


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nate color preference of flies from green to blue.
2 3.4 x 10(3) for the probe molecule methylene blue.
3 all organic target compounds, here methylene blue.
4  violaxanthin and zeaxanthin was found under blue 33% treatment in comparison to lower blue light dos
5                    We previously showed that blue (415 nm) and green (540 nm) wavelengths were more e
6                            Here we show that blue (450-nm) light converts atRAL specifically to 11cRA
7           We also demonstrate that methylene blue, a reported tau aggregation inhibitor, modulates ta
8 further indicated that large quantities of a blue absorbing photopigment were expressed, having a dar
9  the affinity constant, KD, of the methylene blue Affimer to be comparable to that of antibodies.
10 t spincrossover is studied in Fe-Co Prussian blue analogues using a dissipative quantum-mechanical mo
11 cone incorporating crystal violet, methylene blue and 2 nm gold nanoparticles.
12          X-ray, microCT, alizarin red/alcian blue and calcein staining revealed severe skeletal defor
13 rgest animals that have ever lived on Earth (Blue and Fin whales) feed in the Arctic and Southern Oce
14 conducted using a combination of bromophenol blue and polystyrene size standards.
15 aptamer-labeled EGFR can be switched between blue and red in situ simply by exchanging the dye in the
16 le of C. reinhardtii, which is controlled by blue and red light at the steps of gametogenesis along w
17               Total acetaldehyde, Mn, Cu/Fe, blue and red pigments and gallic acid seem to be essenti
18  as well as anionic organic dyes like methyl blue and the persistent organic pollutant, perfluoroocta
19  islands inhabited by Varanus komodoensis in blue, and localities of genetic samples in yellow points
20  the device is reversibly switchable between blue- and red-sensitive, and green- and NIR-responsive.
21 e grinding and fuming of a solid sample gave blue- and red-shifted emissions, respectively.
22                                              Blue area was either invisible or appeared in insignific
23                                   The trypan blue assay and a microscope-based propidium iodide/Hoech
24                                       Alamar blue assay was performed to check the proliferation rate
25 ndus photography, near-infrared reflectance, blue autofluorescence, blue reflectance, and spectral-do
26 S to differentiate between many varieties of blue ballpoint pens and to determine the correct deposit
27    Sensitivity and dynamic range of Prussian Blue based (bio)sensors in power generation mode are, re
28                                     Prussian Blue based (bio)sensors known to operate at 0.00 V versu
29           Noiseless performances of Prussian Blue based (bio)sensors would open new horizons for elec
30                Scopoletin oxidation yields a blue-black colour, which suggests its involvement in the
31 of histologic specimens helped confirm Evans blue (bound to macromolecule albumin) extravasation, and
32 , the habenula, have a sustained response to blue but not to red light.
33 ded assays, with the exception of the Manual Blue Carba assay, the Modified Carba NP assay, the boron
34 d Carba NP, the Rapidec Carba NP, the manual Blue Carba, and the modified carbapenem inactivation met
35  most comprehensive estimates of tidal marsh blue carbon in Australia, and illustrates their importan
36                    In common with the other 'blue carbon' habitats (mangroves and tidal marshes) seag
37           Full cells with potassium Prussian blue cathodes are demonstrated.
38  and TNFalpha in murine macrophages and THP1 Blue CD14 cells.
39                                     Prussian blue-chitosan-gold nanoparticle (PB-CS-AuNP) nanocomposi
40 o afford two half-closed gigantic molybdenum blue clusters {Mo180 } (1) and {Mo130 Ce6 } (2), respect
41           Triglycosylated cyanidin expressed blue color (pH 7-8), suggesting glycosylation pattern al
42 in 2D films display rapid and reversible red-blue color change upon the wetting-dewetting transition,
43 )-opsins, are responsible for red, green and blue color recognition, respectively.
44 d, green and blue colors were observed, with blue color significantly predominating over red color.
45 responsible for the orange, red, purple, and blue colors of flowers and fruits and red colors of autu
46  examined patients mosaics of red, green and blue colors were observed, with blue color significantly
47 ht sensitivity threshold for white, red, and blue colors; visual field; and pupillary light reflex.
48 acteria are possible sources for new natural blue colourants.
49 lodendria are more numerous (1.3 times) than blue cone telodendria.
50 abundant and branch almost twice as often on blue cones compared to UV cones.
51               Pedicles of neighboring UV and blue cones typically converge into contiguous pairs, des
52 ods and UV cones, RGB cones (red, green, and blue cones) are structurally similar and unite into mirr
53 a are not detectably affected by ablation of blue cones, and are reduced twofold in mutant larval ret
54 mpare the distribution of ANCs in purple and blue corn coproducts from three conventional corn fracti
55                                          For blue corn, the highest TA was in small grits and gluten
56 uivalent per kg dry corn, 10 times more than blue corn.
57 carp layer of purple but only in aleurone of blue corn.
58 s minor structural distortion of the protein blue Cu site and a dramatic change in the charge transpo
59 ientation to realize a highly efficient pure-blue device based on TADF emitters.
60 localization of the breast SLN and isosulfan blue dye (5 mL) is injected in the ipsilateral upper arm
61 ntibiotics (46%), chlorhexidine (8%), patent blue dye (8%) and others (8%).
62 r changes were quantified with a novel Evans blue dye assay that measured vascular volumes.
63 correlated with those obtained with an Evans blue ear test and negatively correlated with the Ca(2+)
64 vely over each subsequent day, with distinct blue (early-time) and red (late-time) components.
65 ery efficient and causes an intense greenish-blue ECL emission, easily observable even by naked eye,
66                                              Bluing effects of hydroxycinnamic acids on cyanidin and
67 ow distinctive and reversible yellow to dark blue electrochromism at low reduction potentials.
68        The 1D grating structure converts the blue emission from unpolarised to highly polarised; High
69  far-red light, the intense TTA upconversion blue emission in the system activates the anticancer pro
70 nd quantitative nanoparticle deposition with blue emission.
71                                        Here, blue-emission ( approximately 470 nm) Cs-based perovskit
72 e C-C coupling has been further converted to blue-emissive hole-transporting material via a simple ch
73        Characterization experiments revealed blue-emissive, well-dispersed GQDs that were 2-3nm in si
74 ed sensor networks and large-scale renewable blue energy.
75 electronic devices to harvesting large-scale blue energy.Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) harvest
76                                        After blue-enriched light exposure, men had significantly high
77    Furthermore, brightness perception during blue-enriched light significantly predicted men's improv
78 n times in a sustained attention task during blue-enriched light than non-blue-enriched.
79 o evening light exposure of 40 lx at 6500 K (blue-enriched) or at 2500 K (non-blue-enriched), and the
80  at 6500 K (blue-enriched) or at 2500 K (non-blue-enriched), and their impact on brightness perceptio
81 ion task during blue-enriched light than non-blue-enriched.
82 ka yields green and orange fluorescence upon blue excitation.
83 11 cell lines evaluated as well as in trypan blue exclusion, cellular ATP or caspase 3/7, 8 and 9 ass
84         Higher scores were recorded with the Blue filter compared to Yellow filter in all tests (p <
85 al pollinator group(s) that are attracted to blue flowers, raising questions on the acquisition of F3
86  karpatite which is prized for its beautiful blue fluorescence under ultra-violet illumination.
87              Here, we established a green to blue fluorescent protein conversion system to systematic
88  EGFR on the basis of the addition of red or blue fluorogen at different times.
89 lesteric liquid crystals, also known as the "blue fog," are among the rising stars in materials scien
90 and an area of increased autofluorescence on blue fundus autofluorescence (B-FAF).
91 eagent, comprised of the Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 dye, methanol, and phosphoric acid, has been
92 ranyl-vanadate (U-V) minerals predominant at Blue Gap/Tachee were obtained from simulations with the
93                           The characteristic blue glow of Cerenkov luminescence (CL) arises from the
94                                  Purple- and blue-grained wheat lines with higher tocol, anthocyanin
95 ritordeum HT 439 (12.16mug/gDW), followed by blue-grained wheat V1-131-15 (7.46mug/gDW), and yellow-g
96 ty, but compositionally simpler biocrusts in blue grama-dominated grassland maintained biomass, only
97 to operate at wavelengths ranging from UV to blue, green-yellow, and red.
98       Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis is a blue-green alga, rich with bioactive components and nutr
99                       Freshwater with higher blue-green algae content produced higher number fraction
100 le protein provides specific environment for blue-green light absorbing keto-carotenoids, which excit
101        The three dyes strongly absorb in the blue-green part of the spectrum (lambdaem = 450-520 nm,
102  4a, 4b, and 5 show photoluminescence in the blue-green region of the spectrum, while 4c is nonfluore
103  The monodisperse CDs can self-assemble into blue-, green-, yellow-, and red-emitting CD aggregates b
104                        The data suggest that blue/green light inhibits proliferation by activating TR
105                                              Blue/green reduced cellular ATP, while red/NIR increased
106                                              Blue/green reduced mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP
107       Intracellular calcium was higher after blue/green, and could be inhibited by the ion channel bl
108 warm colors (yellows/reds) than cool colors (blues/greens).
109 ap as noted by the arrows that highlight the blue group arriving after the red group in top-right of
110  the different methods of preparation of the blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. var.
111                     Freeze-dried pomace from blue honeysuckle can be an excellent source of bioactive
112      Mechanisms to recreate many anthocyanin blue hues in nature are not fully understood, but intera
113  to synthesize interlocked graphene-Prussian Blue hybrid composites as high-performance materials for
114 pigment were expressed, having a dark stable blue intermediate state.
115             Up to 18-Gbps direct encoding of blue laser diode (BLD) is demonstrated for free-space da
116 ial barrier function as illuminated by Evans blue leakage.
117  enol ethers catalyzed by fac-Ir(ppy)3 under blue LED irradiation with subsequent one-pot condensatio
118  irradiation of cyclic 2-aryloxyketones with blue LED light in the presence of an Ir(III) complex lea
119 d, that can be activated upon irradiation by blue-LED lamps, we can achieve the coupling of a range o
120 gly, illumination of the Ni(IV) complex with blue LEDs results in rapid formation of the cyclic C-C p
121  were histologically stained with Luxol Fast Blue (LFB) for myelin quantification.
122       After incubation, they were exposed to blue light (Blu-U, Dusa Pharmaceuticals) for 1000 second
123                                         Upon blue light activation, a covalent bond is formed between
124 ack MT plus ends and recruit tgRFP-SspB upon blue light activation.
125 ption by SIG5 was predominantly dependent on blue light and cryptochrome.
126 kaemic cells, differentiate upon exposure to blue light and release paracrine factors that modulate n
127 posure and more specifically the spectrum of blue light contribute to the oxidative stress in Age-rel
128 uction of prolonged dark currents by intense blue light could be suppressed by a following intense gr
129 opherols, was more influenced by lower (16%) blue light dosage, increasing about 1.3 times.
130 er blue 33% treatment in comparison to lower blue light dosages.
131                              Pain during the blue light exposure was not significantly different betw
132 urpose of the study was to establish whether blue light filtering could modify proangiogenic signalin
133 h statistical significance was not achieved, blue light filters reduce light-induced secretion of bFG
134                                         Thus blue light holds promise for the sterilization of clinic
135 ment on the visual analog scale (VAS) during blue light illumination was not significantly different
136 the account the scattering and absorption of blue light in brain tissue together with the relative de
137    This may lead to novel applications using blue light induced oxidative bursts to prime crop plants
138 ive regulators of Arabidopsis cryptochromes, Blue light Inhibitors of Cryptochromes 1 and 2 (BIC1 and
139 gments may be achieved using higher (16-33%) blue light intensities.
140                                        After blue light irradiation for 10 min at 470 nm, the sample
141                                              Blue light irradiation, a [Ru] or [Ir] photocatalyst, an
142 re pathogenic to humans and demonstrate that blue light is effective against some, but not all, funga
143 ere is altered transcript accumulation under blue light of the strictly light-dependent, gamete-speci
144  fundamental link in the photoresponses from blue light perceived by the conserved White Collar compl
145 nificant quantitative changes in response to blue light percentage were obtained for both directly an
146              Ectopic clocks also require the blue light photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY), which is re
147 sum, our data demonstrate that pCRY is a key blue light receptor in Chlamydomonas that is involved in
148    Cryptochromes are known as flavin-binding blue light receptors in bacteria, fungi, plants, and ins
149 omes are flavin-binding proteins that act as blue light receptors in bacteria, fungi, plants, and ins
150 ive manner, similar to the regulation by the blue light receptors phototropin and plant cryptochrome
151                            Cryptochromes are blue light receptors that regulate various light respons
152   Cryptochromes are evolutionarily conserved blue light receptors with many roles throughout plant gr
153 ily exposure of differentiated adipocytes to blue light resulted in decreased lipid droplet size, inc
154 photoreceptor co-action mechanism to sustain blue light sensitivity of plants under the broad spectra
155 tion phase response following cessation of a blue light stimulus was compared with the photoreceptor-
156 s synthesize 11cRAL chromophore faster under blue light than in darkness.
157 benula pathway is involved in the ability of blue light to influence a circadian behavior.
158 rotease proximal to its cleavage peptide and blue light to uncage the cleavage site.
159 d more potent photocytotoxicity (IC50 3 muM, blue light) with a photocytotoxic index >5.
160 Cis human ovarian cancer cells (IC50 74 muM, blue light) with a photocytotoxic index <2, whereas Pt-G
161 rubinemia is easily treated with exposure to blue light, and phototherapy systems have been developed
162        By stimulating PdCMs selectively with blue light, we were able to control cardiac rhythm in th
163 ultimately resulting in arrhythmicity, while blue light-based phase shifts show large deviations from
164                       With the addition of a blue light-blocking filter in normoxia, a significant in
165 ), inhibit cryptochrome function by blocking blue light-dependent cryptochrome dimerization.
166 e successful growth of p-type GaN by VPE for blue light-emitting diodes.
167 her experiments indicated a role for ERA1 in blue light-induced stomatal opening.
168        In this regard, we discovered a novel blue light-sensitive current in human scWAT that is medi
169 g CPT proteins, shows reduced sensitivity to blue light.
170 e model histidine kinase YF1 is activated by blue light.
171  of triphenylphosphine upon irradiation with blue light.
172 n establishing the antimicrobial activity of blue light.
173 ve mice regenerate rhodopsin more rapidly in blue light.
174  pH-values ranging from 2.6 to 4.6, purplish-blue, light pink, magenta, brick-red, and intense red hu
175                                  Exposure to blue-light at night leads to circadian misalignment that
176  marker gene in the presence of dopamine and blue-light exposure, both in vitro and in vivo.
177                           In Drosophila, the blue-light photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) synchronizes
178 s with their maximum emission limited at the blue-light region.
179                    The flavin chromophore in blue-light-using FAD (BLUF) photoreceptors is surrounded
180 Animals were subjected to combined red-green-blue lights (RGB) during the day and to: darkness; red l
181 nal framework of PN4 tetrahedra and exhibits blue luminescence peaking at 455 nm.
182                                              Blue lymphatics were identified in 29.2% (138/472) of SL
183  its cavities matching the size of methylene blue (MB(+)), a versatile organic molecule used for bio-
184                              Using methylene blue (MB) as an electrochemical probe and differential p
185 um (VI) and organic pollutants (using methyl blue (MB) as an example) removal, and the removal mechan
186 uence of Dengue virus (DENV) using methylene blue (MB) as an intercalating agent.
187 aphene oxide nanoribbon (GONR) for methylene blue (MB) sensing.
188  an adsorption column, to pretreat methylene blue (MB) wastewater with high concentration ( 100 mg L(
189 raction of anionic mediator, i.e., methylene blue (MB) with free guanine (3'G) of ssDNA.
190                                    Methylene blue (MB), a traditional mitochondrial-targeting antioxi
191 a sound source) to deliver agents (methylene blue, MB, in PBS) into bovine AC.
192 n (0.98% [95% CI, 0.49-1.86] vs. 0.91%), the Blue Mountains Eye Study population (1.10% [95% CI, 0.52
193 e quantified changes in the abundance of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis), a foundation species known
194 d organic contaminants in their tissues than blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) collected at a nearby bent
195 ing European flat oysters (Ostrea edulis) or blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) in seawater to two differe
196                    Exciton transfer from the blue nanocrystals to the orange polymers via Forster or
197                        High quality Prussian blue nanocubes with no or little coordinated water were
198 re, complexome profiling, a method combining blue-native gel electrophoresis and liquid chromatograph
199                             Here, we show by blue-native gel electrophoresis and stable isotope label
200                                              Blue node metastases rate was 4.5% (2/44).
201 ervation of arm lymphatics, crossover rates, blue node metastases, axillary recurrence, and lymphedem
202  the electropolymerization of poly(toluidine blue O) (PTB) and glucose oxidase (GOx) with an electroa
203 bled the fabrication of efficient and "pure" blue OLEDs, single-doped white devices with EQEs of over
204 perfect photoswitching can be achieved using blue or green and red light.
205 ompounds reported here exhibited emission of blue or green-yellow light upon irradiation in acetone a
206 a long known chromophore that absorbs in the blue part of the spectrum but has almost completely been
207  for areas of retinal thinning, appearing as blue patches.
208  linked to the drug-like fluorophore Pacific Blue (PB).
209                              High-brightness blue perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) are obtai
210 d properties of the practically unobservable blue phase III have eluded scientists for more than a ce
211                                The amorphous blue phase III of cholesteric liquid crystals, also know
212 rt proposes ideas for further improvement in blue phase III technology to make it feasible for commer
213 he revelation of the mysterious structure of blue phase III.
214 rs report the fabrication of monocrystalline blue phase liquid crystals that exhibit three-dimensiona
215 ed crystallographic orientation of the cubic blue phase, soft lattice.
216 eed possible to create stable single-crystal blue-phase domains with the desired orientation over lar
217 ration of stable, macroscopic single-crystal blue-phase materials.
218                               Liquid-crystal blue phases (BPs) are highly ordered at two levels.
219 ly exploit the electro-optical properties of blue phases, which have been hindered by the existence o
220 al nematic liquid crystals are known to form blue phases-liquid states of matter that exhibit ordered
221                As a consequence, the managed blue PHOLED attains T80=334+/-5 h (time to 80% of the 1,
222 t results in the longest lifetime for such a blue PHOLED.
223 er 15 years ago, the operational lifetime of blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes (PHOLE
224                                   Postpartum blues (PPB) is often a prodromal state for postpartum de
225 l absorption spectroscopy performed on a red-blue-purple striped glass from the stained glass windows
226                     This paper introduces a "blue pyjama syndrome" (whereby wearing hospital pyjamas
227                                         The "blue pyjama syndrome" is in the same order of magnitude
228 tween 4.2 and 86% of the mutagenicity of the blue rayon extracts and may be byproducts of dye product
229 in Germany, collected by the passive sampler Blue Rayon.
230 infrared reflectance, blue autofluorescence, blue reflectance, and spectral-domain optical coherence
231 nti-Stokes shifting from the far-red to deep-blue region in metal-free triplet-triplet annihilation u
232 on pipelines for single channel or red-green-blue (RGB) channels have become inadequate for the new c
233 rictive transcription in the red, green, and blue (RGB) cones in the retina, but not in other retinal
234 procedure leads to the formation of large Mo-blue ring-shaped anion {Mo154}, which contains the supra
235                                              Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome (Bean syndrome) is a rar
236                T1105N-T1106P is recurrent in blue rubber bleb nevus, whereas Y897C-R915C is recurrent
237 class have likely led to the restoration of "blue" sensitivity up to 10 times.
238                      TA reveals a sub-100-fs blue shift and decay of the Franck-Condon bright state a
239 ing methyl group on the donor side exhibited blue shift in absorption and emission when compared to t
240 ed spectroscopically by the observation of a blue shift of the CO stretching mode in the IR spectrum
241 lecules with Ag-Fe(CO)5 bonds show a notable blue shift relative to those observed for free Fe(CO)5,
242                                          The blue-shift in the optical spectra is attributed to the l
243 periment shows a controllable and reversible blue-shift in the SP resonance above a critical voltage.
244 absorption on TiO2 films with up to a 250 nm blue-shift of the dye absorption onset on TiO2.
245 partial Pb(2+) for M(2+) exchange leads to a blue-shift of the optical spectra, while maintaining the
246                Two mutants were created with blue-shifted (E254D, lambdamax = 390 nm; D380N, lambdama
247  and the absorption position of the farthest blue-shifted beta-carotene was attributed entirely to th
248  bond with a C-H stretch vibration frequency blue-shifted by 14 cm(-1) and d(F-H) = 2.13 A.
249 parts, the near-IR absorption of the HNPs is blue-shifted owing to the hollow interior.
250 ion of a previously unknown light-sensitive, blue-shifted photocycle intermediate L (lambdamax = 495
251 ts in the solid state displayed an analogous blue-shifted transient with a lambdamax= 510 nm that fir
252 nking meso-aryl groups leads to a sharpened, blue-shifted wavelength lambdamax band, bucking the gene
253 nic properties: (i) fluorescence emission is blue-shifted with respect to [8]cycloparaphenylene 1, an
254 ys, ultra-violet emission with large Doppler blue shifts associated with plasma upflows, and Halpha h
255 lrhodamine, producing significant (>/=66 nm) blue-shifts in excitation and emission maxima.
256 ed in structural changes that led to red- or blue-shifts in maximum emission, depending on temperatur
257 arity of these mono-mu-oxo dimers to our Ir "blue solution" water-oxidation catalyst gives insight in
258  mixing was observed when pumping yellow and blue solutions into the inlets of a Y-shaped device, and
259                      The uptake of PACs into blue spruce tree wood was measured, with wood-air partit
260 Mesquite, Western redcedar, Baldcypress, and Blue spruce) had median MAC values ranging from 1.4 x 10
261 the population-averaged viability and trypan blue staining experiments.
262                                   Luxol fast blue staining of the corpus callosum was significantly g
263 aminoglycan deposition as assessed by Alcian blue staining, and gene expression of key anabolic prote
264 ssion electron microscopy (TEM) and Prussian Blue staining, and quantified using an iron specific col
265  light microscopy after Maurits, Scarlet and Blue staining.
266  modelled the transition between the red and blue states through a simple kinetic model.
267 tix simultaneously acts as a switch gene for blue structural iridescence in some butterflies, demonst
268 on annual ET into green (rainfall-based) and blue (surface water/groundwater) sources.
269 wer accidents per 1,000 taxis per month than blue taxis, a 9% reduction in accident probability.
270 ecause yellow taxis are more noticeable than blue taxis-especially when in front of another vehicle,
271 per as support and a layer of poly(methylene blue)/tetrabutylammonium bromide/Nafion and glutaraldehy
272 ovide strong integrative evidence that urban blue tit nestlings are not receiving a suitable diet, an
273 s of individual great tits (Parus major) and blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus), using a grid of 65 auto
274 nce by taking a holistic approach, comparing blue tits breeding in forest, suburban and urban areas.
275  adults) binged more than subordinate birds (blue tits, females and juveniles) when their territories
276 photoluminescence (PL) and ECL emission from blue to green, with an overall wavelength span of 73 (PL
277 of the resulting CDots gradually shifts from blue to red light, covering the entire light spectrum.
278 he single crystals can be tuned readily from blue to red through the choice of guest molecules.
279 ane-impermeable fluorescence quencher trypan blue to selectively image internalized alpha-syn seeds i
280 orogenic labels with excitation ranging from blue to the far-red.
281 stics of MoS2 phototransistors from 495 nm (blue) to 590 nm (amber).
282 t responses via two photochromatic switches (blue-to-green and green-to-colorless), leading to tracka
283 igh resolution patterning of red, green, and blue Tr-QLEDs (513 pixels in.(-1) ) shows the potential
284                             We find that the blue trait maps to a single amino acid substitution (R64
285 yloads within a few minutes upon exposure to blue/UV light.
286               Comparing carotenoid contents, blue varieties had lower whereas purple ones had the sam
287                            Test results with blue-violet filter, a short-pass yellow filter and with
288 ination of photocromic lens with a selective blue-violet light filter showed functional benefit in al
289      The optimised diets had up to 30% lower blue water footprints and generally contained lower amou
290  Our results indicate that average green and blue water for all land cover types in CONUS accounts fo
291  (SW) that typically confers sensitivity to "blue" wavelengths was lost 300 million years ago, befor
292                  Two milliliter of methylene blue were instilled above the cuff to quantify microaspi
293 qual whales (Balaenopteridae), including the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), fin whale (B. physal
294                                              Blue whale sound production has been thought to occur by
295           This implies that the frequency of blue whale vocalizations might be directly proportional
296  vaquita, at 1.4 meters and the largest, the blue whale, reaching 33 meters.
297     By fitting tri-axial movement sensors to blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), and by recording th
298  black peanut, sorghum (SH), black rice, and blue wheat.
299 osing SK-like melanomas were the presence of blue-white veil, pseudopods or streaks, and pigment netw
300  fish protein hydrolysate powders from whole blue whiting.

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