


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed actin structures with low mobility (actin blobs).
2 l area (MT) and their relationship to the CO blobs.
3 ompared to the positions of the overlying CO blobs.
4 on of MT-projecting cells with the overlying blobs.
5 elation between the cell distribution and CO blobs.
6  labeled cells that were aligned with the CO blobs.
7  coincided with cytochrome oxidase (CO)-rich blobs.
8  V2 at 4 weeks of age labeled neurons around blobs.
9 ose relation between pinwheel centers and CO blobs.
10 ation pinwheels, and cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs.
11  approximately twice as many pinwheels as CO blobs.
12  labeled cells partially overlapped with the blobs.
13 fically, our results show that within the CO blobs: 1) all K cell axons contain glutamate, and the va
14 ors in equal proportions, as were the random blobs; (4) 'anti-symmetric' - symmetric blobs were of op
15 l precursors (gem, zic2) requires the Acidic blob (AB) region in the N-terminal portion of the protei
16  data as pictures and clusters the pixels as blobs according to the brightness of each pixel to gener
17 lob/peak detection, baseline correction, and blob alignment.
18 cts content complexity to simple moving grey blobs, allowing objective mechanistic investigation.
19 erblobs are "X-like" linear systems, whereas blobs also receive nonlinear "Y-like" M input.
20 : First, the guest molecules concentrate in "blobs", amorphous clusters involving multiple guest mole
21 inance and local-contrast "gain control", a "blob analysis" step to differentiate between cells, vess
22                    In squirrel monkeys, both blob and interblob regions of V1 contributed equally to
23 a heterogeneous pattern of terminations from blob and interblob regions within DM.
24  color-activated regions (cytochrome oxidase blobs and bridges) of primary visual cortex (V1), wherea
25 eta neurons have dense axonal arbors in both blobs and interblobs but not layer 4B.
26 ionship to the pattern of cytochrome oxidase blobs and interblobs in a manner suggesting a heterogene
27                  The cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs and interblobs in layer 3B of primate visual corte
28            Our results suggest that both the blobs and interblobs project to the thin stripes and cal
29                           In layer 2/3, both blobs and interblobs receive M and P input, but the P in
30 lower 4Calpha and 4Cbeta and axons targeting blobs and interblobs.
31 l amounts of labeled cells were found in the blobs and interblobs.
32               The earlier hypothesis that CO blobs and pinwheel centers are coterminous remains the o
33 o account for the claimed misalignment of CO blobs and pinwheel centers.
34  the first and second retention times of two blobs and the Pearson's correlation coefficient of the t
35 vious report of specific connections between blobs and thin stripes, which is parallel to the connect
36 rgence of blob/interblob information in L2/3 blobs and, possibly, some V2 stripes.
37 the STM tip) the images changed to pairs of "blobs," apparently reflecting the attachment points of t
38 45, the same age at which cytochrome oxidase blobs appear, presumably signaling the differentiation o
39 ng; however, no CO+ or PV+ or CB+ patches or blobs are found in V1.
40                                        These blobs are in dynamic equilibrium with the dilute solutio
41            In the low temperature states the blobs are interpermeable, the polymer does not conform t
42                    Individual neurons in the blobs are not tuned to orientation, and populations of n
43                                          The blobs are placed at a distance xi0 between their centers
44        Stimuli consisted of colored Gaussian-blobs arranged either mirror-symmetrically or quasi-rand
45 ated with oil or via direct contact with oil blobs as depicted in the figure.
46 led cells was more than twice as high in the blobs as that in the interblobs, and most of the cluster
47 iguously by the presence of a tall spherical blob at the DNA intersections.
48                     At high temperatures the blobs become spatially separated leading to a fractal cr
49 by layers IIIa/b and Cytochrome Oxidase (CO)-blobs boundaries in the human primary visual cortex.
50 hibit different synaptic relationships to CO blob cells.
51          At any time t, several VF frequency blobs coexisted in the field of view, and the number of
52 Measurements showed that the location of the blobs coincided with the positions of the inserts.
53 hese cells consistently projected outside CO blob columns in all layers.
54 roject to thin stripes while neurons outside blob columns project to thick and pale stripes, suggesti
55 idase (CO) stripes in area V2: neurons in CO blob columns project to thin stripes while neurons outsi
56 blob, and blob/interblob borders showed that blob columns tended to have about 1.5 times more MT-proj
57 in which thin stripes receive V1 inputs from blob columns, and thick and pale stripes receive common
58 tem by demonstrating four V1-to-V2 pathways: blob columns-to-thin stripes, blob/interblob border colu
59 ubpopulation to reside predominantly outside blob columns; however, unlike previous descriptions of l
60 n both normal and strabismic monkeys: (1) CO-blob compartment neurons showed a more pronounced bias f
61   We outline the important properties of the blob complex and sketch the proof of a generalization of
62 e "blob complex." Fixing an n-category , the blob complex associates a chain complex B(*)(W;C) to any
63                                          The blob complex has a very natural definition in terms of h
64 oms for higher categories, and describe the "blob complex." Fixing an n-category , the blob complex a
65 l-length PC1 appeared as two unequally sized blobs connected by a 35 nm string.
66 ese animals, ocular dominance stripes and CO blobs corresponding to the nasal retina stained more int
67 E tiling arrays in the presence of simulated blobs covering between 1 and 9% of the array area.
68 ualization, detection and removal of various blob defects from the .CEL files of different types of A
69 rrays, MAT), we found that even the smallest blob defects significantly decreased the sensitivity and
70                           The location of CO blobs did not relate in a systematic way to maps of orie
71                                          The blob distance and similarity are the Euclidean distance
72 sumably signaling the differentiation of the blob-dominated and interblob-dominated streams in the pr
73  was characterized by the formation of small blobs for the short insert (60 bp) and clear loops and o
74                   The life span of frequency blobs from birth to either annihilation or breakup to an
75                          K LGN layers and CO blobs, however, are also well developed in nocturnal pri
76 hed as an assembly of densely packed fractal blobs, i.e., regions of size xi, where the fiber concent
77 V1, such as the cytochrome oxidase (CO) rich blobs in cortical layer III, synthesize new output pathw
78 romatic processing given reports that the CO blobs in diurnal primates contain cells selective for co
79 lob columns, as projecting selectively to CO blobs in L2/3, suggesting convergence of blob/interblob
80 yer 4Calpha project axons to layer 4B and CO blobs in layer 2/3, thus relaying M input to these regio
81  in layer 4C and the cytochrome oxidase-rich blobs in layer 2/3.
82             The average size of glaucomatous blobs in layers 2 and 3 of V1 cortex was reduced by half
83  reduction in the size of cytochrome oxidase blobs in layers 2 and 3 of V1 cortex.
84 al whether the cytochrome oxidase (CO)-dense blobs in primate primary visual cortex (V1) and CO-dense
85  tightly colocalized with cytochrome oxidase blobs in V1 and with thin stripes in V2.
86 ionship between each labeled cell and the CO blobs in V1 were analyzed quantitatively.
87 diabetes, 51% (31) observed dark "spots" or "blobs" in the entoptic field corresponding to retinal de
88 preferentially underneath cytochrome oxidase blobs, indicating that MT-projecting neurons of both typ
89                 The polymers are composed of blobs, inside which the radius of gyration of a polymer
90 surface equally divided into compartments of blob, interblob, and blob/interblob borders showed that
91 ions from the deeper layers to the overlying blob/interblob architecture is less clear.
92 o-V2 pathways: blob columns-to-thin stripes, blob/interblob border columns-to-thick stripes, interblo
93 interblob projecting to pale stripes and the blob/interblob border region projecting to thick stripes
94 ed into compartments of blob, interblob, and blob/interblob borders showed that blob columns tended t
95  CO blobs in L2/3, suggesting convergence of blob/interblob information in L2/3 blobs and, possibly,
96 ondenses during the late S phases to produce blob-like chromosomes.
97 etrix oligonucleotide microarrays often have blob-like image defects that will require investigators
98                                         The "blob mechanism" unveiled in this work synthesizes elemen
99                      Brochard and de Gennes' blob model for tube geometry fits the data, with a simpl
100 d by Cu(2+) and Ni(2+) with the fluorescence blob model showed that d(blob) was equal to the Debye le
101                             The "nodes-links-blobs" model predicts a power-law approach to the percol
102 eads to a morphological instability, causing blobs of iron-rich liquid to penetrate the oxide.
103  and the K pathway in the cytochrome oxidase blobs of layer 2/3.
104 ls send axons to the cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs of layer III and to layer I of primary visual cort
105 referentially distributed within the CO-rich blobs of layers V-VI.
106 ntration of cytochrome oxidase in patches or blobs of primate striate cortex has never been explained
107 t-wavelength cones to the cytochrome-oxidase blobs of primay visual cortex (V1), the dorsal-most pair
108  - symmetric blobs were of one color, random blobs of the other color(s); (2) 'random-segregated' - a
109 ities between K axon circuitry within the CO blobs of the three primate species examined also could i
110 uitry related to the K pathway within the CO blobs of two diurnal primates (macaque monkeys and squir
111                      GC(2)MS then aligns the blobs of two GCxGC/TOF-MS data sets according to their d
112 y projections to the cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs of V1 suggest involvement in chromatic processing
113 f labeled neurons were in cytochrome oxidase blobs of V1, many labeled neurons were located in interb
114  regime characteristic of a chain of swollen blobs on long length scales and a high-force, salt-valen
115 s had an asymmetric loop, a large asymmetric blob or a spur-like projection at the appropriate positi
116 eurons, regardless of their soma location in blob or interblob columns, as projecting selectively to
117 entation domains and cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs or interblobs, CO blobs tended to prefer lower SFs
118  mature pattern of CO patches (also known as blobs or puffs) was visible, aligned with the ocular dom
119 the percentage of plasmids containing loops, blobs or spurs, consistent with the known effects of mon
120 ack any obvious modular arrangement, such as blobs or stripes, which are found in some primates and c
121 O-compartment as the injection site (blob-to-blob, or interblob-to-interblob) was moderately strong (
122                 Within V1 no PV+ patches, CO blobs, or patchy distribution of CB+ neuropil that might
123 on resulted in large, irregularly shaped oil blobs over time, the deformation of which without fragme
124 lar ruler to measure the average distance (d(blob)) over which electron transfer takes place between
125  4C beta and were coarser than the overlying blob pattern in the same animal.
126 e processing workflow of GC(2)MS consists of blob/peak detection, baseline correction, and blob align
127 quencies and reduced the number of frequency blobs progressing to a single frequency.
128  other V2 thin stripes and neurons in the CO blob regions of V1.
129 of V1 contributed equally to DM, whereas the blob regions provided most of the projections to V1 in o
130 troduced a new software tool, the microarray blob remover (MBR), which allows rapid visualization, de
131 , and PLA blocks are correlated with the PEG blob size.
132 d to partially molten asthenosphere, fertile blobs, small-scale convection and upwellings driven by c
133 k nurse cell nuclear transitions at the five-blob stage and activate checkpoint controls in the oocyt
134 e cell chromosome reorganization at the five-blob stage and delay production or processing of Grk pro
135 somes, a mitotic-like state called the "five-blob" stage.
136                                           CO blobs straddled ODC borders in the central visual field,
137 e optical imaging of orientation domains and blob structures, approximately 100-200 micrometer in siz
138                The relative sizes of the two blobs suggested that the smaller one represents the N-te
139 o the brightness of each pixel to generate a blob table.
140 hey have a greater impact on postsynaptic CO blob targets than signals arriving via layer IV from the
141 ochrome oxidase (CO) blobs or interblobs, CO blobs tended to prefer lower SFs than interblobs.
142 ynapse closer to the cell body within the CO blobs than do layer IV axons.
143 e same CO-compartment as the injection site (blob-to-blob, or interblob-to-interblob) was moderately
144 ts suggest that each input pathway to the CO blobs uses a different strategy to contribute to the pro
145 d contributions from cytochrome-oxidase (CO) blob versus interblob neurons.
146         Ocular dominance columns (ODCs), and blob vs. interblob compartments, were revealed by using
147 attern of cytochrome oxidase loss within the blob was uniform, suggesting that all sources of afferen
148  field of view, and the number of coexisting blobs was on average 5.9+/-2.1 (n=8 hearts) as they appe
149 th the fluorescence blob model showed that d(blob) was equal to the Debye length (kappa(-1)).
150 ng that all sources of afferent input to the blobs were affected by experimental glaucoma.
151  presynaptic and postsynaptic profiles in CO blobs were identified with post-embedding immunocytochem
152 each trial; (3) 'non-segregated' - symmetric blobs were of all colors in equal proportions, as were t
153 r arrangements: (1) 'segregated' - symmetric blobs were of one color, random blobs of the other color
154 ndom blobs; (4) 'anti-symmetric' - symmetric blobs were of opposite-color across the symmetry axis.
155 V axons (indirect P and M pathways to the CO-blobs) were labeled by iontophoretic injections of Phase
156                              VF consisted of blobs, which are groups of contiguous pixels with a comm
157 F consists of dynamically changing frequency blobs, which have a short life span and can be modified
158  oxidase reactivity was uniformly reduced in blobs with input from the glaucomatous eye in a manner c
159 s strong Lyman alpha emission from extended 'blobs' with little or no associated apparent ionizing co

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