


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 terin synthesis, thereby elevating levels of biopterin.
2 ates but not by non-classical antifolates or biopterin.
3 3 x 10(6); hydroxymethylpterin, 1.2 x 10(6); biopterin, 1.0 x 10(6); d-(+)-neopterin, 3.1 x 10(5); is
4 DPH, and ternary complexes with cofactor and biopterin, 5,6-dihydrobiopterin, and 5,6,7,8-tetrahydrob
5 ects the following six urinary pteridines: 6-biopterin, 6-hydroxymethylpterin, d-neopterin, pterin, i
6 dded), Fe(III)-bound form, and 7,8-dihydro-l-biopterin (7,8-BH(2)) plus Fe(III)-bound form.
7 lts demonstrate for the first time epidermal biopterin accumulation together with significantly decre
8  We utilized a freeze-quench instrument, the biopterin analog 5-methyl-H(4)B, and a method that could
9 ne), a specific inhibitor of GCH1, prevented biopterin and NO production and invasion of E. coli K1 i
10 criminated the interferences including the 6-biopterin and pterin structural analogs of neopterin as
11                                              Biopterin and pterin, the fully oxidized forms of the pt
12 n mice with DAHP prevented the production of biopterin and the development of meningitis.
13  production in human vessels, whereas plasma biopterins are a marker of systemic inflammation.
14                            (6R)-Tetrahydro-l-biopterin (BH(4)) is the rate-limiting cofactor in the p
15 oxidized form of the cofactor (7,8-dihydro-L-biopterin, BH(2)), has been determined at 2.0 A resoluti
16 E, had a very low (6R)-5,6,7, 8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin (BH4) content.
17  novo synthesis of (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin (BH4) in a biological system.
18                    (6R)-5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-L-biopterin (BH4) is an essential cofactor in the synthesi
19           It is also the first enzyme of the biopterin (BH4) pathway in Homo sapiens, where it is enc
20 biopterin, and the key enzymes that regulate biopterin bioavailability, GTP cyclohydrolase and dihydr
21 P) to 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin (PPH(4)) in biopterin biosynthesis, E. coli QueD catalyzes the conve
22 yclohydrolase I, the rate-limiting enzyme in biopterin biosynthesis, was associated with endothelial
23 PIN levels and not because of alterations in biopterin biosynthesis.
24  BH4, we hypothesize that generation of this biopterin by the intestinal microbiota contributes to it
25 e absence of reduced pyridine nucleotides or biopterin cofactors.
26 estinal flora in individuals with congenital biopterin deficiency may allow for an increase in total
27 rovide evidence of a dual redox function for biopterin during the NOHA oxidation reaction.
28 es are novel and expand our understanding of biopterin function in biology.
29                                BH4, oxidised biopterins, GTP-cyclohydrolase 1 (GTPCH-1, the rate-limi
30 reconstituted with (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin (H(4)B) or other pterins.
31 stand how heme and (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-l-biopterin (H(4)B) participate in nitric-oxide synthesis,
32 alian NOS cofactor (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-l-biopterin (H(4)B).
33 purified in the absence of 6(R)-tetrahydro-l-biopterin (H(4)B).
34  absence (H4B-free NOS) of (6R)-tetrahydro-L-biopterin (H4B).
35 e levels and high concentrations of 6- and 7-biopterin in their epidermis.
36 sociation exists between plasma and vascular biopterins in patients with coronary artery disease.
37 xogenous sources, the tissue content of this biopterin increases with age in GTP cyclohydrolase 1-def
38                                              Biopterin is required for growth of the protozoan parasi
39 robiopterin (BH(4)), not dihydrobiopterin or biopterin, is a critical element required for NO formati
40                     No significant change of biopterin level was found between healthy individuals an
41 H1overexpression significantly increased the biopterins level in left ventricular (LV) myocytes but n
42 drolase I are in the normal range, but total biopterin levels are significantly decreased in homozygo
43 he relationships between plasma and vascular biopterin levels in patients with coronary artery diseas
44            Oral BH4 treatment augments total biopterin levels in patients with established coronary a
45             Finally, plasma but not vascular biopterin levels were correlated with plasma C-reactive
46 d studied the effects on eNOS regulation and biopterin metabolism in cultured aortic endothelial cell
47 nsive mouse hearts showed increased oxidized biopterins, NOS-dependent superoxide production, reduced
48 bably due to the nonenzymatic formation of 7-biopterin or a similar derivative.
49 ion was observed between plasma and vascular biopterins (P<0.05 for both saphenous veins and internal
50 tic pathway in Bacteria and Archaea, and the biopterin pathway in mammals.
51 ng that a large proportion of the myocardial biopterin pool was oxidized; nevertheless, myocardial NO
52 ired for regeneration and maintenance of H(4)biopterin pools.
53 th the bound cofactor analogue 7,8-dihydro-L-biopterin, providing the first atomic-resolution informa
54                                  Significant biopterin radical (>0.5 per heme) formed during reaction
55  of final biopterin redox status showed that biopterin radical decay occurred via an enzymatic one-el
56 avoprotein domain catalyzes reduction of the biopterin radical following Arg hydroxylation.
57                                              Biopterin radical formation was kinetically linked to co
58                                          The biopterin radical then decayed within a 200-300-ms time
59  DTT, EPR showed a mixture of superoxide and biopterin radicals.
60 oxide radical or a mixture of superoxide and biopterin radicals.
61 and increased vascular BH4 and the BH4/total biopterin ratio.
62                            Measures of final biopterin redox status showed that biopterin radical dec
63 of heme to zinc in (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin-replete, wild-type nNOS and eNOS and show that
64 -); however, full oxidation of protein-bound biopterin required higher ONOO(-) levels.
65 nce or absence of (6R)-5,6, 7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin, reveal that the nu(O-O) line is insensitive t
66 triphosphate cyclohydrolase I expression and biopterin synthesis in parallel, which was reduced in mo
67       These results suggest a novel role for biopterin synthesis in the pathogenesis of E. coli K1 me
68             Phenylalanine markedly increased biopterin synthesis, whereas arginine had no effect.
69 gp96 expression prevents GCH1 activation and biopterin synthesis.
70 i, further emphasizing the importance of H(4)biopterin throughout this family of human parasites.
71 d-freeze EPR spectroscopy to follow heme and biopterin transformations during single-turnover NOHA ox
72 m the host through the activities of a novel biopterin transporter (BT1) and broad-spectrum pteridine
73 ana) ortholog At2g32040 belong to the folate-biopterin transporter (FBT) family within the major faci
74 sh conservation of function among folate and biopterin transporter family proteins from three kingdom
75 teins with some similarity to the folate and biopterin transporters of the trypanosomatid parasite Le
76  We determined plasma and vascular levels of biopterins, vasomotor responses to acetylcholine, and va
77                   BH4 was the most potent of biopterins with different oxidative states.
78 ole for the circadian clock in metabolism of biopterins, with a significant impact in the vasculature

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