


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in smoking women, which results in marginal biotin deficiency.
2 e early and sensitive indicators of marginal biotin deficiency.
3 biotin are early and sensitive indicators of biotin deficiency.
4 l organic aciduria, indicating intracellular biotin deficiency.
5 arnitine increases significantly in marginal biotin deficiency.
6 , holocarboxylase synthetase, or nutritional biotin deficiency.
7 blood-based indicator of marginal degrees of biotin deficiency.
8  3HIA-carnitine concentration increases with biotin deficiency.
9 an early and sensitive indicator of marginal biotin deficiency.
10 ation of PCC by biotin in detecting marginal biotin deficiency.
11 biotin are early and sensitive indicators of biotin deficiency and that the serum concentration of bi
12 escription of altered gene expression during biotin deficiency and through newly described enzymatic
13               Insect toxicity is caused by a biotin deficiency, as shown by prevention of toxicity wi
14  likely to be a useful indicator of marginal biotin deficiency for larger population studies.
15 xperimentally induced marginal, asymptomatic biotin deficiency in 10 healthy adults (8 women) by havi
16 lasma 3HIA-carnitine as a novel biomarker of biotin deficiency in humans.
17 studies have provided evidence that marginal biotin deficiency is more common than was previously tho
18 lism is of concern in women because marginal biotin deficiency is teratogenic in mammals.
19                                              Biotin deficiency is teratogenic in several mammalian sp
20 cial and/or acrodermatitis: zinc deficiency, biotin deficiency, kwashiorkor, and essential fatty acid
21                                     Marginal biotin deficiency may be a human teratogen.
22                 The conclusion that marginal biotin deficiency occurs frequently in the first trimest
23             A previous study of experimental biotin deficiency suggested that propionyl-coenzyme A ca
24                                     Marginal biotin deficiency was experimentally induced and correct
25 arious indicators of biotin status, marginal biotin deficiency was induced experimentally in normal a
26                                     Marginal biotin deficiency was induced in 7 adults (3 women) by e
27 droxyisovaleric acid confirmed that marginal biotin deficiency was successfully induced.

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