


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ration is a prerequisite for positioning the bipolar spindle.
2 s on the organization of microtubules into a bipolar spindle.
3 ome segregation depends on the assembly of a bipolar spindle.
4 ntial in many species for the formation of a bipolar spindle.
5 ) and occurs before the establishment of the bipolar spindle.
6 y towards the poles following formation of a bipolar spindle.
7 ion, which in turn affect the formation of a bipolar spindle.
8 est at metaphase of meiosis II with a normal bipolar spindle.
9 cell cycle to ensure development of a normal bipolar spindle.
10 values cause a monaster to form instead of a bipolar spindle.
11 omplex that cannot establish or maintain the bipolar spindle.
12 centrosomes and thereby to the assembly of a bipolar spindle.
13 uclear envelope breakdown and formation of a bipolar spindle.
14 or the role of centrosomes in organizing the bipolar spindle.
15 ys that collaborate in the organization of a bipolar spindle.
16 ng and assembly of these microtubules into a bipolar spindle.
17 ides a force required for the formation of a bipolar spindle.
18 that are required for the establishment of a bipolar spindle.
19 les to the forces involved in formation of a bipolar spindle.
20 nd stabilize microtubules in order to form a bipolar spindle.
21  cultured mammalian cells does not require a bipolar spindle.
22 f chromosomes joined by a chiasma requires a bipolar spindle.
23 in, NCD, in tapering the microtubules into a bipolar spindle.
24 uring prophase these cells form a functional bipolar spindle.
25 ssential for the structural integrity of the bipolar spindle.
26 es progressively connects chromosomes to the bipolar spindle.
27 hin the nucleus to assemble and elongate the bipolar spindle.
28 s required for the formation of a functional bipolar spindle.
29 gle nucleus with 2C DNA content, and a short bipolar spindle.
30 or the formation and functioning of a normal bipolar spindle.
31 ive at coalescing extra spindle poles into a bipolar spindle.
32 tubules and the ability to form a simplified bipolar spindle.
33  clustering, is essential for formation of a bipolar spindle.
34 uired for the formation and maintenance of a bipolar spindle.
35 hromosome segregation is accomplished by the bipolar spindle.
36  of microtubule length within the assembling bipolar spindle.
37 osomes to separate and form the poles of the bipolar spindle.
38 te in an antiparallel orientation, forming a bipolar spindle.
39 n, although it was dispensable for forming a bipolar spindle.
40 opposite spindle to provide stability to the bipolar spindle.
41 man kinesin involved in the formation of the bipolar spindle.
42 in, and, ultimately, for formation of normal bipolar spindles.
43 ntil all sister kinetochores are attached to bipolar spindles.
44  to facilitate the transition from asters to bipolar spindles.
45 o-astral and monopolar structures instead of bipolar spindles.
46 protein that is required for organization of bipolar spindles.
47 ing spindle assembly blocks the formation of bipolar spindles.
48 rphase, enter mitosis normally, and assemble bipolar spindles.
49 rrest in G2 of the first cycle with complete bipolar spindles.
50 scapine arrest at mitosis with nearly normal bipolar spindles.
51 insert into the NM at meiosis I and nucleate bipolar spindles.
52 centrosomes could compromise the assembly of bipolar spindles.
53 r Ran on chromosomes, established functional bipolar spindles.
54 sis, centrosome maturation, and formation of bipolar spindles.
55 f mitotic cells with aligned chromosomes and bipolar spindles after dosing.
56  FZR1 controls the timing of assembly of the bipolar spindle and in so doing the timing of SAC satisf
57 ing cell division, the proper formation of a bipolar spindle and its function to segregate chromosome
58 a kinesin implicated in the formation of the bipolar spindle and its movement prior to and during ana
59                     Plant cells assemble the bipolar spindle and phragmoplast microtubule (MT) arrays
60 t mediates Ran-GTP-dependent assembly of the bipolar spindle and promotes chromosome congression and
61 s during metaphase, after the formation of a bipolar spindle and the destruction of cyclin A, and it
62 ntrosome clustering mechanisms to assemble a bipolar spindle and to divide in a bipolar fashion.
63  mitotic fidelity, ensuring establishment of bipolar spindles and balanced chromosome segregation.
64 he ability of A-549 and Calu-1 cells to form bipolar spindles and caused formation of monoasteral spi
65 meiosis I which results in a failure to form bipolar spindles and divide nuclei.
66 aturation, for assembly and maintenance of a bipolar spindle, and for proper chromosome segregation d
67 oteins are required for the assembly of this bipolar spindle, and while the meiotic spindle lacks tra
68 tic events such as assembly and stability of bipolar spindles, and faithful chromosome segregation in
69 s results in delayed spindle assembly, fewer bipolar spindles, and the appearance of aberrant microtu
70 itosis by contributing to the formation of a bipolar spindle apparatus.
71 ends on the formation of a microtubule-based bipolar spindle apparatus.
72 nds on formation of a microtubule (MT)-based bipolar spindle apparatus.
73 urthermore, this elongation does not require bipolar spindle architecture or dynamic microtubules.
74 ngly, when just one centrosome is destroyed, bipolar spindles are also formed that contain one centro
75                                              Bipolar spindles are formed in the absence of AIR-1, but
76     XCTK2 is not required for maintenance of bipolar spindles, as antibody addition to preformed spin
77                                              Bipolar spindles assemble in the absence of centrosomes
78 ocyte meiotic cell division in many animals, bipolar spindles assemble in the absence of centrosomes,
79 without centrioles exhibited both a delay in bipolar spindle assembly and a high rate of chromosomal
80 osomal component of the spindle required for bipolar spindle assembly and function.
81 f microtubule-based motors, is essential for bipolar spindle assembly and maintenance during mitosis,
82 ration, indicating a role of SUN proteins in bipolar spindle assembly and mitotic progression.
83 tein phosphatase PP2A(Cdc55) activity blocks bipolar spindle assembly and nuclear divisions.
84  within the spindle midzone to play roles in bipolar spindle assembly and proper chromosome distribut
85 ked the ability of excess XCTK2 to stimulate bipolar spindle assembly and resulted in XCTK2-mediated
86  required for microtubule polymerization and bipolar spindle assembly around chromatin beads.
87 l cell cycle events of nuclear formation and bipolar spindle assembly around exogenously added sperm
88  yeast cells in mitosis at a stage following bipolar spindle assembly but prior to anaphase spindle e
89                  Like Kif2a-deficient cells, bipolar spindle assembly can be restored to Kif2b-defici
90  drives efficient chromosome segregation and bipolar spindle assembly during mitosis.
91 s: first promoting centrosome separation and bipolar spindle assembly during prophase/prometaphase, a
92 eby paternal ZYG-1 regulates duplication and bipolar spindle assembly during the first cell cycle, an
93 re, this mechanism is strong enough to drive bipolar spindle assembly even in the presence of a singl
94                                              Bipolar spindle assembly in CDH1-m11 cells is strikingly
95 tides destabilizes microtubules and inhibits bipolar spindle assembly in HeLa cells.
96 the highly conserved ch-TOG gene to regulate bipolar spindle assembly in human cells.
97 ule sliding generated by Eg5 activity during bipolar spindle assembly in mammalian cells is regulated
98 spindle, which was subsequently required for bipolar spindle assembly in S phase.
99 microtubule-associated proteins required for bipolar spindle assembly in the absence of the centrosom
100 ads , AurA-coated beads increase the rate of bipolar spindle assembly in the presence of RanGTP, and
101 he microtubule assembly pathways compromises bipolar spindle assembly in tissue culture cells but not
102 ement in balancing Eg5-induced forces during bipolar spindle assembly in vitro and in vivo, and show
103                                              Bipolar spindle assembly is a critical control point for
104                                              Bipolar spindle assembly is critical for achieving accur
105 rosome, but, in its absence, the fidelity of bipolar spindle assembly is highly compromised.
106 le assembly pathways are integrated to drive bipolar spindle assembly is poorly understood.
107 edly, we found both microtubule assembly and bipolar spindle assembly required glycogen, which acted
108                                              Bipolar spindle assembly requires a balance of forces wh
109                                              Bipolar spindle assembly was restored in cells lacking K
110  rotation of the centrosome/nucleus complex, bipolar spindle assembly, anaphase chromosome segregatio
111 oles of mitotic spindles and is required for bipolar spindle assembly, but its molecular function in
112 ocity approximately 20%, but does not hinder bipolar spindle assembly, chromosome alignment, or mitot
113 microtubules and are instrumental in mitotic bipolar spindle assembly, ensuring orderly cell cycle pr
114   We show that four kinesins are involved in bipolar spindle assembly, four kinesins are involved in
115 /Thr-17-21 cluster was the most critical for bipolar spindle assembly, whereas other phospho-deficien
116 iated proteins (MAPs) is required for proper bipolar spindle assembly, yet the precise mechanisms by
117 ts suggest a mechanism for how Kif15 rescues bipolar spindle assembly.
118 leus at the onset of mitosis is critical for bipolar spindle assembly.
119 NP-O) and Fta1R(CENP-L)) causes a failure in bipolar spindle assembly.
120 e midzone-associated protein is required for bipolar spindle assembly.
121 o separate centrosomes, thus ensuring robust bipolar spindle assembly.
122 ting pericentriolar material cohesion during bipolar spindle assembly.
123 hat underlies both centrosome maturation and bipolar spindle assembly.
124 nd antagonizes MCAK activity, thus promoting bipolar spindle assembly.
125  Hice1 in a spatiotemporal manner for proper bipolar spindle assembly.
126  (MT) motor, pushes centrosomes apart during bipolar spindle assembly; its suppression results in mon
127 enerate antagonistic forces during mammalian bipolar spindle assembly; what remains unknown, however,
128 re-spindle misattachments and an increase in bipolar spindles associated with ectopic asters.
129 rosome during interphase, the formation of a bipolar spindle at mitosis and cytokinesis.
130 d with the control microspores, which formed bipolar spindles at the cell periphery, the mutant cells
131 ng cell division, microtubules that form the bipolar spindle attach to and pull on paired chromosome
132 ossover recombination into one that promotes bipolar spindle attachment and localized cohesion loss.
133 is centromere pairing mediates the meiosis I bipolar spindle attachment of nonexchange chromosome pai
134 s kinetochore structure, causes a failure of bipolar spindle attachment, and results in chromosome no
135 s the efficiency with which chromosomes make bipolar spindle attachments and regulates kinetochore ac
136 sts that they are unable to establish stable bipolar spindle attachments, presumably due to the inabi
137 s are connected to the opposite poles of the bipolar spindle ("bioriented").
138  show that the majority of cells establish a bipolar spindle but have defects in spindle orientation.
139 d-sensitive mitotic arrest with an elongated bipolar spindle but impaired anaphase A.
140           In the absence of AurA, cells form bipolar spindles but fail to properly align their chromo
141  duplicate and separate their SPBs to form a bipolar spindle, but spindle elongation and chromosome s
142 aphase spermatocytes were characterized with bipolar spindles, but chromosomes radiated away from the
143 ts enter mitosis at the normal time and form bipolar spindles, but fail chromosome alignment at the m
144  its ability to cluster centrosomes and form bipolar spindles, but it is not required for division in
145 Duo1p and Dam1p are not required to assemble bipolar spindles, but they are required to maintain meta
146 the ParR/parC complex can construct a simple bipolar spindle by binding the ends of ParM filaments, i
147                 Kinesin-5s help assemble the bipolar spindle by crosslinking and sliding apart antipa
148  study reveals that mouse oocytes assemble a bipolar spindle by fragmenting multiple acentriolar micr
149  KCBP promotes the formation of a converging bipolar spindle by sliding and bundling microtubules.
150 ng microtubules, but cells eventually formed bipolar spindles by an acentrosomal pole-focusing mechan
151  Hsp72, is required for assembly of a robust bipolar spindle capable of efficient chromosome congress
152  noscapine-arrested cells have nearly normal bipolar spindles, cells arrested by 5-Br-nosc and Rd 5-B
153   Time-lapse movies of GFP-labeled mono- and bipolar spindles demonstrate that KLP-19 generates a for
154 , the proper assembly of a microtubule-based bipolar spindle depends on signals from chromatin.
155                                      Imaging bipolar spindles disassembling in the presence of monast
156 e is important for spindle assembly, because bipolar spindles do not form in cells lacking centrosome
157 icates during the cell cycle and assembles a bipolar spindle during mitosis to capture and segregate
158 l role in orchestrating the formation of the bipolar spindle during mitosis.
159        Kinesin-5 is required for forming the bipolar spindle during mitosis.
160 nomic stability through the establishment of bipolar spindles during cell division, ensuring equal se
161 r protein, is essential for the formation of bipolar spindles during mitosis.
162 osomes clustered into two poles whose pseudo-bipolar spindles exhibit reduced fidelity of chromosome
163                   When Fin1 is mislocalized, bipolar spindles fail to assemble but the spindle checkp
164 chromosomes are attached and oriented on the bipolar spindle for subsequent segregation at anaphase.
165              In the oocytes of many species, bipolar spindles form in the absence of centrosomes.
166 i-treated cells, we show that poorly focused bipolar spindles form through the self-organization of m
167  pair of centrioles separate, and functional bipolar spindles form with only one centriole at each sp
168 y (SPB) once per cell cycle is essential for bipolar spindle formation and accurate chromosome segreg
169 mitotic activity as evidenced by blockade of bipolar spindle formation and appearance of monoasters.
170 ough mitosis and tumor growth is by blocking bipolar spindle formation and chromosome alignment.
171 importance of alpha-N-methylation for normal bipolar spindle formation and chromosome segregation.
172 nterfering RNA (siRNA) and showed defects in bipolar spindle formation and cytokinesis, growth inhibi
173  plk1 Delta N resulted in repeated cycles of bipolar spindle formation and disruption, suggestive of
174  MT-based MT nucleation to accomplish normal bipolar spindle formation and mitotic progression.
175 dependent degradation of KIFC1 regulates the bipolar spindle formation and proper cell division.
176 ells at mitosis, likely due to the defect of bipolar spindle formation and subsequent activation of t
177          Centrosome separation, critical for bipolar spindle formation and subsequent chromosome segr
178        Centrosome separation is critical for bipolar spindle formation and the accurate segregation o
179 e extracts, Xkid and Xklp1 are essential for bipolar spindle formation but the functions of the human
180 omere positioning, microtubule dynamics, and bipolar spindle formation can all contribute to chromoso
181 he BimC kinesin family that is essential for bipolar spindle formation during eukaryotic cell divisio
182 kinase required for centrosome splitting and bipolar spindle formation during mitosis.
183  and Alp14/Dis1 play a collaborative role in bipolar spindle formation during prometaphase through pr
184 ator of centrosome duplication, required for bipolar spindle formation in HeLa human carcinoma cells
185  acentrosomal poles all contribute to robust bipolar spindle formation in meiotic extracts.
186 motor Klp61F, which is known for its role in bipolar spindle formation in mitosis, is required for pr
187 hat lead to timely centrosome separation and bipolar spindle formation in mitosis.
188 omal microtubule assembly pathway and favors bipolar spindle formation in most animal cells in which
189 on in the vicinity of chromosomes to mediate bipolar spindle formation in the absence of centrioles.
190 ucleation plays an important role for proper bipolar spindle formation in various eukaryotic organism
191 d is essential for centrosome separation and bipolar spindle formation in vitro and in vivo.
192                              Kif15-dependent bipolar spindle formation in vivo requires the C-termina
193                      Monastrol also inhibits bipolar spindle formation in Xenopus egg extracts.
194         Faithful chromosome segregation with bipolar spindle formation is critical for the maintenanc
195                                              Bipolar spindle formation is essential for the accurate
196                                              Bipolar spindle formation is pivotal for accurate segreg
197                                      Neither bipolar spindle formation nor centrosome functions were
198  to the spindles, thus resulting in improper bipolar spindle formation that ultimately leads to mitot
199 normal for assembly of the Ndc80 complex and bipolar spindle formation yet defective in proper end-on
200 ediate multiple mitotic processes, including bipolar spindle formation, activation of Cdc25C, actin r
201 omplex implicated in kinetochore attachment, bipolar spindle formation, and cytokinesis.
202 les, promotes microtubule polymerization and bipolar spindle formation, and decreases the turnover ra
203 or kinesin-5-mediated centrosome separation, bipolar spindle formation, and equal centrosome/centriol
204 e it regulates mitotic microtubule dynamics, bipolar spindle formation, and subsequent chromosome seg
205 tion of the PBD function results in improper bipolar spindle formation, chromosome missegregation, an
206 at Eg5 inhibition led to either monopolar or bipolar spindle formation, depending on whether centroso
207 rise from defects in centrosome duplication, bipolar spindle formation, kinetochore-microtubule attac
208 et of FTIs affecting centrosome position and bipolar spindle formation, likely explaining some of the
209  to allow stable K-MT attachments only after bipolar spindle formation, thus preventing attachment er
210 f Plk1 including (from low to high activity) bipolar spindle formation, timely mitotic entry, and for
211 ation site (S719), which positively enhances bipolar spindle formation.
212 and mitotic arrest with a profound defect in bipolar spindle formation.
213 ATPase activity and plays essential roles in bipolar spindle formation.
214  Plx1 functions on the centrosome to promote bipolar spindle formation.
215 and Cls1 activity are sufficient for initial bipolar spindle formation.
216 lp14 and Dis1 share an essential function in bipolar spindle formation.
217 ed assembly of microtubules is essential for bipolar spindle formation.
218 lyses have revealed that sub is required for bipolar spindle formation.
219 lp14 mutant fails to progress towards normal bipolar spindle formation.
220 ears to be defective in nuclear migration or bipolar spindle formation.
221 es centrosome separation and, in some cases, bipolar spindle formation.
222 a stimulation in both the rate and extent of bipolar spindle formation.
223  causes a 70% reduction in the percentage of bipolar spindles formed.
224 t not cin8-3 cells, were greatly impaired in bipolar spindle forming ability.
225                                          The bipolar spindle forms without centrosomes naturally in f
226 s separate to lie in distinct fenestrae as a bipolar spindle forms.
227  at metaphase I, unlike the typical fusiform bipolar spindle found in the wild-type metaphase I cells
228 cell-cycle regulation that is independent of bipolar spindle function.
229                                              Bipolar spindle fusion was blocked when cytoplasmic dyne
230 ssential role in mitosis by establishing the bipolar spindle, has proven to be an interesting drug ta
231                             Establishing the bipolar spindle in mammalian oocytes after their prolong
232 erlies its role in supporting formation of a bipolar spindle in mitosis.
233 om cytoplasmic transport to formation of the bipolar spindle in mitosis.
234  spindle pole separation and the assembly of bipolar spindle in the absence of molecular motors.
235 n-like protein promotes assembly of a stable bipolar spindle in the absence of typical MTOCs.
236                                  Collapse of bipolar spindles in MCAK-deficient cells is driven by po
237 aughter cells could not assemble functional, bipolar spindles in the ensuing mitosis.
238 phatase resulted in the rapid disassembly of bipolar spindles into large asters.
239 , chromosome movement to the poles converted bipolar spindles into pairs of independent monopolar spi
240    Chromosome alignment in the middle of the bipolar spindle is a hallmark of metazoan cell divisions
241          Like other cellular organelles, the bipolar spindle is a structure of well-defined size and
242 ther in a polar body-like structure, while a bipolar spindle is established around the metaphase-arre
243 tic spindle, it remains unclear how a stable bipolar spindle is established.
244 taphase/anaphase transition to ensure that a bipolar spindle is formed and that all the chromosomes a
245 ny eukaryotic cells going through M-phase, a bipolar spindle is formed by microtubules nucleated from
246                                         As a bipolar spindle is formed, the median MT length increase
247 nesis of the microtubule cytoskeleton into a bipolar spindle is required for the faithful transmissio
248   In the mipAD123/klpA1 strain, formation of bipolar spindles is more strongly inhibited than in the
249 ly focused, diamond-shaped appearance of the bipolar spindle, K fibers need to be interconnected with
250 ntrast, and differing from previous reports, bipolar spindle length is relatively insensitive to incr
251 py-number plasmid R1 involves formation of a bipolar spindle made of left-handed double-helical actin
252 hout Eg5, whereas stabilizing K-MTs improves bipolar spindle maintenance without Eg5.
253 hed kinetochore-MTs (K-MTs) is important for bipolar spindle maintenance without Eg5.
254                                              Bipolar spindles must separate chromosomes by the approp
255  implicated in the formation and function of bipolar spindles on the basis of their respective locali
256 5 activity is dispensable for maintenance of bipolar spindles once they are formed [3, 4], suggesting
257 at the nuclear envelope before NEBD, and the bipolar spindle only emerged clearly after NEBD.
258 bl-deficient testes exhibit abnormalities in bipolar spindle organization, chromosome segregation, an
259  of p53 is not activated by abnormalities in bipolar spindle organization, chromosome segregation, ce
260 ding modules are required to rescue focused, bipolar spindle organization.
261 As the two centrosomes split to assemble the bipolar spindle, predominantly the old centrosome migrat
262                          We propose that the bipolar spindle propagates its own architecture by stimu
263  aberrant mitosis despite normal assembly of bipolar spindles, resulting in either apoptosis or forma
264 ring cytokinesis in cells with monopolar and bipolar spindles shows that a subpopulation of stable mi
265  shows that when sliding is inhibited, short bipolar spindles still form, and if clustering is enhanc
266 upporting the formation of half-spindles and bipolar spindle structures around unreplicated chromosom
267 mouse oocytes, formation of the acentrosomal bipolar spindle takes 3-4 h, and stabilization of K-MT a
268 rotubule (MT) cytoskeleton rearranges into a bipolar spindle that drives chromosome segregation.
269  at mitosis depends on a correctly assembled bipolar spindle that exerts balanced forces on each sist
270 ht chromatin mass, and then bundle to form a bipolar spindle that lacks asters.
271 protein capable of promoting the assembly of bipolar spindles that do not include centrosomes or chro
272 minority of CDH1-m11 cells arrest with short bipolar spindles that fail to progress to anaphase; this
273  clustering of extra centrosomes into pseudo-bipolar spindles, thereby ensuring viable cell division.
274 tubules emanating from opposing sides of the bipolar spindle through large protein complexes called k
275 form the poles that direct the assembly of a bipolar spindle, thus ensuring the accurate segregation
276  simple two-motor model could create stable, bipolar spindles under a wide range of physical paramete
277 le (MT) plus ends from opposite poles of the bipolar spindle via kinetochores.
278 es of different motor proteins in building a bipolar spindle, we have used a simplified system in whi
279 cient cells are unique in that they assemble bipolar spindles when the pole focusing activities of Nu
280 m egg extracts yields weakened and elongated bipolar spindles which fail to align chromosomes.
281 task of the SPB is to ensure assembly of the bipolar spindle, which requires a proper balancing of fo
282 cle-treated control cells exhibited a normal bipolar spindle with chromosomes aligned along the metap
283 king S360 phosphorylation (S360D) results in bipolar spindles with a normal number of microtubules bu
284        Moderately affected embryos contained bipolar spindles with dense and long astral microtubule
285  such as multipolar spindles and asymmetric, bipolar spindles with lagging chromosomes.
286 , whereas metaphase cells exhibited aberrant bipolar spindles with Mad2 localization at kinetochores
287                      Multipolar spindles and bipolar spindles with misaligned chromatin are also indu
288         Analysis of experimentally generated bipolar spindles with only one centrosome, as well as of
289                               However, short bipolar spindles with organized poles formed after pertu
290 e slide-and-cluster mechanism robustly forms bipolar spindles with sharp poles and a stable steady-st
291 ear how multiple chromosomes form one shared bipolar spindle without centrosomes.
292                     One is how to organize a bipolar spindle without microtubule organizing centers a
293              Cells that efficiently maintain bipolar spindles without Eg5 have more stable K-MTs than

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