


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 says, gel filtration and proximity-dependent biotinylation.
2  carboxylase and catalyzes posttranslational biotinylation.
3 ecreased rate of endocytosis, as assessed by biotinylation.
4 yme with substrate limits post-translational biotinylation.
5 cell patch clamp recordings and cell surface biotinylation.
6 localized TRPC3, as determined using surface biotinylation.
7 ere further confirmed by basolateral surface biotinylation.
8 a67 fragment and BSA, and is subject to self-biotinylation.
9 or control, as determined by surface protein biotinylation.
10 al membrane CFTR as assessed by cell surface biotinylation.
11 py, resonance energy transfer, and proximity biotinylation.
12 e plasma membrane was tested by cell-surface biotinylation.
13  in WT but not in m1m2 cells, as measured by biotinylation.
14 cB in a complex that is a poor substrate for biotinylation.
15 e plasma membrane was tested by cell-surface biotinylation.
16 he plasma membrane, as shown by cell-surface biotinylation.
17 nly wild-type iNOS had increased levels of S-biotinylation.
18  as was accessibility of the Cys residues to biotinylation.
19  the presence of MA made Env inaccessible to biotinylation.
20  Surface NHE3 was determined by cell surface biotinylation.
21 for stabilizing spirolactones for subsequent biotinylation.
22 coupled with flow cytometry and cell surface biotinylation.
23 cence-assisted cell sorting and cell surface biotinylation.
24 ssion of UT-A1, as evidenced by cell surface biotinylation.
25  by immunofluorescence staining and membrane biotinylation, ACE2 protein was more abundantly expresse
26                                 Cell surface biotinylation after mechanical injury indicates that pro
27 ne, as SpoVAEa was accessible to an external biotinylation agent in spores and SpoVAEa disappeared in
28                                Site-specific biotinylation allows us to specifically attach the myosi
29 es of exposure to PregS, as shown by surface biotinylation and affinity purification.
30      Cell membrane proteins were enriched by biotinylation and avidin precipitation and analyzed by t
31  PM-coated electrode through further surface biotinylation and bridging avidin or NeutrAvidin.
32 es of pulse-chase labelling, domain-specific biotinylation and cell fractionation.
33                    We present a workflow for biotinylation and characterization of recombinant antibo
34                             Furthermore, the biotinylation and co-immunoprecipitation combined assays
35 ing, immunogold electron microscopy, surface biotinylation and computational modeling, we demonstrate
36 sent on the cell surface, demonstrated using biotinylation and confocal imaging, as well as in the cy
37 ated conclusion is supported by cell surface biotinylation and confocal microscopy of endogenous hCTR
38 ve mutant S138C hRFCs, combined with surface biotinylation and confocal microscopy, a dominant-negati
39 E3 distribution was assessed by cell-surface biotinylation and confocal microscopy.
40 ) were immobilized in the plasma membrane by biotinylation and cross-linking with avidin.
41                                Using surface biotinylation and dual immunofluorescence staining in MY
42 and confocal microscopy coupled with surface biotinylation and electrophysiology suggest that changes
43                                      Surface biotinylation and endoglycosidase digestion experiments
44                                 Cell surface biotinylation and endoglycosidase H analysis revealed a
45                                 Cell surface biotinylation and immunoblotting with epitope-specific a
46                                 Cell surface biotinylation and immunofluorescence confocal microscopy
47                                 Cell surface biotinylation and immunofluorescence experiments in cell
48                                     Arterial biotinylation and immunofluorescence indicated that TRPP
49                       In HTR cells, combined biotinylation and immunoprecipitation studies revealed p
50   In the present work we employ cell surface biotinylation and isotopic copper uptake studies of over
51 els of APP, as determined by surface protein biotinylation and live cell staining.
52  of ApoEr2, as determined by surface protein biotinylation and live cell surface staining.
53 resent here an in vitro method that combines biotinylation and mass spectrometry (MS) to identify sub
54                     Studies applying in vivo biotinylation and mathematical modeling showed that newb
55                                        Using biotinylation and membrane fractionation assays, prolong
56 anol, and surface receptors were isolated by biotinylation and P2 fractionation, whereas functional a
57                                 Cell surface biotinylation and selective inactivation of surface EGFR
58                                      Surface biotinylation and streptavidin pull-down of cells expres
59                                Site-specific biotinylation and streptavidin staining take only a few
60                      This method is based on biotinylation and streptavidin-fluorochrome labeling of
61 ealthy and CF donors was assessed by surface biotinylation and subsequent Western blot analysis.
62                        Using plasma membrane biotinylation and super-resolution microscopy, we demons
63 cessibility technique combining cell-surface biotinylation and tandem-affinity purification to study
64 al membrane protein expression, we performed biotinylation and total internal reflection fluorescence
65          Combined approaches of cell surface biotinylation and transport analysis were employed for s
66    Cell surface localization was analyzed by biotinylation and trypsin cleavage of extracellular cadh
67                                        Using biotinylation and two-electrode voltage-clamp on Xenopus
68 units and their endocytosis were measured by biotinylation and Western blots.
69 chemistry, single-particle tracking, surface biotinylation, and calcium imaging.
70 ical digestion, Cu(II)-mediated spirolactone biotinylation, and enrichment by avidin affinity chromat
71 e-cell patch clamp analysis, immunostaining, biotinylation, and immunoprecipitation methods to invest
72 e, a putative role for the enzyme in histone biotinylation, and its participation as a nuclear factor
73 y DOR immunohistochemistry, cell-surface DOR biotinylation, and live imaging of neurons transfected w
74 graphy, co-immunoprecipitation, cell surface biotinylation, and metabolic labeling.
75  were confirmed in human DAT-N2A cells using biotinylation, and similar effects were detected in rat
76  patch clamp electrophysiology, cell surface biotinylation, and total internal reflection fluorescenc
77  orientation using the chemical labeling and biotinylation approach, the "Cys-null" mutant of SNAT4 w
78 ing experiments with domain-specific surface biotinylation as well as immunocytochemical analysis of
79 ed in the plasma membrane using cell surface biotinylation as well as in intracellular compartments,
80 trate the time scales required for efficient biotinylation as well as the hazards of overbiotinylatio
81   This was confirmed using a surface protein biotinylation assay and Brefeldin A disruption of the ro
82                               A cell surface biotinylation assay and live cell confocal imaging studi
83                         Finally, the in-cell biotinylation assay did not provide any evidence for the
84                                              Biotinylation assay further showed that POSH decreased s
85 ng, and surface expression was analyzed by a biotinylation assay in cRNA-injected Xenopus laevis oocy
86                                      Surface biotinylation assay showed an increased level of SNAT3 o
87 o subapical intracellular compartment, and a biotinylation assay showed approximately 83% lower surfa
88                                            A biotinylation assay suggested that insulin and IGF1 inhi
89 rat ASIC3 (nmrASIC3) and used a cell-surface biotinylation assay to demonstrate that it traffics to t
90 and Fmr1 KO mice and immunocytochemistry and biotinylation assay to study related changes of 2-amino-
91                           Using a reversible biotinylation assay, we quantified internalized hCTR1, w
92  hypothesis we developed a compartmentalized biotinylation assay, which we used to show that the C-te
93 hippocampal membranes was determined using a biotinylation assay.
94 MDA on TRPC6 was observed using cell surface biotinylation assays and also with whole-cell recordings
95 ar compartments, as assessed by cell-surface biotinylation assays and confocal microscopy.
96                                     Membrane biotinylation assays and immunostaining showed that endo
97                                      In vivo biotinylation assays confirmed that nephrin expression d
98                                   ATPase and biotinylation assays in mpkCCD(c14) cells demonstrated t
99                  Single-channel analysis and biotinylation assays indicate that MPS-1 reduces the mac
100                                              Biotinylation assays revealed a significant increase in
101                                    TIRFM and biotinylation assays show robust receptor- and store-dep
102                                              Biotinylation assays showed reduced cell surface abundan
103 ernal Reflection Fluorescence microscopy and biotinylation assays showed that CASK silencing increase
104  studies using HC-3 binding and cell surface biotinylation assays showed that the PS-1 mutation inhib
105 og JHC1-64 and by reversible and pulse-chase biotinylation assays showing evidence for lysosomal degr
106  used both immunofluorescence microscopy and biotinylation assays to assess the trafficking of ClC-3.
107                           Results of surface biotinylation assays using COS-7 cells suggest that Kv4.
108                                    Proximity biotinylation assays with LMP1 induced biotinylation of
109 metabolic labeling coupled with cell surface biotinylation assays, fenofibrate did not inhibit SR-BI
110  tested in metabolic pulse-chase and surface biotinylation assays, respectively.
111 ns on the cell surface were shown by surface biotinylation assays.
112  and total Slo1 as indicated by cell-surface biotinylation assays.
113 RPC3 membrane insertion, as shown by surface biotinylation assays.
114  specificity compared with the commonly used biotinylation-based assays.
115                                              Biotinylation-based recycling and degradation studies in
116             Here, we use proximity-dependent biotinylation (BioID) to map the centrosome-cilium inter
117  coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) and proximity biotinylation (BioID), to identify viral and cellular pr
118 e solvent in free Gag and are protected from biotinylation by direct protein-ligand or protein-protei
119                                        After biotinylation by exposure to extracellular MTSEA-biotin
120 ety of recombinant proteins and demonstrated biotinylation by yBL at the N-terminus, C-terminus, and
121  was at least 3-fold better using C-terminal biotinylation compared with tagging at the N terminus us
122 P) sensor chips, we investigated a number of biotinylation conditions for target ligands.
123                                      Surface biotinylation confirmed the locus of RARalpha expression
124                   Using cell surface protein biotinylation coupled with immunoblotting and immunofluo
125         Using a novel application of surface biotinylation, data indicated that >95% of Ca(V)1.2 alph
126    Pulse labeling with [(35)S]methionine and biotinylation demonstrated that about 25% of newly synth
127                                 Cell surface biotinylation demonstrated that KCa2.3 was rapidly endoc
128                                     Membrane biotinylation demonstrated that nonfunctional mBest3 pro
129                                      Surface biotinylation demonstrated the loss of ENaC from the api
130                          The position of Fab biotinylation dictates the geometry of multimer assembly
131                                              Biotinylation experiments also revealed an increase in s
132                         Cell-surface protein biotinylation experiments and immunofluorescence studies
133                                              Biotinylation experiments and single-channel analysis re
134 thin endosomal compartments, whereas surface biotinylation experiments confirmed that phosphorylated
135            Consistent with this possibility, biotinylation experiments demonstrated that soluble Dsg3
136       Immunofluorescence studies and surface biotinylation experiments demonstrated that the mutant p
137 tibody uptake experiments as well as surface biotinylation experiments demonstrated that the region b
138                                              Biotinylation experiments demonstrated that this result
139                                              Biotinylation experiments followed by immunostaining by
140                                              Biotinylation experiments in COS-7 cells show that altho
141                          Indeed, pulse-chase biotinylation experiments in IECs lacking AnxA2 demonstr
142 supported by confocal imaging and reversible biotinylation experiments in transfected differentiated
143        Pulse-chase labeling and cell surface biotinylation experiments indicated that in the absence
144                                 Cell surface biotinylation experiments on KChIP4a indicate that the N
145                                              Biotinylation experiments revealed that the rapid increa
146                 Western blotting and surface biotinylation experiments show that loss of myoferlin re
147                                 Cell surface biotinylation experiments showed approximately 45% reduc
148                                      Surface biotinylation experiments suggest that the non-wild-type
149                     A series of cell-surface biotinylation experiments suggests that anterograde traf
150                Combining with oocyte surface biotinylation experiments, we demonstrated that RACK1 in
151  in mouse cortical cultures as determined by biotinylation experiments.
152 icing assays, deletion mapping, cell-surface biotinylation, expression studies and molecular modellin
153                                     Chemical biotinylation followed by enrichment and mass spectromet
154  Maleimide-PEO2-biotin precipitated (surface biotinylation followed by Western blotting) and reduced
155 n-protein interaction detection by proximity biotinylation has the advantages of low background, high
156           Both real-time imaging and surface biotinylation have demonstrated internalization of alpha
157             Metabolic labeling, cell surface biotinylation, immobilized lectins, and confocal immunof
158                    Importantly, cell surface biotinylation, immunofluorescence and down-regulation ex
159                                              Biotinylation, immunofluorescence resonance energy trans
160            Immunoprecipitation, cell surface biotinylation, immunofluorescence, and functional assays
161                                Using surface biotinylation, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy
162 rotein partners, we utilized BioID proximity biotinylation in combination with stable isotopic labeli
163 munolocalization in oocytes and cell surface biotinylation in HEK cells indicated that the WNK-mediat
164                                 Cell-surface biotinylation in hepatocytes confirmed that ABCC6 is int
165 e and function of Arc1p can be modulated via biotinylation in response to temperature changes.
166  residues of beta protein are protected from biotinylation in the DNA complex, whereas none of the ly
167 approach based on cell type-specific in vivo biotinylation in zebrafish to analyse the initial respon
168 indirect immunofluorescence and cell surface biotinylation indicated that the surface pool was much s
169 ther, these results indicate that C-terminal biotinylation is a promising tagging strategy for develo
170 rent molecular weight (MW), 66 kDa], surface biotinylation labeled an ERalpha-immunoreactive protein
171 m 30 to 37 degrees C drastically reduced its biotinylation level.
172 escribe an NBS specific UV photocrosslinking biotinylation method (UV-NBS(Biotin)) for the oriented i
173 ndent uptake of (14)C-TC, and a cell surface biotinylation method was used to determine Ntcp and Mrp2
174 e as well as the less commonly used carboxyl biotinylation methods.
175 ts but are not biotinylated due to a mutated biotinylation motif.
176 gulators of ACCase after initial loss of the biotinylation motif.
177    To address this issue, we have used MTSEA-biotinylation (N-Biotinoylaminoethyl methanethiosulfonat
178                                    Likewise, biotinylation occurred after treatment with beta-mercapt
179 ated; however, in the absence of either one, biotinylation occurred.
180                                       Apical biotinylation of (MPK)CCD(14) cells confirmed the loss o
181  interactions based on interaction-dependent biotinylation of a peptide by E. coli biotin ligase, to
182 id metabolism through the post-translational biotinylation of acyl coenzyme A carboxylases.
183 Here we used a proteomic screen with in vivo biotinylation of AID to identify the splicing regulator
184 s interact, BirA will catalyze site-specific biotinylation of AP, which can be detected by streptavid
185                                Nevertheless, biotinylation of Arc1p was temperature dependent; raisin
186                                              Biotinylation of cell surface proteins revealed decrease
187 esis under native and denaturing conditions, biotinylation of cell surface proteins, and immunostaini
188 n internalization at the BTB was assessed by biotinylation of cell surface proteins, to be followed b
189 yonic stem (mES) cells, we have used in vivo biotinylation of critical transcription factors for affi
190 e establishment of an assay that is based on biotinylation of effectors in the host cytoplasm as hall
191 apid and simple method that combines in vivo biotinylation of engineered host-specific bacteriophage
192                                              Biotinylation of free Ku revealed several reactive lysin
193                                              Biotinylation of histones plays crucial roles in the rep
194                                    Moreover, biotinylation of intestinal luminal proteins from mice f
195                                    Metabolic biotinylation of intracellular and secreted proteins as
196 inding regions of beta protein further using biotinylation of lysine residues and mass spectrometry.
197                                              Biotinylation of MV4-11 cell surface proteins followed b
198 on activation, the APEX enzyme catalyzes the biotinylation of neighboring endogenous proteins that ca
199 ion of oxidized proteins, which involves (1) biotinylation of oxidized proteins with biotin hydrazide
200                                          The biotinylation of PCFT was further confirmed by blocking
201 onclusions are based on studies in which (i) biotinylation of peritoneal macrophages showed that endo
202 ion of the biotin-swap technique, comprising biotinylation of protein SNO-Cys residues, trypsinolysis
203                 Here, we show that metabolic biotinylation of proteins fused to the bacterial biotin
204           BioID features proximity-dependent biotinylation of proteins that are near-neighbors of the
205                   Using cell-surface protein biotinylation of rat cerebellar slices, we found secreti
206                                              Biotinylation of surface proteins demonstrates that cell
207 bacterium's DC surface proteome by selective biotinylation of surface proteins, NeutrAvidin affinity
208 ophysiology, immunofluorescent staining, and biotinylation of surface receptors.
209                 In this study, the selective biotinylation of surface-exposed proteins, streptavidin
210                                 By contrast, biotinylation of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 and 2 (ACC
211 imity biotinylation assays with LMP1 induced biotinylation of the actin-associated proteins, which we
212                 The results demonstrate that biotinylation of the BCCP fragments of the mitochondrial
213 -AMP from biotin and ATP, and the succeeding biotinylation of the biotin carboxyl carrier protein.
214                                       Simple biotinylation of the DNA template allows for labeling of
215 inylation of TMD2 mutants G93C and F94C, and biotinylation of these residues inhibited methotrexate t
216            Pemetrexed pretreatment inhibited biotinylation of TMD2 mutants G93C and F94C, and biotiny
217    OMP-1B was undetectable either by surface biotinylation or by Western blotting of the whole bacter
218 a membrane compared to a sulfo-NHS-activated biotinylation or two-step SEEL.
219 the predicted C-terminal SAP domain of Ku70, biotinylation patterns were observed which suggest a str
220 ssociation rates with HCS in order to ensure biotinylation prior to mitochondrial import.
221 omponents, such as Tris and glycerol, on the biotinylation process.
222 ) as the ligand of GPR56 through an in vitro biotinylation/proteomics approach.
223                 We also demonstrate that the biotinylation range of BioID2 can be considerably modula
224 e two recombinant BirA proteins catalyze the biotinylation reaction of the acceptor biotin carboxyl c
225 abeled with an impermeant, cysteine-specific biotinylation reagent (MTSEA-biotin) with or without per
226              Access to a membrane-impermeant biotinylation reagent as well as protease sensitivity wa
227 gh these levels were not increased by higher biotinylation reagent concentrations or longer reaction
228  proteins, a cell-impermeant, thiol-reactive biotinylation reagent was used to label and subsequently
229  could be labeled with a membrane-impermeant biotinylation reagent, indicating surface exposure.
230                               By using bulky biotinylation reagents on intact cells, we showed that t
231 hly efficient, identifying specific sites of biotinylation remains challenging.
232                                 Cell surface biotinylation results indicated that Orai1 channels in t
233                          We used the in vivo biotinylation retro-translocation assay in mammalian cel
234 sistent with a reduction in current density, biotinylation revealed a significant reduction in surfac
235                                      Surface biotinylation revealed rapid loss of PAM-1/H3A, with no
236                                              Biotinylation reveals a 32-kDa, covalently cross-linked
237                                 Cell surface biotinylation reveals that plasma membrane GLUT1 levels
238                                 Cell surface biotinylation, sensitivity to glycosidases, and fluoresc
239    Confocal microscopy and surface-selective biotinylation showed that 80% of the surface amount of t
240                                      Surface biotinylation showed that dobutamine did not affect plas
241       A recombinant form of CPS containing a biotinylation site from an Escherichia coli protein is a
242 ffecting chromatin structure; at least seven biotinylation sites have been identified in human histon
243 crease of more than 30-fold in the number of biotinylation sites identified compared to streptavidin-
244 ent and mass spectrometry yielded over 1,600 biotinylation sites on hundreds of proteins, an increase
245                        Thus, we used a novel biotinylation strategy to verify protein localization, a
246                                      Using a biotinylation strategy, it was found that surface expres
247                              Plasma membrane biotinylation studies and confocal microscopic examinati
248                         Importantly, surface biotinylation studies demonstrate that the membrane dist
249                   Next, we performed surface biotinylation studies in acutely dissociated hippocampal
250                             However, surface biotinylation studies in HIT-T15 cells indicate that Rem
251 l current density, immunohistochemistry, and biotinylation studies in isolated hearts and cardiomyocy
252                                      Ex vivo biotinylation studies in mouse striatal slices demonstra
253              Fluorescence flow cytometry and biotinylation studies revealed a rapid increase in DAT c
254 ax) of the transporter; whereas cell surface biotinylation studies revealed no alteration in the cell
255                         Rather, cell surface biotinylation studies showed an increased number of CaV2
256                                              Biotinylation studies showed reduced SERT proteins in th
257                                 Cell surface biotinylation studies showed that both GLYX-13 and ketam
258                           Using cell surface biotinylation studies, we detected endogenous sgk1 at th
259 neurons using the pHluorin-GluR1 imaging and biotinylation studies, we observed that prolonged morphi
260 BioTag, a 23-amino-acid peptide serving as a biotinylation substrate for BirA, in vivo in worms.
261 otin acceptor substrates and the kinetics of biotinylation suggests that mitochondrial carboxylase se
262 ee procedures will be described: (i) in vivo biotinylation system setup in mES cells; (ii) affinity p
263 oblem, we report here the use of a sensitive biotinylation system to probe the dislocation of major h
264                gamma containing a C-terminal biotinylation tag (gamma-C(tag)) was provided in trans a
265                          By using an in vivo biotinylation tagging approach followed by liquid chroma
266                                        Using biotinylation tagging technology and high-throughput seq
267 proach using hexahistidine and BirA-specific biotinylation tags for isolating translocated effector c
268 protein denaturation using polyhistidine and biotinylation tags.
269 on of CD4 and BST-2/Tetherin using our novel biotinylation technique in living cells to determine ER-
270 channel in combination with fluorescence and biotinylation techniques in both human embryonic kidney
271 a2.3 using a combination of fluorescence and biotinylation techniques.
272                              We used surface biotinylation to demonstrate that ERalpha has an extrace
273  transport characterization and cell-surface biotinylation to examine the residues involved in inhibi
274        In the present study, we used surface biotinylation to identify and study the estradiol regula
275 nd combined this technique with cell surface biotinylation to identify surface-exposed proteins of a
276                    We have used cell surface biotinylation to label gap junction-unassembled plasma m
277             In this study, we used selective biotinylation to label proteins localized to the surface
278 cipitation and live cell proximity-dependent biotinylation to monitor interactions between Glrx3, Bol
279                         We used cell surface biotinylation to monitor NPC1L1-GFP endocytosis and show
280  method along with surface and site-specific biotinylation to probe TM6 for aqueous accessibility and
281 imaging, co-immunoprecipitation, and surface biotinylation to study the functional consequences of a
282                 Selectivity in HCS-catalyzed biotinylation to the carboxylases was investigated in si
283                            We used proximity biotinylation to uncover new constituents of the inner n
284 Our results highlight the power of proximity biotinylation to yield insights into the molecular compo
285                       Third, by cell surface biotinylation, trafficking of NHE3 was examined in short
286 ed GLIB (glucosylation, periodate oxidation, biotinylation) uses a combination of enzymatic and chemi
287  for photolabeling, and an alkyne moiety for biotinylation via "click chemistry".
288                                            S-Biotinylation was mapped to C104 and C109 on wild-type i
289 ferential detergent fractionation or surface biotinylation was used directly without immunoprecipitat
290 ular N-terminal GluA1 antibody or by surface biotinylation, was impaired following knockdown of CaMKK
291 unofluorescence, EM localization and surface biotinylation we show that STIM1 migrates from endoplasm
292          Using peroxidase-mediated proximity biotinylation, we captured and identified endogenous pro
293                        Using APEX2 proximity biotinylation, we demonstrated that Rbd2 binds the AAA-A
294 tative protein mass spectrometry and surface biotinylation, we identified 100 proteins that showed si
295                            Following surface biotinylation, Western blot analysis revealed full-lengt
296 were targeted to the cell surface by surface biotinylation/Western blots and confocal microscopy and
297 GLIB (glucosylation, periodate oxidation and biotinylation), which combines several enzymatic and che
298           Here, we visualized IPR by in vivo biotinylation, which revealed that the major IPR is a gr
299                                 Cell surface biotinylation with membrane-impermeable reagents and met
300 alyzed, spatially restricted in situ protein biotinylation with RNA-protein chemical crosslinking.

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