


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ncoherent interferometers made from uniaxial birefringent alpha-barium borate (alpha-BBO) or calcite
2 ne specific lysosome-related organelles with birefringent and autofluorescent contents.
3  matrix in the transfected cultures was less birefringent and contained numerous truncated collagen f
4                     While ferroelectrics are birefringent and non-linear optically transparent materi
5                                              Birefringent anisotropic droplets ("maltese crosses") wi
6 n detectors, the lenses of which are made of birefringent aragonite.
7 hat one of the two refractive indices of the birefringent chiton lens places a focused image on the r
8 dvantage of the optical properties of a thin birefringent coating on the surface of opaque, notched c
9                                              Birefringent Congo Red staining was observed in the cort
10 rotein aggregation that showed protofibrils, birefringent Congo Red staining, and Abeta/alphaB-crysta
11 sed with enhanced Abeta immunoreactivity and birefringent Congo Red staining.
12 onfirmed by the demonstration that the green birefringent congophilic deposits in the 7 meniscus samp
13 le duck- or goose-derived foie gras contains birefringent congophilic fibrillar material composed of
14 ranules are lysosome-related organelles with birefringent contents.
15                                          The birefringent cornea and a corneal compensator within the
16             Crystal cells, each containing a birefringent crystal, are arrayed around the rim.
17    We have applied the method to anomalously birefringent crystals of 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone that
18 ysico-chemical analysis of the needle-shaped birefringent crystals of the precipitate from the supers
19 ds, mostly triglycerides, and these can form birefringent crystals upon drying, leading to a false di
20 t compose and/or facilitate the formation of birefringent crystals within the gut granule.
21 es, diagnosing various diseases, imaging low birefringent crystals, and creating new methods for cont
22  invisibility cloak constructed from natural birefringent crystals.
23 ormation rate and volume distribution of the birefringent domains of hemoglobin S fibers.
24             We send single photons through a birefringent double-slit apparatus and use a linear arra
25         FINCH microscopy incorporating these birefringent elements and high-numerical-aperture oil im
26 cluding the formation of spatially patterned birefringent elements and surface-active topographical f
27 le of light illuminating the specimen causes birefringent elements to oscillate in brightness.
28 assing the photons through thick, adjustable birefringent elements.
29 s more birefringent than the other, the less birefringent fiber lengthened with anaphase spindle elon
30                            We confirmed that birefringent fibers are actin-based using conventional f
31 lay with exquisite resolution and definition birefringent fine structures, such as filaments and memb
32 s placed in distilled water burst into small birefringent globules, which aggregated into larger clus
33 rhabditis elegans embryos contain prominent, birefringent gut granules that we show are lysosome-rela
34                     The previously colorless birefringent images of organelles, cells, and tissues be
35  the resulting films were significantly less birefringent, implying that intact flagellin adsorbs on
36 c lamina, patchy choroidal inflammation, and birefringent intravascular foreign bodies.
37 l the way to a centrosome, as their strongly birefringent kinetochore fibers shortened.
38 ls of polymer networks, these membrane-based birefringent liquid crystalline biogels, labeled L-alpha
39 gical transition from liposomes to optically birefringent liquid-crystalline condensed globules.
40 ligned nanoscale fibres and forms a strongly birefringent liquid.
41 es revealed excellent contrast between lowly birefringent malignant regions, and stromal tissue, whic
42                                Pb3O2Cl2 is a birefringent material due to its anisotropic crystal str
43 rp-4(-) embryos show a delayed appearance of birefringent material in the gut granule but otherwise a
44 ts in parallel to MRP-4 for the formation of birefringent material in the gut granule.
45                 pgp-2(-) embryos mislocalize birefringent material into the intestinal lumen and are
46  that its site of action in the formation of birefringent material may not be limited to just the gut
47 red for the extracellular mislocalization of birefringent material, body-length retraction, and NaCl
48 , as identified by Congo red-positive, green birefringent material, is achieved by providing cultures
49 ifacts, and, occasionally, some unidentified birefringent materials may be seen in synovial fluids in
50 ultaneous optical trapping and rotation of a birefringent microparticle in vacuum using a circularly
51          We report the in vitro formation of birefringent microribbon structures that were generated
52 oprotractor and torsion balance using highly birefringent microspheres to directly and simultaneously
53 d light microscopy revealed large amounts of birefringent mineral dust particles consistent with sili
54 oducing either an isotropic damage-like or a birefringent nanograting structure.
55 cle structure: by polarized light microscopy birefringent needles are found at the ends of muscle cel
56                       In unc-96 mutants, the birefringent needles, which contain both UNC-98 and para
57 myofibrillar organization and characteristic birefringent "needles." By immunofluorescent staining of
58 d and high-resolution holographic imaging of birefringent objects with a color contrast similar to th
59 near phase matching is achieved using either birefringent or periodically poled nonlinear crystals, w
60 ll quite challenging to directly measure the birefringent phase retardation introduced by metasurface
61 lecule, 5'DSCG-diviol, that exhibits a large birefringent phase, and we show that the formation of th
62 combination of substantial piezoelectric and birefringent properties, yet its lack of optical activit
63 s by optical microscopy is enhanced by their birefringent properties.
64 sensitive OCT images simultaneously revealed birefringent regions within the dermis corresponding to
65                                  The corneal birefringent retardation measured here is comparable to
66              When imaged by the polarimeter, birefringent retinal nerve fiber bundles appeared as eit
67                                            A birefringent retinal structure (RNFL or macula) was repr
68 ference colors are widely used for analyzing birefringent samples in mineralogy.
69 e ethynylphenyl alkoxy 21,23-dithiaporphyin, birefringent, soft-crystalline-like domains were observe
70 ith the hue determined by orientation of the birefringent structure.
71                                     Possible birefringent structures include axonal membranes, microt
72  the study of biological specimens with weak birefringent structures, diagnosing various diseases, im
73 powerful optical techniques that require non-birefringent substrates.
74 otropic (I) melt in the form of spindle-like birefringent tactoids.
75         If one fiber of a merotelic was more birefringent than the other, the less birefringent fiber
76 using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on non-birefringent thermal oxide on a silicon wafer; it was fo
77 nteracting roles of wavefront distortion and birefringent walk-off, respectively.
78 es and vascular deposits, some of which were birefringent with Congo Red.

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