


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n accuracy of 94% in the diagnosis of common bile duct stones.
2 sphincterotomy as effective in extraction of bile duct stones.
3 creatography is commonly performed to remove bile duct stones.
4          The SPLC group contained 1 retained bile duct stone, 1-port site hernia, and 1 postoperative
5 copic (10) approach, or endoscopy for common bile duct stones (2).
6  CT scans were evaluated for the presence of bile duct stones, ampullary stones, the gallbladder and
7 ic sphincterotomy is commonly used to remove bile-duct stones and to treat other problems.
8                                       Common bile duct stones are unusual in children, occurring in 2
9                                              Bile duct stones are usually treated with surgical bilia
10 am; even prior images had evidence of common bile duct stones (CBDS).
11              The optimal strategy for common bile duct stones (CBDSs) encountered during cholecystect
12  techniques for the noninvasive diagnosis of bile duct stones continue to be developed and tested.
13 age resulted in the identification of common bile duct stones during preoperative ERCP in 92.3% (36/3
14 ients underwent ERCP and clearance of common bile duct stones; group 2 patients underwent MRC; group
15 ts (HR, 2.52; 95% CI, 1.05-6.04), and common bile duct stones (HR, 11.83; 95% CI, 1.54-91).
16        Unenhanced helical CT depicted common bile duct stones in 15 of 17 patients found to have ston
17 been used increasingly for the management of bile duct stones in relatively young and healthy patient
18 Both radiologists agreed on the diagnosis of bile duct stones in six of seven cases (kappa = 0.90).
19 graphy in the evaluation of suspected common bile duct stones is discussed.
20  3), nonspecific biliary dilatation (n = 3), bile duct stones (n = 2), and biliary-colonic fistula (n
21                           Unsuspected common bile duct stones occurred in six patients (1.4%).
22 ber and without a visible underlying cause), bile duct stones, or biliary fistulas.
23 ngiographic findings and management of large bile duct stones, technological advances in the devices
24 trated on the management of difficult common bile duct stones using electrohydraulic lithotripsy, chr
25 nd lowest when the indication was removal of bile-duct stones within 30 days of laparoscopic cholecys

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