


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or, which also serves to form dimers of this blood coagulation factor.
2 inone to sustain gamma-carboxylation of many blood coagulation factors.
3 nvolves virus binding to vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation factors.
4 prothrombin activator, trypsin-like enzymes, blood coagulation factors and prophenoloxidase cascade a
5 ammalian milk fat globule membrane proteins, blood coagulation factors, and receptor tyrosine kinases
6          Elevated circulatory levels of many blood coagulation factors are known to be a risk factor
7          The major role of peptide hormones, blood coagulation factors, carcinogenesis agents, and ot
8 ct of antibodies and mitigate the binding of blood coagulation factor (Factor X) in vitro.
9         Some recombinant vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation factors (factors VII, IX, and protein
10 eno-associated viral (AAV) vector expressing blood coagulation factor IX (F.IX) can result in long-te
11 leeding disorder hemophilia B [deficiency in blood coagulation factor IX (F.IX)] by gene replacement
12 adeno-associated viral (AAV) vector encoding blood coagulation factor IX (FIX) into skeletal muscle r
13 , we carried out a systematic study on human blood coagulation factor IX (hFIX) and anti-coagulant pr
14 s for the liver-specific expression of human blood coagulation factor IX (hFIX).
15 in long-term expression (>5 months) of human blood coagulation factor IX at levels that were therapeu
16 l carboxylase, it is not stimulated by human blood coagulation factor IX propeptides.
17 iathesis caused by the absence of functional blood coagulation factor IX, and is an excellent candida
18  F9, a gene on the X chromosome that encodes blood coagulation factor IX, and is predicted to alter R
19 y with an adenoviral vector expressing human blood coagulation factor IX.
20                                              Blood coagulation factor IXa (fIXa) is a trypsin-like se
21                                              Blood coagulation factor IXa gains proteolytic efficienc
22                                              Blood coagulation factor IXa has been presumed to be reg
23                                       During blood coagulation, factor IXa (FIXa) activates factor X
24                      Spatial distribution of blood coagulation factors on the surface of procoagulant
25                                Activation of blood coagulation factor V (FV) is a key reaction of hem
26                                              Blood coagulation factor V circulates as a procofactor w
27                                Deficiency of blood coagulation factor V or tissue factor causes the d
28 r which tracks with reduced plasma levels of blood coagulation factors V, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XII.
29                      In an essential step of blood coagulation, factor V is proteolytically processed
30 ease, activated protein C (APC), inactivates blood coagulation factors Va (FVa) and VIIIa.
31 ermal growth factor-like domain (EGF-1) from blood coagulation factor VII (FVII) contains two unusual
32 ave studied a family with homozygous lethal, blood coagulation factor VII (FVII) deficiency.
33             The topography of membrane-bound blood coagulation factor VIIa (fVIIa) was examined by po
34  catalytic activity of a complex composed of blood coagulation factor VIIa and tissue factor (fVIIa/T
35    Hemophilia A is caused by a deficiency of blood coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) and has been widel
36                 The uptake and processing of blood coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) by antigen-present
37 tor (LDLR) was shown to mediate clearance of blood coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) from the circulati
38                                              Blood coagulation factor VIII (fVIII) is activated by th
39           Development of neutralizing Abs to blood coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) provides a major c
40 which shares homology with the C2 domains of blood coagulation factor VIII and factor V.
41                                    The human blood coagulation factor VIII C2 domain (Ser2173-Tyr2332
42                                              Blood coagulation factor VIII has a domain structure des
43  a genetic disease caused by a deficiency of blood coagulation factor VIII or IX.
44 ng disorder that is due to the deficiency of blood coagulation factor VIII or IX.
45 and expression of a gene encoding functional blood coagulation factor VIII or IX.
46 , and 23/26del) which cannot bind platelets, blood coagulation factor VIII, or collagen, causing VWD
47                                Deficiency of blood coagulation Factors VIII, IX, or XI is associated
48 vectors can bind several vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation factors, which contributes to virus se
49 raction between the capsid hexon protein and blood coagulation factor X (FX), whilst penton-alpha(v)i
50                    Ad5 transduction requires blood coagulation factor X (FX); FX binds to the Ad5 cap
51                                              Blood coagulation Factor X and its activated form Factor
52 sAd24 virions formed unstable complexes with blood coagulation factor X and, because of that, transdu
53                                              Blood coagulation factor X plays a pivotal role in the c
54 ay inhibitor (TFPI) is a potent inhibitor of blood coagulation factor Xa (fXa) and factor VIIa.
55 directly inhibited the catalytic activity of blood coagulation factor Xa (fXa), while a third form (A
56 f a series of novel nonpeptide inhibitors of blood coagulation Factor Xa is described.
57  protein Z (PZ), to regulate the function of blood coagulation factor Xa on membrane surfaces.
58 was measured in terms of its inactivation of blood coagulation factor Xa.
59 nctions as a cofactor-dependent regulator of blood coagulation factors Xa (FXa) and XIa.
60 nctions as a cofactor-dependent regulator of blood coagulation factors Xa and XIa.
61                  In the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation factor XIa (FXIa) activates factor IX
62 N) superfamily, is a potent inhibitor of the blood coagulation Factor XIa (FXIa).
63 ent, reversible and competitive inhibitor of blood coagulation factor XIa (FXIa).
64  to transamidation by both TG2 and activated blood coagulation factor XIII (FXIIIa).
65  protease thrombin proteolytically activates blood coagulation factor XIII by cleavage at residue Arg
66  activity, oligomerization, and stability of blood coagulation factor XIII.
67                                              Blood coagulation factor XIIIa is a calcium-dependent en

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