


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 (nitrovanillin) and a cancer targeting unit (biotin).
2 ) and biotin-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (NHS-biotin).
3 tic heparan sulfate (HS) oligosaccharide and biotin.
4 erulenin-resistant FabF mutant produced more biotin.
5 rface through high-affinity conjugation with biotin.
6 hiodipropionic acid)-b-poly(ethylene glycol)-biotin.
7 manner comparable to streptavidin binding to biotin.
8 esponding sugar nucleotide functionalized by biotin.
9 ange induced by the binding of the SV to the biotin.
10 using a standard affinity model streptavidin-biotin.
11 l particles with either a fluorescent dye or biotin.
12 oassays after 7 days of ingesting 10 mg/d of biotin, a dose common in over-the-counter supplements fo
13 eline separation is achieved on all covalent biotin additions, for each charge state, for both the ly
14                  The capacity of Mag-MIP for biotin adsorption, its kinetics and selectivity were stu
15 ne to enrich the modified peptides by avidin-biotin affinity chromatography and analyze them by nanoR
16 ys to biosensing using standard streptavidin-biotin affinity model.
17       Integrated transcriptome profiling and biotin-affinity miRNA pull-down approaches reveal stage-
18 evised to dual-labeling of PCR products with biotin and 6-FAM, which are then easily read on a latera
19                    In this setting, [M2pep]4-Biotin and [M2pep]2-[KLA]2 exhibited selective toxicity
20  and tetravalent displays of M2pep ([M2pep]2-Biotin and [M2pep]4-Biotin) were synthesized and evaluat
21 ethod to functionalize oligonucleotides with biotin and an orthosteric inhibitor of the eukaryotic in
22 roperties is presented with affinity towards biotin and biotinylated biomolecules.
23 on of the magnetic-MIPs for the detection of biotin and biotinylated DNA in magneto-actuated platform
24 ead biodistribution experiments comparing SA-biotin and bispecific FP (2H7-Fc-C825) PRIT in murine su
25 dence that changes in the linker between the biotin and Cu complex within the synthetic constructs al
26 ailing phage-mediated control of the E. coli biotin and fatty acid synthesis that is rate limiting to
27 an engineered pathway combining enzymes from biotin and fatty acid synthesis.
28 2) or PEG-conjugated small molecules (mPEG5K-biotin and mPEG5K-NIR797), proteins (PegIntron and Pegas
29                          The binding between biotin and strepavidin leads to the attachment of a larg
30 stems, including 23 assays that incorporated biotin and streptavidin components and 14 assays that di
31 omponents and 14 assays that did not include biotin and streptavidin components and served as negativ
32 free assay using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), biotin and streptavidin.
33 e association constant (KA) for streptavidin/biotin and STV-NPs/biotin interactions observed (2 +/- 1
34 ctures and biochemical properties of avidin, biotin and their respective analogues will also be discu
35  (FRET) between phycoerythrin-biotin (PhycoE-Biotin) and Cy5-streptavidin trapped in the two proteoli
36 h as phosphotransferase system (PTS) sugars, biotin, and amino acids, especially cysteine.
37  The surface density and lateral mobility of biotin, and the SAv surface coverage are all found to in
38 andwich-type immunoassay was performed using biotin-anti-TGF and conjugation with peroxidase-labeled
39                            We show that anti-biotin antibodies enable unprecedented enrichment of bio
40 R) products labeled with a fluorophore and a biotin are electrophoresed through the SA hydrogel for b
41 l-known complex formation between avidin and biotin as a model system.
42        These enzymes use covalently attached biotin as a vector to transfer a carboxyl group between
43 ed L-thyroxine, glucosamine, fumonisin B2 or biotin as template, can demonstrate comparable or better
44  it was found that deletion of bioW caused a biotin auxotrophic phenotype whereas deletion of bioI di
45 enetic screen in Mycobacterium smegmatis for biotin auxotrophs and identified pyruvate carboxylase (P
46                                          The biotin auxotrophy of the pyc::tn strain is due to failur
47 biosynthesis, in the pyc::tn strain reverted biotin auxotrophy, as did reconstituting the last step o
48 ide and subsequent pulldown experiments with biotin-avidin affinity chromatography.
49  protein-ligand and protein-protein systems: biotin-avidin and biotin-streptavidin, barstar-dibarnase
50  binding events which we demonstrate through biotin-avidin surface coupling.
51  EdU-labeled DNA was conjugated to fluor- or biotin-azide and visualized by confocal, superresolution
52 roved equal or superior to streptavidin (SA)-biotin-based CD38-SA PRIT.
53 merases at a high resolution following a new biotin-based genomic run-on (BioGRO) technique.
54                                        Using biotin-based synthetic substrates, we established that t
55 sidual valency can be adjusted to one or two biotin binding sites per immobilized SAv by choosing app
56 te of SA L3,4 loop, thereby further reducing biotin-binding affinity.
57 y the mannose-binding lectin, Con A, and the biotin-binding protein avidin-peroxidase.
58               We found that mutations in the biotin-binding region of bpl-1 are maternal-effect letha
59 as developed with a single and high affinity biotin-binding site within the intact tetramer.
60 t specific substitutions (N23A/S27D/S45A) at biotin-binding sites stabilize the open state of SA L3,4
61 valencies (mono-, di-, trivalent in terms of biotin-binding sites) are studied to rationalize the res
62 esized by bacteria, fungi and plants, making biotin biosynthesis a target for antimicrobial developme
63 n transcriptional regulation of the genes of biotin biosynthesis and transport.
64                                To understand biotin biosynthesis in mycobacteria, we executed a genet
65 xotrophic for biotin in that it lacks a full biotin biosynthesis pathway.
66  which also functions as a repressor for the biotin biosynthesis pathway.
67                          The role of BioV in biotin biosynthesis was demonstrated using a reconstitut
68               Loss of bioQ, the repressor of biotin biosynthesis, in the pyc::tn strain reverted biot
69 d pyruvate carboxylase (Pyc) as required for biotin biosynthesis.
70 ilure to transcriptionally induce late stage biotin biosynthetic genes in low biotin conditions.
71 g, strategies predicated on streptavidin and biotin, bispecific antibodies, complementary oligonucleo
72  antigens, but immunogenicity and endogenous biotin blocking may limit clinical translation.
73 e also determined the ability to uptake (3)H-biotin by L. lactis.
74                             Incorporation of biotin cadaverine revealed a preference of MTG for the D
75 r this purpose, we developed an avidin-based biotin capture surface based on a supported lipid bilaye
76  a method that combines RNAPIII mapping with biotin-capture of nascent tRNAs.
77 on the identification of surface labeled and biotin captured peptide fragments by LC/MS/MS.
78 rboxylase (BC), carboxyltransferase (CT) and biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) components.
79 ll three BADC isoforms interact with the two biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) isoforms of A. th
80 e the biotinylation reaction of the acceptor biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP), through the expe
81 ylase (LmPC), a biotin-dependent enzyme with biotin carboxylase (BC) and carboxyltransferase (CT) act
82                                  PC contains biotin carboxylase (BC), carboxyltransferase (CT) and bi
83  alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase E1 component, biotin carboxylase and superoxide dismutase were related
84 P causes signal masking, whereas addition of biotin causes complex dissociation and triggers protein
85                                              Biotin chase experiments revealed that the immature surf
86 epared Mag-MIP had higher selectivity toward biotin compared to other molecules with different chemic
87 tive units for healthy volunteers (P = .02), biotin concentrations, 0.43 (0.27-0.58) relative units f
88  late stage biotin biosynthetic genes in low biotin conditions.
89                                 The cysteine-biotin conjugates remained fully intact, demonstrating t
90 rge state, for both the lysine- and cysteine-biotin conjugates.
91                            Upon binding of a biotin-containing sensor to avidin at 1.5 muM concentrat
92 9 ligand-loaded particles using streptavidin-biotin cross-linking.
93 otinlated 2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate (biotin-dATP) by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (T
94 dence in support of two distinct lineages of biotin-dependent acyl-CoA carboxylases, one carboxylatin
95                              In human cells, biotin-dependent carboxylases catalyze key reactions in
96  a cofactor of enzymes collectively known as biotin-dependent carboxylases.
97 assified as a moonlighting protein, with two biotin-dependent cytosolic metabolic roles and a distinc
98 nhibiting its pyruvate carboxylase (LmPC), a biotin-dependent enzyme with biotin carboxylase (BC) and
99 espite Arc1p not being involved in any known biotin-dependent reaction, it is a natural target of bio
100 xisomal protein import and the generation of biotin-dependent trafficking through the endocytic and C
101 ses an antibody to a target antigen to guide biotin deposition onto adjacent proteins in fixed cells
102                 A thiamine monosuccinate-PEG-biotin derivative was synthesized to serve as an immobil
103 unoassays, including the use of streptavidin-biotin detection strategies.
104 mplicons were labelled at the same time with biotin/digoxigenin or biotin/fluorescein tags, respectiv
105 of ligand targets of these proteins, GM1 and biotin-DOPE, respectively.
106 eling using APEX peroxidase followed by anti-biotin enrichment and mass spectrometry yielded over 1,6
107     To address this issue, we used both acyl-biotin exchange and acyl-resin-assisted capture approach
108 emonstrate a quantitative site-specific-Acyl-Biotin-Exchange (ssABE) method that allowed the identifi
109  at the same time with biotin/digoxigenin or biotin/fluorescein tags, respectively.
110 red by 37 immunoassays, ingesting 10 mg/d of biotin for 1 week was associated with potentially clinic
111 rs [range, 31-45 years]) who took 10 mg/d of biotin for 7 days, biotin ingestion-associated interfere
112 h an alkyne moiety, which can be tagged with biotin for affinity enrichment, or with a fluorescent dy
113 sful introduction of a fluorescent label and biotin for detection or affinity enrichment.
114 ng carboxylases rely on the organic cofactor biotin for the activation of bicarbonate.
115 wn overnight at 37 degrees C was essentially biotin free.
116  was evaluated against wild-type (WT) Mtb in biotin-free and -containing medium as well as BioA under
117 ation of 1.7 muM (0.6 mug/mL) against Mtb in biotin-free medium.
118 te the covalent transfer of photoactivatable biotin from isolated cdb3-PO4 (but not cdb3) to band 3 i
119 g the use of a scavenging strategy to obtain biotin from the environment.
120 diated the specific in vitro uptake of 100nm biotin-functionalized nanoparticles by Raji and Jurkat l
121  when the detection is performed by the same biotin-functionalized plasmonic AuNSs substrate but agai
122 tion" of the biotin-MB; this event makes the biotin group, which was previously "protected" by the st
123 was then immobilized via coordination of the biotin groups with the NTA-Cu(II) complex.
124  be completely removed by 3min injections of biotin, guanidinium thiocyanate, pepsin, and SDS, which
125 and new C-C bond formation in the absence of biotin has remained a mystery since these enzymes were d
126  buffer compositions, type of detection tag (biotin, His- or cMyc-tag), and spacer length.
127 ethylene blue-NP41-bound nerves, followed by biotin hydrazide labeling and purification, resulted in
128                Using the proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) method [13, 14], we found
129 gulators, we carried out proximity-dependent biotin identification and identified many CIF1 binding p
130 o-proteome profiling and proximity-dependent biotin identification to identify hCDC14A substrates.
131  by adopting virus-based proximity-dependent biotin identification.
132 e protein-ligand binding pairs (streptavidin/biotin; IgG/anti-IgG) were quantified.
133 ized gold nanoparticles (STV-NPs) binding to biotin immobilized on a gold film in both air and flowin
134 ynthesis pathway is a bona fide precursor of biotin in B. subtilis.
135                                       Excess biotin in blood due to supplemental biotin ingestion may
136 ired for synthesis of the pimelate moiety of biotin in diverse bacteria.
137 uccessfully applied for the determination of biotin in diverse milk samples using HPLC for quantifica
138 s review, we discuss the function of HCS and biotin in metabolism and human disease, a putative role
139 h core-shell method for the determination of biotin in milk food samples.
140 lyzes the second step in the biosynthesis of biotin in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and is an ess
141 oli, L. lactis appears to be auxotrophic for biotin in that it lacks a full biotin biosynthesis pathw
142 etter, rats were given injections of dextran biotin in the nodose ganglia, and, after tracer transpor
143 arbon source.Some aerobic bacteria contain a biotin-independent malonate decarboxylase (MDC), which a
144 as species and other aerobic bacteria have a biotin-independent malonate decarboxylase that is crucia
145 ent cytosolic metabolic roles and a distinct biotin-independent nuclear coregulatory function.
146   Excess biotin in blood due to supplemental biotin ingestion may affect biotin-streptavidin binding,
147 ars]) who took 10 mg/d of biotin for 7 days, biotin ingestion-associated interference was found in 9
148                                       Avidin-biotin interaction is one of the strongest non-covalent
149 he high binding affinity of the streptavidin-biotin interaction, we achieved multiplexed detection of
150 s ends labeled with dsDNA via a streptavidin-biotin interaction.
151 ant (KA) for streptavidin/biotin and STV-NPs/biotin interactions observed (2 +/- 1 x 10(7) M(-1) and
152 ic fusion protein that eliminates endogenous biotin interference and immunogenic elements.
153 educed risk of immunogenicity and endogenous biotin interference, make the CD38 bispecific an attract
154  immunogenicity and an absence of endogenous biotin interference, our findings offer a preclinical pr
155                                              Biotin is an essential cofactor for multiple metabolic r
156                                              Biotin is an essential cofactor utilized by all domains
157                                  The vitamin biotin is an essential nutrient for the metabolism and s
158                                              Biotin is attached to apocarboxylases by a biotin ligase
159  step in synthesis of the pimelate moiety of biotin is cleavage of the ester bond of pimeloyl-acyl ca
160                                              Biotin is covalently linked to apoproteins by holocarbox
161                                      (111)In-biotin is useful for spondylodiskitis.
162 ng interaction between streptavidin (SA) and biotin is widely utilized in biotechnological applicatio
163  (acyloxymethyl ketone) reactive group and a biotin label for easy detection.
164                              Indeed, loss of biotin label from the AKR1B1-PGA1-B adduct was favored b
165 alysis of in vitro import through a covalent biotin label transfer and employ this method to the impo
166                      In the proposed method, biotin labeled and free OTA competed to bind with immobi
167 Ps coated with streptavidin can combine with biotin labeled thrombin aptamers.
168    A Western blotting analysis revealed that biotin-labeled beauveriolide bound to the SOAT1 protein
169                     Complexes containing EdU-biotin-labeled DNA cross-linked to proteins were capture
170                                 We also used biotin-labeled ghrelin to visualize ghrelin binding site
171                                          The biotin-labeled nascent RNA is used to prepare sequencing
172 lymerases incorporate one or, at most, a few biotin-labeled nucleotide triphosphates (biotin-NTPs) in
173               This approach utilizes a novel biotin-labeled polymer-mediated signal amplification pro
174 cing of human genomic DNA pulled down by the biotin-labeled tandem tetramer polyamide probe confirmed
175 bling application-specific adjustment of the biotin-labeling radius.
176    Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that biotin-labelled Gp45 efficiently stained the wild-type S
177 ch these products are immobilized by a fixed biotin-ligand and visualized with anti-FAM antibody-coat
178            The first examples of mannose and biotin ligands coupled to aqueous carboxy-functionalized
179 ynein interactome by attaching a promiscuous biotin ligase ('BioID') to seven components of the dynei
180  assay exploits the ability of the bacterial biotin ligase BirA to biotinylate any protein that carri
181          The BioID method uses a promiscuous biotin ligase to detect protein-protein associations as
182  BioID2, a substantially smaller promiscuous biotin ligase.
183   Biotin is attached to apocarboxylases by a biotin ligase: holocarboxylase synthetase (HCS) in mamma
184  as discrete particles through a neutravidin/biotin link, we prove experimentally that the acoustic r
185 tes and a strong but reversible streptavidin-biotin linkage to PEG-coated AFM tips enhanced data qual
186 th biotinylated aptamers attached via avidin-biotin linkages, and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) report
187 etry-based affinity capture experiments with biotin-linked derivatives revealed a number of target pr
188 oteins in Arabidopsis thaliana annotated as 'biotin/lipoyl attachment domain containing' (BADC) prote
189 alue accuracy can be obtained for the higher biotin-load when using standard ESI conditions as oppose
190  combinations of modifications (sulfonamide, biotin, mannose) against matched targets (carbonic anhyd
191 mmunogenicity and interference by endogenous biotin may complicate clinical translation of this appro
192 in transducing surface and the dual-function biotin-MB-AuNPs bio-label, provides a simple and robust
193 eate an integrated, dual function bio-label (biotin-MB-AuNPs) for both biorecognition and signal gene
194                                The activated biotin-MB-AuNPs/miRNA complexes become available for cap
195 s place resulting in the "activation" of the biotin-MB; this event makes the biotin group, which was
196                          Importantly, direct biotin-mediated binding of bacteria to surface lipids in
197                After labeling the hybridized biotin-miRNA with streptavidin-HRP conjugates, amperomet
198                        A biotinylated miRNA (biotin-miRNA) of identical sequence to that of the targe
199           Results presented herein show that biotin modification had no obvious effect on the growth-
200 ependent reaction, it is a natural target of biotin modification.
201 nanobeads (MBs) were functionalized with the biotin modified hairpin probe (HP) with 3'-phosphoryl, f
202                    Compared to free DOX, the biotin-modified nanomedicine displayed greatly increased
203                                        Fully biotin-modified particles remained resistant to cultured
204                 Immunohistochemistry using a biotin-modified peptide (RK-10-Biotin) was tested agains
205 ed a phi29-mediated ISDPR, which can produce biotin-modified sequences on the MMCs.
206 anded DNA and salt aging, with preconjugated biotin moieties facing outward from the gold surface.
207 corporation of a Cp*Ir cofactor possessing a biotin moiety and 4,7-dihydroxy-1,10-phenanthroline into
208                                Specifically, biotin molecules are immobilized on a low-cost plasmonic
209 -ammineopropyl-triethoxysilane (3-APTES) and biotin-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (NHS-biotin).
210 al deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining of intestinal
211 l deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling assay and Hoechst staining.
212 ansferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-biotin nick end labelling (TUNEL), was performed to conf
213 standard markers including TdT-mediated dUTP biotin nick-end labeling and cleaved caspase 3 immunoflu
214 few biotin-labeled nucleotide triphosphates (biotin-NTPs) into the 3' end of nascent RNA.
215  transcription is coregulated with the other biotin operon genes.
216  S. aureus BirA is an effective regulator of biotin operon transcription and that the prior data can
217 emarkable genomic plasticity in that in some biotin operons bioH is replaced by other alpha/ss hydrol
218  would be unable to respond to the levels of biotin or acceptor proteins and thus would lack the regu
219 d to dimerize and bind DNA in the absence of biotin or biotinoyl-AMP.
220 ated by ultracentrifugation and labeled with biotin or PKH67.
221 n-covalent interactions (e.g. strept(avidin)/biotin) or covalent bond formations (e.g. inverse electr
222                                          The biotin pathway genes responsible for pimelate moiety syn
223          Specimens were processed for avidin-biotin permanent labeling, and subsets of the whole moun
224    We detected GFP with pre-embedding avidin-biotin-peroxidase and GABA with post-embedding immunogol
225                                    alpha-Syn-biotin PFF binding to LAG3 initiated alpha-syn PFF endoc
226 peroxide for 1 min to cells preloaded with a biotin-phenol substrate, APEX2 generates biotin-phenoxyl
227 ular compartments from which APEX2-generated biotin-phenoxyl radicals cannot escape.
228 h a biotin-phenol substrate, APEX2 generates biotin-phenoxyl radicals that covalently tag proximal en
229 energy transfer (FRET) between phycoerythrin-biotin (PhycoE-Biotin) and Cy5-streptavidin trapped in t
230                            Streptavidin (SA)-biotin pretargeted radioimmunotherapy (PRIT) that target
231  elongation enzyme, FabF, markedly decreased biotin production by B. subtilis resting cells whereas a
232 lementation with pimelic acid fully restored biotin production in cerulenin-treated cells.
233                                              Biotin protein ligase (BPL) is widespread in the three d
234 merization in BirA (E. coli biotin repressor/biotin protein ligase) is achieved via reciprocal commun
235                                     Group II biotin protein ligases (BPLs) are characterized by the p
236  CUG-BP1, or both, binding studies utilizing biotin pull-down assays and heterologous luciferase repo
237 ed after adding avidin-ALP to perform avidin-biotin reaction; the signal was generated through a suit
238  confirmed efficient internalization of 2 in biotin-receptor positive (BR+) cancer cells via receptor
239 ecific binding to cancer cell over-expressed biotin receptors.
240                           The role of Pyc in biotin regulation required its catalytic activities and
241 nd binding and dimerization in BirA (E. coli biotin repressor/biotin protein ligase) is achieved via
242                                              Biotin-RNA pulldown, UV-crosslinking and gel shift exper
243 cific transcript lengths more precisely than biotin-SAv and propose guidelines to leverage the comple
244       We then show that randomly distributed biotin-SAv roadblocks can be used in cotranscriptional S
245         We first determine the properties of biotin-SAv roadblocks.
246  These findings highlight the utility of the biotin-Sav technology as an approach for simulating acti
247 en together, our results deciphered a unique biotin scavenging pathway with redundant genes present i
248 es from AX-B-treated cells showed a positive biotin signal in electron microscopy.
249 -of-detection, the inclusion of streptavidin-biotin simplifies the development of similar tests for o
250 e review starts with a background summary of biotin/(strept)avidin self-assembly and the current desi
251                                     However, biotin/(strept)avidin self-assembly has several well-rec
252                                              Biotin/(strept)avidin self-assembly is a powerful platfo
253 APE-Seq by developing a sequence-independent biotin-streptavidin (SAv) roadblocking strategy that sim
254                                        Using biotin-streptavidin (Sav) technology, artificial copper
255                                   A standard biotin-streptavidin affinity model was tested using the
256  to supplemental biotin ingestion may affect biotin-streptavidin binding, leading to potential clinic
257  and anti-IL-17A catch antibodies, which via biotin-streptavidin interaction are bound to the biotiny
258 s then conjugated to the MMC surface through biotin-streptavidin interactions.
259                                            A biotin-streptavidin pull-down assay showed that 4,11-bis
260 esonance (LSPR) shift-based biosensors using biotin-streptavidin recognition interaction as a proof-o
261 d protein-protein systems: biotin-avidin and biotin-streptavidin, barstar-dibarnase and Z domain-immu
262 ays with low and high dissociation constant: biotin/streptavidin (10 fM) and HER2/HER2 antibody (0.44
263                 Rupture forces comparable to biotin:streptavidin unbinding were observed.
264 ta indicate that mycobacterial cells monitor biotin sufficiency through a metabolic signal generated
265                 Administration of 10 mg/d of biotin supplementation for 7 days.
266  targeting of fusion proteins, requires less biotin supplementation, and exhibits enhanced labeling o
267 ngs should be considered for patients taking biotin supplements before ordering blood tests or when i
268                                            A biotin switch assay shows that GSSG-ester-induced HIF-1a
269 e form of pimelic acid is an intermediate in biotin synthesis although this is not the case in E. col
270 ed evidence for the role of free pimelate in biotin synthesis and the involvement of fatty acid synth
271 nscription is not coregulated with the other biotin synthesis genes.
272                 The essentiality of BioW for biotin synthesis indicates that the free form of pimelic
273 domonas aeruginosa the bioH gene is within a biotin synthesis operon and its transcription is coregul
274  for a recent lateral transfer of a complete biotin synthesis operon that has the potential to transf
275 fect inverted repeat located upstream of the biotin synthesis operon.
276 ichia coli) the gene is not located within a biotin synthetic operon and its transcription is not cor
277                                              Biotin synthetic pathways are readily separated into two
278 ies of the coupled moieties makes the avidin-biotin system a versatile platform for nanotechnology.
279 arget organelle, relying on the streptavidin-biotin system.
280 wn interaction partners of NFAT, we purified biotin-tagged NFATc1/alphaA, NFATc1/betaC, and NFATc2/C
281  Cre-inducible method for cell-type-specific biotin tagging of MeCP2 in mice.
282 sivated by a thiolated poly(ethylene glycol)-biotin to improve its cancer targeting ability by specif
283 nylate), the intermediate in the ligation of biotin to its cognate target proteins.
284 gh avidity and selective binding of [M2pep]2-Biotin to M2 macrophages were achieved with at least 10-
285 ovel peptides that mimic key interactions of biotin to streptavidin.
286                  In contrast, it retains two biotin transporter-encoding genes (bioY1_LL and bioY2_LL
287 eline (day 0) measures on the seventh day of biotin treatment and 7 days after treatment had stopped
288 olism, HCS participates in the regulation of biotin utilization and acts as a nuclear transcriptional
289 cterize an IgG1 mAb molecule conjugated with biotin via native lysine and cysteine residues, under na
290 s projecting to the gut muscle wall, dextran biotin was injected into the celiac and superior mesente
291 nthesis of the magneto core-shell particles, biotin was used as a template.
292 istry using a biotin-modified peptide (RK-10-Biotin) was tested against the FDA-approved SP263 clone
293 unit, cholera toxin B Subunit, modified with biotin, was then immobilized via coordination of the bio
294 plays of M2pep ([M2pep]2-Biotin and [M2pep]4-Biotin) were synthesized and evaluated for improvement i
295           The SiO2:Au NPs were modified with biotin, which was used as a ligand for streptavidin (SV)
296 ptical properties, and strong interaction of biotin with streptavidin.
297 particles with increasing amounts of surface biotin, with 6- to 18-fold higher uptake vs. non-biotiny
298  of depletion of biotinylated proteins after biotin withdrawal revealed that Pyc is the most rapidly
299 road metabolic shift in wild type cells upon biotin withdrawal which was blunted in cell lacking Pyc.
300 e caged oxo-dibenzocyclooctyne (photo-ODIBO) biotin yields formation of the SPAAC reactive species, w

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