


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 to be significantly impaired in the diseased blood vessel.
2 e perivascular compartment of adipose tissue blood vessels.
3 kt signaling for the patency of regenerating blood vessels.
4 a deposition and clearance in both brain and blood vessels.
5 thod with the capability to precisely target blood vessels.
6 ss the endothelial cell monolayer that lines blood vessels.
7 lization in the skin, eyes, and the arterial blood vessels.
8 lets to the subendothelial matrix of injured blood vessels.
9  of the retina, and condition of the retinal blood vessels.
10 1 is selectively upregulated in regenerating blood vessels.
11 rt a DT wall organization resembling that of blood vessels.
12 onnection between conjunctival lymphatic and blood vessels.
13  SA nodes, cardiac fibroblasts, and coronary blood vessels.
14 ndovascular stent-based anastomosis of those blood vessels.
15 otor function and proportional remodeling of blood vessels.
16 en seen in straight or unbranched regions of blood vessels.
17  comparable to the diameters of the smallest blood vessels.
18 ications of microbubbles are confined to the blood vessels.
19 ular remodeling and maturation of functional blood vessels.
20 4 expression in RCC and colorectal carcinoma blood vessels.
21 helial cells (ECs) are in close contact with blood vessels.
22 tional forces (shear stress) on the walls of blood vessels.
23 uration, and the highest density of perfused blood vessels.
24 gnals control the branching and expansion of blood vessels.
25 rowth often exceeds the growth of functional blood vessels.
26 tic clots that prevent hemorrhage in damaged blood vessels.
27 e fibres, and occlusion of larger perimysial blood vessels.
28 g the mechanical safety in irregular, curved blood vessels.
29 es by passing through abnormally leaky tumor blood vessels.
30 sis to distant sites, tumor cells migrate to blood vessels.
31 he walls of the lateral ventricles and along blood vessels.
32 central arteries (CtAs), but not other brain blood vessels.
33 ory reaction, fibrosis, and formation of new blood vessels.
34 inflammatory, and antiatherogenic actions in blood vessels.
35 l (VE)-cadherin at the cell surface in these blood vessels.
36 ure, to predict the mechanical properties of blood vessels.
37 hat depends on distance from oxygen-carrying blood vessels.
38 flex activity, to produce relaxation of some blood vessels.
39 ng angiogenesis and lineage specification of blood vessels.
40 at drives angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels.
41 zed by deregulated angiogenesis and unstable blood vessels.
42  vasculature and its contrast against normal blood vessels.
43  with the level of NRP-1 expression on tumor blood vessels.
44 transport in perivascular spaces of cerebral blood vessels.
45 inhibits melanoma cancer cell binding to the blood vessels, a critical step in cancer cell transit th
46 ing endothelial cell repopulation of stented blood vessels after angioplasty.
47 ces that generate cardiac endothelium in new blood vessels after injury.
48 the alteration of oxygen permeabilization in blood vessels against repeated doses, and introducing mi
49 sinusoidal endothelial cells and induce host blood vessel and hematopoietic regeneration after BM tra
50 blems: in vivo thrombus growth in an injured blood vessel and in vitro thrombus deposition in micro-c
51  Lower concentrations were detected from the blood vessels and around the portal tracts.
52 large-animal model while selectively sparing blood vessels and collagen.
53  skull and spinal canal, sprouting along the blood vessels and cranial and spinal nerves to various p
54 avasation of sub-nanometre AuNCs from normal blood vessels and enhances their passive targeting to ca
55 n the brain, including neurons, glial cells, blood vessels and extracellular matrix.
56                Nerves closely associate with blood vessels and help to pattern the vasculature during
57 , treatment with tPA led to decompression of blood vessels and improved tumor perfusion.
58 ves as a protective semipermeable barrier in blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.
59 ar imaging, providing visualization of major blood vessels and microvasculature and providing images
60  CAR homing peptide that recognizes inflamed blood vessels and penetrates deep into the vessel wall.
61 vascular cells entering lesions on ingrowing blood vessels and reactive astrocytes, respectively.
62 hetic and parasympathetic fibers innervating blood vessels and salivary glands contained tdTomato lab
63  mice had increased numbers of nonfunctional blood vessels and severe hemorrhaging.
64 cesses are in tight contact with neurons and blood vessels and shape excitatory synaptic transmission
65 ent resulted in an increase in the number of blood vessels and sub-epithelial connective tissue matri
66 lization, highlighting intertwined roles for blood vessels and T cells in cancer.
67 part, by both the formation of new, immature blood vessels and the formation of lymphatic capillaries
68 ccumulation of infected erythrocytes (IE) to blood vessels and tissues.
69  with significant specificity for angiogenic blood vessels and tumor cells.
70 C2 in cancer, their role in tumor-associated blood vessels and tumor immunity, and provide an update
71 Symptoms of DENV infection involve damage to blood vessels and, in rare cases, hemorrhage and shock.
72 cells, 4) alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive blood vessels, and 5) of key extracellular matrix remode
73 teristics of bone, fibroproliferative cells, blood vessels, and adipose tissue.
74 the structure of tissues, including muscles, blood vessels, and connective tissues, adapts to mechani
75 y cells out of circulation, through modified blood vessels, and into affected tissues.
76 ls associated with zebrafish pharyngeal arch blood vessels, and propose a new model for amniote hypox
77 -GFP were less abundant, concentrated around blood vessels, and round in shape.
78 ooth muscle, adipose tissue and thick-walled blood vessels, and usually named PEComas (perivascular e
79 rogeneity at the microscopic scale in tumour blood vessel architecture has been described, and is one
80                         These tumor-specific blood vessels are characterized by a developmental switc
81 oft tissues, e.g., cartilage, ligaments, and blood vessels, are made predominantly from water (65-90%
82  brain parenchyma as plaques and in cerebral blood vessels as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA).
83        Results Optoacoustic imaging resolved blood vessels as small as 100 microm in diameter and wit
84             In the peripheral ablation zone, blood vessels at least 40 mum in diameter were selective
85 r 2(-) macrophages are recruited to coronary blood vessels at the onset of coronary perfusion where t
86 vides histology-like imaging of cell nuclei, blood vessels, axons, and other anatomical structures, e
87 dical applications: (a) molecular imaging of blood vessels, (b) tracking of nanodrug carriers in tumo
88 rated toward lymphatic vessels compared with blood vessels, both in vivo and in 3D cultures.
89 ent blood flow to tissues relies on arterial blood vessels, but the mechanisms regulating their devel
90  ages, associated with stromal cells or near blood vessels, but was absent in the amnion.
91 ortuous blood vessel formation and non-leaky blood vessels by 10 days post-stroke.
92 nocytes, known as Ly6C(lo) monocytes, patrol blood vessels by crawling along the vascular endothelium
93 s reflecting hemoglobin oxygen saturation in blood vessels, clearly identifying arteries and veins, a
94        Pathological proliferation of retinal blood vessels commonly causes vision impairment in proli
95  a surface layer lining the luminal walls of blood vessels composed of proteoglycans and glycoprotein
96                                              Blood vessels connect multiple systems throughout the en
97 ere we report that the luminal side of liver blood vessels contains fibronectin deposits that are enr
98 rogenitor cells (EPCs) into newly developing blood vessels contributes to the vascularization of endo
99 r whether the parasympathetic innervation of blood vessels could be used as a means to increase cereb
100  the ovarian nerve, which innervates uterine blood vessels, counteracted the NAI-induced reduction in
101 f cell proliferation (60%), and reduction in blood vessel density (56%).
102 eated groups showed significant increases in blood vessel density evident by CD31 staining as well as
103 ession of phospho-c-Met and HO-1 and reduced blood vessel density in tumor tissues.
104      There were no observable differences in blood vessel density or size within the wound; however,
105 ession also contributed to decreased growth, blood vessel density, and VEGF and hypoxia-inducible fac
106  and control orbital fat, there is increased blood vessel density, suggesting neovascularization and
107 EGF-A to Nrp1 is known to disrupt post-natal blood vessel development and growth.
108 , potentially impacting tumor heterogeneity, blood vessel development, extracellular matrix organizat
109 d flow on the vascular endothelium regulates blood vessel development, remodeling, physiology, and pa
110         Mutant tissues show no difference in blood vessel diameter, density/growth, and branching fro
111 e process whereby neuronal activity controls blood vessel diameter.
112  of protein kinase G-dependent signaling and blood vessel dilation.
113 cular abnormalities associated with impaired blood vessel dilation.
114  HGF/C-Met as a central organizing signal in blood vessel-directed tumor cell migration in vivo and h
115  our understanding of the pathophysiology of blood vessel disease in diabetes is limited.
116   Increased Wnt/beta-catenin activity in CNS blood vessels during EAE progression correlates with up-
117  an endogenous and constitutive repressor of blood vessel endothelial cell activation in normal and i
118 ction of IL-6 trans-signaling is to activate blood vessel endothelial cells.
119 mulation promotes strong activation of brain blood vessel endothelial cells.
120                       Normalization of tumor blood vessels enhances the infiltration and functions of
121                                              Blood vessel expansion is driven by sprouting angiogenes
122 ts to cell sorting technology and artificial blood vessel fabrication.
123 cles and other stiff objects injected into a blood vessel filled with red blood cells are known to ma
124 ial growth factor a (Vegfa) is essential for blood vessel formation and can induce activation of nume
125 his end, identifying the genes essential for blood vessel formation and elucidating their function ar
126 l growth factor (VEGF) promoted non-tortuous blood vessel formation and non-leaky blood vessels by 10
127 nse to periodontal disease pathogens, as new blood vessel formation contributes to wound healing and
128  addition, the NPs inhibit VEGF-mediated new blood vessel formation in Matrigel plugs in vivo.
129           As expected, dexamethasone reduced blood vessel formation in the CAM.
130 helial and mesenchymal neoplasm and analyzed blood vessel formation in three different animal models
131  mammalian cloche orthologue can also rescue blood vessel formation in zebrafish cloche mutants, indi
132                                              Blood vessel formation is essential for vertebrate devel
133                           During adult life, blood vessel formation is thought to occur via angiogeni
134 s modeled using the CAM assay and changes in blood vessel formation were recorded with both manual an
135 tion of l-DOPA, on the other hand, increased blood vessel formation when dexamethasone and l-DOPA wer
136  leading to collagen fibril re-organization, blood vessel formation, and scaffold integration with th
137                                       During blood vessel formation, newly generated endothelial cell
138 al growth factor (VEGF) is a major driver of blood vessel formation.
139 argo composition to fine-tune the process of blood vessel formation.
140 M, FB and EC markers, with rudimentary CD31+ blood vessel formation.
141 thelial FABP4 knockdown on tumour growth and blood vessel formation.
142 and recovered to normal levels at the end of blood vessel formation.
143 VEGFR3 and VEGFR2 are required for embryonic blood vessel formation.
144 sement membrane, which normally isolates the blood vessel from its surroundings.
145            Angiogenesis is the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing microvessels.
146 ighly regulated process for formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones.
147 s exploit angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vasculature, in order to
148 irculating blood and tissue is important for blood vessel function and, ultimately, for organ homeost
149 he subpial glial plate, penetrating cortical blood vessels, grey-white matter junctions, and structur
150 ession levels of Vegfa and Vegfb coordinates blood vessel growth and FA uptake with mitochondrial FA
151 a to endothelial cells, granulocytes promote blood vessel growth and hematopoietic regeneration.
152                                       Excess blood vessel growth contributes to the pathology of meta
153                                   Functional blood vessel growth depends on generation of distinct bu
154 outing angiogenesis is a key process driving blood vessel growth in ischemic tissues and an important
155 w the tissue response to dampen and to allow blood vessel growth into the device.
156 gested that the photoreceptor c-Fos controls blood vessel growth into the normally avascular photorec
157                                      Whereas blood vessel growth is essential to sustain organ health
158 r exact role in the regulation of angiogenic blood vessel growth remain elusive.
159                        In the periphery, new blood vessel growth requires proliferating NG2(+) pericy
160 R3 also regulates sprouting angiogenesis and blood vessel growth, but to what extent VEGFR3 signaling
161 e Rho/ROCK pathway, contributes to increased blood vessel growth.
162 contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-B does not regulate blood vessel growth.
163         While neutrophil trafficking through blood vessels has been extensively studied, the molecula
164                                              Blood vessels have a unified mission to circulate blood
165                               Although tumor blood vessels have been a major therapeutic target for c
166                            Robust collateral blood vessels have been associated with better neurologi
167 ary to heat-sink effects and damage to major blood vessels; however, needle tract seeding is observed
168 ulation of mVEGFR1 stability and turnover in blood vessels impacts angiogenesis.
169 of stroke that results from the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, leading to a mass of blood wi
170 explaining the increased permeability of CNS blood vessels in ALCAM KO animals.
171 c (chromaffin) cells already associated with blood vessels in anamniote pharyngeal arches.
172                                           As blood vessels in bone are deeply encased in the calcifie
173 els with an increase in the density of small blood vessels in cervical sections of HD cases.
174 hile retaining in-situ flow signal from real blood vessels in deeper layers.
175 ll layer and by the aberrant nature of tumor blood vessels in general.
176  tomography system, we can resolve in 3D the blood vessels in human skin for all plexus non-invasivel
177 cytes, myofibroblasts, and the adventitia of blood vessels in lung tissue.
178 ll as systemic thrombophilia involving large blood vessels in multiple organs, including liver, lung,
179 permeability was twofold greater in inflamed blood vessels in Nrp2-deficient mice compared to those i
180                                              Blood vessels in the central nervous system (CNS) are co
181 ns, a transient configuration in the forming blood vessels in the controls.
182 gammadelta T cells promoted the formation of blood vessels in the dermis underlying the HPV-induced l
183 ped esophagitis and had increased numbers of blood vessels in the esophageal stroma, compared with co
184 plasma membrane of cultured cells and intact blood vessels in the inner retina.
185 induced memory T cells are restricted to the blood vessels in the lung, unable to populate either the
186  show stomata on leptomeningeal coverings of blood vessels in the subarachnoid space as potential acc
187  CSF-facing leptomeningeal cells ensheathing blood vessels in the subarachnoid space may provide uniq
188  tumor-associated fibroblasts, collagen, and blood vessels in the tumor.
189                             Formation of new blood vessels in tumors, a process termed tumor angiogen
190 GSK101 increased the permeability of retinal blood vessels in wild type but not in TRPV4 knockout mic
191 tion was seen predominantly in CD31-positive blood vessels, in LYVE-1-positive lymphatic structures,
192 copy we show that the permeability of tumour blood vessels includes a dynamic phenomenon characterize
193 ary, a therapy dedicated to destroying tumor blood vessels induced the development of lymphatic vesse
194 ed with poor prognosis and increased risk of blood vessel infiltration.
195  A (NCA ) that can specifically induce tumor blood vessel inflammation generation and an execution bi
196 tissue act on endothelial cells to stimulate blood vessel ingression, vessel patterning, and acquisit
197 s to the transplanted cells but also hinders blood vessel ingrowth.
198                 Endothelial cells respond to blood vessel injury by the acute release of the procoagu
199 in photoreceptors in a model of pathological blood vessels invading photoreceptors: the very low-dens
200                   Amylin deposition in brain blood vessels is associated with vessel wall disruption
201 nctional consequence of high permeability of blood vessels is that exposure to blood plasma increases
202  virulence proteases often circulate in host blood vessels leading to life-threatening diseases.
203 vascular FIX is clearly observed surrounding blood vessels, localized to the same region as collagen
204  between the constriction or dilation of the blood vessel lumen and the closure of the PVS suggests t
205                 VE-cadherin is essential for blood vessel lumen formation; thus, Wnt7b may regulate l
206 that carried Au-labeled silicacomes from the blood vessel lumen to a perinuclear site within cancer c
207                      Less permeable arterial blood vessels maintain haematopoietic stem cells in a lo
208  on both cancer cells and tumor-infiltrating blood vessels, making it a potentially ideal dual-compar
209 ) is agonistic for Tie2, plays a key role in blood vessel maturation and stability and has been shown
210 o isradipine than Cav1.2 LTCCs in resistance blood vessels (mediating dose-limiting vasodilating effe
211 identify 243 loci that implicate pathways in blood vessel morphogenesis as well as lipid metabolism,
212 indings identify a regulatory axis affecting blood vessel morphogenesis that highlights exquisite pos
213 sic decoy receptor that negatively modulates blood vessel morphogenesis.
214 ction protein claudin-5 (Cldn5) and abnormal blood vessel morphology in nucleus accumbens (NAc) of st
215 perivascular niche, which exhibited abnormal blood vessel networks and advanced neuronal differentiat
216 es the coordinated invasion and expansion of blood vessel networks directed by tissue-resident cells
217 s) mapping of lymphatic networks, along with blood vessel networks, over 8 mm x 8 mm of human skin an
218 (SCD) is a hematological disorder leading to blood vessel occlusion accompanied by painful episodes a
219              Perivascular transport involved blood vessels of all caliber and putative smooth muscle
220                                    The brain blood vessels of patients with type 2 diabetes and demen
221 l of genes consistently upregulated by tumor blood vessels, of which melanoma cell adhesion molecule
222 of tumor cells migrate directionally towards blood vessels on fibronectin-collagen I-containing extra
223 cein angiography, the reflectance pattern of blood vessels on structural OCT might also provide retin
224 sistent with thermal injury were observed in blood vessels or collagen.
225 l lipid droplets were visualized adjacent to blood vessels or deeper in the brain cortical and striat
226 t, which can be tuned to generate functional blood vessels or erythrocytes and salvage ischemic tissu
227                 Abnormal growth of choroidal blood vessels, or choroidal neovascularization (CNV), is
228  expression (P = .03) and percentage area of blood vessels (P = .03) significantly decreased after an
229 for promoting clot stability and maintaining blood vessel patency.
230 timulation of cones in the shadow of retinal blood vessels (penumbral cones).
231 ular density and facilitated the recovery of blood vessel perfusion function in a murine hindlimb isc
232                          In treated animals, blood vessel perfusion was improved and vascular leakage
233 ge and are arranged anatomically adjacent to blood vessels, pericytes and nerves, suggesting an astro
234              KEY POINTS: The fat surrounding blood vessels (perivascular adipose tissue or PVAT) rele
235 but to what extent VEGFR3 signaling controls blood vessel permeability remains unknown.
236 d increased ktrans , attributed to increased blood vessel permeability.
237 rupts blood-brain barrier and enhances brain blood vessel permeability.
238 erentiation and migration, while stimulating blood vessel proliferation.
239                              Disrupted tumor blood vessels promote exhaustion of non-malignant stem a
240 fficient thrombus dissolution and subsequent blood vessel recanalization.
241 ead to new therapeutic approaches to improve blood vessel regeneration and increase survival and hema
242 uced tumour ischaemia resemble non-apoptotic blood vessel regression during development, wound healin
243 further in WT embryos, suggesting that niche blood vessels regulate NSC differentiation at least in p
244              Angiopoietin-2 (ANG2) regulates blood vessel remodeling in many pathological conditions
245 s important for flow-dependent vasodilation, blood vessel remodeling, and atherosclerosis.
246 ote regional vasoconstriction and subsequent blood vessel remodeling.
247 otein tyrosine phosphatase known to regulate blood vessel remodelling and angiogenesis.
248 scle turnover has important implications for blood vessel repair and for the development of cardiovas
249 nal adaptations of the capillaries and small blood vessels responsible for delivering oxygen to the a
250 py induces functional normalization of tumor blood vessels, resulting in improved tumor perfusion.
251 zebrafish displayed that fluorescent-labeled blood vessels showed enhanced intratumoral branching in
252                      Smaller IUGR normalized blood vessel sizes were observed in the femoral and exte
253 trasound, we determined regional blood flow, blood vessel sizes, and distensibility in IUGR baboons (
254 r results showed that mpJX-594 targets tumor blood vessels, spreads secondarily to tumor cells, and p
255         Hypoxic cancer cells (CCs) stimulate blood vessel sprouting (angiogenesis), aimed at restorin
256 EGFR1, decreased its stability, and elevated blood vessel sprouting and in vivo angiogenesis.
257 sociated with ASPECTS decay, with collateral blood vessel status demonstrating the highest adjusted o
258 baseline ASPECTSs, and no or poor collateral blood vessel status were associated with ASPECTS decay,
259 dings were identified in internodal strands, blood vessels, submucosal ganglia, and longitudinal musc
260 ect red blood cells, which may adhere to the blood vessels supplying AT.
261                                    Next, the blood vessels supplying the tumor were closed using a mi
262                                        Tumor blood vessels support tumor growth and progression.
263 licates an arteriole-scale tissue engineered blood vessel (TEBV) using induced pluripotent stem cell
264 aphic data in 3D, the soft tissue comprising blood vessels that are putatively contained within the c
265 lformations are non-neoplastic expansions of blood vessels that arise due to errors during angiogenes
266 cles loaded with yttrium-90 (Y90) inside the blood vessels that supply a tumor.
267 tes, pericytes, and microglia as well as the blood vessels themselves.
268 ismatch or remodeling of the intramyocardial blood vessels; they represent a dynamic interaction with
269 lving neuronal-astrocytic signaling to local blood vessels to a multidimensional one in which mediato
270 x strategy induces EC hyperplasia and causes blood vessels to coalesce into large flat hyperplastic s
271 nction by securing the integrity of inflamed blood vessels to prevent bleeding from sites of leukocyt
272 pies rely on the dependence of tumors on new blood vessels to sustain tumor growth.
273 in cerebrovascular tone, and perhaps also in blood vessel-to-neuron signalling as posited by the 'hem
274 ere are sex differences in the regulation of blood vessel tone by PVAT.
275 iber and resistance analogous to the role of blood vessel tone in regulating blood flow.
276 kocyte trafficking are regulated by distinct blood vessel types with different permeability propertie
277 ncer cell death, while leaving most of tumor blood vessels unharmed, leading to an effect called supe
278 ell resolution screen of zebrafish embryonic blood vessels upon mutagenesis of single and multi-gene
279 ne targeted for collagen exposed on diseased blood vessel wall.
280 blood-borne lipids to initially traverse the blood vessel wall.
281 ritical for tumor cell extravasation through blood vessel walls and is mediated by a combination of t
282                  Brain linear tracks such as blood vessel walls constitute their main invasive routes
283  refers to the migration of particles toward blood vessel walls during blood flow.
284 thin the wound; however, the total number of blood vessels was greater in the peptide-hydrogel-treate
285 rigins of mechanical stresses that close off blood vessels was investigated here.
286 use decreased CD31 staining, indicating less blood vessels, was observed in COX-2 mice (2 vessels/mm
287 ells, and alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive blood vessels were assayed at postoperative day 7 by col
288     VEGFR2 expression and percentage area of blood vessels were assessed ex vivo with quantitative im
289 ys, the extents of fibrosis and integrity of blood vessels were determined.
290                                 The measured blood vessels were larger in size in the males compared
291                                        These blood vessels were massively invaded by bacteria, which
292  to regulate vascular tone of the mesenteric blood vessels where the adult parasites reside within th
293 s limited to the larger human-mouse chimeric blood vessels, which are located between the muscularis
294 bacterial interaction with endothelia lining blood vessels, which is physically challenging because o
295 al growth factor (VEGF), and reduced CD31(+) blood vessels, which likely contributed to protection fr
296 005) correlated well with percentage area of blood vessels, while other US perfusion parameters did n
297 somotor response, which propagated along the blood vessel with increasing stimulus.
298 eurites as well as within the endothelium of blood vessels with an increase in the density of small b
299                           Occluded pulmonary blood vessels with vascular thrombi often exhibited endo
300 4::hepP formed perivascular cuffs around the blood vessels within the skin of the thermally injured/i

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