


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ments contaminated with PCB 52, PCB 153, and bifenthrin.
2  (98.7%), cis- and trans-permethrin (97.5%), bifenthrin (59.3%), and 3PBA (98.7%) were frequently det
3                                              Bifenthrin, a relatively stable type I pyrethroid that c
4            We investigated whether nanomolar bifenthrin alters synchronous Ca(2+) oscillations (SCOs)
5 ering baseline SCO activity, indicating that bifenthrin amplifies mGluR5 signaling independent of Na(
6 d analogs and absorption of PCB-52, PCB-153, bifenthrin and cis-permethrin were isotropic, validating
7  samples revealed the presence of pesticides bifenthrin and imazalil at levels below the MRLs establi
8  after treatment with commercial products of bifenthrin and permethrin.
9 gas treatment on the degradation of residual bifenthrin and pirimiphos-methyl insecticides commonly u
10 tein metabolized both type I (permethrin and bifenthrin) and type II (deltamethrin and Lambda-cyhalot
11 4IIEcells, four organochlorine insecticides, bifenthrin, and 3-PBA decreased cortisol-induced PEPCK g
12  urban sediment contamination and identifies bifenthrin as a contaminant of concern in urban wetlands
13              Subacute (48 hours) exposure to bifenthrin commencing 2 DIV-enhanced neurite outgrowth a
14 rrelated with both the parent permethrin and bifenthrin concentrations in the tissues of both species
15 ng terrestrial subsidies were altered at all bifenthrin concentrations tested.
16 by aquatic insect communities and exposed to bifenthrin-contaminated sediment; implications for natur
17 fragmentation behavior of eight pyrethroids (bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, lambda
18                              The residues of bifenthrin decreased after 180 min of exposure in a conc
19 detected in almost half of the samples, with bifenthrin detected the most frequently (41%) and in eac
20 e estrogenic samples indicated 2 pesticides (bifenthrin, diuron), 2 alkyphenols (AP), and mixtures of
21 s CYP9Q3 transcripts, whereas the pyrethroid bifenthrin enhances CYP9Q1 and CYP9Q2 transcripts and re
22               Of the eight pyrethroids, only bifenthrin exhibited increasing sorption on the SPME fib
23 n the mesocosm experiment, direct effects of bifenthrin exposure included reduced larval macroinverte
24 ations (EC50's ranged from 197.6 to 233.5 ng bifenthrin/g organic carbon) previously thought safe for
25 n voltage-gated sodium channels since 100 nM bifenthrin had no effect on the whole-cell Na(+) current
26                                              Bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, resmethrin
27  from all sites that exceeded the calculated bifenthrin LC50, demonstrating the impact of this contam
28                                              Bifenthrin-modified SCO rapidly enhanced the phosphoryla
29 gical effects of the widely used insecticide bifenthrin on stream ecosystems are largely unknown.
30 10(3) to 1.1 x 10(5) L/kg for permethrin and bifenthrin on these solids.
31 In field sediments, the (-)enantiomer of cis-bifenthrin or cis-permethrin was preferentially degraded
32 nmental levels of the estrogenic insecticide bifenthrin or ethinylestradiol (EE2) at 22 degrees C and
33 d a single springtime barrier application of bifenthrin or water according to recommended practices.
34 these data identify a new mechanism by which bifenthrin potently alters Ca(2+) dynamics and Ca(2+)-de
35 lained the experimental time-series data for bifenthrin (R(2) > 0.98) and the remaining unstable pyre
36                            Acute exposure to bifenthrin rapidly increased the frequency of SCOs by 2.
37  may contribute resistance to bifenazate and bifenthrin, respectively.
38 osed to wetland sediments was supported by a bifenthrin-spiked sediment experiment, indicating A. sub
39                                              Bifenthrin-stimulated neurite outgrowth and CREB phospho
40 tudies with permethrin, biotransformation of bifenthrin to estrogenic metabolites was not observed in
41 median lethal effect concentration (LC50) of bifenthrin to laboratory-based A. subtenuis (1.09 (+/-0.
42 redict the bioavailability of permethrin and bifenthrin to two benthic invertebrates (Lumbriculus var
43 methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)pyridine] normalized bifenthrin-triggered increase in SCO frequency without a
44 nnel blocker nifedipine failed to ameliorate bifenthrin-triggered SCO activity.
45 tagonists partially decreased both basal and bifenthrin-triggered SCO frequency increase.
46  a similar percentage of detections but only bifenthrin was detected and at lower concentrations.
47 e significantly correlated with survival and bifenthrin was likely responsible for the majority of th
48  test of delivery, the hydrophobic pesticide bifenthrin was loaded into filomicelles (up to 25% w/w)
49                                              Bifenthrin was the most frequently detected pesticide an
50 nd degradation parameters of the insecticide bifenthrin were measured in two soils for (i) the pure a

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