


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s have occurred, and spectra show it to be a binary system.
2 at a level comparable to that induced by the binary system.
3 ection strictly of protein-water forces in a binary system.
4 substellar donor in an accreting white-dwarf binary system.
5 perior operational stability relative to the binary system.
6 thin nanomaterials by the decomposition of a binary system.
7 contrary to the sole previous report on this binary system.
8 ted in a very young, definitively equal-mass binary system.
9 near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4 to be a binary system.
10 olecular interactions in the hydrogen-oxygen binary system.
11 c system and indirectly driven in a UAS-Gal4 binary system.
12 sts within the bulk miscibility gap for this binary system.
13 ds larger than 200 meters in diameter may be binary systems.
14 y in the ternary system as compared with the binary systems.
15 c patterns that occur in these heterogeneous binary systems.
16 ies could increase sensitivity to planets in binary systems.
17 entage of hybridized DNA pairs for different binary systems.
18 etion physics in black hole and neutron star binary systems.
19 species in optimizing the activity of dilute binary systems.
20 t stable ordered structures in 9 of those 14 binary systems.
21 even those found in cluster cores, come from binary systems.
22 A second life can occur for neutron stars in binary systems.
23  important phase in the evolution of stellar binary systems.
24 he coalescence of neutron-star or black-hole binary systems.
25 ew properties not obtainable from the parent binary systems.
26 7-Gyr) open cluster NGC 188 are currently in binary systems, a frequency three times that found among
27 ae result when carbon-oxygen white dwarfs in binary systems accrete mass from companion stars, reach
28                                     Even for binary systems, accurate quantum mechanical approaches a
29                                However, is a binary system also suitable for human cognition?
30             Rhizobium meliloti harboring the binary system also transferred the oriT/tra component to
31 ower relativistic jets, both in stellar-mass binary systems and at the centres of galaxies.
32  follows the theoretical distribution law in binary systems and is enhanced in the Ra-Ba-SO4 system a
33  this steady-state behavior is developed for binary systems and tested with experiments in supported
34 itation reactions in Ra-Ba-SO4 and Ra-Sr-SO4 binary systems and the Ra-Ba-Sr-SO4 ternary system under
35 erate (involving two white dwarfs in a close binary system) and single-degenerate models.
36 events phase segregation of the polymer/SWNT binary system, and after subsequent crosslinking, the na
37            Bipolar ejection from protostars, binary systems, and active galaxies is perhaps the clear
38 xamined with 2B4-reductase and 1A2-reductase binary systems, and in ternary systems containing differ
39                    Phases of the iron-oxygen binary system are significant to most scientific discipl
40 g multiple cell populations using additional binary systems are common experimental goals.
41  examine the melting behavior in the MgO-FeO binary system at high pressures using the laser-heated d
42 r explosion of an accreting white dwarf in a binary system, but little is known of the precise nature
43 rf star explodes after accreting matter in a binary system, but the secondary body could be anything
44                   We present our results for binary systems, but the concepts that we develop apply t
45               Multiple compounds in the same binary system can be readily accessed; e.g., AuCu, AuCu3
46                  Stellar remnants in edge-on binary systems can gravitationally magnify their compani
47                     Alternatively, a massive binary system composed of an LBV that erupted in 2004, a
48 ffect the thermodynamics in the formation of binary systems composed of two sets of nanocrystals with
49                                              Binary systems comprising CNTs and HemNPs were prepared
50 novae, dwarf novae, and nova-likes-are close binary systems consisting of a white dwarf star (the pri
51                                           In binary systems consisting of an amphiphile and a solvent
52                   The solid-phase diagram of binary systems consisting of particles of diameter sigma
53                  Structures of the C(60):ACA binary system depend on the coverage of predeposited ACA
54  coli or P. fluorescens donors harboring the binary system did not transfer pFRtra to any of the reci
55                               Co-assembly of binary systems driven by specific non-covalent interacti
56 damental predictions of globular cluster and binary system evolution.
57                                 Indeed, this binary system exhibits a significant response of membran
58 ls that received injections with the control binary system expressing Lac-Z.
59 n Leibniz demonstrated the advantages of the binary system for computations as early as 1703, he laid
60       This provides the basis of a versatile binary system for controlling gene expression in Drosoph
61 of using only two numbers, '0' and '1', in a binary system for describing an arbitrary quantity made
62 isk was discovered around the young low-mass binary system GG Tau A, which has recently been shown to
63 ver, widespread application of this powerful binary system has been limited, in part, by relatively i
64  the upstream activating sequence (UAS)-GAL4 binary system has facilitated genetic dissection of many
65 luded that they were rare, with the tightest binary system having a separation of 7 parsecs.
66 h d-glucose were identified and monitored in binary systems heated at 70 degrees C under dry and aque
67 t that the protoplanetary disks in the young binary system HK Tauri are misaligned by 60 to 68 degree
68 onto the surface of a white dwarf in a close binary system ignites in a thermonuclear runaway.
69  targeted to cell types through the Cre-loxP binary system in mice.
70 tudy demonstrated the feasibility of using a binary system in which different forms of the rbcL gene
71 @ZnS and CdSe@ZnS)--can be incorporated into binary systems in a rational manner.
72  established for stellar-mass black holes in binary systems in the past decade and a half.
73 ort the discovery of a brown-dwarf eclipsing binary system, in the Orion Nebula star-forming region,
74                                              Binary systems, in which at least one component is arran
75        This concept can be extended to other binary systems, including the intermetallics FePt3, CoPt
76 ence of a neutron star and a black hole in a binary system is believed to form a torus around a Kerr
77  the GAL4-upstream activating sequence (UAS) binary system is powerful for gene manipulation, but GAL
78 t to be structurally identified in the Cu-Bi binary system, is reported.
79  'non-magnetic' accreting white dwarf in the binary system MV Lyrae, whose light curve displays quasi
80  last decade, we have gone from a simplistic binary system of classifying lung cancer to defining NSC
81 re/loxP recombination process and involves a binary system of Cre-producing and Cre-responding transg
82                    We have used the Gal4-UAS binary system of ectopic expression to further investiga
83                              In our model, a binary system of large and small hard spheres (L and S,
84 of the mechanism of the phase behavior: In a binary system of the lipids, phase separation occurs whe
85                We interpret this object as a binary system of two black holes, having masses of 10(7.
86 ain, the most plausible mechanisms involve a binary system of two supermassive black holes with a sub
87 rnative source of bursts--the coalescence of binary systems of neutron stars or a neutron star-black
88 three-body gravitational encounter between a binary system (of approximately 10(3)-kilometre-sized bo
89                          Interacting compact binary systems provide a natural laboratory in which to
90 ormation of a stable compound in the Xe-H(2) binary system, revealed by a suite of X-ray diffraction
91                   We extend this work beyond binary systems, showing similar separated layers for a f
92  its ejecta were shaped by the motion of the binary system: some gas was expelled rapidly along the p
93 ating agents could also be extended to other binary systems, such as Ag-Au and CoFe2O4-Ag supracrysta
94                   The formation of very wide binary systems, such as the alpha Centauri system with P
95 D44179 (an evolved star which is part of the binary system that has expelled the gas and dust that ma
96 rmation storage in direct analogy to current binary systems that employ magnetic switching and the ma
97                                              Binary systems that formed through dynamical interaction
98 before and after an eruption, the 'novalike' binary systems that give rise to classical novae exhibit
99                By analysing a range of model binary systems that involve different chemistry and atom
100 lag time limits for both of the species in a binary system, the accuracy of the recovered diffusion c
101 ervations that include studies of pulsars in binary systems, thermal emission from isolated neutron s
102                                By using this binary system to coexpress a fluorescent MS2 bacteriopha
103                                  We use this binary system to produce, for the first time in any meta
104 mbines the Gal4-upstream activating sequence binary system to regulate transgene expression and an in
105 ge from the merger of two neutron stars in a binary system to the collapse of a massive star.
106 ed data were used to show that for a complex binary system, to extract accurate diffusion constants f
107 sgenes directly in cells of interest or, in "binary" systems, to drive expression of a transcription
108 eport the high-pressure study of the SiH4-H2 binary system up to 6.5 GPa at 300 K in a diamond anvil
109 ctral correlation methods to contaminants in binary systems using a hit-quality index model.
110  target gene expression in vivo, focusing on binary systems using chimeric transcription factors.
111 ces that have greater complexity than simple binary systems using the process of topotactic intercala
112 ither the formation of large vesicles in the binary systems where the anion-pi interactions are stron
113 licable to the full range of compositions in binary systems where the constituent elements or the int
114 mass black holes are found in X-ray-emitting binary systems, where their mass can be determined from
115 ly oriented with respect to the orbit of the binary system), whereas those that formed from pairs of
116 rgan-autonomous, we developed a tetracycline-binary system whereby CSF-1 was specifically expressed i
117 e a natural consequence of disk migration in binary systems whose orbital plane is uncorrelated with
118                                         This binary system will be able to provide the first dynamica
119 properties of ganglioside GM1 alone and in a binary system with 1,2-dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (
120 ay source P13 in the galaxy NGC 7793 is in a binary system with a period of about 64 days and exhibit
121 ns from a simple binary eutectic system to a binary system with an intermediate compound that melted
122  the GAL4/upstream activating sequence (UAS) binary system with the Flippase (FLP) recombination tech
123              White dwarfs are often found in binary systems with orbital periods ranging from tens of
124 osition of gravitational waves from all such binary systems would modulate the arrival times of pulse

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