コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 had improved, with shrinkage of the enlarged blind spot.
2 o a stimulus presented inside or outside the blind spot.
3 to massive enlargement of the physiological blind spot.
4 degrees to 0.8 degrees from the edge of the blind spot.
5 f primary visual cortex corresponding to the blind spot.
8 We have identified mutations in two genes, blind spot and kohtalo, that encode Drosophila homologue
9 cotoma then elongated toward the physiologic blind spot and spread toward the nasal periphery, sparin
10 ardwired, in which receptive fields span the blind spot and support fine orientation discriminations.
12 l, invariant to shifting and scaling, has no blind spots and has a sample-size-free interpretation.
13 a regular pattern, and the 'filling in' of a blind spot, are dramatic manifestations of the way conte
15 esholds were measured over the physiological blind spot at the optic nerve head and over equally ecce
17 within the blind spot) was used to determine blind spot awareness and filling-in for five subjects.
20 lineage had remained hidden as a taxonomic 'blind spot' because of mismatches in the primers commonl
21 cts located to the front (targets), causing "blind spots." Because the second harmonic is beamed more
22 mary visual cortex (V1) corresponding to the blind spot (BS) in the unpatched eye, and tested whether
23 hat the functional size of the physiological blind spot can be shrunk through training to distinguish
27 s fit plausibly with the general form of the blind spot (edge orientation within 90 degrees of expect
28 es included enlargement and expansion of the blind spot extending into large pericentral or other typ
32 of extremely low diversity, which represent blind spots for studies of natural variation and complex
35 ht a stem cell/cancer link...and a potential blind spot in large-scale cancer genome sequencing proje
36 t white dot syndrome (MEWDS) and an enlarged blind spot in response to 30 degree diameter blue flashe
38 blind spot, however, did not transfer to the blind spot in the untrained eye, ruling out mediation vi
40 leotide and that initiation does not have a "blind spot." In assembled initiation complexes, the cap
41 We study the spatial distribution of natural blind spot location (NBSL) and its impact on perimetry.
42 tually equivalent ones presented outside the blind-spots, looking for a Gabor stimulus without a smal
43 subspecialization have created a conceptual blind spot, namely, the inability to appreciate the endo
44 ed by large scotomata at or connected to the blind spot), ocular findings (paucity of pigmentary chan
55 dicted by interocular rivalry, the monocular blind-spot representation was activated when the ipsilat
58 behaved opposite to optimal, preferring the blind-spot stimulus as the better example of a collinear
59 hresholds were better over the physiological blind spot than over equally eccentric temporal retina (
60 with predominantly arcuate loss and enlarged blind spots that require formal perimetry for detection.
61 artially overlap, or abut, the physiological blind spot, thereby enhancing sensitivity to weak signal
62 of filling-in occurring at the physiological blind-spots to compare partially inferred and veridical
66 ar bar of varying length centered within the blind spot) was used to determine blind spot awareness a
68 d cortical representations of the monocular "blind spot." We also activated area V1 preferentially (r
69 ing endoscopists to view behind folds and in blind spots, which might increase dysplasia detection.
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