


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or to formation of a regenerative outgrowth (blastema).
2 riction when passed through the regeneration blastema.
3 rom the same mother cell in the regeneration blastema.
4 imal blastema than in a contralateral distal blastema.
5  involves the formation of a mammalian digit blastema.
6 ce of a mass of progenitor tissue called the blastema.
7 al for the formation of wound epithelium and blastema.
8 reased proliferation within the regeneration blastema.
9 nd maintenance of progenitor tissue called a blastema.
10 on at the wound site, forming a regeneration blastema.
11 ng, reducing or positioning the regeneration blastema.
12 ocked fgf-8 but not fgf-10 expression in the blastema.
13  tissue organization within the regeneration blastema.
14 nteractions between the ureteric bud and the blastema.
15 tation at the wound margin, and later in the blastema.
16 hages failing to infiltrate the regeneration blastema.
17 stema is equivalent to an amputation-induced blastema.
18 g progenitor cells known as the regeneration blastema.
19 proliferation of the progenitor cells of the blastema.
20 ation and differentiation of the metanephric blastema.
21 l regeneration epithelium, and does not form blastema.
22 y a key role in the redifferentiation of the blastema.
23 s in uninduced metanephrogenic mesenchyme or blastema.
24 m), failed to form a functional regeneration blastema.
25 rmation of digit cartilage from the skeletal blastema.
26 he post-injury proliferative mass called the blastema.
27 population of type II fibers in regenerating blastema.
28 wth of the ureteric bud into the metanephric blastema.
29 al formation of a mesenchymal growth zone or blastema.
30 -restricted domains and is not a homogeneous blastema.
31 (PD) positional information and assemble the blastema.
32 ail organ and is mediated by a proliferative blastema.
33  a mass of lineage-restricted cells called a blastema.
34 pidermis as well as endothelial cells of the blastema.
35 nitor cell recruitment into the regenerative blastema.
36  with fused heads forming in single anterior blastemas.
37 ters were equivalent in contralateral distal blastemas.
38 same for both ectopic and amputation-induced blastemas.
39 CT formation in lizard (Anolis carolinensis) blastemas.
40  for Wnt-mediated specification of posterior blastemas.
41 amanders capable of limb regeneration form a blastema (a mass of lineage-restricted progenitor cells)
42 ges of regeneration these amphibians form a "blastema", a group of mesenchymal progenitor cells that
43 fically induced in the proximal regeneration blastema, a group of cells that normally proliferate int
44 eration proceeds by the local formation of a blastema, a growth zone of mesenchymal stem cells on the
45                                          The blastema, a mass of cells that uniquely forms following
46 eneration proceeds by local formation of the blastema, a mesenchymal growth zone which normally only
47 osure in the absence of macrophages promotes blastema accumulation, it does not rescue cell different
48 s typically restricted from the regeneration blastema after an amputation injury.
49 umed that limb regeneration derived from the blastema, an undifferentiated pluripotent cell populatio
50 ation, with C3 being expressed mainly in the blastema and C5 exclusively in the wound epithelium.
51 d with reduced proliferation in the proximal blastema and expansion of the nonproliferative distal bl
52 pressed in the dedifferentiated regeneration blastema and in the redifferentiated limb tissues in the
53  sufficient for establishing the metanephric blastema and inducing the ureteric bud formation but not
54           A dedicated epidermis overlays the blastema and is required for its proliferation and patte
55 oration is sufficient to rescue a denervated blastema and regenerate the distal structures.
56 is way and found to be expressed in the limb blastema and regulated by retinoic acid.
57 n of specialized bone-secreting cells in the blastema and suggest shh expression may be controlled by
58 ing myofibers contribute to the regeneration blastema and that the local extracellular environment pr
59 ings together the positional identity of the blastema and the classical nerve dependence of limb rege
60 , the cell lineage(s) that contribute to the blastema and their ultimate contribution(s) to the regen
61 ng multipotent progenitors that populate the blastema and then give rise to multiple cell types of th
62       Cells at the site of amputation form a blastema and then proliferate and differentiate to regro
63  cell lineages, to generate fate maps of the blastema and to identify the progenitors of regenerated
64 ve determined that formation of both ectopic blastemas and amputation-induced blastemas is regulated
65 d stimuli and generate progeny that can form blastemas and differentiate; yet, they are unable to sel
66 tructs were electroporated into axolotl limb blastemas and the wild type promoter was more active in
67 including within newly generated tissue (the blastema), and along pre-existing intestinal branches un
68 rowth and differentiation of the metanephric blastema, and constitutively activated STATs facilitate
69 -regulation is required for formation of the blastema, and its up-regulation is necessary for the red
70 racteristics, formation of an msx-expressing blastema, and neurogenesis.
71    The early regenerated lizard tail forms a blastema, and the regenerated skeleton consists of a car
72 ogenitor cell population to the regeneration blastema, and these progenitor cells subsequently restor
73  induce formation of both ectopic and normal blastemas, and the diversity of positional information p
74 ify beta1-integrin as a crucial regulator of blastema architecture.
75 ons for many different cell types within the blastema are present at all stages of limb regeneration,
76 on, and proliferation indicates that ectopic blastemas are equivalent to blastemas that form in respo
77      sly1 is upregulated in the newly formed blastema as well as during regenerative outgrowth.
78 tion proceeds with or without formation of a blastema, as observed for the limb and skin, respectivel
79 y little is known about how the regeneration blastema assembles differentiating cells into well-struc
80 ion occurs following decapitation, forming a blastema at the oral pole within 24 hr.
81 rom wild-type and PDGFR-beta -/- metanephric blastemas at 11.5 days post-conception.
82  involved low-level expression of markers of blastema-based regeneration, focused in distal structure
83 e nervous system in pattern formation during blastema-based regeneration.
84 quantify how incorporation into an appendage blastema broadens the progeny contributions of a cellula
85 aled that they are expressed in regenerating blastemas but lost upon denervation.
86 rative response to amputation and form small blastemas but then undergo tissue regression and lysis.
87 2) mutant promoter in contralateral proximal blastemas, but the promoters were equivalent in contrala
88                                          The blastema can regenerate autonomously as a self-organizin
89 al nerve-derived factor must be found in the blastema, capable of rescuing regeneration in denervated
90 phila Dll, has been isolated from an axolotl blastema cDNA library, and its expression in developing
91 nstrated by hybridization experiments that a blastema cell line of myogenic origin expresses C3.
92                                 We show that blastema cell migration is stimulated by the cytokine, S
93 onstrate that BMP-2 alone does not influence blastema cell migration, suggesting a requirement of ano
94 mals is not followed by regeneration because blastema cells (BCs) and expression of regenerative gene
95 at tissue stem cells rather than pluripotent blastema cells are an evolutionarily conserved cellular
96                   Other studies propose that blastema cells are non-uniform populations that remain r
97                                              Blastema cells are not derived from stem cells but behav
98 ersity of positional information provided by blastema cells derived from opposite sides of the limb i
99 roteinase-1 (Mmp1) expressed specifically in blastema cells during disc regeneration.
100 molecular mechanisms, and that both types of blastema cells exhibit the same functions in controlling
101                                              Blastema cells express both SDF-1alpha receptors, CXCR4
102      beta-Gal is expressed at high levels in blastema cells for about a week and in differentiated ce
103 rom a nerve and a wound epithelium to induce blastema cells from fibroblasts within the wound environ
104  Ihh signaling, whereas distal CTs form from blastema cells in response to Shh signals from regenerat
105 down Piwi1, Vasa, Pl10 or Ncol1 expressed by blastema cells inhibited regeneration but not blastema f
106                         In addition, ectopic blastema cells interact coordinately with amputation-ind
107                                         Most blastema cells maintain their disc-specific identity dur
108               In this study, we focus on how blastema cells respond to BMP signaling during neonatal
109                          First, we show that blastema cells retain regenerative properties after expa
110 y signaling from limb amputation to generate blastema cells that can be grafted to the wound, as well
111 sification but by the direct ossification of blastema cells that form the rudiment of the digit tip.
112 nteract coordinately with amputation-induced blastema cells to form a regenerated limb.
113                     Conversely, FITC-labeled blastema cells were restricted to distal CT regions.
114  expression is increased during formation of blastema cells, and dysfunction leads to mitochondrial d
115  regeneration is mediated by the creation of blastema cells.
116 on requires the formation and maintenance of blastema cells.
117 R4 signaling by endothelial cells to recruit blastema cells.
118 lasts to produce specified rather than naive blastema cells.
119 icate that NHFs and MWFs separately activate blastema-characteristic genes as well as those genes-rel
120     These results indicate that the proximal blastema comprises an essential subpopulation of the fin
121     In these triple mutants, the metanephric blastema condenses, and expression of early patterning g
122 mal, as well as specifically in regeneration blastemas, consistent with a role in long-range signalin
123                       Here, we show that the blastema consists of two components with markedly distin
124                                              Blastemas containing vertebrae with intact spinal cords
125             Myotubes in the periphery of the blastema continue to differentiate as muscle; those in t
126 comitantly with nerve deviation, the ectopic blastema continues to grow and forms an ectopic limb.
127 ted that resident cell sources producing the blastema contribute lineage-restricted progeny to regene
128                             Surprisingly, no blastema developed at the aboral pole after stolon remov
129                       These ectopic anterior blastemas differentiate new brains that establish perman
130          Here, we characterize the devoid of blastema (dob) mutant that fails fin regeneration during
131 nd re-epithelialization is inhibited and the blastema does not form.
132 und healing, but was highly expressed in the blastema during epimorphic fin regeneration after amputa
133 ctivity of stem cells in the mesenchyme (the blastema) during this process.
134 cells contribute to this dermis, but not the blastema, during digit tip regeneration.
135                                        These blastemas each have an organized structure of lineage re
136 the block to differentiation was at the late-blastema/early-chondroblast stage.
137 g mature tissues of the stump from which the blastema emerges.
138 induced in basal keratinocytes of the apical blastema epithelium in a pattern that is comparable to i
139 ed to form a cell population in regeneration blastemas expressing Six1/2-2, POU2/3, Eya, Sall and Osr
140 ent regions restores regenerative abilities: blastemas form and new heads regenerate in tissues that
141               Certain commonalities, such as blastema formation and basement membrane breakdown at th
142 mputated limbs to beryllium nitrate disrupts blastema formation and causes severe patterning defects
143 ty, and bone development are enriched during blastema formation and development.
144  cells underlying the wound epidermis during blastema formation and in distal blastemal tissue during
145 ignaling reduced cell proliferation, blocked blastema formation and induced aberrant collagen deposit
146 aling from exogenous glucocorticoids impairs blastema formation and limits regenerative capacity thro
147 eat-shock protein 60 (hsp60) is required for blastema formation and maintenance.
148  transcription factors play key roles during blastema formation and patterning.
149     Our findings indicate that zebrafish fin blastema formation and regenerative outgrowth require Fg
150 ve compounds from NHFs and MWFs could induce blastema formation and remodeling, respectively, and pre
151 n initial wound healing response followed by blastema formation and the regeneration of the digit tip
152 eneration, temporally concomitant with early blastema formation and the secretion of a flexible sac c
153 regeneration model reveals that NHFs enhance blastema formation and vasculogenesis, while MWFs inhibi
154 s localized to the wound epithelium prior to blastema formation and was later strongly expressed in p
155 ately before limb amputation or during early blastema formation blocked limb regeneration but did not
156 ht to establish in vitro conditions to mimic blastema formation by generating different three-dimensi
157 at fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) initiate blastema formation from fin mesenchyme.
158  genetic analyses reveal that injury induces blastema formation in Acomys cahirinus.
159 , a Dkk1b-enriched wound epidermis forms and blastema formation is disrupted, compromising regenerati
160 em cells showed that the cellular source for blastema formation is migration of stem cells from a rem
161                       The molecular basis of blastema formation is not understood.
162             These data support the idea that blastema formation results from dedifferentiation of int
163 ages of wound healing, dedifferentiation and blastema formation, and have discovered that the express
164 fficient signals and conditions that control blastema formation, growth, and pattern formation during
165 y expressed among proliferating cells during blastema formation, its expression becomes restricted to
166                                 During early blastema formation, proliferating cells are evenly distr
167 sly expressed low levels of Wg also leads to blastema formation, regeneration and transdetermination.
168 ating limb and may play an essential role in blastema formation, thus providing insight into the long
169  the induction of mesenchymal stem cells and blastema formation, whereas mps1 is required at a later
170  immediately following fin amputation blocks blastema formation, without obvious effects on wound hea
171 ration, but is not absolutely required after blastema formation.
172  upregulated after fin amputation and before blastema formation.
173 ly if activation occurs during wound healing/blastema formation.
174 opriate time and place to play a role during blastema formation.
175 initiating fin regeneration, and controlling blastema formation.
176  regeneration failed in nbl due to defective blastema formation.
177 lastema cells inhibited regeneration but not blastema formation.
178       In the early stages of regeneration, a blastema forms.
179 m a mound of undifferentiated cells called a blastema, found just below the site of amputation.
180 n of mature cells to a condensed mesenchymal blastema, from which replacement tissues develop.
181 r attracting nerves that promote mesenchymal blastema growth, leading to the regeneration of the digi
182          In addition to the modifications of blastema homeostasis, mutations in the three genes alter
183 associated with the transient formation of a blastema, however the formation of a regeneration blaste
184 re heat-shocked following the formation of a blastema, however, they retained the ability to regenera
185 ema, however the formation of a regeneration blastema in mammals is poorly understood.
186 tous expression of wg induces a regeneration blastema in the dorsal aspect of the leg disc.
187                    These data imply that the blastema in WTs has progressed to the committed stage in
188 ically induces ectopic anterior regeneration blastemas in posterior and lateral wounds.
189     Ectopic expression of shh or bmp2 in the blastema-induced excess bone deposition and altered patt
190 dele limb or teleost fin, the formation of a blastema is a crucial step in facilitating subsequent re
191 igit tip, supporting the hypothesis that the blastema is a heterogeneous pool of progenitor cells.
192 tion led to the notion that the regeneration blastema is a homogeneous population of proliferating ce
193                                          The blastema is a mass of progenitor cells responsible for r
194                                          The blastema is a mass of progenitor cells that constitute a
195                                          The blastema is a mass of progenitor cells that enables rege
196                                    The digit blastema is comprised of proliferating cells that expres
197 development, the formation of a regeneration blastema is controlled by early events that are unique t
198  nerve dependency indicating that an ectopic blastema is equivalent to an amputation-induced blastema
199                                      First a blastema is formed, comprised of progenitor cells that e
200  healing occurs, ectopic wg is induced and a blastema is formed.
201 skin wound on the side of a limb, an ectopic blastema is induced.
202 regeneration, and this activity of RA on the blastema is observed in two contexts.
203 ion of cells or lineages in the regeneration blastema is often postulated.
204 oth ectopic blastemas and amputation-induced blastemas is regulated by the same molecular mechanisms,
205 roliferation and increased cell death in the blastema leading to a significant retardation of regener
206 ion between the ureteral bud and metanephric blastema leads to renal hypodysplasia, vesicoureteral re
207            Hence, this study aimed to create blastema-like cells (BlCs) by overexpressing Msx1 and Ms
208 ressed node and primitive streak by a caudal blastema-like mass of mesenchyme known as the tail bud.
209      It is accompanied by the formation of a blastema-like structure and the re-growth of multiple ti
210 he transient expression of established digit blastema marker genes.
211 nchymal boundary and later overlaps with the blastema marker msxb.
212                     Together, our data unite blastema-mediated regeneration in spiny mice with regene
213 acterize the signaling pathways that control blastema morphogenesis and limb regeneration.
214 acterize the signaling pathways that control blastema morphogenesis and limb regeneration.
215 We further demonstrate that the regeneration blastema moves as a sweep of proliferation, in which cel
216 a chemical mutagenesis screen to identify no blastema (nbl), a zebrafish mutant with an early fin reg
217 egation and formation of the prechondrogenic blastema occurred normally, and that the block to differ
218 ation is characterized by the formation of a blastema of proliferating cells that appear undifferenti
219 sfection to express ectopically genes in the blastema of regenerating fins.
220                The possibility of inducing a blastema on a mammalian limb cannot be discounted, altho
221                                              Blastemas only generate structures distal to their origi
222 ation can be localized (e.g., a regeneration blastema) or diffuse (compensatory growth).
223    Taken together, our data show that normal blastema organogenesis cannot occur without timely infil
224 ess, we performed deep RNA sequencing of the blastema over a time course in the axolotl, a species wh
225     However, directing Myc expression to the blastema overcomes repression of multiple genes, includi
226                                          How blastema pattern is generated and integrated with pre-ex
227                                Subsequently, blastema pattern is organized around the anterior pole.
228 erior-posterior (AP) and medial-lateral (ML) blastema patterning [2-4].
229 range signaling relevant to specification of blastema positional identity.
230             Since nerve fibers grow into the blastema preceding the appearance of any differentiated
231 the nephric duct adjacent to the metanephric blastema prior to the outgrowth of the ureteric bud.
232 erning, in part through modulating levels of blastema proliferation.
233 ated with different cell densities along the blastema proximal-distal axis, which correlate with alte
234                             Posterior-facing blastemas regenerate a head instead of a tail in Smed-be
235                         After bisection, one blastema regenerates a head, while the other forms a tai
236 xolotl, they show vividly which cells of the blastema remember their fate and position of origin.
237                                          The blastema replaces structures appropriate to its proximod
238 ughout the undifferentiated limb bud and the blastema, respectively, and (4) it is expressed only in
239 plications, the fibroblast stem cells of the blastema responded showing that they are capable of tran
240 ion between the ureteral bud and metanephric blastema resulting in CAKUT.
241  First, exposure to RA proximalizes a distal blastema resulting in duplication of structures proximal
242 generation initiates with the formation of a blastema similar to that observed in regenerating amphib
243 ng tetrapod limbs and regenerating amphibian blastema, Sonic hedgehog is expressed in the posterior m
244 ver, Lgr6-expressing cells contribute to the blastema, suggesting a potential direct role for Lgr6-ex
245  type promoter was more active in a proximal blastema than in a contralateral distal blastema.
246 e in uninduced metanephrogenic mesenchyme or blastema than in their differentiated structures.
247 ial creation by an embryonic primordium, the blastema that emerges at the injury site fashions a clos
248  by a proliferation boost in the mesenchymal blastema that is controlled precisely in time and space.
249 h the recruitment of progenitor cells into a blastema that rebuilds the lost tissue.
250 tes that ectopic blastemas are equivalent to blastemas that form in response to limb amputation.
251                                              Blastemas that have been injected with vaccinia at diffe
252 h has no effect on the amount of new tissue (blastema) that is regenerated yet produces regenerates w
253 luster at the anterior tip of planarian head blastemas (the anterior pole) is required for anterior-p
254                      Within the newly formed blastema, the spatial coordinates of connective tissue p
255                In 2- and 3-week regenerating blastema, three fiber types were clearly discerned.
256 ent from wild type in contralateral proximal blastemas, thus contrasting with the site 1 results in A
257    Second, after transplantation of a distal blastema to a proximal stump, the transplanted cells nor
258 ata and the respecification of the posterior blastema to an anteriorized fate by GJC loss-of-function
259        A popular notion is that cells of the blastema transdifferentiate to different fates during li
260                                          The blastema ultimately gives rise to all of the tissues in
261  regenerating fin consists of many repeating blastema "units" dedicated to each fin ray.
262 situ, we found undifferentiated regenerative blastemas were less stiff than differentiated stump musc
263 n many organisms involves the formation of a blastema, which differentiates and organizes into the ap
264 te from a precursor structure arising in the blastema, which undergoes extensive branching morphogene
265       Neoblast progeny generate new cells of blastemas, which are the regenerative outgrowths at woun
266          In some, but not all fragments, the blastema will replace missing structures and a few cells
267 ta1-integrin(RNAi) animals formed small head blastemas with severe tissue disorganization, including
268 nstrate that Eya 1 specifies the metanephric blastema within the intermediate mesoderm at the caudal
269 ied to specify the metanephric mesenchyme or blastema within the intermediate mesoderm, the earliest
270  formation of the proliferative regeneration blastema, yet modified the lengths and widths of regener

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