


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt isothermal titration calorimetry data for binding of 11 tryptophan ligands to the homo-undecameric
2 was quantified as the difference in specific binding of [(11)C]raclopride (nondisplaceable binding po
3          NMR studies confirmed the pocket of binding of 12 as predicted by the Glide docking software
4                               Because of the binding of (123)I-CLINDE to blood cells and peripheral t
5                                          The binding of 16 to BRPF1B was rationalized through an X-ra
6                                              Binding of (18)F-GP1 to GPIIb/IIIa receptors was investi
7 of the new products were formed via covalent binding of 3-QCA with DOM molecules of above-average O/C
8      CD4 binding substantially increases the binding of 36D5 to gp120 in the intact Env trimer, consi
9 D-aspartate receptor activation requires the binding of a coagonist, D-serine, which is synthesized f
10 O cell fibronectins were able to mediate the binding of a diverse panel of gp120 proteins to alpha4be
11  We have explored the interdependence of the binding of a DNA triplex and a repressor protein to dist
12 ty acids was found to play a key role in the binding of a glycolipid to the carbohydrate recognition
13 y can define the subunit topology and copper binding of a manganese oxidizing complex, and describe e
14 monomeric Delta123 predominantly blocked the binding of a non-neutralizing antibody to Delta123, whil
15             This transition is controlled by binding of a novel tetrameric form of the second messeng
16 bstitution of Lys51 to Ala in LC3B abrogates binding of a phosphomimetic Nix mutant.
17 ption in vivo by analyzing motor defects and binding of a positron emission tomography (PET) radiolig
18 aper describes an assay that can profile the binding of a protein to ligands and can rank the affinit
19         We investigated whether variation in binding of a transcription factor, the vitamin D recepto
20 is approach has broad potential to probe the binding of a variety of ligands to metal nanoparticles.
21                                         Upon binding of a Wnt ligand to a receptor of the Fz family,
22        However, differences in the predicted binding of A-867744, compared with TBS-516 and TQS, may
23 namics simulations, elucidating preferential binding of Abeta42 with the A2V and A2T hexapeptides com
24 gus Ashbya gossypii, we demonstrate that the binding of adenine and guanine nucleotides to the canoni
25                              We observe that binding of agonists to VFD2 of TAS1R2 leads to major con
26 on of the signal transduction cascade, after binding of all investigated products to the receptor pre
27                                              Binding of allergen-specific IgE to its high-affinity re
28 y conformational changes associated with the binding of allosteric regulatory proteins, and show that
29 layers previously oxidized, and the covalent binding of amino-oligonucleotides to pure p-MBA monolaye
30   Synaptic dysfunction due to the disrupting binding of amyloid beta (Abeta) and tau oligomers is one
31 novel mechanism of MAPK activation requiring binding of an activator and also shows that MAPKs can be
32 onclude that phosphorylation can disrupt the binding of an E3 ubiquitin ligase to an E2-conjugating e
33  differences from wild-type IL-23 except for binding of and signaling blockade by the 7B7 anti-IL-23
34  was optimized to eliminate the non-specific binding of antigen on the membrane surface.
35 nding specificities, why lipid increases the binding of apoE to its receptor, and why specific residu
36                                 Furthermore, binding of ArfA and RF2 induces conformational changes i
37  lysozyme demonstrate how nanomolar affinity binding of asymmetrical antigen is enabled through selec
38 s would disrupt critical interactions in the binding of ATP and thereby impair ATP-induced nucleotide
39  and its chaperone function are regulated by binding of ATP/ADP to mtHsp70's nucleotide-binding domai
40 inium-labeling of AtRALF1 indicated that the binding of AtRALF1 to intact roots is CML38-dependent.
41        We show that this is due to sustained binding of B-Raf to Rap1.
42                                  Noncovalent binding of biopharmaceuticals to human serum albumin pro
43                                     In vitro binding of biotinylated Cry proteins and competition ass
44  for both alphavbeta5 and alpha5beta1, while binding of biotinylated cyclo[RGDfK] was very weak and o
45               (ii) Selective and cooperative binding of both an acetato ligand and an amino ligand to
46 d enabled identification of allele-dependent binding of both, transcription factors and coregulators
47                    This recruitment requires binding of BRD2's tandem bromodomains to H4Ac, which is
48  factors through inhibiting the acetyllysine binding of BRD4 and the kinase activity of PI3K.
49 that the intragenic DNA methylation-mediated binding of Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites (BORI
50 e structure of free CheR1, revealed that the binding of c-di-GMP induces dramatic structural changes
51                                              Binding of C. albicans to EphA2 on oral epithelial cells
52                            This promotes the binding of C/EBPbeta at enhancers controlling the expres
53                                              Binding of Ca(2+) induced an increase in the alpha-helic
54                       Accordingly, increased binding of Ca(2+)/CaM to PSD-95 induced by a chronic inc
55 eriments revealed that FGF13 potentiates the binding of calmodulin to NaV1.5 and that phosphomimetic
56  affinity than Ca(2+)-free CaM (apoCaM); the binding of CaMKII peptide to CaM in return increases the
57                                     Covalent binding of capturing biomolecule (anti-TNF-alpha antibod
58 mics simulations to investigate the specific binding of cardiolipins to yAAC3.
59 er landscapes and associate with coordinated binding of CEBPD, IRF1, and NFkappaB.
60 minal domain (NTD) with implications for the binding of certain adaptors, providing insight into how
61            MP persistence arose secondary to binding of CFH to CD11b, which obstructed the homeostati
62                   Nanoparticle tilting after binding of chiral amino acids is proposed as a chiral gr
63                    Transcription factor (TF) binding of cis-elements is often associated with accessi
64 ve mass spectra matching, the promiscuity of binding of cisplatin to ubiquitin is revealed, with 14 d
65 e increase in probe-to-probe spacing enables binding of cisplatin via the intrastrand GNG motif (N =
66  species in human-inflamed tissue and allows binding of complement factor 1q (C1q) and activation of
67 e central methylene considerably affects the binding of compound 1 analogues to PI3Kdelta enzyme.
68                          Competition between binding of copper ions to a membrane-embedded synthetic
69 noprecipitation analyses reveal constitutive binding of CREB to target gene promoters in the absence
70 ylation of CRMP-2, which results in elevated binding of CRMP-2 to microtubules and a concomitant incr
71                    Vinblastine inhibited the binding of crocin to tubulin while podophyllotoxin did n
72 n, and 80% of HNRNPU peaks coincide with the binding of CTCF or RAD21.
73 toplasmic relocalization of Cat L, decreased binding of CUX1 to Snail and the E-cadherin promoter, re
74                                              Binding of DDX1 results in enhancement of Rev oligomeriz
75                                              Binding of dead cells via receptors present on the macro
76 ing site provide the molecular mechanism for binding of dectin-2 to fungal mannans and also to bacter
77 biochemical influences that probably include binding of degraded hemoglobin, among other things, that
78 e explore how shape and charge contribute to binding of diverse inhibitors of these enzymes.
79 The vast majority of mutations do not affect binding of dynein to dynactin and BICD2 and are therefor
80 ys residues to Glu markedly reduced integrin binding of E128K IL-1beta, suggesting that the Lys resid
81 n thus would be favorable for the postulated binding of E7 to phosphatidylethanolamine lipid headgrou
82 ed by a concerted transition model where the binding of each GABAergic drug additively and independen
83 structural and thermodynamic consequences of binding of each ligand to its allosterically coupled sit
84  Based on these results, we propose that the binding of each stator-unit is enhanced by the force it
85 d substitutions have damaging effects on DNA binding of EBF3.
86 hat ENb-TRAIL blocks EGFR signalling via the binding of ENb to EGFR which in turn induces DR5 cluster
87 cts also promoted the cytotoxic activity and binding of enterotoxin and beta toxin more strongly than
88 onal studies have provided insights into the binding of ERCC1-XPF to various DNA substrates.
89                                              Binding of FACT to these genomic regions triggers a p53
90 soform containing extradomain B enhances the binding of fibronectin through the RGD sequence to beta3
91                         Here, we assayed the binding of five essential TFs over multiple stages of em
92                                              Binding of FK506 to the FKBP domain causes the target do
93 lected between 1979 and 2010 to block glycan binding of four pandemic GII.4 noroviruses isolated in t
94 Plk1 phosphorylation sites in regulating the binding of FoxM1b to Rb and DNMT3b.
95                                 Preferential binding of G-quadruplex RNA is conserved, surprisingly u
96                            Receptor-specific binding of gallium-labeled HZ220 was characterized in PC
97  complex architecture and to investigate the binding of GPCRs and other receptors to the BBSome.
98 TB domains are important for stabilizing the binding of Grb2 and Shc to the single-Tyr EGF receptors.
99 est whether this occurs in vivo, we used the binding of growth factor receptor bound 2 (GRB2) to phos
100                       Here, we find that the binding of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) to one subunit i
101 al His(64) residue to alanine promotes rapid binding of H2S and its efficient conversion to oxidized
102 absence of IRF4, chromatin accessibility and binding of Helios at PD-1 cis-regulatory elements were i
103  the effect of N-linked glycosylation on the binding of Herceptin to HER2 protein in breast cancer an
104 ilayer model, we show GTP-dependent membrane binding of hGBP1F In addition, we demonstrate nucleotide
105                                              Binding of Hic to hTSP-1 is inhibited by heparin and cho
106  of epigenetic writers/erasers and chromatin-binding of histone deacetylases (HDACs) and Polycomb-gro
107  single domain antibody mimics the effect of binding of HIV integrase to LEDGF which is crucial for H
108 moter and enhancer activity and differential binding of HNF4alpha, a key regulator of expression of v
109  to, performing the separation function, the binding of HP-MBs and SG could be avoided while a low ba
110  than murine (m) PD-1 interactions, stronger binding of hPD-1 to hPD-L2 than hPD-L1, and comparable b
111 cytometry, we demonstrate a strong and quick binding of HRV types 16 and 1B to monocytes, and slower
112 emagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein that abrogate binding of human antibodies.
113                                          The binding of human IgG1 to human Fc gamma receptors (hFcga
114                                          The binding of human plasminogen (hPg) to the surface of the
115 IgG antibodies, which were able to block the binding of human serum IgE.
116                  Furthermore, dose-dependent binding of human VWF to purified recombinant human MGL w
117 nd in cultured cells by interfering with the binding of HuR to RNA.
118    The aim of this study was to evaluate the binding of IgE to five recombinant beta-conglutin isofor
119 maRIIB on myeloid cells and its differential binding of IgG subclasses controls the contributions of
120 ral and acidic pH, prevents the simultaneous binding of IgG, and reduces circulating IgG levels in pr
121 ha electrostatically repels the DNA, and the binding of IkappaBalpha appears to twist the NFkappaB he
122  lack Etv5 restored IL-10 production and the binding of IL-10-inducing transcription factors includin
123 n studied extensively for their roles in the binding of information and gaze function, respectively.
124 ctions, posttranslational modifications, and binding of inhibitors such as the p27 tumor suppressor p
125                        We detected prominent binding of intravenously injected F-Dapa in the kidney c
126                           HCFC2 promoted the binding of IRF1 and IRF2 to the Tlr3 promoter, without w
127 ements, as well as an over-representation of binding of key B-cell transcription factors.
128 understanding of the factors involved in the binding of KIR2DS1 and its inhibitory counterpart KIR2DL
129                                              Binding of knottin-RGD peptide was strongest for alphavb
130 ragmentation to give ethylene is promoted by binding of l-arginine in a nonoxidized conformation and
131                                              Binding of La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 6
132                                      TAX1BP1 binding of LC3 and GABARAP via its LC3-interacting regio
133                                              Binding of Lin28a to TRBP in vitro is also enhanced by p
134 in its coiled-coil 1 domain that impedes the binding of linear (M1-linked) di-ubiquitin to its coiled
135 n the context of dynein alone, we found that binding of LIS1 to DDB does not strongly disrupt process
136 insic fluorescence enhancement observed upon binding of LM pectin to lysozyme was correlated with the
137 t, we show that direct, cell-cycle-regulated binding of M18BP1 to CENP-A nucleosomes recruits the Mis
138 NA structural alterations can promote direct binding of m6A-modified RNAs to low-complexity regions i
139 iquitination by MDM2, a process initiated by binding of MDM2 to the intrinsically disordered transact
140 e improvements were accompanied by increased binding of MeCP2 T158M to DNA.
141 t could trigger changes (for example, in the binding of microcystin to proteins).
142 sful remediation in coastal areas, permanent binding of mobile P in anoxic sediments may be needed to
143 ed an off-cycle pathway involving reversible binding of molecular oxygen to iridium, which contribute
144  providing the substrate for phase-dependent binding of mossy fiber spikes to repetitive theta-freque
145  hPD-1 to hPD-L2 than hPD-L1, and comparable binding of mPD-1 to both ligands.
146  C terminus deletion (Cox1DeltaC15), reduced binding of Mss51 and Cox14 to COA complexes.
147 ulated Raw 264.7 macrophages resulted in the binding of mu1A of the clathrin-coated vesicle AP-1 comp
148  infra-slow bursting enables integration and binding of multiple chemosensory stimuli over a prolonge
149                                          The binding of multiple fullerenes was observed to increase
150 e adhesins has been shown to be required for binding of multiple glycan receptors.
151 n the mutant CALR C terminus influences both binding of mutant CALR to MPL and activation of MPL sign
152 s, we propose that this initial prerequisite binding of MVAPP enhances ATP binding.
153     This analysis highlights that the strong binding of myosin Ic to actin is dominated by the ADP st
154 NA motif that mediates the homo-trimeric DNA binding of Myrf N-terminal fragments.
155 ectivity filter in which to test competitive binding of Na(+) These experiments disclosed a marked de
156 luciferase reporter assays revealed a direct binding of NANOG to a transcriptionally active site in a
157 g domains efficaciously blocked reticulocyte binding of native PvRBPs, suggesting that the human immu
158 ecovery phase from a hypoxic injury and that binding of neuronal uPA to astrocytic uPAR induces astro
159                         This import involves binding of newly synthesized proteins by cytosolic perox
160 ls, which exhibited an aging-related loss in binding of NF-kappaB and STAT factors.
161                                              Binding of nitric oxide in the reduced Miner2 [2Fe-2S] c
162 h acts as a specificity filter that prevents binding of non-NES peptides.
163                                          The binding of NR3C1 but not HES1 to CLDN1 promoter signific
164  analysis revealed that OA-NO2 increased the binding of Nrf2 to an antioxidant response element in th
165 obably because these mutations decreased the binding of NS1 to the cleavage and polyadenylation speci
166 hether this modification is required for the binding of NS5A to other cellular proteins.
167 ysis confirmed that clofibrate abrogates the binding of nuclear factor-kappaB to the PTPRZ1 and Wnt8a
168 scribe a detailed protocol based on covalent binding of nucleophilic groups on Wnt proteins to activa
169                 Olfaction is mediated by the binding of odorant molecules to olfactory receptors (ORs
170 nding domain (GluA2-LBD) are consistent with binding of one molecule of 11m per dimer interface, cont
171       This indicates that OA may inhibit the binding of other RRM-containing protein/s necessary for
172                  ChIp analyses indicated the binding of p53 to the promoter region of miR-199a-3p.
173 comparable in oxLDL-loaded Mvarphis, yet the binding of p65/RelA (the prototypic NF-kappaB family mem
174                                          The binding of pairs of fullerene guests was observed to eff
175                             Upon DNA damage, binding of PARylated PARP1 by the macro domain induces a
176 fused to the C-terminus of Bet v 1 inhibited binding of patients' IgE antibodies to Bet v 1.
177       A general method for sequence-specific binding of peptides remains elusive despite decades of r
178                                          The binding of PF4 to perlecan was found to inhibit both FGF
179  step in merozoite invasion is the essential binding of PfRh5/CyRPA/PfRipr complex to basigin, a step
180 ol 3-kinase VPS34 activity by increasing the binding of phosphatidylinositol to VPS34.
181                                    Moreover, binding of phospho-SRC1 to RORgammat displaced bound Fox
182 nd is inhibited by mutations that compromise binding of phosphorylated Thr-348 to an allosteric bindi
183                                              Binding of PHR1 and PHL1 factors to P1BS was confirmed b
184      Particular attention has focused on the binding of plasminogen (Plg) to bacterial surfaces, as i
185                         We further show that binding of Plexin-B1 to Sema4A promotes the interaction
186                           We found extensive binding of PPARalpha near genes involved in glycolysis/g
187 ion is directed in part by sequence-specific binding of PRDM9, a polymorphic histone H3 (H3K4Me3) met
188 not allow discrimination between the initial binding of properdin and binding secondary to C3b deposi
189                                   Similarly, binding of properdin to the surface of human umbilical v
190 jacent residues that facilitate the specific binding of proteins and modulate the global folding and
191 N)6](3-)/[Fe(CN)6](4-)) that is altered upon binding of PSMA with PSMA-Ab immobilized on N-AuNPs/ITO.
192 and enzyme activity are regulated in part by binding of purine nucleotides to an allosteric regulator
193                                          The binding of pVIIn2-and, by extension, that of genome-cond
194 in, or phosphorylation site causes excessive binding of RAD51 to CFS loci and impairs CFS expression.
195                     We study the folding and binding of random sequences of hydrophobic ([Formula: se
196                                              Binding of receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL
197  number of constraints, possibly through the binding of regulatory proteins in the trans-Golgi networ
198 pidly after folic acid injection, as did DNA binding of RelB and NFkappaB2, detected in nuclei isolat
199 sitive competition ELISA to measure integrin-binding of RGD-peptides in high-throughput without using
200 ility shift assay revealed sequence-specific binding of rSaWRKY1 with MYB20 promoter.
201                                              Binding of S-peptide to S-protein results in the formati
202 x to poly-Fe(vbpy)2(CN)2 followed by surface binding of salts of the cations and electrochemical redu
203 erologous SNARE proteins orchestrated by the binding of Sec1/Munc18 (SM) proteins to specific syntaxi
204 ar how the immune system reconciles receptor binding of self-proteins with self/non-self-discriminati
205 hancers regulate gene expression through the binding of sequence-specific transcription factors (TFs)
206                                    Increased binding of serum epitope-specific IgA to CM in mothers o
207     Previous in vitro studies suggested that binding of SH2 and PTB domains can enhance protein phosp
208                                              Binding of sialylated glycans or other ligands triggers
209                                              Binding of siRNA to PEI-polymer was characterized and co
210 sis in embryonic stem cells showed extensive binding of Smad2/3/4 to GC-rich cis-regulatory elements.
211 erlies enzymatic activity and influences the binding of small-molecule inhibitors.
212 nto the structural basis for state-dependent binding of sodium channel-blocking drugs.
213 ciated with Abeta localizing to synapses and binding of soluble Abeta aggregates to synapses requires
214                                              Binding of specific monoclonal anti-DARC antibodies and
215            CARM1 recruitment lags behind the binding of SRC-3 and p300 to ER.
216 t-nCu exposure experiments indicate that the binding of SRE with nCu and dissolved Cu ions can signif
217       ESAT-6 induced phosphorylation and DNA binding of STAT3 and this was blocked by STAT3 inhibitor
218                                              Binding of STIM1 to SUR1 was enhanced by poly-lysine.
219  Notch signalling activity by inhibiting DNA-binding of Su(H), potentially affecting both activation
220  loop has an important role in the selective binding of succinyl-CoA over acetyl-CoA.
221                 In particular, the selective binding of sulfate with artificial receptors is importan
222                                 Simultaneous binding of SWR to both H2A nucleosome and free H2A.Z ind
223                                 We find that binding of TDP-43 to the translational machinery is medi
224 he promoter region of MLH1 as perturbing the binding of TFAP4 and consequently increasing DCLK3 expre
225      Thus, we demonstrated peptide-dependent binding of the activating NK cell receptor KIR2DS1, prov
226       These actions result from the specific binding of the antibody to the beta-subunit of Fsh to bl
227                                    Moreover, binding of the antiviral drug, amantadine, at the N-term
228 ross EC-EC junctions in trans Except for the binding of the C-terminal angiopoietin domains to the Ti
229 roup and a dedicated cavity that facilitates binding of the C2 methyl branch.
230                                              Binding of the capsid to the nuclear pore complex (NPC)
231                These positively modulate the binding of the CB1 orthosteric agonist CP55,940 while ex
232                      The consequences of the binding of the CD4-mimetic compound to the HIV-1 envelop
233  which rearrangement of a flexible loop upon binding of the correct peptide substrate is required for
234    Glycan array analysis confirmed selective binding of the CRD to glycans that contain Manalpha1-2Ma
235 -mediated phosphorylation and 14-3-3 protein binding of the cytoplasmic amino-terminus of iRhom2 alte
236        All studied iRFPs exhibited efficient binding of the endogenous biliverdin chromophore in cult
237                                              Binding of the gamma-tubulin receptor Spc110 to the cent
238                The phosphate and diphosphate binding of the generated channels was studied in planar
239 se observations, enhancers show TF-dependent binding of the H3K27 demethylase KDM6A.
240                                          The binding of the HIV-1 gp120 glycoprotein to CD4 triggers
241                                  Competitive binding of the human monoclonal antibody (mAb) LE2E9 rev
242                                              Binding of the intrinsically disordered C-terminal arm o
243                          We also studied the binding of the isolated SH2 domain of Grb2 (growth facto
244                                Additionally, binding of the ligand-activated AHR to the putative diox
245 fected cell lines that were unrelated to the binding of the MAb to the target cells.
246 main exerts negative allosteric control over binding of the N-terminal lectin domain to mannosylated
247                     The measured enthalpy of binding of the Naph(+*)(Pyr) heterodimer (20.9 kcal/mol)
248               MCM loading is orchestrated by binding of the origin recognition complex (ORC) to DNA,
249 eral C3b-binding compounds to interfere with binding of the original C3b ligand that guided their dis
250            The compound has no effect on the binding of the orthosteric ligands, implying its alloste
251 one cationic species as product requires the binding of the other (ternary-complex mechanism).
252 intramolecular binding motif that mimics the binding of the p53 tumor suppressor.
253 at this blocking activity may originate from binding of the peptide to a sequence of SdrC involved in
254                         STD-NMR demonstrated binding of the potential substrate carveol, the potentia
255 riments revealed that Spt6 could compete for binding of the PRC2 methyltransferase Ezh2 to Suz12 and
256         Together the results shed light onto binding of the precursor peptide and the associated conf
257 as in the generally accepted P450 mechanism, binding of the primary substrate in the active-site trig
258 echanism could be inferred from the covalent binding of the proteasome-specific inhibitor epoxomicin
259 tion of hGBP1F, which competes with membrane binding of the protein.
260  misfolding of chromatin fibre and block the binding of the regulator of chromatin condensation 1 (RC
261 n reduced expression of the gene through the binding of the repressive MYB transcription factor and,
262 noprecipitation experiments reveal increased binding of the repressor factor RE1-silencing transcript
263 e and sensitivity readily exposes unexpected binding of the ribosome-associated protein SRA.
264  and mass spectrometry, we further uncovered binding of the RNA-binding protein HuR to the -44 region
265 The kinetic association rate constant of the binding of the S339D/S340D mutant to the FERM domain of
266      H3K9ac serves as a substrate for direct binding of the SEC, as does acetylation of histone H4 ly
267 ed that this association is disrupted by the binding of the second messenger Ap4A to HINT1.
268 al at the RI, hypoxia-induced expression and binding of the splicing factor SRSF3, and increased bind
269                                              Binding of the target triggered a release of the DNA str
270 hree-state model imply asymmetric sequential binding of the terminal domains.
271                              MSC interrupted binding of the TF GATA-3 to the locus encoding TH2-cell-
272 rsensitivity site to rs7692387 and predicted binding of the transcription factor ZEB1 rather to the n
273 ctivity in patient kidney cells and impaired binding of the transcription factor ZNF143.
274 ion to exploit therapeutically.Significance: Binding of the transcription factors NFIB and YBX1 to th
275                                    It allows binding of the tRNAs to the ribosomal A and P sites, but
276 te with restoration of wild-type two-pronged binding of the UBXD1 adaptor protein that is impaired in
277 se a multidisciplinary approach to study the binding of the viral attachment protein G to its host re
278 idue of the N-terminal linker for inhibiting binding of the VWF A1 domain to GpIbalpha on platelets i
279  Significantly, Cripto-1 and Cryptic blocked binding of their cognate ligands to type I and type II T
280 )-Cas9 system and measured the quantities of binding of these viruses to cell surfaces.
281 ents showed that A-ZIP53 can inhibit the DNA binding of three proteins.
282  of the splicing factor SRSF3, and increased binding of total and phospho-Ser2 RNA polymerase II spec
283 tment in Arabidopsis relies in large part on binding of trans-acting factors to cis-localized DNA seq
284 ant deactivating enhancers by disrupting the binding of transcription factors (TFs) in a given cellul
285 ise that stereospecific but necessarily weak binding of tropomyosin to F-actin is required for effect
286                 His96 is responsible for the binding of two haem groups within the main central cavit
287 dependent transcription is suppressed by the binding of two nucleoid associated proteins, IHF and Fis
288                                              Binding of TZAP to long telomeres represents the switch
289                                              Binding of UBA5 to UFM1 is mediated via an amino acid se
290            In conclusion, we have shown that binding of UL20 to GODZ in the Golgi apparatus regulates
291 ectrons to oxygen, and completely blocks the binding of UQ and the inhibitor HQNO.
292 s 1-101) pull downs showed sixfold-increased binding of vinculin and, to a lesser extent, alpha-actin
293                                     Membrane binding of viral and cellular N-myristoylated proteins c
294                 Stability can be improved by binding of vitamin A to milk protein.
295  modifications significantly reduce antibody binding of waitlisted patients.
296                        We evaluated antibody binding of waitlisted renal transplant patients to 3 gly
297                                              Binding of Wnt ligands promotes the interaction of LRP5/
298 s (T1024G and T1086G) abrogated preferential binding of WRN to G4 DNA.
299 differences in copper co-ordination upon the binding of xylan and glucans.
300                           Interestingly, the binding of YscP to the slowly self-cleaving YscU variant

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