


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  to those of non-bilaterian animal phyla and Bilateria.
2 ng to Trochozoa, one of the main branches of Bilateria.
3 ry network evolved in the common ancestor of Bilateria.
4 the equivalent to the head-forming region of Bilateria.
5 at is essential for embryonic development in bilateria.
6 es across Protostomia, Deuterostomia and non-Bilateria.
7 ptides for >96% of genes that evolved before bilateria.
8  conservation or convergent evolution within Bilateria.
9 els and planarians being the ancestor of the Bilateria.
10 velopment, that facilitated the evolution of bilateria.
11 ion along the branch separating Cnidaria and Bilateria.
12 conservation of the Hox-CTCF link across the Bilateria.
13 ltipotency during the development of diverse bilateria.
14 ancorina within the Euarthropoda or even the Bilateria.
15 of the dorsoventral (DV) axis throughout the Bilateria.
16 y present in the last common ancestor of the Bilateria.
17 ndependently in Ctenophora and in Cnidaria + Bilateria.
18 system, as the sister group to all remaining Bilateria.
19 la that diverged before the emergence of the Bilateria.
20  as evidence of the early diversification of Bilateria.
21  might have been an ancestral feature of the Bilateria.
22 y present in the last common ancestor of all bilateria.
23 y in the common ancestor of the Cnidaria and Bilateria.
24 om other animals before the radiation of the Bilateria.
25 mals are members of the evolutionary lineage Bilateria.
26 the likely sister group of the triploblastic Bilateria.
27 efore the evolutionary split of Cnidaria and Bilateria.
28 hordates), or as among the most primitive of Bilateria.
29 tion and endoderm development throughout the Bilateria.
30  arthropods, than in nonserially constructed Bilateria.
31 lls and are possibly the sister group to the Bilateria.
32 breaking, may be an ancestral feature of the Bilateria [1 and 2].
33 ia) and that a through-gut originated within Bilateria [1-8].
34  patterning apparently predates the birth of Bilateria [4-7].
35 mplest animals and a distant relative of the Bilateria, also possesses miRNAs, both classes of piRNAs
36  both occurring before the split between the Bilateria and Cnidarians.
37 ly have been identified as synapomorphies of Bilateria and Ctenophora, e.g., mesoderm, more likely ev
38                  This hypothesis states that Bilateria and Placozoa share a more recent common ancest
39 r of the anteroposterior axis throughout the Bilateria and specifies regeneration polarity in planari
40 t TRF2 evolved prior to the emergence of the bilateria and subsequent to the evolutionary split betwe
41 genetic program for cartilage development in Bilateria and suggest that activation of this ancient co
42 ys were linked to cilia before the origin of bilateria and transient receptor potential (TRP) channel
43 ent, and enterocely are ancestral within the Bilateria, and spiral or idiosyncratic cleavages, mosaic
44 importance for endoderm specification across Bilateria, and this gene lies at an essential node of th
45 ve hypotheses for the phylogenetic origin of Bilateria are evaluated by using complete 18S rRNA gene
46  observations that bear on the origin of the Bilateria are reviewed and interpreted in light of our s
47 ments in Neuralia (Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Bilateria) are composed of an opsin (a seven-transmembra
48 d/trunk distinction is a synapomorphy of the Bilateria as a whole, and that it reflects the body plan
49 ew of the RNA polymerase II core promoter in bilateria (bilaterally symmetric animals).
50 ation is thought to be an ancestral trait of Bilateria, but major questions remain as to the nature o
51 SU data agree in supporting the monophyly of Bilateria, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, and Metazoa.
52 e been identified in all three groups of the Bilateria (deuterostomes, ecdysozoans, and lophotrochozo
53 een reported in the other two main clades of Bilateria: Ecdysozoa (including flies and nematodes) and
54 Radiata or Ctenophora, nor is it likely that Bilateria gave rise to Cnidaria or Ctenophora.
55 explain (i) the formation of Hox clusters in Bilateria, (ii) the diversity of bilaterian body plans,
56                  The evolutionary success of Bilateria is credited partly to the origin of bilateral
57 and combined data reject the hypothesis that Bilateria is more closely related to Ctenophora than it
58                                              Bilateria is not likely to be the sister group of Radiat
59 omorpha is the sister group to all remaining Bilateria (= Nephrozoa, namely protostomes and deuterost
60 hs (=Xenacoelomorpha) as sister to all other Bilateria (=Nephrozoa), or placed Xenacoelomorpha inside
61 odermal muscle originated at the base of the Bilateria not only for contraction, but also as the sour
62 ge that originated either at the base of the bilateria or of the deuterostome clade, we report the li
63 y of the same molecular components as in the Bilateria, particularly in pathways associated with oxid
64 l role in the radiation of the triploblastic Bilateria, permitting the evolution of larger and more c
65 tarlet sea anemone), a close relative to the Bilateria, possesses an extensive repertoire of miRNA ge
66 e origin of bilaterally symmetrical animals (Bilateria) prior to their obvious and explosive appearan
67 ls of the phylum Cnidaria are not within the Bilateria, some representatives, such as the sea anemone
68 dinal origination among serially constructed Bilateria, such as arthropods, than in nonserially const
69 d to form an archetypal signaling pathway in bilateria that was expanded extensively during early ver
70  can be traced to the common ancestor of the Bilateria (Urbilateria).
71  ancestor to the last common ancestor of the Bilateria ("Urbilaterian") and present an integrative hy
72 gulatory circuit is a central feature of the Bilateria, used broadly for the establishment, maintenan
73  the 2b-tail, found in the SERCA pump of all Bilateria, whereas LE is only present in Nematoda and ve

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