


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  suggesting more rods provide input to a rod bipolar cell.
2 ized the temporal coding in each type of OFF bipolar cell.
3 esting that they receive synaptic input from bipolar cells.
4 NMDA receptor-mediated input arising from ON bipolar cells.
5  transmission between the photoreceptors and bipolar cells.
6 amine modulates visual signaling pathways in bipolar cells.
7 tter correlations than those which activated bipolar cells.
8 gy of the axon terminal system of individual bipolar cells.
9 ed receptor localized to the dendrites of ON-bipolar cells.
10 nsmitted to various types of ON and OFF cone bipolar cells.
11  multiple rods is pooled into individual rod bipolar cells.
12 ntly in rod bipolar cells but not in ON cone bipolar cells.
13  (CD15) as reliable markers for certain cone bipolar cells.
14 ections onto the presynaptic terminals of ON bipolar cells.
15 lutamatergic input from both OFF and ON cone bipolar cells.
16 s on the axon and dendrites of mouse retinal bipolar cells.
17  and increased release of glutamate from rod bipolar cells.
18 provide GABAergic feedback inhibition to rod bipolar cells.
19 ections with different classes of downstream bipolar cells.
20  mGluR6, the postsynaptic receptor on rod ON-bipolar cells.
21  production of the correct ratio of rods and bipolar cells.
22 ing preferred direction motion from SACs and bipolar cells.
23 gic interplexiform cells, photoreceptors and bipolar cells.
24 ostsynaptic circuit elements, namely the rod bipolar cells.
25 irst synapse in the retina between cones and bipolar cells.
26 ne photoreceptors and two general classes of bipolar cells.
27  bipolar cells, including type 3b and type 4 bipolar cells.
28 e light-induced depolarization of retinal ON bipolar cells.
29  kainate receptor subunit in cb1 and cb3 Off bipolar cells.
30 p mode produced bandpass filtering in all ON bipolar cells.
31 b hindered the transition from multipolar to bipolar cells.
32 and when sources are coupled, as are ON cone bipolar cells.
33 s, primarily conferring light sensitivity to bipolar cells.
34 , and the b-wave is the depolarization of ON-bipolar cells.
35 dritic tips and transduction proteins in rod bipolar cells.
36 bipolar cells and type 5-2, XBC, 6, and 7 ON bipolar cells.
37 ways, are thought to be initiated in retinal bipolar cells.
38 t (AIS)-like region of magnocellular pathway bipolar cells, a specialization not seen in transient bi
39 ion that ribbon-independent release from rod bipolar cells activates postsynaptic AMPARs on AII amacr
40 e night-vision pathway, independent from OFF bipolar cell activity.
41  with an expected increase in information in bipolar cells after a global image shift.
42          The new findings that cones and rod bipolar cells also undergo degeneration, and that retina
43 they have been identified in photoreceptors, bipolar cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells, but ha
44 n retinal neurons, including photoreceptors, bipolar cells, amacrine cells and ganglion cells, but th
45                                        Rods, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, displaced amacrine cells,
46 in dysfunction of cone photoreceptors and ON-bipolar cells and a naturally occurring chicken mutation
47 es forward their signals to ON- and OFF-cone bipolar cells and A17 amacrines provide GABAergic feedba
48 he synaptic transmission between retinal rod bipolar cells and AII amacrine cells.
49 fying melanopsin cells, ribbon synapses from bipolar cells and conventional synapses from amacrine ce
50              The connectivity of A8 cells to bipolar cells and ganglion cells was studied by double a
51                           Excitation from ON bipolar cells and inhibition arising from the OFF pathwa
52 the brain, and receive excitatory input from bipolar cells and inhibitory input from amacrine cells (
53 ell types, including ganglion, amacrine, and bipolar cells and photoreceptors, but not horizontal cel
54 essing Muller glia give rise to amacrine and bipolar cells and photoreceptors.
55  changes in a microcircuit consisting of rod bipolar cells and their dyad postsynaptic targets, AII a
56 e receptor (GlyR) subunit alpha1 to OFF cone bipolar cells and to ON A-type ganglion cells.
57 layer and localized to type 1, 3b, and 4 OFF bipolar cells and type 5-2, XBC, 6, and 7 ON bipolar cel
58 ogenesis and synaptic transmission to rod ON-bipolar cells, and disrupts postsynaptic mGluR6 clusteri
59 ng in rod bipolar cells more than in ON cone bipolar cells, and that this contribution includes both
60 s that lack the dendrites characteristic for bipolar cells, and therefore resemble amacrine cells, ex
61 al synapses spread signals laterally between bipolar cells, and this lateral spread contributed to a
62 d the releasable vesicle pool of the retinal bipolar cell are situated at the ribbon-style active zon
63                                         Cone bipolar cells are interneurons that receive synaptic inp
64                                      Retinal bipolar cells are polarized glutamatergic neurons receiv
65        The second-order retinal neurons, the bipolar cells, are thought to initiate multiple neural s
66                               Axons of these bipolar cells arise from the apical dendrites and follow
67  causing a significant loss of fidelity from bipolar cell array to postsynaptic ganglion cell.
68 kes very similar synaptic contacts with cone bipolar cells as the rod pathway-specific AII amacrine c
69 tal cells, while NFIA identifies a subset of bipolar cells as well as Muller glia and astrocytes.
70                         The higher SNR of ON bipolar cells at the beginning of the ON pathway compens
71 iven glutamate release from more than 13,000 bipolar cell axon terminals in the intact retina, we sho
72 nes were the sites of input from DB6 diffuse bipolar cell axon terminals to the inner stratifying typ
73 is subserved by GABAC receptors, probably on bipolar cell axon terminals.
74 , which stimulate the GABAC receptors at rod bipolar cell axons.
75 etinal connectome RC1, we show that all cone bipolar cell (BC) classes inhibit rod BCs via amacrine c
76 tracked the input connectivity of identified bipolar cell (BC) types across stages of retinal develop
77  types of photoreceptors provide input to 14 bipolar cell (BC) types.
78 Off-type starburst amacrine cells (SACs) and bipolar cells (BCs) in serial electron microscopic image
79 ation to multiple differentiation events for bipolar cells (BCs) in the zebrafish retina using in viv
80 tamate release from specific sets of retinal bipolar cells (BCs) is suppressed.
81 ng direction selectivity (DS): glutamatergic bipolar cells (BCs) provide excitatory input to directio
82    Individual transmission-deficient retinal bipolar cells (BCs) reduced synapses with retinal gangli
83 ues to analyze light responses of individual bipolar cells (BCs), AII amacrine cells (AIIACs), and ON
84 with gene replacement, an inherent defect in bipolar cells (BCs), the excitatory interneurons of the
85 eterogeneous class of neurons, mouse retinal bipolar cells (BCs).
86 signed stimuli, we concluded that ON and OFF bipolar cells both contributed to the reversal response,
87 ve selective UV-opsin drive from Type 9 cone bipolar cells but also mixed cone signals from bipolar T
88 AP and Gbeta5 decreased significantly in rod bipolar cells but not in ON cone bipolar cells.
89 P and mglur6b mRNA are not only expressed in bipolar cells, but also in a subset of ganglion and amac
90 of vision, which consists of sensitizing rod bipolar cells by a sustained GABAergic input originating
91 eceptors form selective contacts with rod ON-bipolar cells by aligning the presynaptic voltage-gated
92   We investigated this question in mouse rod bipolar cells by dialyzing reagents that modify the acti
93 Furthermore, A8 cells are coupled to ON cone bipolar cells by gap junctions, and provide inhibitory i
94 s and to the center-surround organization of bipolar cells by providing feedback and feedforward sign
95 re, we measured glutamate release from mouse bipolar cells by two-photon imaging of a glutamate senso
96  in AIIs but present in both ON and OFF cone bipolar cells, caused a dramatic loss of spatial coheren
97 r mGluR6 is disrupted, and the post-synaptic bipolar cell components mGluR6 and GPR179 become dissoci
98             Defects in arborization of these bipolar cells could not be attributed to the disorganiza
99      For normal function, ON or depolarizing bipolar cells (DBCs) require the G-protein-coupled recep
100           These finding suggest that (a) rod bipolar cell dendrites elaborate without pruning during
101 amine D1 receptors located on ON-center cone bipolar cell dendrites increases the expression and acti
102 e homeostatic increase in GABAA receptors on bipolar cell dendrites is pathway-specific: Cone but not
103 drites is pathway-specific: Cone but not rod bipolar cell dendrites maintain an up-regulation of rece
104 at glycinergic interplexiform cells activate bipolar cell dendrites that express the alpha3 subunit o
105 e outer nuclear layer and a sprouting of rod bipolar cell dendrites to reach ectopic ribbon-protein p
106                       The spacing of type 3b bipolar cell dendrites was further analyzed by Voronoi d
107  different when wild-type and mutant type 3b bipolar cell dendrites were compared.
108 tions of mGluR6 besides sign inversion at ON bipolar cell dendrites, opening up the possibility that
109 plexiform cells make centrifugal feedback on bipolar cell dendrites, we recorded the postsynaptic gly
110 rect targeting of photoreceptor terminals or bipolar cell dendrites.
111 e receptors within cone bipolar, but not rod bipolar, cell dendrites is a light-dependent process.
112                                      The rod bipolar cell density fell from 8,640 cells/mm(2) at 1 mm
113 l and transmitter release in rat retinal rod bipolar cells depends on the G(alpha) subunit via a G(al
114                                   Repetitive bipolar cell depolarizations, designed to maintain the s
115                     How the dendrites of rod bipolar cells develop and contact the appropriate number
116                   Secretagogin-positive cone bipolar cells did not exhibit such obvious dendritic res
117     In contrast, type 2, 3a, 5-1, 9, and rod bipolar cells did not express Drd1a-tdTomato.
118 wed that control and transgenic rods and rod bipolar cells displayed similar sensitivity in darkness.
119 entrioles in the centrosome mediate accurate bipolar cell division, spindle orientation, and primary
120    Together, our results demonstrate that ON bipolar cells encode diverse temporal image signaling in
121        Taken together, we found that the OFF bipolar cells encode diverse temporal image signals in a
122                  We investigated whether OFF bipolar cells encode visual signals in a type-dependent
123                During recovery, rod and cone bipolar cells exhibit markedly different responses to de
124 in the adult retina, interneurons, including bipolar cells, exhibit a plastic response leading to the
125                                          Rod bipolar cells extend their dendrites to form new synapse
126                                          Rod bipolar cells extend their dendrites to form new synapse
127  factors (TFs) that regulates the rod versus bipolar cell fate decision.
128                   The density of flat midget bipolar cells fell from 15,746 cells/mm(2) at 1 mm (8 de
129            Blimp1 deletion results in excess bipolar cell formation at the expense of photoreceptors.
130 d in the selective accumulation of IgG in ON-bipolar cells from TRPM1+/+ mice, but not TRPM1-/- mice,
131 terminals in the intact retina, we show that bipolar cell functional diversity is generated by the in
132           In cone photoreceptors, similar to bipolar cells, fusion of the initial ribbon-associated s
133                             Furthermore, the bipolar cell GABAA receptor alterations are a consequenc
134        Analysis of the ACM demonstrates that bipolar cell gain control is primarily responsible for g
135      Expressed in cone photoreceptors and ON-bipolar cells, Gbeta3 is essential in phototransduction
136 contrast, two crucial components for cone to bipolar cell glutamatergic transmission, the metabotropi
137 that does not require iGluRs: cone-->ON cone bipolar cell-->AII amacrine cell-->RGC.
138 eptors and a specialized circuit: rods-->rod bipolar cells-->AII amacrine cell.
139 pes of OFF bipolar cells, type 3b and type 4 bipolar cells, had defects in dendrite arborization in t
140                         Thirteen subtypes of bipolar cells have been identified, which are thought to
141 nced by transmitter release from neighboring bipolar cells, implicating a new form of population-base
142 Nalpha-RGCs adjusted connectivity with other bipolar cells in a cell-type-specific manner.
143 of the synapse between photoreceptors and ON-bipolar cells in a retinoschisin-deficient mouse model.
144 ne D1 receptor (D1R) is expressed in retinal bipolar cells in a type-dependent manner.
145 t parallel visual encoding starts at the OFF bipolar cells in a type-specific manner.
146 IIB mice showed a major loss of rods and rod bipolar cells in both central and peripheral regions and
147       Transmission from photoreceptors to ON bipolar cells in mammalian retina is mediated by a sign-
148        Here, we report that OFF-type retinal bipolar cells in mice are an exception to this rule, as
149 r this question we visualized individual rod bipolar cells in mouse retina during postnatal developme
150 ied the glutamate receptors expressed by OFF-bipolar cells in slice preparations of macaque monkey re
151                    We show that deafferented bipolar cells in the adult mammalian retina can reconnec
152 ormation of synapses between rods and rod ON-bipolar cells in the primary rod pathway.
153 ctions of recoverin- or CD15-prelabeled cone bipolar cells in vertical slices revealed the morphology
154 onal description of a subset of sustained ON bipolar cells in which synaptic activity was suppressed
155 CAM protein was detected in several types of bipolar cells, including type 3b and type 4 bipolar cell
156 how that the number of dendritic tips in rod bipolar cells increases monotonically during development
157 ults and indicate that magnocellular pathway bipolar cells initiate spikes in the AIS.
158 ent manner, confirming that each type of OFF bipolar cell initiates diverse temporal visual processin
159  drive from classical photoreceptors through bipolar-cell input.
160 ered distribution of sustained and transient bipolar cell inputs along the dendrites is proposed to g
161 ven cell type and at a given age, ON and OFF bipolar cell inputs evoked similar NMDAR-mediated respon
162  ordered arrangement of kinetically distinct bipolar cell inputs to ON- and OFF-type SBACs could prod
163  ordered arrangement of kinetically distinct bipolar cell inputs.
164 ited inhibitory amacrine-cell and excitatory bipolar-cell inputs from the 'on' channel, M1 and M3 rec
165 4, are not detected until fetal week 22 when bipolar cell invagination is present in the cone pedicle
166   The number of synaptic inputs onto retinal bipolar cells is influenced by transmitter release from
167 vidence suggests that glutamate release from bipolar cells is not directional, and directional excita
168 ied and discussed in detail were the Retzius bipolar cells, lamellate cells, Joseph cells, various ty
169 tor ribbon synapse deficiency and subsequent bipolar cell loss.
170 ) the convergence ratio between rods and rod bipolar cells may be higher than previously reported, an
171 ing structures (i.e., cone synapses and cone bipolar cells) may be maintained for multichannel rod-ba
172 diated a-wave, but not in restoration of the bipolar cell-mediated b-wave.
173         These findings support the idea that bipolar cells might be able to synapse with reintroduced
174 ntibodies specific for cones photoreceptors, bipolar cells, mitochondria, Muller cells, and retinal p
175 ma13 contributes to mGluR6 signalling in rod bipolar cells more than in ON cone bipolar cells, and th
176            Cell targets were ganglion cells, bipolar cells, Muller cells, and photoreceptors.
177 tion-mediated electrical coupling within the bipolar cell network of the mouse retina.
178 l ganglion cells is increased, however, cone bipolar cell number remains unchanged.
179                  We studied the retinal cone bipolar cells of Carollia perspicillata, a microchiropte
180 ells, a specialization not seen in transient bipolar cells of other vertebrates.
181            Here, we investigated how ON cone bipolar cells of the mouse retina encode diverse tempora
182                         We stimulated single bipolar cells of the salamander retina and recorded simu
183 nsmitted to the second-order neurons, the ON-bipolar cells (ON-BC), and this communication is indispe
184 GCs when LiGluR-MAG0(460) was targeted to ON-bipolar cells (ON-BCs).
185 our distinct types of tubulin-immunoreactive bipolar cells (one likely also tyrosine hydroxylase immu
186 d make almost as many synapses as type 2 OFF bipolar cells onto OFF-sustained A-type (AOFF-S) retinal
187    Our measurements rule out DS release from bipolar cells onto On-Off DSGCs and support a theoretica
188      We found that release of glutamate from bipolar cells onto retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) was str
189 ell receptive fields interact to decorrelate bipolar cell output in the spatial and temporal domains.
190 ad contributed to a nonlinear enhancement of bipolar cell output to visual stimuli presented closely
191  dim backgrounds and a rod --> cone --> cone bipolar cell pathway that operates at brighter backgroun
192                                   ON and OFF bipolar cell pathways become tuned through specific conn
193 nsmission is differentially regulated across bipolar cell pathways: in some, release is suppressed at
194   Our results indicate that dopamine sculpts bipolar cell performance in a type-dependent manner to f
195  pathology at the photoreceptor-depolarizing bipolar cell (photoreceptor-DBC) synapse and restores fu
196               We show that initial Myosin II bipolar cell polarization gives way to unipolar enrichme
197            Programmed cell death of the cone bipolar cell populations, therefore, may be modulated ce
198               However, GluMIs and type 2 OFF bipolar cells possess functionally distinct light-driven
199 hat orientation tuning is present also among bipolar cell presynaptic terminals.
200 e, visual stimulation strongly modulates the bipolar cell projective field, in opposite direction for
201 scopy, transmission electron microscopy, and bipolar cell (protein kinase C-alpha [PKC-alpha] and rec
202                      The long-held view that bipolar cells provide the exclusive excitatory drive to
203 ften receive input from many of the same rod bipolar cells, provides a rare technical opportunity to
204 e of ribbon-type synapses formed between rod bipolar cells (RBCs) and amacrine type-2 (AII) cells in
205 ght depends on synapses between rods and rod bipolar cells (RBCs).
206  resulting centre and surround components of bipolar cell receptive fields interact to decorrelate bi
207 its, similar in extent to the size of single bipolar cell receptive fields.
208                                              Bipolar cell-related dystrophies were associated with th
209 synchronized retinal response, as individual bipolar cells require a constant time delay before recov
210 s, likely driven by type 1 and type 2/3a OFF bipolar cells, respectively.
211 nd feedforward signals to photoreceptors and bipolar cells, respectively.
212 lar epitope of the channel and reduce the ON-bipolar cell response to light.
213 ne pedicles and the dendrites of type 7 cone bipolar cells retain their characteristic stratification
214 ssive vesicle diffusion model of retinal rod bipolar cell ribbon synapses.
215 behavior of all of the active zones in a rod bipolar cell's terminal.
216                                     While in bipolar cells S1R was detected only in the nuclear envel
217 e GABAC receptor activation required for rod bipolar cell sensitization.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The ve
218 polar cells, whereas intrinsic properties of bipolar cells shape low-pass filtering.
219 physiological recordings from Dscam(-/-) OFF bipolar cells showed enlarged visual receptive fields, d
220 Galphabetagamma) and is known to modulate ON bipolar cell signaling and cone transducin function in m
221 ta3 is essential in phototransduction and ON-bipolar cell signaling.
222                                   Individual bipolar cell signals diverge through polysynaptic pathwa
223 psin, driven by either a non-selective or ON-bipolar cell-specific promoter, can function outside nat
224                           Different types of bipolar cell split the photoreceptor input into parallel
225 lly identified, the functional roles of each bipolar cell subtype in visual signal encoding are not f
226 urites of the retinal ganglion, amacrine and bipolar cell subtypes that form synapses in the IPL are
227                                       In OFF bipolar cells, sustained transmission was found to depen
228 ture and function to the photoreceptor to ON-bipolar cell synapse in mouse models, even in adults at
229      However, mGluR6 at the photoreceptor-ON bipolar cell synapse mediates sign inversion through glu
230 postsynaptic partners at the cone-to-ON cone bipolar cell synapse reveals that early reaction to cone
231         The release of transmitter quanta at bipolar cell synapses contributed substantially to the n
232         NMDARs contribute at both ON and OFF bipolar cell synapses during a period of robust activity
233 vo imaging by mapping the RFs of an array of bipolar cell synapses expressing a genetically encoded C
234 approach reveals that synchronization of rod bipolar cell synapses is near perfect in the dark and de
235           Following an increase in contrast, bipolar cell synapses with strong initial responses depr
236  different frequency content from noise from bipolar cell synapses, indicating that these synapses co
237  delayed asynchronous release in retinal rod bipolar cell synapses, that its function can be blocked
238              The authors observe that small, bipolar cell synaptic terminals are fast and highly adap
239  method is fast, allowing the RFs of all the bipolar cell synaptic terminals in a field of view to be
240 d by spontaneous release of transmitter from bipolar cell terminals also preferentially activate CP-A
241  Using paired patch-clamp recordings between bipolar cell terminals and amacrine cells, we have simul
242 ving electrical synapses to modulate ON cone bipolar cell terminals and sign-inverting chemical (glyc
243 icroscopy to obtain 3D structures of rat rod bipolar cell terminals in 1-mum-thick sections of retina
244  where glutamate is released from ON and OFF bipolar cell terminals in separate inner (ON) and outer
245 pes, each of which synapses onto a subset of bipolar cell terminals, ganglion cell dendrites, and oth
246 chestrated by a diverse set of glutamatergic bipolar cells that drive DSGCs directly, as well as indi
247                                        In ON bipolar cells, the amplitude of low-frequency signals wa
248 RGCs precludes common excitatory inputs from bipolar cells, the mechanism underlying this long-range
249 ght sensitivity and operational range of rod bipolar cells, the retinal neurons operating immediately
250 lutamate receptor 6 (mGluR6) receptors in ON bipolar cells; this leads to activation of Go , closure
251 ells (RGCs) receive glutamatergic input from bipolar cells through NMDA- and AMPA-type glutamate rece
252 meable AMPA receptors mediate input from rod bipolar cells to both AII and A17 amacrines, diabetes ch
253 restoration, but the ability of deafferented bipolar cells to establish functional synapses with phot
254 izes intrinsic synaptic noise and allows rod bipolar cells to faithfully transmit upstream signal and
255 s of visual processing require synapses from bipolar cells to ganglion cells, but whether these synap
256 ht to be released only by photoreceptors and bipolar cells to transmit visual signals radially along
257 ructural preservation of rods, cones, and ON bipolar cells together with correction of opsin mislocal
258   We used in vivo imaging to investigate how bipolar cells transmit these signals to the inner retina
259               However, the functions of each bipolar cell type have not been fully understood.
260 uency signaling, we focused on an "Off" cone bipolar cell type in the ground squirrel, the cb2, whose
261 lease has been inconsistent and at least one bipolar cell type that contacts another DSGC (On-type) l
262 inate glutamate receptor composition in each bipolar cell type.
263                            Some types of OFF bipolar cells, type 3b and type 4 bipolar cells, had def
264 ells/mm(2) at 3 mm, but the ratio of the two bipolar cell types did not change with eccentricity.
265  it has been proposed that distinct OFF cone bipolar cell types generate fast/transient and slow/sust
266                                        Mouse bipolar cell types have been described at great anatomic
267  receptors in the dendrites of different OFF-bipolar cell types is thought to contribute to formation
268 uencies, and three functionally distinct Off bipolar cell types receive cone signals at synapses that
269 n the microbat retina, more ON than OFF cone bipolar cell types were found, namely, four versus three
270                          Seven distinct cone bipolar cell types were identified.
271 n cells (RGCs) receive convergent input from bipolar cell types with different contrast responses and
272 ide of photoreceptor reintroduction; various bipolar cell types, representing different visual pathwa
273 utative cone pedicles, and both rod and cone bipolar cell types.
274 ridecimlineatus) cb1a/b, cb2, and cb3a/b Off bipolar cell types.
275 each expressed selectively by one of the two bipolar cell types.
276                Using electrical recording of bipolar cells under experimental conditions in which the
277                                         Cone bipolar cells undergo programmed cell death during devel
278 ing melanopsin type received inputs from DB6 bipolar cells via a sparse outer axonal arbor.
279 rom AII amacrine cells and directly from rod bipolar cells via ribbon synapses in the innermost ON la
280                                  We recorded bipolar cell voltage changes in response to two differen
281               We recorded the changes in the bipolar cell voltage in response to two input functions:
282  change of the morphology from multipolar to bipolar cells was also attenuated.
283 F layers, cone-driven glutamate release from bipolar cells was blocked by antagonists to kainate rece
284                   Temporal tuning in ON cone bipolar cells was diverse and occurred in a subtype-depe
285 tory input to DACs from light-increment (ON) bipolar cells, we found that cones alternatively signal
286   Double-label experiments showed that these bipolar cells were choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immu
287     The light responses in the transient OFF bipolar cells were exclusively mediated by kainate recep
288 cells were in the centre, photoreceptors and bipolar cells were next most central and amacrine cells
289 macromolecular markers confirmed that type 2 bipolar cells were part of this kainate-sensitive popula
290                             Type 1 and 4 OFF bipolar cells were sustained cells and responded to sinu
291 y the uptake of TRPM1 autoantibodies into ON-bipolar cells, where they bind to an intracellular epito
292 h the kainate receptors in the transient OFF bipolar cells, whereas both kainate and AMPA receptors c
293 oreceptor inputs shape bandpass filtering in bipolar cells, whereas intrinsic properties of bipolar c
294 system, diverse image processing starts with bipolar cells, which are the second-order neurons of the
295  that WACs predominantly contact presynaptic bipolar cells, which drive direct excitation and feedfor
296 ores the function of both photoreceptors and bipolar cells, which is maintained for up to 13 months.
297 synaptic glycine currents from axon-detached bipolar cells while stimulating presynaptic interplexifo
298 al cells and reduced numbers of amacrine and bipolar cells, while the number of Muller glia is increa
299 fore, the ordered arrangement of inputs from bipolar cells with different kinetic properties cannot b
300  of NuSAP and Kid depletion in monopolar and bipolar cells with or without kinetochore microtubule de

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