


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed by treatment with the myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin.
2 on, but failing to move into lamellipodia in blebbistatin.
3 till present when active force is blocked by Blebbistatin.
4 d in cells treated with the motor inhibitor, blebbistatin.
5  with ML7 and myosin II ATPase activity with blebbistatin.
6  was blocked by inhibition of myosin II with blebbistatin.
7 ly 90% at 40 microM actin in the presence of blebbistatin.
8  P(i) release was blocked in the presence of blebbistatin.
9  stabilized by either lattice compression or blebbistatin.
10 acted collagen fibrils, which was blocked by blebbistatin.
11 cle types and in the presence and absence of blebbistatin.
12 activation and were abolished or reversed by blebbistatin.
13 he inhibition of myosin ATPase activity with blebbistatin.
14 the actomyosin inhibitors cytochalasin D and blebbistatin.
15  low myosin affinity and water solubility of blebbistatin.
16  identical inhibitory properties to those of blebbistatin.
17 rdered lipids, was also reduced by Lat B and blebbistatin.
18 +/- 15 years) using the dye Di-4-ANBDQBS and blebbistatin.
19 NM II or treatment with the myosin inhibitor blebbistatin.
20 interference (RNAi) and the myosin inhibitor blebbistatin.
21 ay were not significantly altered by binding blebbistatin.
22 d after injection of the myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin.
23 lowing inhibition of myosin II function with blebbistatin.
24 d by myofilament Ca(2+) desensitization with blebbistatin.
25 ted by myofilament Ca2+ desensitization with blebbistatin.
26 -1)) was reduced slightly in the presence of blebbistatin (0.38 +/- 0.03 microM(-1) s(-1)), while man
27 (3 to 30 micromol/L) and myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin (1 to 10 micromol/L) inhibited CyPA secreti
28  The negative inotropic agents BDM (5 mm) or blebbistatin (10 microM) decreased cell shortening and N
29 esis when myosin contractility is blocked by blebbistatin [4].
30                        These properties make blebbistatin a useful tool in structural and functional
31 ma invasion we blocked glioma migration with blebbistatin, a blocker of myosin kinase II, which is ne
32                                              Blebbistatin, a cell-permeable inhibitor of class-II myo
33 ated in porcine TM and CB cells treated with blebbistatin, a cell-permeable, specific inhibitor of my
34 scle myosin-2 is uniquely insensitive toward blebbistatin, a commonly used myosin-2 inhibitor.
35                             We observed that blebbistatin, a myosin II inhibitor, completely and reve
36 tility-previously assumed-was verified using blebbistatin, a myosin-II ATPase inhibitor that permitte
37  dividing normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with blebbistatin, a potent inhibitor of the nonmuscle myosin
38            Pulse-chase studies revealed that Blebbistatin, a specific myosin II inhibitor, severely i
39   Consistent with this, embryos treated with Blebbistatin-a small molecule inhibitor for myosin II ac
40                                              Blebbistatin also inhibits cell streaming and plaque exp
41 rements of single ATP turnovers to show that blebbistatin also stabilizes the SRX in both fast and sl
42 n and disassembly of the AJC were blocked by blebbistatin, an inhibitor of nonmuscle myosin II.
43 to a virion surface protein and by the drugs blebbistatin and bafilomycin A1, suggesting that in each
44                                        Using blebbistatin and other drugs, we showed that exit from t
45 ity, while the nonmuscle myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin and the kinesin inhibitor AMP-PNP had no si
46 sforming growth factor-beta, a decrease with blebbistatin, and no change with mechanosensitive channe
47 ulin B (Lat B), inhibition of myosin II with blebbistatin, and treatment with neomycin to sequester p
48 hereas the macropinocytosis inhibitors EIPA, blebbistatin, and wortmannin and the caveolin-mediated e
49         The spectra for skeletal muscle with blebbistatin are similar to those observed in relaxed ta
50 , butanedione monoxime, trifluoperazine, and blebbistatin) are modified by twitchin phosphorylation a
51 tion, as exposure to the myosin-II inhibitor blebbistatin arrested any shortening and also decreased
52                Pretreatment with Y-27632 and blebbistatin (as inhibitors of actomyosin contraction) r
53                                              Blebbistatin at > or = 30 microM inhibited anterior redi
54                             Local release of blebbistatin at the equator caused localized accumulatio
55 signals inasmuch as treatment with Y27632 or blebbistatin attenuated 488-FN assembly.
56 contraction with the myosin ATPase inhibitor blebbistatin attenuated oxidative stress as well as spon
57 lar simulations indicate that the productive blebbistatin-binding site of the myosin head is within t
58            A single intra-BLC treatment with Blebbistatin (Blebb), a small-molecule inhibitor of clas
59 e cytoskeleton inhibitors cytochalasin B and blebbistatin blocked not only PMA-induced apoptosis but
60 trations of the specific myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin blocked PDGF-stimulated matrix contraction
61                            The property that blebbistatin blocks myosin II in an actin-detached state
62 2-E1 and myo2-E1-Sup1 on available rigor and blebbistatin-bound myosin II structures suggests that my
63 mall molecules - omecamtiv mecarbil (OM) and blebbistatin (BS) - that bind specifically to myosin and
64 ly Dictyostelium myosin that is inhibited by blebbistatin but also show that blebbistatin-inactivated
65                                              Blebbistatin caused a strong inhibition of cytokinesis b
66 edistribution of myosin IIA, with 100 microM blebbistatin causing posterior accumulation.
67 inhibition of myosin-II ATPase with the drug blebbistatin decreased cell spreading with associated nu
68                                              Blebbistatin decreased fibricarrier number and increased
69 r, inhibiting the motor protein myosin II by blebbistatin decreased membrane tension, as well as fusi
70  decreasing contractile level with 10 microM blebbistatin decreased stiffness, whereas increasing con
71 ion by 5% dextran T500 or addition of 25 muM blebbistatin decreased the transition temperature to app
72 n relaxed tarantula fibers in the absence of blebbistatin, demonstrating that the structure of the SR
73 e myosin-2 active-site loop switch-2 acts as blebbistatin desensitizer.
74                                              Blebbistatin did not affect ATP binding and hydrolysis.
75                                              Blebbistatin did not affect the status of myosin light c
76                               Treatment with blebbistatin did not block CR formation but reduced FRAP
77                                     However, blebbistatin did not improve the order of thick filament
78                In the presence of 100 microM blebbistatin, disordering was at least 10 times slower.
79  actin/myosin machinery with cytochalasin or blebbistatin disrupts polarization of Pk and Stbm, but n
80  in myosin II-null cells, but, unexpectedly, blebbistatin does inhibit macropinocytosis and phagocyto
81                                              Blebbistatin does not compete with nucleotide binding to
82 ic inhibitor of non-muscle myosin II (NMII), blebbistatin, enhances the survival of hPS cells under c
83  inhibition of both isoforms in culture with blebbistatin enriches for long-term hematopoietic multil
84     We find that the SRX is stabilized using blebbistatin even in conditions that normally destabiliz
85                           In the presence of blebbistatin, filament interaction was inhibited.
86                The specific myosin inhibitor blebbistatin fully blocked this transition.
87 ition of strong cross-bridge attachment with blebbistatin had no effect on the length-dependent modul
88 lete inhibition of active force by 25 microM blebbistatin had very little effect on the Ca(2+)-depend
89                         The myosin inhibitor blebbistatin has been shown in structural studies to sta
90                                              Blebbistatin has some photochemical properties that may
91 ts with inhibitors of cytokinesis, including blebbistatin, hesperadin, and nocodazole, and then assay
92 ich requires myosin II, are not inhibited by blebbistatin in myosin II-null cells, but, unexpectedly,
93 primary porcine TM and CB cells treated with blebbistatin in the presence of serum revealed dose (10-
94 inhibited by blebbistatin but also show that blebbistatin-inactivated myosin II inhibits some myosin
95 he ROCK inhibitor Y27632 or myosin inhibitor blebbistatin increased TER in wild-type cells, whereas Z
96  simplest explanation is that the binding of blebbistatin increases the proportion of myosin in the c
97                                 In addition, blebbistatin inhibited the ability of epithelial cells t
98                                         Both blebbistatin-inhibited myosin II and catalytically inact
99                                  Conversely, blebbistatin inhibition of actomyosin contraction result
100                                              Blebbistatin inhibition of cytokinesis indicates the imp
101  The effects of TNF-alpha were attenuated by blebbistatin inhibition of myosin II-mediated cytoskelet
102 nclusion, based on biochemical studies, that blebbistatin inhibits myosin ATPase and actin interactio
103 ome myosin II-independent processes and that blebbistatin inhibits other activities in the absence of
104                                              Blebbistatin inhibits the actin-activated MgATPase activ
105     Based on the above data, we surmise that blebbistatin inhibits the ATPase activity of NMIIB S1 pr
106       Consistent with this use, we find that blebbistatin inhibits three myosin II-dependent processe
107                                              Blebbistatin interferes neither with binding of myosin t
108                                              Blebbistatin is a recently discovered small molecule inh
109                                              Blebbistatin is a small molecule inhibitor discovered in
110                                              Blebbistatin is a small molecule that affects cell blebb
111                                              Blebbistatin is a small-molecule, high-affinity, noncomp
112           Loss (siRNA) or inhibition (25 mum blebbistatin) of NM II attenuates the internalization of
113                    We examined the effect of blebbistatin on the kinetic properties of nonmuscle myos
114  electron microscopy to study the effects of blebbistatin on the organization of the myosin heads on
115 ues were employed to elucidate the effect of blebbistatin on the various steps of the NMIIB S1 cross-
116        Inhibition of myosin II activity with blebbistatin or by using neurons from myosin IIB knockou
117 llogenesis was tested by treating cells with blebbistatin or calyculin A to tonically block or augmen
118 -beta1)) and low pre-stress by treating with blebbistatin or culture on soft gels (0.6 kPa).
119 f nonmuscle myosin II in human NK cells with blebbistatin or ML-9 impaired neither effector-target ce
120 reated with the myosin II-specific inhibitor blebbistatin or myosin II siRNAs exhibited a significant
121 bryos treated with cell movement inhibitors (blebbistatin or RhoK inhibitor), but not cell cycle inhi
122 tor ML-7 or the myosin II-specific inhibitor blebbistatin or selective RNA-mediated repression of myo
123                       Chemical inhibition by blebbistatin or small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated s
124 tion of the excitation-contraction uncoupler blebbistatin or the mechanosensitive channel blocker gad
125           KEY POINTS: Omecamtiv mecarbil and blebbistatin perturb the regulatory state of the thick f
126      Myofilament Ca(2+) desensitization with blebbistatin prevented focal energy deprivation, transve
127              Although a myosin II inhibitor, blebbistatin, prevents actin-myosin contractility, the m
128 ine eyes for 5 hours with 100 and 200 microM blebbistatin produced a significant increase (P < 0.01,
129                     The protective effect of blebbistatin provides what we believe to be the first di
130                     The protective effect of blebbistatin provides what we believe to be the first di
131                                              Blebbistatin reduces contractility by stabilizing the th
132             Myosin II activity inhibition by blebbistatin rescued the ploidy defect of FPD/AML MKs.
133 argin via Ca(2+) reduction or treatment with blebbistatin restored uniform migration and eliminated A
134      Inhibition of contractility with 10 mum blebbistatin resulted in an approximately 3-fold increas
135 he M466I mutation sensitized the protein for blebbistatin, resulting in a half-maximal inhibitory con
136 ion of myosin II activity through the use of blebbistatin results in microtubules that are still dyna
137 blish an important link between switch-2 and blebbistatin sensitivity.
138 l present when active force was blocked with blebbistatin, showing that C1mC2 directly activates the
139                         Furthermore ML-7 and blebbistatin significantly decrease (P < 0.02) C. parvum
140 rization, but not if done in the presence of blebbistatin, suggesting an active role for myosin in co
141 The NM myosin cross-bridge cycling inhibitor blebbistatin suppressed adhesome complex assembly and SM
142 radicals may be produced upon irradiation of blebbistatin that could result in cell damage.
143 a specific inhibitor of nonmuscle myosin II, blebbistatin, that inhibited contraction of the cleavage
144  azidoblebbistatin, which is a derivative of blebbistatin, the most widely used myosin inhibitor.
145                         Acute application of blebbistatin to inactivate MII in circuits strongly inhi
146 retraction process, as treating thrombi with blebbistatin to inhibit myosin IIa-mediated platelet con
147 it actin retrograde flow in the LP/dSMAC and blebbistatin to selectively inhibit actomyosin II arc co
148 nd focal adhesions, because of either adding blebbistatin to the cells or use of soft coverslips, als
149                        Anterior cytoplasm of blebbistatin-treated cells contained disorganized bundle
150 ent followed advancing lamellipodia, whereas blebbistatin-treated cells extended protrusions without
151 s during late cytokinesis, they persisted in blebbistatin-treated cells over an extended period of ti
152 be useful in locally reversing the action of blebbistatin treatment in a cell.
153                                 In addition, blebbistatin treatment often resulted in cardia bifida a
154 ore, suppression of actomyosin tension using blebbistatin triggered a similar vinculin delocalization
155 orff-perfused rabbit hearts immobilized with blebbistatin using either a confocal microscope or an op
156 rapidly inactivates the inhibitory action of blebbistatin using the in vitro motility of myosin as an
157                                         When blebbistatin was added to M.ADP thick filaments, helical
158                               In this study, blebbistatin was used to stabilize the closed conformati
159                                        Using blebbistatin we show that spin-labeled nucleotides bound
160         Furthermore, MLP can be inhibited by blebbistatin, which inactivates myosin II activity and r
161 eduction in cortactin content was blocked by blebbistatin, while basal levels were reduced by nocodaz
162 se effects are likely mediated by binding of blebbistatin within the myosin cleft that progressively

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