves) multiple
185 P2 expression in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) bidirectionally modulates amphetamine (AMPH)-induced con
186 he CaMKII-binding domain in full-length NR2B bidirectionally modulates colocalization with CaMKII aft
187              These results indicate that PKC bidirectionally modulates Ih amplitude and HCN1 surface
188  mechanism, dependent on PKC activity, which bidirectionally modulates Ih amplitude and HCN1channel s
189 iation transforms cortical tuning curves and bidirectionally modulates stimulus-evoked activity patte
190 stering rats, we investigated the effects of bidirectionally modulating adrenergic signaling on the s
191 ted by designer drug (DREADDs) as a means of bidirectionally modulating the hippocampus in not only a
192 strate that single Mcm2-7 hexamers propagate bidirectionally, monotonically, and processively as cons
193     The reticulopodia bear granules that are bidirectionally motile.
194                                              Bidirectionally moving DNA replication forks merge at te
195 n is responsible for the minus end motion of bidirectionally moving lipid droplets in early Drosophil
196 gic vacuoles was initiated after fusion with bidirectionally moving lysosomes that increase in number
197  and may serve as a crucial circuit node for bidirectionally normalizing maladaptive behaviours.
198 were found to shift developmental milestones bidirectionally on infant speech perception tasks.
199                               Lysosomes move bidirectionally on microtubules, and this motility can b
200 he proplatelet, as kinesin-coated beads move bidirectionally on the microtubule arrays of permeabiliz
201 by neurexins (Nrxns) and neuroligins (Nlgns) bidirectionally orchestrate the function of presynaptic
202        After replication initiation, the two bidirectionally oriented replisomes from a single origin
203 e at the gammaRXRE to modulate transcription bidirectionally over a wide range.
204 ith a vector capable of tetracycline-induced bidirectionally overexpressing sense and antisense RNA t
205                               A new class of bidirectionally quantitative photoswitches based on the
206 timulus: interhemispheric coupling increased bidirectionally, reflecting recruitment of the nonspecia
207 ical methods and adenovirus gene transfer to bidirectionally regulate AMPK activity, we found that in
208 e a framework in which inputs to the neurons bidirectionally regulate both the frequency and power ex
209 -ZFP transcription factors are sufficient to bidirectionally regulate Cdk5 gene expression via enrich
210 and demonstrate that sleep interventions can bidirectionally regulate cocaine craving and seeking aft
211 A glutamatergic neurons are well situated to bidirectionally regulate feeding and potentially other b
212                                    CPEB1 can bidirectionally regulate mRNA translation, first repress
213 positive neurons in the ventral zona incerta bidirectionally regulate sleep time in adult mice, in pa
214             NMDAR and metabotropic receptors bidirectionally regulate TNiK phosphorylation and TNiK i
215 ew the tongue as a sensory mechanism that is bidirectionally regulated and thus forms a bridge betwee
216  the output of subiculum can be strongly and bidirectionally regulated by activation of glutamatergic
217 5 and SAP102 (but not PSD-93) abundance were bidirectionally regulated by activity, but these changes
218                          Moreover, they were bidirectionally regulated by dopamine receptor signaling
219 We conclude that p38 kinase, which itself is bidirectionally regulated by FMRFa and 5-HT, acts as a m
220 e number of diffusionally isolated spines is bidirectionally regulated by neuronal activity.
221  the visual cortex is remarkably dynamic and bidirectionally regulated by sensory experience.
222 roteins whose clustering within dendrites is bidirectionally regulated by the activation state of Rap
223  we identify phosphorylation events that are bidirectionally regulated by the reconsolidation versus
224 ntrols postsynaptic calcium signaling and is bidirectionally regulated during synaptic plasticity.
225 ol on Pax6 and Neurog2, indicating a complex bidirectionally regulated network that controls the neur
226 ially specific manipulation of these neurons bidirectionally regulated the formation of a social-spat
227 lation initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2alpha) bidirectionally regulates auditory but not visual imprin
228  These observations indicate that cadherin-9 bidirectionally regulates DG-CA3 synapse development and
229      Our findings suggest that the mOFC also bidirectionally regulates effort allocation for a given
230 Our results show that this signaling cascade bidirectionally regulates extinction of a cocaine-induce
231                         In MB neurons, dFMRP bidirectionally regulates multiple levels of structural
232  Kinase 1 (CK1) as an upstream effector that bidirectionally regulates REST cellular abundance.
233                 Moreover, we show that BRAG1 bidirectionally regulates synaptic transmission.
234 -5 phosphorylates LIN-10/Mint-1 in vitro and bidirectionally regulates the abundance of LIN-10/Mint-1
235 modulation of DA D2 receptor (D2R) signaling bidirectionally regulates the consolidation of fear resp
236 relimbic cortical (PLC) division of the mPFC bidirectionally regulates the motivational valence of op
237 t3 contributes to the dopaminergic damage by bidirectionally regulating the local bioavailability of
238 us), project to the midbrain tectum, and are bidirectionally related to the rhombencephalon.
239 es that are differentially expressed in rats bidirectionally selected for alcohol preference might re
240 se with stress responsiveness using NIH rats bidirectionally selected for intrinsic endurance capacit
241                  In European honeybee stocks bidirectionally selected for pln, worker (sterile helper
242  integrin as a mechanosensitive complex that bidirectionally senses the tension of the matrix and, in
243 critical regulator of the social network, is bidirectionally sensitive to perturbations in activity,
244                The coding exons of JAK2 were bidirectionally sequenced from peripheral-blood granuloc
245             All three exons of myocilin were bidirectionally sequenced.
246 chanism by which corticothalamic neurons can bidirectionally switch the excitability and sensory thro
247 rates of both ON and OFF cell populations, a bidirectionally symmetric representation of motion is ac
248 tation of head direction and found that in a bidirectionally symmetrical environment, some neurons in
249 nt with the idea that EcoKI translocates DNA bidirectionally through itself and cuts when two enzyme
250                       These receptors signal bidirectionally through the plasma membrane in pathways
251  accumulation together with Otx2 contributed bidirectionally to both onset and offset of plasticity,
252                                  We selected bidirectionally to change the phenotypic correlation bet
253 ere not stably anchored on mRNA and migrated bidirectionally to codons cognate to the P site tRNA.
254                       SRC-1 and MES-1 signal bidirectionally to control cell fate and division orient
255 ral N gene start but then scans the template bidirectionally to find a gene start signal and initiate
256 tracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and signal bidirectionally to regulate cell adhesion and migration.
257                All three BMV RNAs trafficked bidirectionally to sink leaves near the apical meristem
258 ovel regions of the V genes that contributed bidirectionally to the binding activity of the Abs.
259 one by 45 min after induction and progressed bidirectionally toward the apical and basal ends of the
260 near plasmid pSLA2 initiates DNA replication bidirectionally towards its telomeres from a site locate
261 nd inhibition at a set of inputs to a neuron bidirectionally, towards excitation or towards inhibitio
262 mary culture neurons, we find that Nmnat2 is bidirectionally trafficked in axons together with marker
263 at microsatellite expansion mutations can be bidirectionally transcribed and that these mutations exp
264 ne signals including increased expression of bidirectionally transcribed endogenous retrovirus (ERV)
265 thorax complex (BX-C) Hox cluster contains a bidirectionally transcribed miRNA locus, and a deletion
266                    Many of these repeats are bidirectionally transcribed, allowing for single- and do
267  motor KIF3A/B works together with dynein to bidirectionally transport intraflagellar particles, mela
268                       By using injections of bidirectionally transported fluorescent tracers in adult
269 ntaining vesicles are widely distributed and bidirectionally transported in neurons, and secreted BDN
270                         We found that emodin bidirectionally tunes the induction of LPS/IFNgamma- and
271  amygdala-hippocampal connectivity increases bidirectionally, under modulatory influences from orbito
272 ell body to the proplatelets where they move bidirectionally until they are captured at proplatelet e
273                  We found that EGFP diffused bidirectionally via the NPC across the nuclear envelope.
274 f pipette Na+ should block Na+-Ca2+ exchange bidirectionally, was associated with a fourfold increase
275  2% of vimentin-ULFs move along microtubules bidirectionally, while the majority are stationary and t
276 n 15 patients were monitored and transmitted bidirectionally with audio and video data in real-time.
277 skeleton interact intimately and communicate bidirectionally with cellular membranes.
278 ed by Phe, protons can be transferred to H37 bidirectionally with distinct rate constants.
279     We conclude that LA synapse size changes bidirectionally with learning and that the spine apparat
280                         The ALM is connected bidirectionally with parts of the thalamus, including th
281 CM) consists of diverse components that work bidirectionally with surrounding cells to create a respo
282 was sufficient to regulate synaptic strength bidirectionally, with enhanced synaptic function accompa
283 mosome 7 regulates imprinted gene expression bidirectionally within an approximately 2-megabase regio

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