


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or cnidarian symbiosis and dysbiosis (i.e., "bleaching").
2 on density (e.g., use of chlorine-containing bleach).
3 tion of an amine under oxidative conditions (bleach).
4 ction and the loss of algal symbionts (coral bleaching).
5 te-driven disturbances (hurricanes and coral bleaching).
6 orization (namely degumming, neutralization, bleaching).
7  protection to prevent their deactivation by bleach.
8 visual pigment in our photoreceptor cells is bleached.
9 st conditions can lead to thermal stress and bleaching.
10 ess, before reaching temperatures that cause bleaching.
11 sistently immobile for more than 2 min after bleaching.
12 ecline due to mortality by heat-driven coral bleaching.
13 three stages: neutralization, degumming, and bleaching.
14 he breakdown of this symbiosis, termed coral bleaching.
15 lerant symbionts can also sometimes mitigate bleaching.
16 vity of rod photoresponses following pigment bleaching.
17 scleractinian corals for signs of disease or bleaching.
18  signal, and eventually to its loss by photo-bleaching.
19 rwise induce cellular damage and chlorophyll bleaching.
20 king and oxygen scavenging systems to reduce bleaching.
21 r the development of visual symptoms such as bleaching.
22 ive and possibly acclimatize to annual coral bleaching.
23 ing and cell death, and finally induce coral bleaching.
24 cation and climate change impacts like coral bleaching.
25 a from the effects of both acidification and bleaching.
26 asing levels of both coral disease and coral bleaching.
27 green, a process referred to as chlorosis or bleaching.
28 nt photocurrent following equivalent pigment bleaching.
29 e of rod phototransduction following pigment bleaching.
30  evidence of intraband-controlled absorption bleaching.
31 dly exposed to the maxima, which exacerbates bleaching.
32 eaching and hypochlorite-induced fluorescein bleaching.
33 ociated with hydrogen and carbamide peroxide bleaching.
34 al activity of commonly used antiseptics was bleach (1:10) > cavicide (1:10) > ethanol (70%).
35                        Bayesian blinking and bleaching (3B) reconstruction reveals that the distance
36 umination with a femtosecond-pulsed laser to bleach a nucleic acid-binding dye causing dose-dependent
37 tter the oil quality obtained because of the bleaching ability of adsorbents.
38                                        Thus, bleaching adaptation renders mouse rods responsive to mo
39  that phototransduction gain adjustments and bleaching adaptation underlie rod recovery.
40 n, elevated nutrient loading increased coral bleaching; Agaricia spp. of corals exposed to nutrients
41 itive without hindering the diffusion of the bleaching agent and if the spheres could be used as a ca
42 ral reefs in the region, and the coral reef "Bleaching Alert" alarm was not raised.
43                                 Differential bleaching among corals was widely variable (mean taxon-B
44            Here, by using polarized light to bleach and probe an internal YFP-FliN fusion, we show th
45 able to dark-adapt in the retina following a bleach and to use exogenous 9-cis retinol for pigment re
46 ays; RR 0.85, 95% CI 0.69-1.04; p=0.116), or bleach and UV (n=131; 45.6 cases per 10 000 exposure day
47 p, 5438 in the bleach group, and 5863 in the bleach and UV group.
48 V-C] light except for C difficile, for which bleach and UV-C were used); bleach; and bleach and UV-C.
49 hich bleach and UV-C were used); bleach; and bleach and UV-C.
50 esters and glycidyl esters (GEs) of refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein during deep-fat
51                                RBD (Refined, Bleached and Deodorized) canola oil and vitamin E acetat
52             Phage consortia differed between bleached and diseased tissues.
53 plied 3 months later, corals that previously bleached and were now dominated by D1a Symbiodinium expe
54 da and P. daedalea declined from 2011 due to bleaching and black-band disease.
55 hile corals can recover from single isolated bleaching and can acclimate to recurring bleaching event
56 g sponges depended on the intensity of coral bleaching and consequent coral mortality.
57 eralizing agent could increase the safety of bleaching and decrease the severity of its side effects.
58                                        Coral bleaching and disease outbreaks are often inter-related
59 rogen cycling may be tightly linked to coral bleaching and disease.
60                              Measurements of bleaching and dissociation kinetics at the cell cortex r
61              Biofilm growth was confirmed by bleaching and flushing the wells and observing the NMR s
62 o elevated temperatures that can cause coral bleaching and high levels of mortality of corals and ass
63 hydrorhodamine 123, AAPH-induced fluorescein bleaching and hypochlorite-induced fluorescein bleaching
64                       The event caused coral bleaching and massive mortality of corals and other reef
65 cause photochemical reactions that result in bleaching and mineralization of tDOM.
66  caused by global warming that induced coral bleaching and mortality events globally.
67 s seawater temperatures and consequent coral bleaching and mortality influence these shifts.
68                               Taxon-specific bleaching and mortality records (2036) of 374 coral taxa
69       Corals are affected by warming-induced bleaching and postmortem dissolution, but the finding he
70                           Thus, annual coral bleaching and recovery could contribute to the selective
71                          We conducted repeat bleaching and recovery experiments on the coral Montastr
72 sual pigment, and used it to measure pigment bleaching and regeneration in living mice.
73    Mortality was driven by diseases in 2009, bleaching and subsequent diseases in 2010/2011/2012.
74  downingi severely declined from 2010 due to bleaching and subsequent white syndromes, while D. palli
75 pproach using laser irradiation coupled with bleaching and surface removal was most efficient in elim
76 he Arg66 side-chain conformation affects the bleaching and the on-to-off transition quantum yields, a
77       Ethanol, 70% isopropyl alcohol, dilute bleach, and mechanical cleaning all lack the ability to
78  control corals that had not been previously bleached, and were therefore still dominated by Symbiodi
79  phototoxicity, (iv) blinking, (v) permanent bleaching, and (vi) formation of long-lived intermediate
80  degumming, neutralization, washing, drying, bleaching, and deodorization; deodorization was conducte
81 ross Canada, representing the major pulping, bleaching, and effluent treatment technologies.
82 fer from repeated impacts of cyclones, coral bleaching, and outbreaks of the coral-eating crown-of-th
83 ble D1a symbionts became dominant only after bleaching, and were critical to corals' resilience after
84 icile, for which bleach and UV-C were used); bleach; and bleach and UV-C.
85 ions, 90% are projected to experience severe bleaching annually by 2055.
86                     Highly relevant for pulp bleaching are the findings on intermediates of the react
87                     It minimizes fluorophore bleaching as well as phototoxic effects and provides a t
88 recommend VR, which rarely requires specimen bleaching, as the standard substrate for immunohistochem
89 ial variation in the timing of annual severe bleaching (ASB) conditions; a point at which reefs are c
90 y locations where the onset of annual severe bleaching (ASB) varies 10 or more years within a single
91                                   The crocin bleaching assay (CBA) is a common method for evaluating
92  for raw garlic samples, while beta-carotene bleaching assay yielded the highest activity for stir-fr
93 ounds tested by DPPH, FRAP and beta-carotene bleaching assays showed that allicin had an antiradical
94 dical scavenging activity, and beta-carotene bleaching assays.
95  the free radical activity and beta-carotene bleaching assays.
96 H radical scavenging, FRAP and beta-carotene bleaching assays.
97 sion, which can arise from the instantaneous bleaching assumption.
98 g the recommendations for the use of diluted bleach baths, vitamin D, and environmental modifications
99  esters was investigated using beta-carotene bleaching (BCB) and free radical scavenging method DPPH
100 perature microclimates are more resistant to bleaching because of both acclimation and fixed effects,
101                                           If bleaching becomes an annual event later in this century,
102 stress-sensitive symbionts (Symbiodinium C3) bleached, but recovered (at either 24 degrees C or 29 de
103 f Orbicella faveolata did not prevent repeat bleaching, but may have facilitated rapid recovery.
104    HPLC analyses demonstrate that 11-REs are bleached by bright light and regenerated in the dark.
105 oral cell mortality and symbiont loss during bleaching by over 50%.
106 nstrate for the first time that annual coral bleaching can dramatically alter thermal tolerance in Ca
107                              Resultant coral bleaching caused an average 75% reduction in coral cover
108     This method was used without imaging the bleached cell.
109  total internal reflection (TIR) selectively bleaches cerulean-labeled protein proximal to the glass
110 continuous quenching over time attributed to bleaching chlorine-based species.
111 n in the IPM, and it promotes the removal of bleached chromophores and recycling in the nearby retina
112             Exposing these corals to thermal bleaching conditions changes the microbiome for heat-sen
113 re, projections of the onset of annual coral bleaching conditions in the Caribbean under Representati
114  time to adapt and acclimate prior to severe bleaching conditions occurring annually.
115 re increasing the global prevalence of coral bleaching, coral diseases, and coral-mortality events.
116 mmunities also differed between diseased and bleached corals.
117  as the algal colonization and overgrowth of bleaching corals, as well as coral polyp behaviour and i
118 uence the diffusion in the samples, but that bleach correction and fitting introduce large uncertaint
119 cular the high bleach intensity in FRAP, the bleach corrections, and the fitting procedures in the tw
120 icient in each pixel of an image, and proper bleaching corrections, it is now possible to measure the
121 0 years suggested successive events of coral bleaching could shift algae-coral dominated reefs into a
122                                              Bleaches decrease sensitivity in part by loss of quantum
123          The temperature threshold for coral bleaching depends on the acclimation and adaptation of c
124  time corals in the northern Red Sea did not bleach despite high thermal stress (i.e. DHWs >8 degrees
125 he northern Red Sea has not experienced mass bleaching despite intensive Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) o
126 regions where there are few records of coral bleaching despite the presence of significant heat stres
127 luded that after sodium hypochlorite (dilute bleach) disinfection, the virus was undetectable, but on
128       Here we investigate responses to acute bleaching disturbances on turbid reefs off Singapore, at
129 merical simulations, which take into account bleach duration, granule diameter, and the limited numbe
130 st, or during bleaching, when acid-activated bleaching earth acts as the catalyst.
131 et molecule of the pulp and paper industry's bleaching efforts.
132 odinium D1a), which were not detected before bleaching (either due to absence or extreme low abundanc
133 nclude molecular-motor stepping, fluorophore bleaching, electrophysiology, particle and cell tracking
134  used dilute oxalic acid to pretreat a kraft bleached Eucalyptus pulp (BEP) fibers to facilitate mech
135 k directly followed a high temperature coral-bleaching event and affected at least 13 coral species.
136  ETP coral populations decimated by the 1998 bleaching event can only have recovered from eastern Pac
137                   The 2014-2016 global coral bleaching event has sharpened the focus on such interven
138 le and St. Croix reefs after a regional mass bleaching event in 2005.
139 ral holobiont response to an isolated single bleaching event is not an accurate predictor of its resp
140 rld's oceans are in the midst of the longest bleaching event on record (from 2014 to at least 2016).
141 f responses to a major climate-induced coral bleaching event that caused unprecedented region-wide mo
142 ts of superoxide produced by corals during a bleaching event, we show substantial species-specific va
143 tions and shocks such as the 2016 mass coral-bleaching event.
144 concurrent white plague disease outbreak and bleaching event.
145 curately predicted ecosystem response to the bleaching event.
146 f this decline is attributable to mass coral bleaching events and disease outbreaks, both of which ar
147                                     As coral bleaching events become more frequent and intense, our a
148                                   Mass coral bleaching events caused by elevated seawater temperature
149  how and why the severity of recurrent major bleaching events has varied at multiple scales, using ae
150                            Here we show that bleaching events of the past three decades have been mit
151 onditions under which reefs bounce back from bleaching events or shift from coral to algal dominance
152 ted bleaching and can acclimate to recurring bleaching events that are separated by multiple years, i
153 mperatures are driving increasingly frequent bleaching events that can lead to the loss of both coral
154                                        Coral bleaching events threaten the sustainability of the Grea
155 though this may be due to under-reporting of bleaching events, it may also be due to physical factors
156 e heatwaves has caused widespread mass coral bleaching events, threatening the integrity and function
157 onse of coral-excavating sponges after coral bleaching events.
158 biont that flourishes in coral tissues after bleaching events.
159            Fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching experiments showed that Rab5 and Rab4 are recr
160 d-mediated sensitivity to recover from photo-bleach exposure, correlated with lower RPE-drusen comple
161                   We show that an additional bleach feature at approximately 510 nm appears when PbI2
162 DA) incorporates a digital camera, a retinal bleaching flash, and a Ganzfeld light source inside a pa
163 hat turbidity will mitigate high temperature bleaching for 9% of shallow reef habitat (to 30 m depth)
164 2D random walk) starting with the first post-bleach frame of the actual data.
165 ated using fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching (FRAP) and a p53 reporter assay.
166 to nutrients suffered a 3.5-fold increase in bleaching frequency relative to control corals, providin
167 ery trajectories, and predicted increases in bleaching frequency, we predict a prolonged period of su
168 g as an additive to minimize side effects in bleaching gel formulation.
169 alue of diffusion coefficients for arbitrary bleaching geometries, including exaggeratedly large ones
170 tion of diffusion coefficients regardless of bleaching geometry used in the FRAP experiment.
171 ng diffusion coefficients from a rectangular bleaching geometry, created in a confocal image, was lat
172 nce group, 5178 in the UV group, 5438 in the bleach group, and 5863 in the bleach and UV group.
173 hase, electric field-induced colouration and bleaching have a switching time of seconds.
174 vations on weed growth and were developed as bleaching herbicides.
175 ave the materials to complete treatment with bleach in their household.
176                              Skin colour was bleached in red peppers exposed to ozone at 2mumolmol(-1
177 s and cones adapt to background light and to bleaches in a manner almost identical to other vertebrat
178                  Similarly, past exposure to bleaching in 1998 and 2002 did not lessen the severity o
179 sure had minimal effect on the unprecedented bleaching in 2016, suggesting that local protection of r
180 1998 and 2002 did not lessen the severity of bleaching in 2016.
181  leads to the formation of a pink coloration bleaching in a few milliseconds, in the absence of light
182  cones, but immunohistochemistry and partial bleaching in conjunction with single-cell recording reve
183  propose that the end product of chromophore bleaching in rod photoreceptors, all-trans retinol, is p
184 th disease prevalence and severity and coral bleaching in scleractinian corals, the major habitat-for
185 FIELD, a strategy for fundamentally reducing bleaching in STED/RESOLFT nanoscopy through restricting
186 rnal dialysis of Cs(+) , which increased the bleach-induced desensitization of the photovoltage and s
187 pothesized link between nutrient loading and bleaching-induced coral declines.
188 ngle photons, to detect mutation-induced, or bleaching-induced, local defects or modifications of the
189 e oxidation (62.41 +/- 0.43%), beta-carotene bleaching inhibition (91.75 +/- 0.22%) and Cu(2+)-chelat
190 578 mg/mL), reducing power and beta-carotene bleaching inhibition activities, and also a strong ABTS
191               Overall, we find that the FRAP bleach intensity does not measurably influence the diffu
192 ological differences, in particular the high bleach intensity in FRAP, the bleach corrections, and th
193 e response following moderate visual pigment bleach is delayed in KI/KI mice.
194  average year for the onset of annual severe bleaching is 2040-2043 for all projections.
195                        Climate-induced coral bleaching is among the greatest current threats to coral
196           Increasingly frequent severe coral bleaching is among the greatest threats to coral reefs p
197                                Severe annual bleaching is projected to start 10-15 years later at hig
198 ocusing followed by Western blot analysis of bleached isolated retinae showed little dephosphorylatio
199 easurements depended critically on the exact bleaching kinetics and was correctly quantified by the C
200             In this sense, the behavior of a bleached kraft hardwood pulp when recycled was investiga
201                             The frequency of bleaching-level thermal stress increased three-fold betw
202  photoresponses following exposure to bright bleaching light.
203 lecule activation (increased background) and bleaching (loss of detections).
204 high-latitude reefs of later onset of annual bleaching may be negated by the effects of acidification
205 nt of FRAP (fluorescent recovery after photo-bleaching) modified to interrogate the diffusion path-le
206 ary outcome was not statistically lower with bleach (n=101; 41.6 cases per 10 000 exposure days; RR 0
207 not changed after adding UV to cleaning with bleach (n=38 vs 36; 30.4 cases vs 31.6 cases per 10 000
208 ght intensities and adapt to backgrounds and bleaches nearly identically.
209  volumetric analysis of oxidizing agents and bleach neutralization during water treatment.
210                         The vast majority of bleaching observations to date have been associated with
211                After excitation we observe a bleach of all involved bases.
212 QD under equilibrium conditions, including a bleach of the first exciton transition and the appearanc
213 ide-alkyne cycloaddition, and the controlled bleaching of fluorescent probes conjugated to azide- or
214  cooling, during which state filling induced bleaching of interband and exciton transitions curiously
215                               After complete bleaching of rhodopsin, the ERP recovered in two phases.
216                                          The bleaching of the color could be clearly observed by the
217 ent electrolyte, and the onset potential for bleaching of the FA-PVSK absorbance is used to estimate
218 posure of the cell to the laser and eventual bleaching of the sample.
219            KEY POINTS: Following substantial bleaching of the visual pigment, the desensitization of
220 nterestingly, these polymers actually show a bleaching of their neutral absorptions in the near-infra
221                                              Bleaching of vital teeth has become common practice in c
222                  Sodium hypochlorite (dilute bleach) offers effective disinfection against adenovirus
223  high primary oxidation stability, while the bleached oil had a low incidence of secondary oxidation.
224 stinctive geographic footprints of recurrent bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef in 1998, 2002 and 20
225  on the localization precision in some other bleaching- or blinking-assisted techniques.
226 e conditions of industrial hydrogen peroxide bleaching (P stage).
227 ria applied in the global effort to document bleaching patterns creates challenges for the developmen
228  Artificial overexpression of PsrR1 led to a bleaching phenotype under moderate light growth conditio
229 in diseased or healthy tissues compared with bleached portions of diseased tissues.
230 ng for this connectivity may be important in bleaching predictions.
231                           The coloration and bleaching process in the ECD component show good cyclic
232  within the 300 nm granule diffused into the bleached proximal regions.
233  that NPY-cer equilibrated within the 300 ms bleach pulse, and therefore had a greater mobility than
234                                   Mass coral bleaching quickly ensued, killing 40% of the resident co
235 ated in terms of beta-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching, radical scavenging, reduction of metal ions a
236 ging, reported to reduce fluorescent protein bleaching rates, thereby increasing the precision of sup
237                                         This bleach recommendation is internally inconsistent, a rela
238  a unique compilation of corresponding coral bleaching records from throughout the region.
239                                Based on past bleaching recovery trajectories, and predicted increases
240 inol produced robust sensitivity recovery in bleached red and blue cones but not in red and green rod
241                                            A bleaching reduction by up to 100-fold is demonstrated.
242                                          The bleaching reduction can be converted into accordingly br
243                          Without considering bleaching, reef growth will likely decline on most reefs
244  buffered from thermal stress and will avoid bleaching-related mass mortalities caused by increasing
245 e needed studies relating thermal history to bleaching resistance and community composition.
246 nt tissue area affected and a taxon-specific bleaching response index (taxon-BRI) was calculated by a
247 nd validate a novel framework to standardize bleaching response records and estimate their measuremen
248 ithin a given site and event (60% and 40% of bleaching response variance of all records explained, re
249 indicate that increased thermotolerance post-bleaching resulted from symbiont community composition c
250  communities shifted substantially following bleaching, returning towards pre-disturbance structure o
251 of the pump-probe spectra where photoinduced bleaching rises abruptly 20 fs after photoexcitation.
252        Only live bacteria are revealed since bleached samples are not labeled.
253  energetic blue shift observed for transient bleach signals results from rapid hot electron relaxatio
254  wavelength as cyanine 5, Cy5) were found to bleach significantly less than FAM and Cy5; i.e., the fi
255 r lignin-free model biomass samples--Avicel, bleached softwood, and bacterial cellulose--to find corr
256  Silver ink was printed and chlorinated with bleach solution.
257                                 Finally, Glc-bleached SSB01 cells appeared unable to efficiently popu
258 ndent of light, algal symbiont abundance and bleaching status, but depend on coral species and bacter
259     The isobaric forms occur only during the bleaching step of the refining process and remain unalte
260 hemical analysis, we find that the number of bleaching steps in SMSr-GFP-positive spots displays a su
261 n detection in live bacteria without initial bleaching steps.
262  cells with curcumin increased the number of bleaching steps.
263 s of each species from a single histogram of bleaching steps.
264 ry that subjects corals to a protective, sub-bleaching stress, before reaching temperatures that caus
265 y: the partnership is highly susceptible to 'bleaching' (stress-induced symbiosis breakdown), but str
266 ogy and direct semi-quantitative analysis of bleaching suggests the existence of two membrane-bound D
267 ging activity, reducing power, beta carotene bleaching system and TBARS assay) showed that the variet
268  average year for the onset of annual severe bleaching that is ~20 years later (2062 vs. 2044).
269                          ONOO(-) can readily bleach the chromophore and thus recover the luminescence
270                              We find that to bleach the first exciton transition by an average of 1 c
271 ased susceptibility in Porites astreoides to bleaching the following year.
272 not an accurate predictor of its response to bleaching the following year.
273 y contribute to pathogen resistance but also bleaching, the loss of essential algal symbionts.
274 es triggered a pan-tropical episode of coral bleaching, the third global-scale event since mass bleac
275  between 2006 and the onset of annual severe bleaching (thermal stress >8 degree heating weeks); a po
276 bean are not refugia because they have lower bleaching threshold temperatures than shallow reefs.
277 s, mesophotic reef bleaching was driven by a bleaching threshold that declines 0.26 degrees C every +
278 f-building corals that live well below their bleaching thresholds and thus we propose that the region
279 received limited attention despite differing bleaching thresholds for summer and winter.
280 scribe an oxidative strategy using household bleach to release all types of free reducing N-glycans a
281 was comparable with, or more effective than, bleach treatment against established biofilms of S. ente
282 r characteristics of HA-AAs before and after bleaching treatment, we found that only HA, synthesized
283 d performance of HA-AAAs were observed after bleaching treatment.
284 e effective than electrolyzed reduced water, bleach, VegWash and DI water on pesticide removal.
285                                              Bleached visual pigment produced an acceleration of the
286  day progressed, which was ascribed to photo bleaching/volatilization of BrC and/or due to rising bou
287                               In this study, bleach was added in three different dosages to six water
288 sinfectant except for C difficile, for which bleach was used); UV (quaternary ammonium disinfectant a
289 r two thermal stress events, mesophotic reef bleaching was driven by a bleaching threshold that decli
290 ing, the third global-scale event since mass bleaching was first documented in the 1980s.
291                                       Severe bleaching was restricted to the central and southern Red
292 l stress (i.e. DHWs >8 degrees C-weeks), and bleaching was restricted to the central and southern Red
293                  The procedure consists of a bleach wash, enzymatic digestion, first fixation, 'crack
294                     The almost equal NPY-cer bleaching when probed with TIR and epifluorescence indic
295 se, when H3PO4 acts as a catalyst, or during bleaching, when acid-activated bleaching earth acts as t
296 is observed without loss of the ground-state bleach, which is a clear signature of electron injection
297 r Photobleaching (FRAP) measurements assumes bleaching with a circular laser beam of a Gaussian inten
298 veloped with DAB, with and without overnight bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, 4%.
299  there have only been very few recordings of bleaching within the Red Sea despite covering a latitudi
300        Additional corals that were initially bleached without heat by a herbicide (DCMU, at 24 degree

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