


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t (sal), optomotor blind (omb; also known as bifid) and brinker (brk).
2 acking Cx40 in one allele (Cx40+/-) included bifid atrial appendage, ventricular septal defect, tetra
3  the ureteric bud (UB), undergoes repetitive bifid branching events during early development followed
4 ecause, without mesenchyme, both lateral and bifid branching occurs (including the ureter), the mesen
5  membranous ventricular septal defects and a bifid cardiac apex, and less frequently a non-apex-formi
6  progenitor, resulting in a DA3, DO5-like or bifid DA3-DO5 orientation.
7 o integuments, or an apparently intermediate bifid integument.
8 orism, wide nasal bridge, short nasal ridge, bifid nasal tip, broad columella, widely separated slit-
9 trix 1 (FREM1) gene have been shown to cause bifid nose with or without anorectal and renal anomalies
10 ad a visible central lucency, 31 (21%) had a bifid peak at profile analysis, 30 (21%) had the "comet
11   Among calculi, none had a central lucency, bifid peak, or comet sign, but 29 (76%) had the soft-tis
12  earlier block to heart tube formation and a bifid phenotype.
13 ptal thickness, number/area of PM heads, and bifid PM mobility (in systole and diastole).
14  MV length, abnormal chordal attachment, and bifid PM mobility are associated with LVOT obstruction.
15 l LVOT gradient were basal septal thickness, bifid PM mobility, anterior mitral leaflet length, and a
16 ominent asymmetric costal cartilage in four; bifid rib in one; and well-defined, small (< 1-cm) subcu
17            At birth, the 46,XY proband had a bifid scrotum, hypospadias, and micropenis consistent wi
18 s encode functions involved in the so-called bifid-shunt, most enzymes related to nucleotide biosynth
19 mplete fusion of the ribs at the midline and bifid sternum as well as delayed sternal ossification.
20 logical abnormalities, including U waves and bifid T waves, were reversed by potassium.
21 iety of complex patterns, including terminal bifid, terminal trifid, and lateral branching.
22 tortuosity and aneurysms, hypertelorism, and bifid uvula or cleft palate and is caused by heterozygou
23 al manifestations that included hepatopathy, bifid uvula, malignant hyperthermia, hypogonadotropic hy
24 yly, heart defects, hypomastia, cleft palate/bifid uvula, progressive scoliosis, and structural brain
25 of hyoid bone, failed closure of fontanelle, bifid xiphoid process and hypoplasia of clavicle and zyg

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