


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  whether these patients benefit from upfront biventricular pacing.
2 luence of ectopic beats on the percentage of biventricular pacing.
3 gned to standard right ventricular pacing or biventricular pacing.
4 ds high energy utilization due to continuous biventricular pacing.
5 te adequate LV lead positions and continuous biventricular pacing.
6  magnitude of benefit was observed with >92% biventricular pacing.
7 ation or atrioventricular-node ablation with biventricular pacing.
8 with no other minimally invasive options for biventricular pacing.
9 region yields similar or better responses to biventricular pacing.
10 e halfway value of VAQRS during simultaneous biventricular pacing (53% of cases) was associated with
11 r rate limit, percent atrial pacing, percent biventricular pacing, and implant year.
12  advances over the past year related to (1). biventricular pacing as a treatment for dilated myopathy
13 re, with native conduction (LBBB) and during biventricular pacing at atrioventricular (AV) delays of
14                                              Biventricular pacing at AV delays of 120 ms generated a
15 -Opt, against LBBB as reference; BiV-Opt and biventricular pacing at AV delays of 120 ms were not sig
16                                              Biventricular pacing at AV delays of 40 ms was no differ
17 y were performed without pacing, with LV and biventricular pacing at optimal atrioventricular delay.
18                     In comparison with LBBB, biventricular pacing at separately preidentified hemodyn
19  followed by 3 weeks of resynchronization by biventricular pacing at the same pacing rate (CRT).
20 eeks (DHF) or 3 weeks followed by 3 weeks of biventricular pacing at the same rate (CRT).
21 ted in sinus rhythm and during atrial sensed biventricular pacing (BiV).
22 al fibrillation (AF), assessed its impact on biventricular pacing (BIVP%), and determined whether AF
23 quences of left ventricular pacing (LVP) and biventricular pacing (BiVP).
24           This study assessed the effects of biventricular pacing (BVP) on ventricular function, func
25                         We hypothesized that biventricular pacing, by restoring left ventricular (LV)
26 tion of the left ventricle, as occurs during biventricular pacing, can facilitate the development of
27                       The landmark trials of biventricular pacing (cardiac resynchronization therapy
28 e mechanical benefits and in fine-tuning the biventricular pacing configuration and protocol, little
29 vements in interventricular synchrony during biventricular pacing correlate with acute improvements i
30         We sought to test the postulate that biventricular pacing diminishes the need for appropriate
31  proarrhythmia; P<0.01), requiring temporary biventricular pacing discontinuation in half of cases.
32 one quarter of mild HF patients eligible for biventricular pacing experience S-LVRR.
33 iac structure and function are improved with biventricular pacing for patients with atrioventricular
34 , as compared with 160 of 349 (45.8%) in the biventricular-pacing group.
35              The percentage of patients with biventricular pacing &gt;/=92% was similar in both groups (
36                Patients randomly assigned to biventricular pacing had a significantly lower incidence
37                                              Biventricular pacing has been introduced to resynchroniz
38 influence of ectopic beats on the success of biventricular pacing has not been well established.
39                                         When biventricular pacing improves LV contraction and relaxat
40 ardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) using biventricular pacing improves symptoms and functional ca
41                                              Biventricular pacing in heart failure (HF) improves surv
42               However, little is known about biventricular pacing in HF patients with atrioventricula
43 erior to atrioventricular-node ablation with biventricular pacing in patients with heart failure who
44 elay achieves similar or greater benefits to biventricular pacing in such patients.
45 nce for optimizing outcomes related to RV or biventricular pacing in the pacemaker and ICD population
46 diac resynchronization therapy (CRT) through biventricular pacing is an effective treatment for heart
47                                              Biventricular pacing is being combined with ICD function
48           However, the appropriate amount of biventricular pacing is ill-defined.
49                         A high percentage of biventricular pacing is required for optimal outcome in
50 nderwent atrioventricular-node ablation with biventricular pacing, lead dislodgment was found in one
51  activation of the LV wall, as occurs during biventricular pacing, leads to a prominent increase in Q
52 rnate RV pacing sites, minimizing RV pacing, biventricular pacing, left ventricular (LV) pacing, and
53                                              Biventricular pacing, left ventricular assist devices, a
54 dramatically increase the probability of low biventricular pacing (&lt;97%), with reduced CRT efficacy b
55                                          (4) Biventricular pacing may be beneficial in some patients
56 ort this observation, and raise concern that biventricular pacing may be proarrhythmic in select case
57 single-site RV or left ventricular pacing or biventricular pacing may be superior to RVA pacing.
58                                              Biventricular pacing may promote a more coordinated vent
59                         We evaluated whether biventricular pacing might reduce mortality, morbidity,
60            Except for resynchronization with biventricular pacing, no medical therapies have been sho
61 nderwent atrioventricular-node ablation with biventricular pacing; none were lost to follow-up at 6 m
62 oventricular block and systolic dysfunction, biventricular pacing not only reduces the risk of mortal
63 a molecular pathway for regulation of INa by biventricular pacing of the failing heart.
64 m data are needed to determine the effect of biventricular pacing on survival.
65            The primary performance endpoint, biventricular pacing on the 12-lead electrocardiogram at
66                                              Biventricular pacing (or cardiac resynchronization thera
67 ilure and suggested that atrial-synchronized biventricular pacing, or cardiac resynchronization thera
68 nderwent atrioventricular-node ablation with biventricular pacing; P<0.001), a longer 6-minute-walk d
69            The probability of subsequent low biventricular pacing percentage (<97%) was increased 3-f
70 ased ectopic beats reduce the chance of high biventricular pacing percentage and are associated with
71 -defibrillator device with data available on biventricular pacing percentage and pre-implantation 24-
72 remained paroxysmal in 69.5%, did not reduce biventricular pacing percentage.
73 ization achieved through atrial-synchronized biventricular pacing produces clinical benefits in patie
74       Subjects were grouped based on percent biventricular pacing quartiles with the use of Kaplan-Me
75 overter-defibrillator therapy alone (without biventricular pacing) results in a significant reduction
76                           Lifespan gain from biventricular pacing rises nonlinearly with time.
77                                Patients with biventricular pacing showed greater improvement in NYHA
78                                              Biventricular pacing significantly reduced LV volume ind
79 der sinus rhythm or with left ventricular or biventricular pacing/stimulation at the same heart rate.
80                          Left ventricular or biventricular pacing/stimulation can acutely improve sys
81 lar resynchronization by left ventricular or biventricular pacing/stimulation in DCM patients with le
82 D device as part of the VENTAK CHF/CONTAK CD Biventricular Pacing study were analyzed.
83 in the Ventak CHF (congestive heart failure) biventricular pacing study.
84 lar tachyarrhythmia induction as a result of biventricular pacing support this observation, and raise
85 ned in 50 patients implanted with the InSync biventricular pacing system who were randomized to thera
86 res including more sophisticated sensors and biventricular pacing systems.
87 is analysis was to determine the appropriate biventricular pacing target in patients with heart failu
88                                              Biventricular pacing to improve ventricular contractilit
89 harmacologic therapy (OPT) alone or OPT with biventricular pacing to provide cardiac resynchronizatio
90              We conducted a meta-analysis of biventricular pacing trials to calculate lifespan gained
91                                              Biventricular pacing using right ventricular (RV) and le
92 his at-risk patient population by performing biventricular pacing via a wireless left ventricular (LV
93 permanent atrial fibrillation; particularly, biventricular pacing was superior compared with conventi
94                                              Biventricular pacing was superior to conventional right
95                         We hypothesized that biventricular pacing would improve synchrony of right ve
96 cardiac-resynchronization therapy (CRT) with biventricular pacing would reduce the risk of death or h
97                                              Biventricular pacing yielded less change (+12.8+/-9.3% i

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