


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                               We demonstrate binary (1 x 1) and ternary (1 x 2) Bcl-2 PPI analyses by
2      CDT, the third C. difficile toxin, is a binary actin-ADP-ribosylating toxin that causes depolyme
3 t crystal structures of the apo enzyme and a binary Ago-guide complex of the archaeal Methanocaldococ
4  classification of alloying behavior for 813 binary alloy systems consisting of transition and lantha
5 cation of miscible and immiscible systems of binary alloys plays a critical role in the design of mul
6 2.0 and 1.4 lower than pure Ni and the 80:20 binary alloys, respectively.
7 tence at the same orbital period of novalike binaries and dwarf novae-which are identical but for the
8                                     We use a binary and a ternary mixture: a saturated and an unsatur
9 by peptide-based logic operations, including binary and combination gates (AND, INHIBIT, OR, and AND-
10                       Here, we present a new binary and compressed data representation, the MacroMole
11 resent the crystal structures of the SHR-SCR binary and JACKDAW (JKD)/IDD10-SHR-SCR ternary complexes
12  container technologies that encapsulate all binary and other dependencies in one convenient package.
13 or switchable microwave overtone resonators, binary and quadrature phase-shift keying modulators are
14 ion was initiated by the screening of simple binary and ternary admixtures of Pd/charcoal in combinat
15 ntal and simulation results suggest that the binary and ternary alloys exhibit higher radiation resis
16 MAJIQ-SPEL is able to handle both classical (binary) and complex, non-binary, splicing variations.
17  pure Ni to Ni80Fe20, Ni50Fe50, and Ni80Cr20 binaries, and to a more complex Ni40Fe40Cr20 alloy.
18 thermore, opposed to existing deterministic (binary) approaches, this method rather estimates the pro
19              The source code and precompiled binaries are available at the SPATKIN Web site.
20 st [Co6Te8(P(n)Pr3)6][C60]3, formed from the binary assembly of atomically precise molecular clusters
21 These processes can lead to the formation of binary asteroids and to the release of dust, both direct
22 ng result of no theoretical stability in any binary AuHn at P < 300 GPa was overcome by introducing a
23 urthermore, while being weak in conventional binary binding conditions, the Rap1b/talin interaction b
24  spin parameters for each of the four likely binary black hole detections GW150914, LVT151012, GW1512
25 long with the statistically less significant binary black hole merger candidate LVT151012.
26 statistically proving the connection between binary black hole mergers and active galactic nuclei as
27 ery of gravitational waves from stellar-mass binary black hole mergers by the Laser Interferometer Gr
28 ons probed by binary black hole observations.Binary black hole mergers have recently been observed th
29                        Probing the origin of binary black hole mergers will be difficult due to the e
30 GO has detected gravitational waves from two binary black hole mergers, GW150914 and GW151226, along
31 e range of astrophysical questions probed by binary black hole observations.Binary black hole mergers
32 s up a window into the environments in which binary black holes form.
33 etection of gravitational waves from merging binary black holes opens up a window into the environmen
34                                     One more binary black-hole detection and a significant candidate
35  waves were discovered with the detection of binary black-hole mergers and they should also be detect
36 ugh patterning with light in a photoreactive binary blend of crosslinking acrylate and urethane, wher
37 erene and nonfullerene-based single-junction binary-blend OSCs.
38                                              Binary blends consisting of 0.5% (w/v) gum and different
39  quantification of extra virgin olive oil in binary blends, foodstuffs, etc., when the provided perce
40 l Structure Database counts 1253 entries for binary boron compounds!), it is surprising that the appl
41  the degree of demixing for thermometry of a binary bosonic mixture trapped in an optical lattice.
42                     We have synthesized four binary bulk molybdenum borides Mo2 B, alpha-MoB, beta-Mo
43                          Here we isolate the binary caesium salts of phenanthrene, Cs(C14H10) and Cs2
44 etworks containing different combinations of binary, categorical, or numerical attributes and could b
45 thods operate on networks with attributes of binary, categorical, or numerical type only.
46 the relationship between the components of a binary CE on the sample size requirement (SSR) has not b
47                              We observe that binary cell fate choice in the Drosophila melanogaster p
48 during the lateral inhibition that underlies binary cell fate choice is extensively studied, but the
49 sity, temperature, composition) behaviour of binary (CH4 + C3H8) and (Ar + CO2) mixtures over the tem
50 n by using an evolutionary model of discrete binary characters, indicating that substrate uses can be
51 lepsy, and 30 healthy controls on two tasks: binary choices between candy bars based on their prefere
52 computational accounts posit that, in simple binary choices, humans accumulate evidence in favour of
53 he best predictive accuracies when using the binary class version of our datasets, at the same time e
54                                      Results Binary classification and nominal/ordinal grades showed
55   This work focuses on supervised generative binary classification models, specifically linear discri
56  we move diagnosis away from the traditional binary classification of apparently infected versus unin
57 psy-proven clinical images with two critical binary classification use cases: keratinocyte carcinomas
58  ranked </=20 classified as true positive in binary classification, CSmetaPred_poc achieves predictio
59 ning bagging and boosting for the purpose of binary classification.
60 roaches to mining these data largely rely on binary classifications of disease vs. control, and are n
61 ayed a high CO2 adsorption capacity and high binary CO2-over-N2 and CO2-over-CH4 selectivity, suitabl
62 or this regime occurs when particles undergo binary collisions beneath the surface apexes.
63  authors engineer nanoparticles that produce binary color codes on different timescales by combining
64 acid ranging from 0% to 33.56% (w/w) through binary combinations of different oils.
65 imental genotype-fitness maps containing all binary combinations of five mutations.
66 imitive form of artificial phagocytosis in a binary community of synthetic protocells in which multip
67         Furthermore, the activated Cmr-alpha binary complex functioned as a highly active DNase to de
68 L-36alpha, IL-36beta, or IL-36gamma) forms a binary complex with IL-36R, which then recruits IL-1RAcP
69 ary complex is through the IL-36R.IL-36alpha binary complex, which recruits IL-1RAcP.
70 ely overlap, explaining why the formation of binary complexes is mutually exclusive.
71                                Structures of binary complexes of PYCR1 with NADPH or proline determin
72 the native protein (dmin = 2.0 A) as well as binary complexes with SAM (dmin = 2.3 A) or the reaction
73 lexes, which were previously reported as 1:1 binary complexes, are verified to be 2:2 quaternary comp
74 drawing substituents typically result in 1:1 binary complexes.
75 to typical enthalpy changes observed for 1:1 binary complexes.
76                            A move beyond the binary compositional space is therefore required for eff
77 e contains a framework based on IrAl2.75 , a binary compound that closely adheres to the 18-n rule.
78 mpounds Co6E8(PEt3)6 (E = S, Se, Te) and the binary compounds [Co6E8(PEt3)6][C60]2.
79              Namely, distancing may not be a binary, continuously on/off process.
80     SynEM yields 97% precision and recall in binary cortical connectomes with no user interaction.
81 heir mode of action while AfIP-1A/1B and the binary Cry34Ab1/Cry35Ab1 protein share a similar mode.
82              Mia14 is highly enriched in the binary culture (ca. 10% genomic reads) and its ungapped
83 -site, when compared to the structure of the binary [CYP121(cYY)] complex.
84 ering entities characterized by a mixture of binary data (e.g. presence/absence of mutations, binding
85 ion about TNF concentration is turned into a binary decision.
86 new strategy termed magnetic field-activated binary deoxyribozyme (MaBiDZ) sensor that enables both e
87 entification of drug resistant mutants using binary deoxyribozyme sensors (BiDz).
88                                      The two binary dependent variables included ESA use and hospital
89 ical language by modality, but they retain a binary distinction.
90    Promastigotes and haptomonads multiply by binary division, and the progeny of a haptomonad can eit
91 - and even-numbered progeny formation by non-binary division.
92                  We hypothesized that during binary economic choice, decision makers use the first op
93 electric field on thermal fluctuations for a binary electrolyte fluid.
94 th effects on characteristic time scale in a binary electrolyte solution using parallel plate electro
95 ross-diffusion terms, even for rather dilute binary electrolytes.
96                                              Binary encoding of peptide sequences into differential a
97 orm signals from inspiralling double compact binaries, especially those with electromagnetic counterp
98 ngle evolutionary channel-classical isolated binary evolution via mass transfer including a common en
99 It is implemented in cross-platform C ++ and binary executables are available for Windows, macOS and
100                     Preoperative opioid use (binary exposure variable) was retrospectively queried fr
101                                              Binary expression systems have revolutionised genetic re
102 DPs, however, nearly all treat disorder in a binary fashion, not accounting for the structural hetero
103 tituting the hydrophobic core of LDLs with a binary fatty acid mixture.
104 tal models consisting of laminae and matrix (binary field) with characteristic depositional architect
105  parasites, which do not divide by canonical binary fission but undergo unconventional cycles.
106 discoveries about the mechanistic details of binary fission in model bacteria such as Escherichia col
107 ed bacteria grow symmetrically and divide by binary fission, generating two siblings of equal morphol
108 emselves into two pieces by a process called binary fission.
109 ch augments the targeting specificity of the binary GAL4-UAS (Upstream Activating Sequence) system by
110 ods including the commonly-used weighted and binary graph, as well as minimum spanning tree (MST).
111 etwork topology was also demonstrated in the binary graph.
112       This information was used to develop a binary housing quality variable where houses built using
113                      We recently developed a binary (i.e., young vs. old) classifier using human musc
114                                         This binary identity of the stem cells stands in apparent con
115 culature were also captured and converted to binary images.
116      It is different from the known asteroid binaries in its combination of wide separation, near-equ
117  such situations can be analyzed by adding a binary indicator (exposed/nonexposed) to the regression
118 ortunately, current multiset methods all use binary indicators for gene and gene set activity and ass
119 -specific plasticity when the applied sparse binary input patterns are degraded by local noise.
120 endent screens testing a total of 36 million binary interaction combinations, and uncovering a networ
121                In the present study, we test binary interactions of the proteins constituting the pla
122 the need to first expand these into multiple binary interactions.
123 tions usually only show proteins as parts of binary interactions.
124 nce on the affinity of RAB11B to a series of binary interactors, both effectors and guanine nucleotid
125  of the MS2 phase and avoids all crystalline binary intermediates.
126 monstrated that a population of such merging binaries is formed in nature with a broad mass spectrum.
127 proach could help staff move away from rigid binary judgments and train them to adopt formal carer ro
128                               The simplified binary labelling and classification of sexual behaviour
129 ickness ratio of each GaN and InN ultra-thin binary layers within the DA structure are the key factor
130 timization procedure is employed to find the binary layout of a dielectric coating that, when wrapped
131  Exposure to straight-chain acids leads to a binary ligand shell that behaves as an ideal mixture and
132          cupSODA source code and precompiled binaries (Linux, Mac OS/X, Windows) are available at git
133 , and activated protein C to seven different binary lipid compositions.
134 y of prebiotic vesicle membranes composed of binary lipid mixtures allows us to construct a semi-empi
135 tence of nanometer scale membrane domains in binary lipid mixtures has been shown with microscopy met
136 agram was constructed for the single bilayer binary lipid system.
137                                    Supported binary liposome mixture of cationic liposome N-[1-(2,3-D
138                Here we report a redox active binary logic gate (RLG) which can store a "0" and "1" wi
139 ined maxima and minima that can serve as two binary logic states.
140 two-level storage capacity with the standard binary logics.
141  anastomotic leakage were determined using a binary logistic model.
142                        Contingency tests and binary logistic modeling were used to identify baseline
143 tation to address missing data and performed binary logistic regression analyses on complete-case and
144                                              Binary logistic regression analyses were performed to id
145                                              Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to ide
146 on accuracy of the new index was assessed by binary logistic regression and by receiver operating cha
147                                              Binary logistic regression and receiver operating charac
148 cterised the relationship between EF and DB, binary logistic regression evaluated the incremental dia
149                     Exploratory analysis via binary logistic regression found a potential association
150 ones on asthma was analyzed with a two-level binary logistic regression model.
151                                              Binary logistic regression models were used to determine
152 th CP or AgP was analyzed using multivariate binary logistic regression models.
153                                              Binary logistic regression showed that plasma BMP-9 conc
154                              In multivariate binary logistic regression the magnetization transfer ra
155                                              Binary logistic regression was used to develop a multiva
156          The first example of a well-defined binary, low-oxidation-state aluminum hydride species tha
157                   It was found that for most binary magnesium alloys, the preferred growth direction
158                Here we report that 288P is a binary main-belt comet.
159 te are all significantly lower than those of binary manganese oxides (Mn3O4, Mn2O3, and MnO2), consis
160 inus/edges were automatically estimated as a binary mask through morphologic processing and edge dete
161                                            A binary mask was applied to alleviate background fluoresc
162                                       In the binary mask, the overestimated values were rescaled belo
163 g we are looking forward to the detection of binary mergers involving neutron stars and their electro
164          We present the first copper iridium binary metal oxide with the chemical formula Cu2IrO3.
165  of the North Sea can be explained by simple binary mixing models implying that (236)U behaves conser
166                                 An equitoxic binary mixture of beads and fibers resulted in a toxic u
167 assessed the acute response of C. dubia to a binary mixture of microplastic beads and fibers for the
168 anism of photon upconversion in a thin film, binary mixture of organic chromophores that provides a p
169                      In contrast, immiscible binary mixture undergo a phase separation in which the c
170 ombination effect of their constituents in a binary mixture was studied.
171 one, and caffeine, administered alone and as binary mixtures (n=12 per mixture).
172 for the existence of multiple Widom lines in binary mixtures from molecular dynamics simulations.
173          Specifically, we show that miscible binary mixtures have behavior analogous to a pure fluid
174                                              Binary mixtures of cortisol and CLO mostly showed a simi
175 nt cyanobacteria, different insecticides and binary mixtures of cyanobacteria and insecticides.
176                                Additionally, binary mixtures of glucose and fructose were studied.
177                                              Binary mixtures of liquid metal (LM) or low-melting-poin
178 toxicity tests with Daphnia magna exposed to binary mixtures of Ni combined with Cd, Cu, or Zn demons
179                                              Binary mixtures of vesicles composed of different lipids
180  protein or a proanthocyanidin-rich extract (binary mixtures) or with both of them (ternary mixtures)
181                               In the case of binary mixtures, geometry dictates the spatial segregati
182 tein isolate (SPI) and casein (CN) and their binary mixtures, viz., WPI+SPI, WPI+CN and SPI+CN, were
183 xperiments and theoretical investigations on binary mixtures, we investigate the miscible-immiscible
184 in zebrafish embryos as single compounds and binary mixtures.
185 r whether a Widom line can be identified for binary mixtures.
186 erical evaporating drops of pure liquids and binary mixtures.
187 tify DMSO/water hydrogen-bond populations in binary mixtures.
188 lass model presents a better option than the binary model (which most publications are focused on) fo
189                                            A binary model and a continuum-like ordinal model of PEs w
190                                          The binary model is then populated with petrophysical proper
191                                  One example binary model with corresponding threshold capillary pres
192 roof of concept, Nd/Sm and Nd/Dy are used as binary models to demonstrate solid/aqueous and solid/sol
193                                              Binary multivariable logistic regression was used to est
194 ibrio fischeri, which form a highly specific binary mutualism.
195 al micromirror array (DMA) and encoded using binary n-size Walsh functions ("barcodes").
196  quasicrystals and report a quasicrystalline binary nanocrystal superlattice that exhibits correlatio
197                          First, a variety of binary nanoparticle superlattices were prepared at the l
198  removal of one of two components comprising binary nanoparticle superlattices.
199 discovered as the optical counterpart of the binary neutron star gravitational wave event GW170817.
200 ravitational waves have been detected from a binary neutron star merger event, GW170817.
201 Telescope Array of the EM counterpart of the binary neutron star merger GW170817.
202 avitational waves (GWs) were detected from a binary neutron star merger, GW170817, along with a coinc
203 d gravitational waves (GWs) emanating from a binary neutron star merger, GW170817.
204  We conclude that SSS17a was the result of a binary neutron star merger, reinforcing the gravitationa
205 vitational-wave source GW170817 arose from a binary neutron-star merger in the nearby Universe with a
206  the first gravitational-wave detection of a binary neutron-star merger.
207 s both continuous (e.g. mRNA expression) and binary omics data (e.g. discretized methylation data).
208            Structural comparison of the apo, binary, open and closed ternary, and translocated produc
209 mation torques may play an important part in binary orbit evolution.
210 he method to existing quantitative trait and binary outcome meta-analyses (human height, QTc interval
211 rvey responders with sexual orientation as a binary outcome, and International Classification of Dise
212 ically meaningful interaction patterns for a binary outcome.
213 med with conditional logistic regression for binary outcomes and the stratified log-rank test for tim
214      Their results are normally presented as binary outcomes describing the presence or absence of pa
215  equations were used to model continuous and binary outcomes, respectively.Of 179 anemic participants
216  outcomes and area under the curve (AUC) for binary outcomes.
217  temporal integration of stimuli; the local, binary, outcomes are linearly summed and integrated by L
218      It is freely available as a precompiled binary package for every major operating system, as a Do
219 ferase compared to our previously-optimized, binary parent formulation following intravenous (i.v.) d
220                                              Binary pattern classification was used to predict ECT re
221 pt to evaluate the finite-temperature pseudo-binary phase diagram of the Ti2AlC-Cr2AlC via first-prin
222 ration of the energy landscape of the Li-CO2 binary phase diagram using ab initio evolutionary struct
223       Because a PheWAS can test thousands of binary phenotypes, and most of them have unbalanced or o
224                        Here we use the rapid binary population synthesis code COMPAS to show that all
225 as its core of the algorithm, and performs a binary prediction of the quality of each residue in a mo
226                  ICU physicians' and nurses' binary predictions of in-hospital mortality and 6-month
227 coring models for five illustrative cases of binary protein complexes.
228 ions reveal instead a 3.56-hour period close binary, pulsing in brightness on a period of 1.97 minute
229 heuristic Monte Carlo optimization and exact binary quadratic programming.
230       We report the first post-processing of binary raw data from a high-resolution LSCI camera.
231 e agnostic and is capable of post-processing binary raw data from any camera source to improve the se
232                                 However, the binary reagent system isolated HIV p24 antigen from spik
233                                              Binary regression analysis including these variables fou
234 l each category of the outcome as a separate binary regression.
235                               Based on these binary relationships, we find that excellent results can
236 m capable of writing, erasing, and rewriting binary representations of alphanumeric symbols, as well
237 LMM, the activity values were transformed to binary responses (movement vs. no movement) to reduce da
238                     This approach deals with binary responses and characterizes the correlation of ob
239                                   Similarly, binary restenosis was significantly lower after treatmen
240 ization, thrombosis, ipsilateral amputation, binary restenosis, and all-cause mortality at 6 and 24 m
241             Moreover, we found that doping a binary RML with impurities can reduce kappa l significan
242                                              Binary S,N anions, e.g., NSN(2-) and SSNSS(-), and relat
243 es related to the planet's as well as to the binary's orbital periods are present in a variety of cli
244 f the 9 semantic features, 3 were rated on a binary scale (cavitation, air bronchogram, and calcifica
245 estimated weights for each PCP in a weighted binary score regression and modeled the resulting compos
246                                            A binary segmentation algorithm combined with a two-dimens
247          The biointerface of the sensor is a binary self-assembled monolayer of specific thiolated ap
248 1 radiomic features were associated with the binary semantic features (AUC = 0.56-0.76).
249  up to 512 times according to a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) with a mean frequency of 0.1 Hz i
250  clonotypes across time, we utilized several binary similarity measures (such as Baroni-Urbani and Bu
251 he vesicle-associated SNARE (v-SNARE) onto a binary SNARE complex on the target plasma membrane (t-SN
252 o various architectures of nanocrystals in a binary solution system.
253  of K = 4900 M(-1) in a H2O/DMSO (50:50 v/v) binary solvent mixture.
254 rough simulations, that the sensitivity of a binary SPAD camera in SMLM experiments can be improved s
255 dle both classical (binary) and complex, non-binary, splicing variations.
256 translational palmitoylation of mVEGFR1 is a binary stabilization switch, and ligand engagement leads
257                  'Cataclysmic variables' are binary star systems in which one star of the pair is a w
258           Here we report the recovery of the binary star underlying the classical nova eruption of 11
259                              Observations of binary stars containing an accreting black hole or neutr
260 oarser Landsat imagery (30-m) to create 30-m binary statewide canopy loss maps.
261 rate that RbmA binds VPS directly and uses a binary structural switch within its first fibronectin ty
262     Second, upon stabilization, all of these binary superlattices could be transformed into distinct
263 psin activation is not analogous to a simple binary switch between two defined conformations, but the
264                                         This binary switch results from cis/trans isomerization about
265                             RAS proteins are binary switches, cycling between ON and OFF states durin
266  examine the melting behavior in the MgO-FeO binary system at high pressures using the laser-heated d
267  'non-magnetic' accreting white dwarf in the binary system MV Lyrae, whose light curve displays quasi
268 ly oriented with respect to the orbit of the binary system), whereas those that formed from pairs of
269 t to be structurally identified in the Cu-Bi binary system, is reported.
270                                           In binary systems consisting of an amphiphile and a solvent
271                               Co-assembly of binary systems driven by specific non-covalent interacti
272 h d-glucose were identified and monitored in binary systems heated at 70 degrees C under dry and aque
273                                              Binary systems that formed through dynamical interaction
274 before and after an eruption, the 'novalike' binary systems that give rise to classical novae exhibit
275 ither the formation of large vesicles in the binary systems where the anion-pi interactions are stron
276              White dwarfs are often found in binary systems with orbital periods ranging from tens of
277 etion physics in black hole and neutron star binary systems.
278 tion promotes the formation of an Sso2-Sec9 'binary' t-SNARE complex, the early rate-limiting step in
279 of the activity was confirmed with a NanoLuc Binary Technology beta-arrestin 2 assay, imaging of gree
280 articulate platform allows the generation of binary temporal codes for efficient data encoding.
281 on.Luminescent materials that are capable of binary temporal coding are desirable for multilevel anti
282 oromethane and chloroform solvents and their binary, ternary and quaternary mixtures.
283 f outburst is the dwarf nova: these occur in binaries that have stellar masses and periods indistingu
284                In about 15 per cent of these binaries, the magnetic field of the white dwarf is stron
285 le and demonstrate a mechanism by which this binary toxin subverts the host immune response.
286 at produce toxins A and B and, occasionally, binary toxin.
287  null hypothesis of no association between a binary trait and individual genetic variants.
288 integration algorithms for classification of binary traits is currently lacking.
289 in families but lacking components to handle binary traits properly and survival traits.
290  context, and we use mixture-models to infer binary-valued relationships based on gene-gene correlati
291 However, a large amount of this work assumes binary-valued relationships between network nodes, where
292                 When CRF was considered as a binary variable (unfit/fit), low fitness was the stronge
293  file sizes are 14.0 Gb (VCF), 12.3 Gb (BCF, binary VCF), 3.5 Gb (BGT) and 2.6 Gb (SeqArray) respecti
294 e, cathepsin S (Rs-cps), was cloned into the binary vector pFGC5941 in the forward and reverse orient
295                            Structures of the binary VioA.FADH2 and of the ternary VioA.FADH2.2-(1H-in
296 uctural matrix, (3) different network types (binary vs. weighted matrices), and (4) different brain p
297 o acid substitutions at toggle positions are binary, while rheostat positions show progressive change
298                 Source code and pre-compiled binaries (Windows, OSX and Linux) are hosted on GitHub u
299 icity environments (Z=0.001) from progenitor binaries with typical total masses greater, similar160Mm
300 developing weak grip strength (assessed as a binary yes or no outcome) or slow walking speed (yes or

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