


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bolites following illumination of cells with blue light.
2 nly in the presence of protoporphyrin IX and blue light.
3 merizes from trans to cis in the presence of blue light.
4 nce of male C. elegans copulation in noxious blue light.
5 ts modulate growth in response to changes in blue light.
6 ze octopamine and the terminal stimulated by blue light.
7 r once they are irradiated by ultraviolet or blue light.
8 rphogenesis in higher plants as responses to blue light.
9 g CPT proteins, shows reduced sensitivity to blue light.
10 ain robust rhythms of Fq'/Fm' under constant blue light.
11 conductance but reversibly photoactivates in blue light.
12 otyl elongation to red but not to far-red or blue light.
13 ytochromes can sense orange, green, and even blue light.
14 w down or switch directions--when exposed to blue light.
15 original DG or BLA engram was reactivated by blue light.
16 hannel activity following exposure to violet-blue light.
17 synthesis of the second messenger cAMP under blue light.
18 sible protein oligomerization in response to blue light.
19 e model histidine kinase YF1 is activated by blue light.
20 tic vesicular release upon illumination with blue light.
21  of triphenylphosphine upon irradiation with blue light.
22 entation of cortical arrays, as triggered by blue light.
23 nals in addition to the environmental signal blue light.
24 erely impaired stomatal opening responses to blue light.
25 n establishing the antimicrobial activity of blue light.
26 ve mice regenerate rhodopsin more rapidly in blue light.
27 n end-binding protein-dependent manner using blue light.
28 enders them fluorescent when irradiated with blue light.
29 ltipodal microarchitectures under continuous blue light.
30 eased photosensitivity following exposure to blue light.
31 ial cells are highly sensitive to killing by blue light (400-470 nm) due to accumulation of naturally
32 evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of blue light (400-480 nm) filtering intraocular lenses (IO
33                                              Blue light (455 nM) regulates tail artery vasoreactivity
34 s underwent monocular exposure to narrowband blue light (469 nm) or red light (631 nm) using a modifi
35                           Here, we show that blue light (470 nm) causes behavioural arousal, elevatin
36             Whole cell recording showed that blue light (470 nm) elicited the typical nonselective ca
37 ).mCherry), were selectively stimulated with blue light (473 nm) via a chronically implanted fiber-op
38  optogenetic experiments in combination with blue light absorbing cation conducting ChRs.
39                 Cryptochromes are widespread blue-light absorbing flavoproteins with important signal
40               Solution NMR structures of the blue light-absorbing dark state Pb and green light-absor
41                                         Upon blue light absorption, FAD is converted to the neutral r
42  and ventral lobes of the AOTu's major unit; blue light activated the dorsal lobe more while UV light
43 ms and cultured sensory neurons, exposure to blue light activated TRPA1 and, to a lesser extent, TRPV
44 otropins are plasma-membrane-associated UV-A/blue-light activated kinases that trigger phototropic gr
45 re, we report the full-length structure of a blue light-activated HK from Erythrobacter litoralis HTC
46                     Phototropin (phot1) is a blue light-activated plasma membrane-associated kinase t
47  toxicity in zebrafish, we re-engineered the blue-light-activated EL222 system for minimal toxicity w
48                              Photolyase is a blue-light-activated enzyme that repairs ultraviolet-ind
49 odopsin (ChR2) in keratinocytes we show that blue light activation of the epidermis alone can produce
50                                              Blue light activation of the photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME
51                                         Upon blue light activation, a covalent bond is formed between
52 ack MT plus ends and recruit tgRFP-SspB upon blue light activation.
53  green light-adapted variants from ancestral blue light-adapted ones.
54 rts to an active state under blue light, and blue light also excites this active state to fluoresce.
55 en shown that Arabidopsis cry1 activation by blue light also results in direct enzymatic conversion o
56 network identified robust cross-talk between blue light and ABA, in which [Ca2+]c plays a key role, a
57 oral resolution only in the presence of both blue light and calcium.
58 channelrhodopsin variants that are opened by blue light and closed by orange light.
59 ption by SIG5 was predominantly dependent on blue light and cryptochrome.
60                                  While early blue light and phot-dependent signaling events are not a
61 xpressing retinal ganglion cells that detect blue light and project to the thalamus.
62                       Pupillary responses to blue light and red light were compared between control s
63 kaemic cells, differentiate upon exposure to blue light and release paracrine factors that modulate n
64 ive state, converts to an active state under blue light, and blue light also excites this active stat
65 lants are hyposensitive to red, far-red, and blue light, and flower precociously.
66 pansion under monochromatic red, far-red, or blue light, and interaction with phytochromeA, phytochro
67 rubinemia is easily treated with exposure to blue light, and phototherapy systems have been developed
68     The inhibitory activity was specific for blue light, and the inhibiting light was perceived by th
69 ely stimulate VGluT3(+) sensory afferents by blue light, and to assess light-evoked behavior in freel
70       Pupillary responses to high-irradiance blue light associated more strongly with disease severit
71                        After excitation with blue light at 475 nm, cells emitted green light with emi
72                                  Exposure to blue-light at night leads to circadian misalignment that
73 ultimately resulting in arrhythmicity, while blue light-based phase shifts show large deviations from
74 hototropism in a dose-dependent manner, with blue light being most effective, indicating that phytoch
75 s is light-dependent utilizing ultraviolet-A/blue light between 380 and 420 nm.
76 oid protein (OCP), when activated by intense blue light, binds to the light-harvesting antenna and tr
77                            In higher plants, blue light (BL) phototropism is primarily controlled by
78                       It is established that blue-light (BL) photoactivation of CRY is sufficient to
79 by ARPE-19 cells, which was abrogated with a blue light - blocking filter.
80                       With the addition of a blue light-blocking filter in normoxia, a significant in
81 lls to white light for 48 h with and without blue light-blocking filters (BLF) in different condition
82       After incubation, they were exposed to blue light (Blu-U, Dusa Pharmaceuticals) for 1000 second
83 , resulting in enhanced sleep in response to blue light but delayed sleep induction in response to gr
84 od assay is limited due to the absorption of blue light by pigmented molecules such as hemoglobin, re
85 ors in the visual thalamus of the mouse with blue light by using an adeno-associated virus to express
86 ion and scattering, however, luminol-emitted blue light can be efficiently detected from superficial
87  this is mediated by cryptochrome (CRY), the blue-light circadian photoreceptor.
88 vioral and electrophysiological responses to blue light coded by circadian and arousal neurons.
89  promoter (Thy1-CFP mice) was imaged using a blue-light confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (bCSLO
90 posure and more specifically the spectrum of blue light contribute to the oxidative stress in Age-rel
91 light-activated modules capable of imparting blue light control of biological processes.
92                                Theories that blue light could be related to the pathogenesis of age-r
93 uction of prolonged dark currents by intense blue light could be suppressed by a following intense gr
94  have clearly shown that light, particularly blue light, delays sleep onset [2].
95 ressing lines demonstrate that PPKs catalyse blue light-dependent CRY2 phosphorylation to both activa
96 in and outside the serine cluster diminished blue light-dependent CRY2 phosphorylation, degradation,
97 ), inhibit cryptochrome function by blocking blue light-dependent cryptochrome dimerization.
98 tochromes that binds to CRY2 to suppress the blue light-dependent dimerization, photobody formation,
99  Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) undergoes blue light-dependent homodimerization to become physiolo
100  of CRY2 (S588, S599, and S605) that undergo blue light-dependent phosphorylation in Arabidopsis seed
101    These results support the hypothesis that blue light-dependent phosphorylation of the CCE domain d
102                  Plant cryptochromes undergo blue light-dependent phosphorylation to regulate their a
103                     CRY2 is known to undergo blue light-dependent phosphorylation, which is believed
104  of plant and bacterial proteins, conferring blue light-dependent regulation to effector activities a
105 lied to Xenopus embryos, this system enables blue light-dependent reversible Raf activation at any de
106 k and photoperiodic flowering by controlling blue-light-dependent protein degradation.
107 opherols, was more influenced by lower (16%) blue light dosage, increasing about 1.3 times.
108 er blue 33% treatment in comparison to lower blue light dosages.
109 ammals), and its spectral compatibility with blue-light-driven optogenetic systems.
110     Recent data indicate that high-intensity blue light effectively removes bacteria from surfaces, b
111                    The material shows strong blue light emission under ultraviolet excitation, in bot
112 e single-protein sensors that consist of the blue-light emitting luciferase NanoLuc connected via a s
113 d as a down-converting layer on a commercial blue light-emitting diode (LED).
114 ceeds at -40 degrees C under excitation by a blue light-emitting diode and benefits from the use of a
115  then paced electrically or optically with a blue light-emitting diode, with activation spread record
116 way can be traced to a single invention--the blue light-emitting diode.
117              We demonstrate fully functional blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) by growing LED stacks
118 roperties that are excited by ultraviolet or blue light-emitting diodes are important white light sou
119 e successful growth of p-type GaN by VPE for blue light-emitting diodes.
120 into polyfluorene-the benchmark wide-bandgap blue-light-emitting polymer organic semiconductor.
121 like ChannelRhodopsin2 (ChR2), which require blue light, enables optical electrophysiology in neurons
122        Yet, the monochromatic high intensity blue light enhanced the synthesis of total phenolic cont
123                        We go on to show that blue light evokes higher Fos induction in the SCN compar
124 uorescent background, and compatibility with blue-light-excitable channelrhodopsins.
125 Phototropic hypocotyl bending in response to blue light excitation is an important adaptive process t
126                                         Upon blue-light excitation, the isoalloxazine ring (ISO) may
127                                        After blue-light excitation, the protein undergoes a photocycl
128 CRET) methodology in which luminol-generated blue light excites nanoparticles to emit light in the ne
129 rther investigated this relationship between blue light exposure and the development of age-related m
130    In experimental and animal studies, acute blue light exposure induces retinal damage and the use o
131  mammalian cells and analyzed its fate after blue light exposure to understand the requirements for P
132                              Pain during the blue light exposure was not significantly different betw
133  marker gene in the presence of dopamine and blue-light exposure, both in vitro and in vivo.
134 with depth-generating a nearly monochromatic blue light field.
135       Our findings support the position that blue light filtering affects the secretion of angiogenic
136 urpose of the study was to establish whether blue light filtering could modify proangiogenic signalin
137 owever, the potential disadvantages are that blue light filtering could negatively affect scotopic vi
138              The potential advantages of the blue light filtering IOLs are that they could better mim
139        These advantages and disadvantages of blue light filtering IOLs have not been proven clinicall
140 h statistical significance was not achieved, blue light filters reduce light-induced secretion of bFG
141 g post-illumination pupil response (PIPR) to blue light from 10 to 30 seconds after light exposure as
142 ika (Watasenia scintillans) produces intense blue light from photophores at the tips of two arms.
143 ive dTRPA1 isoforms were as competent as the blue light-gated channelrhodopsin-2 in triggering motor
144                              Ultraviolet and blue light generates singlet oxygen, which oxidizes and
145  polymerization process is photoinitiated by blue light granting complete control of the reaction, in
146 ting with full-thickness MH from exposure to blue-light high-powered lasers from January 2012 to May
147                                         Thus blue light holds promise for the sterilization of clinic
148 t between copulations, the male escapes from blue light illumination at intensities over 370 muW mm(-
149                                        Acute blue light illumination of the skin produced robust noci
150 l chloroplasts during light-to-low-intensity blue light illumination transition.
151 he tissue level after light-to-low-intensity blue light illumination transitions, but monitor transie
152 ment on the visual analog scale (VAS) during blue light illumination was not significantly different
153 ignals rapidly, locally, and reversibly upon blue light illumination.
154                                    Optimized blue-light illumination triggered the co-localization of
155                                         Upon blue-light illumination, mito-miniSOG causes rapid and e
156 iptional induction of dsCYC2 is triggered by blue light in a fluence rate-dependent manner.
157 , we show that cryA expression is induced by blue light in a Mad complex-dependent manner.
158 Here, we show that MKK3-MPK6 is activated by blue light in a MYC2-dependent manner.
159 the account the scattering and absorption of blue light in brain tissue together with the relative de
160 the detection of Ca(2+) transients evoked by blue light in cultured astrocytes expressing CatCh, a li
161       Complex II activity was inactivated by blue light in mitochondria from strains expressing activ
162 p5-1 reveals a novel role of amino acids and blue light in regulating root meristem function.
163  Two new studies highlight the importance of blue light in the regulation of stem elongation and bend
164                               While studying blue light-independent effects of cryptochrome 1 (cry1)
165 ture to 0.005 mumol m(-2) sec(-1) unilateral blue light, indicating that regions below the apical mer
166    This may lead to novel applications using blue light induced oxidative bursts to prime crop plants
167 her experiments indicated a role for ERA1 in blue light-induced stomatal opening.
168      Here, we describe the construction of a blue-light-induced K(+) channel 1 (BLINK1) engineered by
169 e 1 (CRY1) and cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) mediate blue light inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and long-d
170                          We identified BIC1 (blue-light inhibitor of cryptochromes 1) as an inhibitor
171 ive regulators of Arabidopsis cryptochromes, Blue light Inhibitors of Cryptochromes 1 and 2 (BIC1 and
172 gments may be achieved using higher (16-33%) blue light intensities.
173                                              Blue light irradiation at low doses (<300 mJ cm(-2)) tri
174                                        After blue light irradiation for 10 min at 470 nm, the sample
175                                              Blue light irradiation, a [Ru] or [Ir] photocatalyst, an
176 , albeit to a limited extent, in response to blue-light irradiation.
177             For growth under a canopy, where blue light is diminished, CRY1 and CRY2 perceive this ch
178 re pathogenic to humans and demonstrate that blue light is effective against some, but not all, funga
179 erization occurs readily upon irradiation by blue light (lambda<480 nm) or completely by thermal conv
180 crificial electron donor, in the presence of blue light (lambdamax = 469 nm) produces hydrogen with a
181 The objective was to investigate whether LED Blue Light (LBL) induces changes in phenolics and ethyle
182                            Red, far-red, and blue light lead to negative phototropism in a dose-depen
183 neurons in adult flies--with the caveat that blue light may not sufficiently penetrate the adult cuti
184 show that in addition to suppressing red and blue light-mediated photomorphogenesis, LIP1 is also req
185 nd HY5 play more important roles than HYH in blue light-mediated photomorphogenic growth.
186                      While illumination with blue light never successfully terminated VF, illuminatio
187 ere is altered transcript accumulation under blue light of the strictly light-dependent, gamete-speci
188 and OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) to changes in red, blue light or [CO2 ] were analyzed.
189           We found that under white light or blue light, over 60%, and under red light, over 90% of a
190                   Pupil responses to red and blue light (peak, 485 and 625 nm, respectively) presente
191  fundamental link in the photoresponses from blue light perceived by the conserved White Collar compl
192 nificant quantitative changes in response to blue light percentage were obtained for both directly an
193 gh the guard-cell-signaling pathway coupling blue light perception to ion channel activity is relativ
194 d interruption of fciB causes a constitutive blue light phenotype.
195  for all-optical electrophysiology, although blue light photoactivation of the FlicR1 chromophore pre
196              Ectopic clocks also require the blue light photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY), which is re
197 s of photoactive yellow protein (a bacterial blue light photoreceptor) as a model system and obtained
198                             Molecularly, the blue-light photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) dampens temp
199                           In Drosophila, the blue-light photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) synchronizes
200           Finally, we identify the circadian blue-light photoreceptor CRYPTOCHROME as a molecular reg
201 Fc1 that impairs its capacity to bind to the blue-light photoreceptor FKF1 in yeast two-hybrid assays
202                                          The blue-light photoreceptor FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F
203 induced DNA lesions (photolyases) or as UV-A/blue light photoreceptors (cryptochromes).
204 genesis, LIP1 acts downstream of the red and blue light photoreceptors phytochrome B and cryptochrome
205 lated to plant cryptochromes, which serve as blue-light photoreceptors.
206  pH-values ranging from 2.6 to 4.6, purplish-blue, light pink, magenta, brick-red, and intense red hu
207                                          The blue light PIPR increased 2 days (17%) and 3 weeks (24%)
208                                          The blue light PRC had a broad advance region starting in th
209 hotosynthetic bacterium that swims away from blue light, presumably in an effort to evade photons ene
210  by a plant organ in response to directional blue light, provides the plant with a means to optimize
211 sum, our data demonstrate that pCRY is a key blue light receptor in Chlamydomonas that is involved in
212                            Cryptochrome is a blue light receptor that acts as a sensor for the geomag
213       Arabidopsis cryptochrome 2 (CRY2) is a blue light receptor that mediates light inhibition of hy
214 ng in the dimeric light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) blue light receptor YF1 that serves as a paradigm for th
215  shared between traits reveal a role for the blue-light receptor CRYPTOCHROME2 (CRY2) in thermosensor
216 dance, and this involves the PHOT1 and PHOT2 blue light receptors [3].
217 tropic hypocotyl bending is initiated by the blue light receptors and protein kinases phototropin1 (p
218  In flowering plants, the phototropin (phot) blue light receptors are essential to detect light gradi
219  lines downregulating the genes encoding the blue light receptors CRYTOCHROME (CRY1) and CRY2.
220    Cryptochromes are known as flavin-binding blue light receptors in bacteria, fungi, plants, and ins
221 omes are flavin-binding proteins that act as blue light receptors in bacteria, fungi, plants, and ins
222 chromes constitute a group of flavin-binding blue light receptors in bacteria, fungi, plants, and ins
223 ive manner, similar to the regulation by the blue light receptors phototropin and plant cryptochrome
224                            Cryptochromes are blue light receptors that regulate various light respons
225   Cryptochromes are evolutionarily conserved blue light receptors with many roles throughout plant gr
226                            Cryptochromes are blue light receptors with multiple signaling roles in pl
227        Plant cryptochromes (cry) act as UV-A/blue light receptors.
228                          They play a role of blue-light receptors in plants and in invertebrates.
229  The cryptochrome (CRY) flavoproteins act as blue-light receptors in plants and insects, but perform
230                            Cryptochromes are blue-light receptors that regulate development and the c
231                                      We used blue light reflectance to image the macular pigment in p
232  MacTel patients, macular pigment (MP), OCT, blue light reflectance, fluorescein angiography, as well
233 ant macular pigment levels using noninvasive blue light reflectometry.
234 s with their maximum emission limited at the blue-light region.
235  4, featuring yellow, lime-green, green, and blue light, respectively.
236 arbohydrate metabolism, cold stimulation and blue-light response were identified using GO and KEGG da
237 yl- and ethynyl-substituted derivatives with blue light resulted in an improved antiproliferative pot
238 ily exposure of differentiated adipocytes to blue light resulted in decreased lipid droplet size, inc
239 Animals were subjected to combined red-green-blue lights (RGB) during the day and to: darkness; red l
240 ) domain proteins are an important family of blue light-sensing proteins which control a wide variety
241               In addition to the widely used blue light-sensitive ChR2-H134R, we also modelled theore
242        In this regard, we discovered a novel blue light-sensitive current in human scWAT that is medi
243 otoactivatable Dab1 (opto-Dab1) by using the blue light-sensitive dimerization/oligomerization proper
244 photoreceptor co-action mechanism to sustain blue light sensitivity of plants under the broad spectra
245                     Because of the selective blue light sensitivity of the retinal ganglion cells gov
246 s, dsCYC2 is a transcriptional target of the blue light sensor AUREOCHROME1a, which functions synergi
247  key receptor perceiving and transducing the blue light signal in dormant grains.
248 t effective, indicating that phytochrome and blue light signaling control AR system architecture.
249 diance, UVR8 is likely to interact with UV-A/blue light signaling pathways to moderate UV-B-driven tr
250 ession in a feedback regulatory mechanism in blue light signaling.
251 der the control of the phototropin-dependent blue-light signaling cascade and correlated with the act
252 w that acute arousal behavioral responses to blue light significantly differ in mutants lacking CRY,
253  emits bright yellow light when excited by a blue light source.
254 robic conditions in combination with intense blue light sources.
255 toisomerization back to the trans-state with blue light stimulates a rigidification inside the Ld pha
256 driven to fire with high spike fidelity with blue-light stimulation frequencies up to 40 Hz for perio
257 ter in blast-injured mice using red light or blue light stimuli 24 hours after injury compared with b
258 ed by varying the intensity of electrical or blue-light stimuli in pathways that express channelrhodo
259 age (p=0.02, p=0.0014, respectively) for the blue light stimulus condition only.The maximal pupil con
260 tion phase response following cessation of a blue light stimulus was compared with the photoreceptor-
261 C) caging chromophore, DEAC450, that absorbs blue light strongly (epsilon450 = 43,000 M(-1) cm(-1)) a
262 s synthesize 11cRAL chromophore faster under blue light than in darkness.
263 renkov radiation (CR) is the ultraviolet and blue light that is produced by a charged particle travel
264                          When activated with blue light, the C-terminal helix of the LOV2 domain undo
265                        Following exposure to blue light, the His-mSOG animals produce progeny with a
266     Light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domains sense blue light through the photochemical formation of a cyst
267   Light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) receptors sense blue light through the photochemical generation of a cov
268          Cells are illuminated with constant blue light to excite fluorescence of a green fluorescent
269 benula pathway is involved in the ability of blue light to influence a circadian behavior.
270                    The (6-4) photolyases use blue light to reverse UV-induced (6-4) photoproducts in
271 s in anesthetized mice following delivery of blue light to the pancreas.
272 rotease proximal to its cleavage peptide and blue light to uncage the cleavage site.
273                  The age related decrease of blue light transmission led to similar results, however,
274 g and neutral IOLs, whereas low preoperative blue light transmission was inversely associated with an
275                           Cataract decreases blue light transmission.
276  in dark-grown seedlings by red, far-red, or blue light treatments.
277                                              Blue light triggers trans-cis isomerization of the chrom
278 (AgNPs) in supernatant solutions, which emit blue light upon UV irradiation.
279                        Moreover, far-red and blue light upregulate the expression of PCH1 and PCHL in
280  The transcriptional antirepressor AppA is a blue light using flavin (BLUF) photoreceptor that releas
281                                              Blue light using flavin adenine dinucleotide (BLUF) prot
282                                        BLUF (blue light using flavin) domain proteins are an importan
283                    The flavin chromophore in blue-light-using FAD (BLUF) photoreceptors is surrounded
284 ls of various origins, such as LOV and BLUF (blue-light-utilizing flavin adenine dinucleotide) domain
285 n red light-induced stomatal opening whereas blue light was able to induce stomatal opening.
286                                              Blue light was delivered via an optical fiber placed nea
287                      The LMCV in response to blue light was relatively constant throughout the VF.
288        By stimulating PdCMs selectively with blue light, we were able to control cardiac rhythm in th
289 duced pupillary responses to high-irradiance blue light were associated with greater visual field los
290          High levels of red light but not of blue light were enough to restrain the formation of smal
291 f Gluc as a reporter include its emission of blue light, which is absorbed by mammalian tissues, limi
292 of red light in cardiac tissue compared with blue light, which resulted in more widespread light-indu
293 ted cytosolic calcium and externally applied blue light, which together produce translocation of a me
294                When directly challenged with blue light, wild-type l-LNvs responded with increased fi
295           The cyclostilbene macrocycles emit blue light with fluorescence quantum yields that are hig
296   LMOF-241 is highly porous and emits strong blue light with high efficiency.
297 itro, these neurons were activated by 473-nm blue light with high fidelity up to 30 Hz.
298 lamp, AFB1 molecules absorb photons and emit blue light with peak wavelength of 432 nm.
299 d more potent photocytotoxicity (IC50 3 muM, blue light) with a photocytotoxic index >5.
300 Cis human ovarian cancer cells (IC50 74 muM, blue light) with a photocytotoxic index <2, whereas Pt-G

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