


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 one H4 were biotinylated enzymatically using biotinidase.
2 described enzymatic activities of the enzyme biotinidase.
3                                        Serum biotinidase activity and Biotinidase gene sequence were
4                                              Biotinidase activity assay is included in most newborn s
5 n of histones, mRNA encoding biotinidase and biotinidase activity did not parallel the increased biot
6 e analytical method for the determination of biotinidase activity using the blood sample deposited on
7  tissues, especially those with little or no biotinidase activity.
8 lysis activity that is distinct from that of biotinidase and bile salt-stimulated lipase in lymphobla
9  in biotinylation of histones, mRNA encoding biotinidase and biotinidase activity did not parallel th
10             Finally, research has shown that biotinidase and holocarboxylase synthetase mediate coval
11 of histone H4 were effectively recognized by biotinidase as substrates for biotinylation; in contrast
12 y method that enables the rapid diagnosis of biotinidase deficiency (BD).
13 e in two unrelated individuals with profound biotinidase deficiency.
14 d lipase in lymphoblasts from a patient with biotinidase deficiency.
15 f the human biotinidase gene in a child with biotinidase deficiency.
16 nsertion mutation within exon D of the human biotinidase gene in a child with biotinidase deficiency.
17               Serum biotinidase activity and Biotinidase gene sequence were normal.
18 identified a novel point mutation within the biotinidase gene that encodes the signal peptide in two
19 old boy with biotin dependency not caused by biotinidase, holocarboxylase synthetase, or nutritional
20        Notwithstanding the catalytic role of biotinidase in biotinylation of histones, mRNA encoding
21                                              Biotinidase is responsible for recycling the vitamin bio
22 zymatic mechanism has been proposed by which biotinidase may catalyze biotinylation of histones.
23 nes might be regulated by enzymes other than biotinidase or by the rate of histone debiotinylation.
24                                              Biotinidase recycles the vitamin biotin from biocytin up
25 80 and Vanin-1 are 40% homologous with human biotinidase suggests the existence of a biotinidase supe
26 uman biotinidase suggests the existence of a biotinidase superfamily of molecules that may be involve

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