


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e variation in the F-lectin domains of sperm bindin.
2  drift created the polymorphisms observed in bindin.
3 ombinant Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm bindin and a recombinant fragment of the putative egg bi
4 d by many observations in vivo and in vitro, bindin and the putative egg receptor display a specific
5 he interaction of the sperm adhesive protein,bindin, and a complementary receptor on the egg surface,
6                                              Bindin, as well as various parthenogenic agents known to
7 displays species-specific sperm adhesion and bindin-binding activity.
8     Males also express alternatively spliced bindin cDNAs with one to five repeats, but typically tra
9 nd divergence are radically different in the bindin coding and intron regions.
10 ion from neutrality has been detected in the bindin coding region and suggested in the intron, indica
11        Positive selection is detected in the bindin coding region.
12 Cys3His repeats) that are thought to be zinc-bindin domains.
13  clone the species-specific egg receptor for bindin, EBR1, from Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Sf)
14                               The sperm gene bindin encodes a gamete recognition protein, which plays
15 ympatric species tend to be those with rapid bindin evolution.
16 ; they happen to be those with slow rates of bindin evolution.
17                            There is only one bindin gene in C. gigas, which can possess 1-5 tandem F-
18 on is not present in the one F-lectin repeat bindin gene.
19                                          Two bindin genes were sequenced to learn more about bindin i
20                   We report on how the sperm bindin genotype influences reproductive success under na
21 cy and spawning density determines how sperm bindin genotype influences reproductive success.
22                     Eggs select sperm with a bindin genotype similar to their own, suggesting strong
23 ng discrimination on the basis of the males' bindin genotype.
24                                       Oyster bindins have a conserved N-terminal region followed by o
25 involvement of diversifying selection in the bindin intron evolution more data combining population g
26 ng the possible functional importance of the bindin intron variability.
27  the action of diversifying selection in the bindin intron.
28 din genes were sequenced to learn more about bindin introns.
29 ve selection at gamete recognition loci like bindin involves strong selection within species on mate
30              The putative functional unit of bindin is a fucose lectin (F-lectin) domain that is stru
31 quence variation observed in S. franciscanus bindin is a result of neutral evolution.
32 observed in the 5' region of S. franciscanus bindin is a result of neutral evolution.
33                                       Oyster bindin is a single-copy gene encoding a diversity of pro
34                                              Bindin is a sperm recognition protein that mediates spec
35                            The region of the bindin locus examined was found to be polymorphic with 1
36 ir region located at the 5' end of the sperm bindin locus in 134 adult red sea urchins (Strongylocent
37 udied nucleotide variability in the complete bindin locus, including two exons and one intron, in the
38       Variation in the evolutionary rates of bindin may reflect historic differences in sperm availab
39 he sea urchin genus Echinometra, the protein bindin mediates sperm attachment to eggs, evolves quickl
40 splicing can alter the number of repeats per bindin mRNA.
41                             The level of the bindin nucleotide diversity is close for S. intermedius
42  gigas oyster sperm acrosome react a ring of bindin protein is exposed that bonds the sperm to the eg
43 on followed by eight and one-half tandem egg bindin receptor (EBR) repeats that share 88% identity wi
44     Thus,the species-specific domains of egg bindin receptor 1 (EBR1) from both species function as t
45 d a recombinant fragment of the putative egg bindin receptor of the same species was measured in vitr
46  oxidase subunit I and nuclear gene encoding bindin, respectively, which is significantly below avera
47          We have also analyzed all available bindin sequences for two other sea urchin species, S. pa
48                    The results show that the bindin sequences from the two forms of S. intermedius ar
49 oyster Crassostrea gigas contain the protein bindin that bonds sperm to egg during fertilization.
50 dase subunit I and the nuclear gene encoding bindin to evaluate the possibility of cryptic species wi
51 forms exhibit slightly different patterns in bindin variability.
52                                   Additional bindin variants result from recombination in an intron i
53 g, and recombination can create thousands of bindin variants within C. gigas.
54  evolution of the gamete recognition protein bindin, which is critical to reproductive isolation.

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