


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 abolite sensing and signaling pathways (e.g. bile acids).
2 acids and derivatives, free fatty acids, and bile acid.
3  primarily phospholipids, sphingolipids, and bile acids.
4  be pivotal for hepatic uptake of conjugated bile acids.
5  the degradation of cholesterol into primary bile acids.
6 ontaining diet for 7 days to sequester their bile acids.
7 rol and accumulation of toxic oxysterols and bile acids.
8 m to maintain homeostasis in the presence of bile acids.
9  through enterohepatic recycling pathways of bile acids.
10 etabolism, despite changes in microbiota and bile acids.
11 th a high concentration (1 mM) of conjugated bile acids.
12 nthesis of N-(11)C-methyl-taurine-conjugated bile acids.
13  bile acids, leading to elevation of hepatic bile acids.
14 d inhibition of hepatic uptake of conjugated bile acids.
15 A cycle, amino acids, carnitine, lipids, and bile acids.
16 ith accumulation of TLCA and other secondary bile acids.
17 ritus, hepatic impairment and elevated serum bile acids.
18 homeostasis and prevents the accumulation of bile acids.
19 enabled the pulp hydrocolloid to entrap more bile acids (35-38% at a hydrocolloid concentration of 2%
20 d female mouse faeces, and others respond to bile acids absent in mouse faeces.
21 t and microbiota bile acid metabolism, favor bile acid accumulation that contributes to AhR-mediated
22                                     Elevated bile acids activate FXR, which in turn switches off bile
23          Based on our prior studies with the bile acid-activated nuclear hormone receptor farnesoid X
24 ch encodes the farnesoid X receptor (FXR), a bile acid-activated nuclear hormone receptor that regula
25                                          The bile acid-activated receptors, nuclear farnesoid X recep
26 ds with PET and the (11)C-labeled conjugated bile acid analog [N-methyl-(11)C]cholylsarcosine ((11)C-
27                             Thus, changes in bile acid and inflammatory signaling, insulin resistance
28                                      Hepatic bile acid and lipid content was elevated in WT mice, wit
29 performed a detailed analysis of gallbladder bile acid and lipid metabolism in Tgr5(-/-) mice in both
30 th disruptions also in tryptophan/serotonin, bile acid and lipid metabolism.
31 with nuclear receptor-controlled cholesterol/bile acid and xenobiotic metabolism among the top deregu
32 e and 5-D itch scale, changes in serum total bile acids and 7 alpha hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one (C4), a
33 nthesis of N-(11)C-methyl-taurine-conjugated bile acids and biodistribution studies in pigs by PET/CT
34         ICP is characterized by raised serum bile acids and complicated by spontaneous preterm labor
35 ins mediate the hepatic uptake of conjugated bile acids and demonstrated intestinal sensing of elevat
36                                              Bile acids and epithelial-derived human beta-defensins (
37 mination is triggered in response to certain bile acids and glycine.
38 ges closely correlated with changes in serum bile acids and levels of the antiinflammatory bile acid
39 ing and interplay with the gut microbiota of bile acids and their receptors in meta-inflammation, wit
40 obially modified molecules such as secondary bile acids and unexpected microbial molecules including
41 sor of important molecules such as hormones, bile acids and vitamin D.
42 nt between groups included free fatty acids, bile acids, and amino acid metabolites.
43 ns in glycolysis/gluconeogensis metabolites, bile acids, and elevated branched chain AA).
44            Serum biochemistries, gallbladder bile acids, and liver sections were examined.
45 matory responses, normalized serum levels of bile acids, and protected mice from liver damage after e
46 to overcome host barriers, including low pH, bile acids, and the innate immune system.
47                                         PGs, bile acids, and tryptophan metabolites are important med
48  in CRC, and the decreased expression of the bile acid apical transporter gene Slc10A2, as an effect
49                                              Bile acids are known to induce Ca(2+) signals and necros
50                                              Bile acids are known to induce pathological Ca(2+) signa
51                                              Bile acids are ligands for G-protein coupled receptors (
52                                              Bile acids are ligands for the nuclear hormone receptor
53                                              Bile acids are ligands for the nuclear hormone receptor,
54                                              Bile acids are signaling molecules that coordinately reg
55                                              Bile acids are signaling molecules that play a critical
56                                              Bile acids are steroid-derived molecules synthesized in
57                                              Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol and are know
58 bust source of AOS chemosignals and identify bile acids as a class of natural AOS ligands.
59                       These results identify bile acids as important metabolic effectors under condit
60                Recent studies have described bile acids as versatile signaling molecules endowed with
61 d by decreased free and conjugated secondary bile acids as well as changes in gut microbiota.
62 irment of bile flow, and that leads to toxic bile acid (BA) accumulation in hepatocytes.
63 on of ISs from a routine LC-MS/MS method for bile acid (BA) analysis with a focus on tauro-conjugated
64 n of the effect of GSK2330672 on total serum bile acid (BA) concentrations, serum markers of BA synth
65 dicated severe deregulation of intracellular bile acid (BA) homeostasis and activation of cell prolif
66 osing cholangitis (PSC) may involve impaired bile acid (BA) homeostasis.
67 esoid X receptor (Fxr), which is the primary bile acid (BA) sensor, and critical regulator of BA meta
68                                              Bile acid (BA) signaling regulates fatty acid metabolism
69  The identification of the key regulators of bile acid (BA) synthesis and transport within the entero
70                                              Bile acid (BA)-binding capacities of in vitro digested s
71                                              Bile acids (BA) are linked to the pathogenesis and thera
72                                              Bile acids (BAs) and phospholipids were measured by mass
73 ), which is a hepatocellular transporter for bile acids (BAs) and the receptor for hepatitis B and D
74 dy aims to uncover how specific bacteria and bile acids (BAs) contribute to steatosis induced by diet
75                                              Bile acids (BAs) have been proposed as potential prurito
76  association between sex and gut microbiota, bile acids (BAs), and gastrointestinal cancers.
77 itive acid blockers, reflux-reducing agents, bile acid binders, injection of inert substances into th
78 tential applications as food emulsifiers and bile acid binders.
79 fine a potentially treatable inborn error of bile acid biosynthesis caused by ACOX2 deficiency.
80 of genes involved in cholesterol and primary bile acid biosynthesis including Cyp7a1.
81 sm, lysine biosynthesis and degradation, and bile acid biosynthesis.
82  Accordingly, hepatocytes did not accumulate bile acids but simply facilitated the transport of bile
83                        Outside of this role, bile acids can act as cell signaling effectors through b
84                             We conclude that bile acids can differentially regulate colonic epithelia
85 rizes recent findings on the influences that bile acids can exert in normal neurological function and
86 ics of hepatobiliary secretion of conjugated bile acids can now be determined by dynamic (11)C-CSar P
87 eostasis in Teff cells exposed to conjugated bile acids (CBAs), a class of liver-derived emulsifying
88          TGR5 may play a role in determining bile acid composition and in fasting-induced hepatic ste
89                      Analysis of gallbladder bile acid composition showed marked increase of taurocho
90 n of Cyp7a1 and Cyp8b1 normalizes TCA level, bile acid composition, and intestinal cholesterol absorp
91 ransient fetal liver residence, where select bile acid composition, derived from mother and embryo, p
92 rofiles of serum, liver and adipose tissues, bile acid composition, energy metabolism, and messenger
93 g to reduced bile acid pool size and altered bile acid composition, with the alpha/beta-muricholic ac
94 holesterol (chromosome 10A2) and serum total bile acid concentration (chromosome 12E) and identified
95  ELF score of 9.8, and highly elevated total bile acid concentration (median, 43.3 mumol/L); 13 of 20
96  Sel1l as a significant determinant of serum bile acid concentration.
97 es accounted for the variance in serum total bile acid concentrations and had pleiotropic effects on
98      After GSK2330672 treatment, serum total bile acid concentrations declined by 50% (95% CI -37 to
99 8 (median reduction: 0.173), and total serum bile acid concentrations decreased from baseline to week
100 nction in cholecardia so that reducing serum bile acid concentrations may be beneficial against the m
101                 Strategies to minimize serum bile acid concentrations may reduce the severity of neur
102 diet had significantly increased serum total bile acid concentrations, providing independent confirma
103  is strongly associated with increased serum bile acid concentrations.
104 R inhibits bile acid synthesis and increases bile acid conjugation, transport, and excretion, thereby
105 fed a control, cholestyramine-containing, or bile acid-containing diet before azoxymethane (AOM)-indu
106                               Spanish plasma bile acid contents were analyzed by liquid chromatograph
107                     Here we show that excess bile acids decrease fatty acid oxidation in cardiomyocyt
108                                        Fecal bile acids decreased 2.8-fold, suggesting enhanced intes
109                                              Bile acids deoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid dif
110 trolling C. difficile infection, a series of bile acid derivatives have been prepared that inhibit ta
111                                     However, bile acid-elicited signalling events in stellate cells r
112 on of bile acids prevented the rise in fecal bile acid excretion, changed the bacterial composition o
113                                   Individual bile acids exhibit repressive activity on SPI-1-regulate
114 ted included those involved in metabolism of bile acids, flavonoids, nutrients, amino acids (includin
115 cids but simply facilitated the transport of bile acids from blood to bile against a measured concent
116                                              Bile acids function not only as detergents that facilita
117                       Finally, we found that bile acids function synergistically to achieve the overa
118 entified a novel series of highly potent non-bile acid FXR agonists that introduce a bicyclic nortrop
119                                          The bile acid-FXR interaction regulates bile acid synthesis,
120                                    Recently, bile acid-FXR regulation has been reported to play an in
121 , while the regulatory functions of FGF19 in bile acid, glucose and energy metabolism remain intact.
122                  In contrast, non-conjugated bile acids have a robust stimulatory effect only on delt
123                             In recent years, bile acids have emerged as relevant signaling molecules
124 gs demonstrate a pivotal function for FXR in bile acid homeostasis and liver protection.
125        FXR is also essential for maintaining bile acid homeostasis and prevents the accumulation of b
126 evels of liver enzymes, liver histology, and bile acid homeostasis were evaluated.
127 ces fatty acid oxidation, while FXR controls bile acid homeostasis, but both nuclear receptors also r
128 r-delta (PPAR-delta), which is implicated in bile acid homoeostasis.
129 ort has been made to investigate the role of bile acids in diseases outside of those associated with
130 n body composition, markers of inflammation, bile acids in fecal samples, and composition of the inte
131 cy-specific disorder characterised by raised bile acids in foetal-maternal circulation, which threate
132 s contribute to hepatic uptake of conjugated bile acids in mice, whereas the predominant uptake in hu
133  Increased amounts of total and unconjugated bile acids in the faeces of the probiotic-fed mice, toge
134 equestrants are synthetic polymers that bind bile acids in the gut and are used to treat dyslipidemia
135 sense highly elevated levels of (conjugated) bile acids in the systemic circulation to induce FGF15/1
136 ts suggest that decreased PRDX3 by excessive bile acids in trophoblasts plays a critical role in the
137 ner similar to endogenous taurine-conjugated bile acids in vivo and are thus promising for functional
138          In fecal samples, levels of primary bile acids increased in the placebo group but not in the
139 , combined with feces replete with lipid and bile acid, indicated a phenotype more akin to that of st
140                       We hypothesized that a bile acid-induced ductular reaction (DR) drives fibrogen
141 ociated with augmented caspase 3 activity in bile-acid-induced apoptosis in mouse hepatocytes whereas
142 s (e.g., certain short-chain fatty acids and bile acids) inhibit SPI-1 expression.
143           The gallbladder excretes cytotoxic bile acids into the duodenum through the cystic duct and
144 s techniques showed that SPI-1 repression by bile acids is mediated by posttranslational destabilizat
145 ing myrcludex B had only moderate effects on bile acid kinetics in WT mice, but completely inhibited
146  characterized by impairment of excretion of bile acids, leading to elevation of hepatic bile acids.
147 ne feeding or using Cyp7A1(-/-) mice reduced bile acid levels and delayed AOM-induced neurological de
148 eceptor dramatically increases enterohepatic bile acid levels and jet-lag-induced HCC, while loss of
149                              However, plasma bile acid levels are normal in a subset of NTCP knockout
150 tudies demonstrated a striking deficiency in bile acid levels in malnourished mice that is consistent
151  demonstrated intestinal sensing of elevated bile acid levels in plasma in mice.
152 FP36L1 reciprocally regulate Cyp7a1 mRNA and bile acid levels in vivo.
153                       We find that increased bile acid levels suppress expression of proliferator-act
154                                        Total bile acid levels were increased in the cortex of AOM-tre
155 etected a 4.6-fold increase in total hepatic bile acid levels, despite the coordinated repression of
156                                After a meal, bile-acid levels increase in the intestine, liver, and a
157 expression and activity of genes involved in bile acid, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, energy exp
158 receptor (FXR) participates in regulation of bile acid, lipid and glucose homeostasis, and liver prot
159 er partner (SHP) are important regulators of bile acid, lipid, and glucose homeostasis.
160    It is possible that in Barrett's patients bile acids may activate NOX5-S and increase reactive oxy
161  source of AOS information, and suggest that bile acids may be mammalian pheromones and kairomones.
162 ring cholestasis, accumulation of conjugated bile acids may occur in the liver and lead to hepatocell
163                   In conclusion, circulating bile acids may play a pathological role during hepatic e
164                                              Bile acid-mediated pancreatic damage can be further esca
165 sion in cardiac cells was able to rescue the bile acid-mediated reduction in fatty acid oxidation gen
166 tion of hepatic glucose as well as lipid and bile acid metabolism and detoxification and their potent
167  receptor that acts as a master regulator of bile acid metabolism and signaling.
168              We hypothesized that modulating bile acid metabolism by the gut hormone fibroblast growt
169 ainly responsible for energy homeostasis and bile acid metabolism in the liver.
170    Thus, the ZFP36L1-dependent regulation of bile acid metabolism is an important metabolic contribut
171                Increased levels of microbial bile acid metabolism loci (bsh, baiCD) are consistent wi
172                             Dysregulation of bile acid metabolism was also evident in Gpat3-null mice
173  circulation, as well as host and microbiota bile acid metabolism, favor bile acid accumulation that
174 um indicated alterations in several steps of bile acid metabolism, including hepatic synthesis and re
175 ith control mice, in part because of altered bile acid metabolism.
176  linked to obesity, T cell infiltration, and bile acid metabolism.
177  absorption that was consistent with altered bile acid metabolism.
178 ng independent confirmation linking SEL1L to bile acid metabolism.
179 ated nuclear hormone receptor that regulates bile acid metabolism.
180  cells and thus killing of stellate cells by bile acids might have important implications in acute bi
181 nificantly reduced the stimulatory effect of bile acids on ENaC, suggesting that this site is critica
182                                   Effects of bile acids on neurological function and disease.
183 d pancreatic acinar cells but the effects of bile acids on stellate cells are unexplored.
184 emonstrate the pathophysiological effects of bile acids on stellate cells in two experimental models:
185 fect of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), a bile acid, on ER stress in MSCs in vitro and in vivo.
186 tabolism and transport, and sulfonylation of bile acids or hydroxysteroids.
187 hain fatty acids) and lack of products (like bile acids or plasmalogens), many peroxisomal defects le
188 talyzes conversion of cholesterol to primary bile acids) (OR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.08-1.15; P = 8.84 x 10(
189 droxysteroids and cholesterol-derived sterol bile acids) (OR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.12-1.21; P = 2.24 x 10(
190 ion of L-arginine (also in rats), caerulein, bile acid, or an AP-inducing diet.
191 er Partner double knockout mice, a model for bile acid overload, display cardiac hypertrophy, bradyca
192 tty acids pathway, and primary and secondary bile acids pathways.
193 mall heterodimer partner, leading to reduced bile acid pool size and altered bile acid composition, w
194 inal cholesterol absorption by modulation of bile acid pool size and composition, thus leading to inc
195 geted the synthesis and biliary excretion of bile acids prevented the rise in fecal bile acid excreti
196 ses of the N-(11)C-methyl-taurine-conjugated bile acids proceeded with radiochemical yields of 61% (d
197 ology, serum liver enzyme, serum and hepatic bile acid profiles, and hepatic bile acid synthesis and
198 gical analysis as well as gut microbiota and bile acid profiling.
199 ngs shed new light on the mechanism by which bile acids promote pancreatic pathology.
200                    Several secondary/primary bile acid ratios were also decreased with LF in the disc
201 olic acid (TLCA), a potent G protein-coupled bile acid receptor 1 (GPBAR1) agonist associated with bi
202 ted a therapeutic potential for this nuclear bile acid receptor in the prevention of diabetic nephrop
203 ile acids and levels of the antiinflammatory bile acid receptor Takeda G protein-coupled receptor 5 (
204            The role of the G-protein-coupled bile acid receptor TGR5 in various organs, tissues, and
205 regulation and role of the G protein-coupled bile acid receptor TGR5, previously shown to be regulate
206 otein receptor 5 (TGR5), a G protein-coupled bile acid receptor, is linked to cAMP and expressed in c
207                                              Bile acid receptors and transporters were decreased as e
208                                 In addition, bile acid receptors such as GPR131 (TGR5) and proton-sen
209  expression is significantly associated with bile acid receptors VDR and TGR5 expression.
210                  Activation or modulation of bile acid receptors, such as the farnesoid X receptor an
211 ardiac function, we show that elevated serum bile acids reduce cardiac fatty acid oxidation both in v
212                       The mechanisms whereby bile acid reflux may accelerate the progression from Bar
213                         We hypothesized that bile acids regulate colonic HbetaD expression and aimed
214 ng through these diverse signaling pathways, bile acids regulate triglyceride, cholesterol, glucose h
215 duce liver injury with associated changes in bile acid regulating genes, leading to an accumulation o
216  the potential for therapeutically targeting bile-acid-related pathways to address this growing world
217 forts in mapping functional hot spots on the bile acid scaffold, we here demonstrate that the introdu
218  ion channel family, which also includes the bile acid-sensitive ion channel (BASIC).
219                                As a cellular bile acid sensor, farnesoid X receptor (FXR) participate
220                      Three placebo trials of bile acid-sequestering agents (n = 332, 8-52 weeks) show
221                                              Bile acid-sequestering agents were commonly associated w
222 mittee down-graded recommendations regarding bile acid sequestrant use, recommending bile acid seques
223                                              Bile acid sequestrants are synthetic polymers that bind
224 ding bile acid sequestrant use, recommending bile acid sequestrants only as optional secondary agents
225 lation of LDL receptor expression (ie, diet, bile acid sequestrants, ileal bypass, and ezetimibe) (be
226                      Importantly, intestinal bile acid sequestration with cholestyramine was sufficie
227  studied the complex interplay between diet, bile acids, sex, and dysbiosis in hepatic steatosis and
228 alyzed how sevelamer alters inflammation and bile acid signaling in NAFLD livers.
229 and increase insulin sensitivity by altering bile acid signaling pathways.
230 rological decline, and molecular analyses of bile acid signaling were performed.
231 own liver tumor promoter that mediates toxic bile acid signaling, inhibits NAFLD-induced hepatocarcin
232 RTC1 also mediates anti-lipogenic effects of bile acid signaling, whereas it is negatively regulated
233        We demonstrated that tauro-conjugated bile acids significantly stimulate ENaC in the alphabeta
234  plants containing a T-DNA disruption of the bile acid sodium symporter BASS6 show decreased photosyn
235 ely inhibited active transport of conjugated bile acid species in OATP knockout mice.
236 en source software, include oxidized lipids, bile acids, sphingosines, and previously uncharacterized
237 ic measures such as probiotics, prokinetics, bile acids, statins, and hematopoietic growth factors co
238                                              Bile acids stimulate ENaC-mediated currents by increasin
239                                 Importantly, bile acids strongly enhance this bacteriocin activity in
240 nt physicochemical properties of hydrophilic bile acids such as ursodeoxycholic acid, with the distin
241 d amino acids, biogenic amines, fatty acids, bile acids, sugars, and lipids.
242             The role of FXR in regulation of bile acid synthesis and hepatic metabolism has been stud
243                   Activation of FXR inhibits bile acid synthesis and increases bile acid conjugation,
244 dual FXR and TGR5 agonist INT-767 on hepatic bile acid synthesis and intestinal secretion of glucagon
245  and hepatic bile acid profiles, and hepatic bile acid synthesis and transportation gene expression w
246  to induce FGF15/19, which modulates hepatic bile acid synthesis and uptake.
247 ids activate FXR, which in turn switches off bile acid synthesis by reducing the mRNA levels of bile
248 cid synthesis by reducing the mRNA levels of bile acid synthesis genes, including cholesterol 7alpha-
249 duced expression of the genes in the classic bile acid synthesis pathway but induced those in the alt
250 sterol 7alpha-hydroxylase in the alternative bile acid synthesis pathway was reduced.
251 ish rats from humans including vitamin C and bile acid synthesis pathways.
252 tic free cholesterol accumulation, increased bile acid synthesis, decreased biliary cholesterol secre
253 1H4 or farnesoid X receptor [FXR]) regulates bile acid synthesis, transport, and catabolism.
254      The bile acid-FXR interaction regulates bile acid synthesis, transport, and cholesterol metaboli
255 sterol mobilization, cholesterol efflux, and bile acid synthesis.
256  safely harnessing FGF19 biology to suppress bile acid synthesis.
257  are compatible with previous studies of the bile acid system in stroke models.
258  TBI would alter hepatic function, including bile acid system machinery in the liver and brain.
259 dominated by increases in taurine-conjugated bile acids (t-CBAs).
260                  In this study we found that bile acid taurodeoxycholic acid (TDCA) significantly inc
261 e muscarinic agonist carbachol (CCh) and the bile acid taurolithocholic acid 3-sulfate were also anal
262             While liver, but not sera, total bile acids (TBAs) were increased 75% by this dose, domin
263 ed with lithocholic acid (LA)-an inexpensive bile acid that exhibits strong binding to beta-cyclodext
264      Many AOS neurons respond selectively to bile acids that are variably excreted in male and female
265 Faecal extracts contain several unconjugated bile acids that cause concentration-dependent neuronal a
266 lasma levels, as well as fecal excretion, of bile acids that is accompanied by distinct changes in gu
267 s a G protein-coupled receptor for secondary bile acids that is highly expressed in monocytes/macroph
268 osition of the gut (i.e., the microbiota and bile acids), the transformation of the gastrointestinal
269 rrent available data on the relationships of bile acids to NAFLD and the potential for therapeuticall
270 bition of the ileal, apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT), blocks progression of scle
271                                    The ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT) protein expressed in the di
272 330672, a selective inhibitor of human ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT), in patients with primary b
273 A transport systems, apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter and Na(+) -taurocholate cotranspor
274  cholangitis with pruritus, 14 days of ileal bile acid transporter inhibition by GSK2330672 was gener
275 ndomised controlled crossover trial of ileal bile acid transporter inhibitor, a novel class of drug t
276 m/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (a bile acid transporter) as a receptor to enter hepatocyte
277 s, such as the ileal apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter, appear to affect both insulin sen
278                            Quantification of bile acid transporter, ASBT-expressing neurons in the hy
279 uclear factor 4A (Hnf4a), known modifiers of bile acid transporters and metabolic traits.
280                                              Bile acid treatment caused necrosis predominantly in ste
281 sport plays an important role in the overall bile acid uptake in pancreatic stellate cells.
282                                      Hepatic bile acid uptake kinetics were determined in wild-type (
283 lypeptide (NTCP) indicate a Na(+) -dependent bile acid uptake mechanism in stellate cells.
284 rate conventional treatment with the natural bile acid ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA).
285                               Reducing serum bile acids via cholestyramine feeding or using Cyp7A1(-/
286 AT) and hepatic conversion of cholesterol to bile acids via the alternative synthesis pathway.
287 nthesis of N-(11)C-methyl-taurine-conjugated bile acids was developed and used to prepare N-(11)C-met
288 ation, accumulation of total cholesterol and bile acids was prominently observed in the mutant liver,
289 ytryptamine, chloroquine, compound 48/80, or bile acid, was markedly decreased in TDAG8(-/-) mice.
290 y bile acids were similar, whereas secondary bile acids were absent, in GF mdr2(-/-) mice.
291 hanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) scores and serum bile acids were also assessed.
292 ltiple amino acids (AA), AA metabolites, and bile acids were also significantly lower in diabetic ver
293                              Moreover, serum bile acids were increased 45.4-fold, consistent with blo
294 ity lipoprotein, triglycerides, cytokines or bile acids were observed.
295 les were collected at baseline and 16 weeks; bile acids were profiled using high-performance liquid c
296                   Importantly, a panel of 20 bile acids were quantitatively measured, most of which h
297 ing genetic methods, the effects of bile and bile acids were shown to require the invasion gene trans
298                                      Primary bile acids were similar, whereas secondary bile acids we
299 tobiliary uptake and secretion of conjugated bile acids with PET and the (11)C-labeled conjugated bil
300 s critical for the functional interaction of bile acids with the channel.

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