


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ever, generally share preferences for depth (binocular disparity).
2 n images formed on the two retinae (known as binocular disparity).
3 t to different positions on the two retinas (binocular disparity).
4  in their horizontal coordinates (horizontal binocular disparity).
5 an primary visual cortex are finely tuned to binocular disparity.
6 manner expected for a mechanism that encodes binocular disparity.
7 urface properties such as texture, motion or binocular disparity.
8 ts from both eyes but lacked selectivity for binocular disparity.
9 ect borders, illusory contours, and relative binocular disparity.
10  strongly selective for motion direction and binocular disparity.
11 ar to the known clustering of MT neurons for binocular disparity.
12 and how these neurons also signal depth from binocular disparity.
13 c responses than random dot patterns without binocular disparity.
14 it is based on perceiving depth by detecting binocular disparity.
15 an predict the selectivity or sensitivity to binocular disparity.
16 ision relies on cortical signals that encode binocular disparity.
17 lues that are not sufficient to encode large binocular disparities.
18 ecent studies show how single neurons detect binocular disparities.
19 ight different directions of motion and nine binocular disparities.
20  in macaque: (1) color versus luminance, (2) binocular disparity, (3) luminance contrast sensitivity,
21                                 Gradients of binocular disparity across the visual field provide a po
22 , RF phase disparities cover a wide range of binocular disparities and exhibit dependencies on orient
23 ional displacement, or 'pseudodisparity', to binocular disparities and orientations of occluding and
24        A test stimulus defined by horizontal binocular disparity and a distracter stimulus defined by
25 gnals from their constituents, instantaneous binocular disparity and monocular retinal motion.
26 of depth is based on a variety of cues, with binocular disparity and motion parallax generally provid
27                                              Binocular disparity and optical looming provide two sour
28  based on motion parallax, in the absence of binocular disparity and pictorial depth cues.
29 -12 years with displays depicting depth from binocular disparity and relative motion and made measure
30 ponses are more discriminable when two cues (binocular disparity and relative motion) concurrently si
31 o investigate the effects of two depth cues, binocular disparity and relative size.
32 -reduced P2 complex could be an indicator of binocular disparity and stereopsis.
33 ost, however, were tuned for orientation and binocular disparity and were strongly suppressed by larg
34 tation was consistent across depth position (binocular disparity) and position within the 2D classica
35 ted largely by relative rather than absolute binocular disparity, and depth is perceived primarily fo
36 neurons along the visual pathway that encode binocular disparities are found in the visual cortex.
37 isual areas V1, MT and MST that are tuned to binocular disparity are also tuned to orientation, motio
38                        Neurons selective for binocular disparity are found in a number of visual cort
39  Perceptual judgments of relative depth from binocular disparity are systematically distorted in huma
40 d, and the differences between their images (binocular disparity) are used to see depth.
41                    The two half-images had a binocular disparity at the circular grating patch area,
42   The joint coding of relative luminance and binocular disparity at the neuronal population level may
43  visual depth rely crucially on the relative binocular disparity between two visual features.
44 nly on relative judgments of depth (relative binocular disparity) between objects, rather than judgme
45 When the local maps for ocular dominance and binocular disparity both had measurable gradients at a g
46 ed to the registration and interpretation of binocular disparity but that it relies on half-occluded
47 rily convey modality-specific information on binocular disparity, but that they also contribute to th
48  popped out amid stationary distractors with binocular disparity, but z-motion did not pop out.
49 ween the images seen by the two eyes, called binocular disparities, can be used to recover the volume
50        We find that, in humans, color versus binocular disparity columns extend one full area further
51 ese results also hold in models that include binocular disparity computations, providing a platform f
52                                     However, binocular disparity could also be coded in headcentric i
53  have correspondingly shown that texture and binocular disparity cues for object orientation are comb
54 animals' psychophysical performance during a binocular disparity discrimination task.
55                    We investigated this in a binocular-disparity discrimination task.
56 e esotropia have striking maldevelopments of binocular (disparity-driven) convergence and use accommo
57                                        Using binocular disparity estimation as a concrete test case,
58                        Neurons selective for binocular disparity form the neural substrate for stereo
59 h requires the integration process to obtain binocular disparity from the two eyes, one eye's image c
60 wever, a precise functional architecture for binocular disparity has never been demonstrated in any s
61                        For almost 200 years, binocular disparity has remained synonymous with retinal
62  of monkeys are known to respond to specific binocular disparities; however, little is known about th
63 ges is primarily specified by the pattern of binocular disparities in the two eyes' views.
64  compare the ability of MT neurons to signal binocular disparity in moving versus stationary random-d
65 neuronal responses to temporal modulation of binocular disparity in striate cortex of awake monkeys.
66 tion in electric fish and the computation of binocular disparity in the avian and mammalian visual sy
67                         Inferring depth from binocular disparities is a difficult problem for the vis
68                                              Binocular disparity is a powerful depth cue for object p
69                        Estimating depth from binocular disparity is extremely precise, and the cue do
70                  These results indicate that binocular disparity is mainly encoded through RF phase d
71 s converge onto a single neuron, encoding of binocular disparity is thought to begin in this region.
72 uning of V1 cells for relative luminance and binocular disparity is well matched to a predicted distr
73 olution (the finest detectable modulation of binocular disparity) is much poorer than luminance resol
74 se local arrangement of ocular dominance and binocular disparity maps provide new clues regarding how
75 lex orientation, motion direction, speed and binocular disparity may help to solve the binocular matc
76 entation encouraged the inquiry into whether binocular disparity might not similarly be represented a
77  cortical areas have been found to represent binocular disparities, new representations of disparity
78                                  For a given binocular disparity, observers perceived more depth when
79                                              Binocular disparities of retinal image locations are cor
80 he relationship between ocular dominance and binocular disparity of individual cells used single-unit
81 a disproportionate degradation of tuning for binocular disparity of MT neurons, relative to direction
82 rval between saccades, MT neurons signal the binocular disparity of stationary stimuli with high fide
83 eurons in visual cortex represent depth from binocular disparity or motion parallax, but little is kn
84      Stereoscopic depth perception relies on binocular disparities, or small geometric differences be
85 plicate area MT in depth perception based on binocular disparities, our results suggest that area MT
86    The human ability to detect modulation of binocular disparity over time is poor compared with dete
87                The eyes estimate shape using binocular disparity, perspective projection, etc.
88 on exists between the relative luminance and binocular disparity preferences of neurons in macaque pr
89                                 In contrast, binocular disparity preferences of spikelets and the pri
90                              In the realm of binocular disparity processing, an equivalent role for t
91  well matched to a predicted distribution of binocular disparities produced by natural scenes.
92  When an observer is looking straight ahead, binocular disparities provide information about distance
93 ve projections of the two eyes' half images (binocular disparity) provide a cue for the sensation of
94 ifferences in the two retinal images, called binocular disparities, provide us with a stereoscopic se
95 ectively to stimulus variations in color and binocular disparity, respectively.
96                                          The binocular disparity response functions for sensory and m
97                         We characterized the binocular disparity selectivity and heading tuning of MS
98 gle cells, ocular dominance was unrelated to binocular disparity selectivity or sensitivity.
99  primates, MD also disrupts the emergence of binocular disparity selectivity, a cue resulting from in
100  a precise functional micro-architecture for binocular disparity selectivity.
101                                 However, the binocular disparity sensitivity of V2 neurons was signif
102 ven under binocular viewing conditions, when binocular disparity signals conflict with depth informat
103         First, we consider the processing of binocular disparity signals, examining performance on si
104 al search task, targets defined by motion or binocular disparity stand out effortlessly from stationa
105 uned to combinations of spatial and temporal binocular disparities, suggesting a possible neural subs
106  can be judged by combining information from binocular disparity, texture and perspective.
107 ought to begin with the analysis of absolute binocular disparity, the difference in position of corre
108                                              Binocular disparity, the differential angular separation
109  Neurons in primary visual cortex respond to binocular disparity, the raw material of stereoscopic de
110                                    To encode binocular disparity, the visual system determines the im
111 ere are two possible mechanisms for encoding binocular disparity through simple cells in the striate
112                   The visual system utilizes binocular disparity to discriminate the relative depth o
113 ferent information, and the brain uses this 'binocular disparity' to interpret stereoscopic depth.
114 ferences between the images in our two eyes, binocular disparities, to generate depth perception?
115 ion causes a disproportionate degradation of binocular disparity tuning relative to direction tuning
116 ual neurons, ocular dominance cannot predict binocular disparity tuning.
117    Thus active dendrites could contribute to binocular-disparity tuning in complex cells.
118          Neurons that respond selectively to binocular disparity were first described three decades a
119 a long distance is associated with a smaller binocular disparity, whereas an equal depth interval at
120 ng for 4 cues (shading, motion, texture, and binocular disparity) with corresponding 2D and elementar
121 static random dot (RD) presentations with no binocular disparity (ZD) or with horizontal disparity (H

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