


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 g of the protein bands to lower wavelengths (blue shift).
2 ay absorption should exhibit at least a 1 eV blue shift.
3 rom Chlamydomonas augustae (CaChR1) caused a blue shift.
4 rgy gap increases, resulting in the observed blue shift.
5 fficiency channelrhodopsins (ChRs) result in blue shifts.
6 including emission enhancements and red- and blue-shifts.
7 tential, which in turn leads to the observed blue-shifts.
8 in response to increased volume, emission is blue shifted.
9 ctronic confinement is stronger, shorter and blue-shifted.
10 gment lineages whose lambda(max) values were blue-shifted.
11  The absorption spectra of all pigments were blue-shifted.
12 e, except for the ortho derivative, which is blue-shifted 10 nm.
13                                        While blue shifts (14 +/- 2 nm) were observed for the photolum
14  The dye's fluorescence emission spectrum is blue-shifted 60 nm in liquid-ordered phases compared wit
15                                      A large blue shift (96 nm) was also observed in the absorption s
16 train, and the BChl c absorbance maximum was blue-shifted about 8 nm, indicating that the structure o
17 hotocycle kinetics as full length Ppr, but a blue-shifted absorbance and considerably slower photocyc
18 imarily TPQ at lower pH and a species with a blue-shifted absorbance at high pH (lambda(max) = 400 nm
19         The tertiary dinaphthylurea exhibits blue-shifted absorption and red-shifted emission attribu
20                                          Its blue-shifted absorption enables optogenetics at waveleng
21  retinyl is likely to be responsible for the blue-shifted absorption in the blue cone vision pigment.
22 odopsins containing 9- or 11-cis-retinal had blue-shifted absorption maxima and altered photo-bleachi
23                   Self-assembly results in a blue-shifted absorption spectrum and a red-shifted, quen
24 of steric bulk and charge repulsion led to a blue-shifted absorption when compared to that of BDB.
25    Twisted tethered tolane conformers showed blue-shifted absorption; emission spectra were all torsi
26 e increase in quantum yield and a pronounced blue shift, addition of the Ca(2+)-bound protein is with
27                                          The blue-shifts also show a high degree of correlation with
28 ate fluorescence quenching measurements, and blue shift analysis of acrylodan-labeled cysteine mutant
29  CheY(M17C) exhibited an approximately 10 nm blue shift and an approximately 30% increase in signal i
30 me, which resulted in an approximately 13 nm blue shift and approximately 30 mV decrease in the heme
31 wed that the G band of the GNM experiences a blue shift and broadening compared to pristine graphene,
32                      TA reveals a sub-100-fs blue shift and decay of the Franck-Condon bright state a
33 0.5%) under Ar, representing ca. 3600 cm(-1) blue shift and doubled radiative decay efficiency vs the
34 on and hole-burned spectra indicate that the blue shift and increased width of the absorption band in
35                                 Fluorescence blue shift and quenching experiments revealed that Trp r
36 escence peak does not exhibit any additional blue shift and the quantum yield drops abruptly with fur
37  in the visible region, photoluminescence is blue shifted and electronic conductivity increases by up
38 e in emission energies yielding fluorescence blue shifts and helps develop an understanding of the or
39  rate suggesting a link between the observed blue-shift and a thermal noise decrease.
40 lino-1-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) reflects a blue-shift and fluorescence enhancement on decreasing so
41  itself in the 2D IR spectrum as a frequency blue-shift and intensity decrease of the diagonal and cr
42 l under broadband illumination to reversibly blue-shift and significantly dampen gold SPR absorption.
43 frequency domain are identified and shown to blue-shift and strengthen upon inhibitor binding.
44      With the PCB chromophore GAF-FP becomes blue-shifted and absorbs at 625 nm and fluoresces at 657
45  primarily 13-cis light-adapted state with a blue-shifted and lower extinction absorption spectrum, o
46 resonance line shapes of labeled mutants are blue-shifted and more immobilized, respectively, with th
47 ading to a Raman O-H stretching band that is blue-shifted and narrower than that of bulk water.
48 ssurizing each metal, the phonon spectra are blue-shifted and the net electron-phonon interaction is
49 Upon binding to TTP, NBD-TOH fluorescence is blue shifted, and its intensity is greatly enhanced.
50  of a thin, epitaxial layer of CuO, which is blue-shifted, and appears to increase in energy as a fun
51 es of the acetone ligands were progressively blue shifted as the number of ligands increased from two
52 show a maximum at longer wavelength, however blue shifts as time evolves, which provides the first di
53                 Abnormally, these MLCT bands blue-shift as n increases, and beta(0) maximizes at n =
54 to-ligand charge-transfer bands unexpectedly blue-shift as the number of E-ethylene units (n) increas
55 -shifts with increasing lattice constant and blue-shifts as the network filling fraction increases.
56 ys, ultra-violet emission with large Doppler blue shifts associated with plasma upflows, and Halpha h
57 Laurdan-labeled neutrophils revealed a large blue shift at lamellipodia relative to cell bodies.
58 roxyl bound to water oxygen) and a resolved, blue shifted band (hydroxyl bound to BF(4)(-)).
59 n of Fe(3+), Cr(3+), and Al(3+) caused a new blue-shifted band in 2a-d that was ascribed to a prefere
60  and the absorption position of the farthest blue-shifted beta-carotene was attributed entirely to th
61 amined and found to be more prominent in the blue-shifted bioluminescence produced by R. reniformis l
62 cavity transmission spectra exhibit distinct blue-shifted bistability behavior when temperature cross
63                  Specifically, it exhibits a blue-shifted broad absorption band around 500 nm and a r
64 size decreases from d approximately 20 nm it blue-shifts but then turns over near d approximately 12
65 rominent absorption peak at 330 nm, which is blue shifted by 100 nm relative to F430.
66 y a 16 cm(-1) red-shifted C=C stretch, which blue shifts by 5 cm(-1) coincident with the rise of the
67  bond with a C-H stretch vibration frequency blue-shifted by 14 cm(-1) and d(F-H) = 2.13 A.
68  of magnitude (Phi = 0.12, tau = 0.7 ns) and blue-shifted by 35 nm.
69 on spectra of TTF-OXD hybrids 10d and 11 are blue-shifted by 80 nm compared to the bithienyl-bridged
70 e carbonyl stretching band at 1970 cm(-1) is blue-shifted by approximately 200 cm(-1) compared to the
71 -x)Sn(x)S(2) nanocrystals (0.52-0.57 eV) are blue-shifted by quantum confinement relative to that of
72 on, more tryptophan quenching and wavelength blue-shift (by 10nm), in parallel with increased zeta po
73                  The phosphorescence band is blue-shifted ca. 20 nm in the aggregate/gel, and the shi
74 luded a red shift in fluorescence (Ag(+)), a blue shift (Cd(2+)), strong quenching (Pd(2+), Pt(2+)),
75 hat FlicR1 can be used in conjunction with a blue-shifted channelrhodopsin for all-optical electrophy
76 itivity was at 445 nm, making PsChR the most blue-shifted channelrhodopsin so far identified.
77                      The animals expressed a blue-shifted channelrhodopsin, CheRiff, and a near infra
78 ent light-gated cation channels and the most blue-shifted channelrhodopsin, was studied by time-resol
79 emission maximum is 523 nm, an unusual 37 nm blue shift compared to that of the natural substrate.
80 ethoxy group at the 4-position were slightly blue shifted compared to the unsubstituted parent comple
81 p-RStil(6-7)Ph(2-1)OS](8), the emissions are blue-shifted compared to those of the fully substituted
82 is for a firm assignment of the red-shifted (blue-shifted) conformer of both molecules to the syn (an
83 nce emission maxima of its single tryptophan blue shifts considerably.
84  frameworks, the C-O stretching frequency is blue-shifted, consistent with nonclassical metal-CO inte
85 to prevent oxidative degradation and promote blue-shifting deplanarization.
86                                         This blue shift disappeared after exposure to methyl-beta-cyc
87 ystem has been disrupted, with one component blue shifted due to the presumed loss of an H-bond donor
88                Two mutants were created with blue-shifted (E254D, lambdamax = 390 nm; D380N, lambdama
89 rse Onsager process, where the field induces blue-shifted emission and increases the efficiency of th
90 igh pH, ESIPT is interrupted to yield a new, blue-shifted emission band.
91                                          The blue-shifted emission maximum, centered near 335 nm, per
92 ional mutagenesis results confirmed that the blue-shifted emission of the double mutants was determin
93 er lifetimes, the remaining pools also had a blue-shifted emission spectrum consistent with immobiliz
94      At this site, DC6C displayed a strongly blue-shifted emission spectrum, higher intrinsic fluores
95 ssion spectrum to long lifetime species with blue-shifted emission spectrum; the activation energy fo
96  double mutant supported the notion that the blue-shifted emission was due to localized changes that
97 y injection mass spectrometry) resulted in a blue-shifted emission wavelength maximum (approximately
98 the GAF or with Cys in both PAS and GAF show blue-shifted emission with long fluorescence lifetimes.
99 diative hydrodynamic models account well for blue-shifted emission, but struggle to reproduce closely
100        To establish the basis of the unusual blue-shifted emission, we determined that a simple addit
101 the HOMO (but not of the LUMO), leading to a blue-shifted emission.
102   Our results indicate that the formation of blue-shifted emissive photoproducts can have implication
103  the HOMO-LUMO gap and an enhancement of the blue-shifted emissive properties with respect to its all
104  dispersed in poly(methyl methacrylate) gave blue-shifted emissive Pt(IV) complexes.
105 ssion events, we identified a very promising blue-shifted emitter (548 nm) that contained the mutatio
106 : a spherical outflow, a tightly collimated, blue-shifted expansion, and a directed, red-shifted flow
107                    Instead of the continuous blue shift expected from a gradual decrease in NC dimens
108  are shown to exhibit enhanced pH-responsive blue-shifted fluorescence emission intensities compared
109 d to Cys in the GAF are the origin of bright blue-shifted fluorescence.
110 en mediated photochemical cleavage, yielding blue-shifted fluorescent products.
111 rease in metmyoglobin correlated well with a blue shift from 410 to 408 nm for myoglobin.
112  fluorescence enhancement of PVD with a 13nm blue shift from 458 to 445nm.
113 regions of these spectra are similar to, but blue-shifted from that of bulk water, whereas the free-O
114 xhibits emission maximum at 685 nm, which is blue-shifted from that of surface-bound 2.
115 cal withC stretching frequency significantly blue-shifted from that of the free molecule.
116 the UV (lambdamax 324-328 nm), significantly blue-shifted from the absorption spectrum of thioindigo.
117  the maximum EF occurs when the LSPR band is blue-shifted from the excitation wavelength rather than
118 nm) than the diamines but are still slightly blue-shifted from thioindigo, with molar extinction coef
119 )](8), which exhibits an absorption spectrum blue-shifted from trans-stilbene.
120 old fluorescence intensity increase, a 90 nm blue shift (from 805 to 715 nm), and a large increase in
121 t, exhibiting either red-shifted (low pH) or blue-shifted (high pH) absorption maxima.
122 ing", can be perturbed through both red- and blue-shifted hydrogen bonding effects.
123  Met-186 is also largely responsible for the blue-shifted IFP1.4 excitation maximum relative to the p
124                                 At low pH, a blue shift in absorbance of 10-15 nm suggests a pH-induc
125                          Donor XFs display a blue shift in absorption and emission upon protonation,
126 ing methyl group on the donor side exhibited blue shift in absorption and emission when compared to t
127         In the case of magnesium triflate, a blue shift in emission was observed; in contrast, additi
128 ase in Trp intensity and approximately 12-nm blue shift in emission wavelength maximum, involved vari
129 moieties of the casein proteins, with a 10nm blue shift in its fluorescence emission peak, and causes
130 nhanced intensity of NADH fluorescence and a blue shift in its maximum.
131      Independently, it displays a comparable blue shift in liquid-ordered relative to liquid-disorder
132                                      A small blue shift in the 560-nm deoxy absorption peak marked wa
133 ectron transfer indicated approximately 3 nm blue shift in the absolute spectra of both the oxidized
134 how that all compounds generate a very large blue shift in the absorption edge (1.0-2.0 eV) due to th
135 he biochemical distance and the magnitude of blue shift in the absorption spectrum maximum.
136                         Ilicicolin induces a blue shift in the absorption spectrum of ferro-cytochrom
137            All presented Cu(2-x)S NCs show a blue shift in the band gap absorption compared to bulk C
138 us induces an otherwise difficult to explain blue shift in the C-D absorptions.
139 antiparallel G-quadruplex DNAzymes lead to a blue shift in the CD spectra of the G-quadruplex DNAzyme
140            (ii) Substrate binding leads to a blue shift in the emission spectrum and reduction in acc
141               As the voltage is increased, a blue shift in the emission wavelength is observed until
142 on of the dimer, thereby yielding a spectral blue shift in the hybridized plasmon mode as detected by
143 enylate intermediate and is accompanied by a blue shift in the intrinsic fluorescence of the protein.
144  deletion, but not Asp17 mutation, induced a blue shift in the lambda(max) of intrinsic fluorescence
145 ripheral aryl groups results in a systematic blue shift in the low-energy electronic transitions (7,
146            Aggregation induces a significant blue shift in the oligomers' absorption spectra, and the
147  each film during gas exposures and showed a blue shift in the peak positions for the reducing gases,
148 P energy and the electrostatic field induced blue shift in the PL energy of the rGO-QDs.
149 nanoparticles (TGNPs) was characterized by a blue shift in the plasmon absorption spectra (SPR) follo
150 n metal ion binding and that this leads to a blue shift in the position as well as a reduction in the
151 bstitution resulted in an approximately 4 nm blue shift in the Soret band and approximately 20 mV dec
152 did not bind thioflavin T and they induced a blue shift in the spectrum of Congo red.
153 n of GLTP with glycolipid liposomes caused a blue shift in the Trp emission maximum but diminished th
154 eading to a shortening of the X[bond]H and a blue shift in the X[bond]H stretching frequency.
155 ow that all double-layer compounds exhibit a blue shift in their absorption edge (0.6-1.2 eV), due to
156 ence at residues 293-296, displayed an 11-nm blue shift in wavelength of maximum fluorescence emissio
157 sites is that the fluorescence of MEH-PPV is blue shifted in the composites.
158 orescence intensity and significant (100 nm) blue shifts in emission maxima.
159  mixed populations, acrylamide induced large blue shifts in fluorescence emission lambda(max) whereas
160 s of water, methanol, and acetonitrile cause blue shifts in the electronic transition energy of the b
161                                              Blue shifts in the emission spectrum with time after exc
162                 Each of the analogues caused blue shifts in the fluorescence emission and absorption
163 anced electron-withdrawing character induces blue shifts in the wavelength of photoluminescence, and
164 various levels of theory uniformly predict a blue-shift in absorption caused by a single water molecu
165 /Cd(2+) complex showed an enhanced (21-fold) blue-shift in emission from 483 to 446 nm.
166 videnced by a fluorescence increase and by a blue-shift in the emission maximum consistent with a cha
167  D, F, H, and S exhibited varying degrees of blue-shift in the flavin visible absorption maxima while
168 he conjugation of F8BT polymer, leading to a blue-shift in the lowest absorption transition.
169 Decreased planarity results in a progressive blue-shift in the lowest energy allowed pi,pi transition
170                                          The blue-shift in the optical spectra is attributed to the l
171 periment shows a controllable and reversible blue-shift in the SP resonance above a critical voltage.
172  radiation of cottoid fishes shows a gradual blue-shift in the wavelength of the absorption maximum o
173 for the bulk, and the LO mode is very weakly blue-shifted in 1D.
174 lrhodamine, producing significant (>/=66 nm) blue-shifts in excitation and emission maxima.
175 ed in structural changes that led to red- or blue-shifts in maximum emission, depending on temperatur
176 stacking in the solid state, unusually large blue-shifts in the absorbance and emission spectra, and
177 eriences of colour in dim lights, such as a 'blue shift' in twilight.
178                                         This blue shift is considerably greater than observed for Trp
179 is seen in absorption (for the former) and a blue shift is observed in emission (for the latter).
180                However, the extent of such a blue shift is significantly less than that of the single
181 lculations are used to demonstrate that this blue shift is the result of delocalization of the Fermi-
182 uency in the presence of halothane, and this blue-shift is largely reversible.
183 ith thinner Ag shells (12-16.5 nm) exhibit a blue-shifted major LSPR band relative to the LSPR band a
184 3A, D, H, S, and W mutants exhibited similar blue-shifted maxima together with changes in absorption
185                                              Blue-shifted metal to ligand charge transfer transitions
186                                              Blue-shifting mutations were distributed evenly along th
187 (O2(-))](2+) (3), based on its distinctively blue-shifted nu(N-O) band at 1853 cm(-1).
188                            The quenching and blue shift observed for the maximum wavelength intensiti
189  region confirmed that an apparent energetic blue shift observed for transient bleach signals results
190  of the solvent, in contrast with consistent blue shifts observed for similarly sized organic molecul
191 nt, whether naturally or by mutagenesis, and blue shifts occur when it is replaced with a neutral res
192 e phosphors increased by more than 10% and a blue shift occurred.
193 -of-sight Doppler velocities with an average blue shift of 23 kilometers per second.
194 cts increased lipid packing as measured by a blue shift of an environment-sensitive fluorescent probe
195 ement with the theoretical values and show a blue shift of approximately 0.22 eV relative to those re
196 ctric relaxation results in a time-dependent blue shift of B(A)(-) absorption, which can be monitored
197                           The observed 18 nm blue shift of emission is explained by strong dispersion
198                                          The blue shift of mOrange is induced by an unprecedented cov
199  solid films exhibit a temperature-dependent blue shift of optical absorption peaks due to a continuo
200 ed nanoparticles (2 nm), demonstrated as the blue shift of particle absorption, diminishes SERS enhan
201                               For example, a blue shift of the absorption max from 373 to 332 nm was
202 ted by nucleophilic addition, resulting in a blue shift of the absorption maxima and a dramatic decre
203 hromophore fluorescence emission and a 45 nm blue shift of the absorption maximum with an increase in
204 ed spectroscopically by the observation of a blue shift of the CO stretching mode in the IR spectrum
205                                 A consistent blue shift of the CR domain tryptophan fluorescence sugg
206 rising primarily from an approximately 30 nm blue shift of the dimer absorption band.
207  incubation with proteinase K, a conspicuous blue shift of the EOT is observed, which is attributed t
208 the anionic charge of membranes results in a blue shift of the fluorescence of Trp(3) of hIBPLA(2), a
209 rsion of adduct I to the azo tautomer with a blue shift of the lambda(max) to 420 nm, close to that o
210 nkages into these oligothiophenes leads to a blue shift of the maximum emission wavelength and a corr
211 jection of electrons into TiO2 resulted in a blue shift of the metal-to-ligand charge transfer absorp
212 s alpha-helical circular dichroism spectrum, blue shift of the native state tryptophan fluorescence,
213 arrow PL, strong excitonic absorption, and a blue shift of the optical band gap by more than 0.47 eV
214 ploiting Al nanoparticle arrays results in a blue shift of the resonance, enabling the first demonstr
215 ron transfer in the Cys L247 mutants and the blue shift of the spectrum in some of the Arg L135 and C
216  HGNs exhibit an unexpected, but systematic, blue shift of the surface plasmon resonance spectral pos
217 n on the nanoLCA sensor also showed spectral blue shifts of CYP2J2 following substrate binding.
218 d by measuring, respectively, the saturating blue shifts of fluorescence emission at high lipid:tetra
219                                   The slight blue shifts of the CT band follow the trend of stronger
220                                              Blue shifts of up to 30 nm in PL emission wavelength max
221         The MD simulations indicate that the blue-shift of -CN stretching vibration induced by haloth
222 or with a below-bandgap laser pulse causes a blue-shift of the bandgap transition energy, known as th
223                                          The blue-shift of the Citrine fluorescence spectrum resultin
224                 This results in a continuous blue-shift of the coupled plasmon from near infrared to
225 absorption on TiO2 films with up to a 250 nm blue-shift of the dye absorption onset on TiO2.
226 he infrared spectra from experiment showed a blue-shift of the nitrile vibrational frequency in the p
227 partial Pb(2+) for M(2+) exchange leads to a blue-shift of the optical spectra, while maintaining the
228 um of blue proteorhodopsin (BPR) is the most blue-shifted of all retinal proteins found in archaea or
229 ovides structural insight into the transient blue-shifting of isolated yellow fluorescent protein mol
230  We observed a classical optical effect: the blue-shifting of light at a white-hole horizon.
231  nominally MLCT transitions and accompanying blue-shifts of the visible absorptions, as the ligand pi
232 ts were especially manifested in the overall blue-shifts of the VSCF frequencies relative to the harm
233 e to bulk water, which is in contrast to the blue-shift often observed in systems such as water nanop
234 showed generally increased fluorescence with blue shift on deletion of the N-terminal domain in the d
235 rge-transfer states, as evidenced by a rapid blue shift on the electronic axis of our 2D-EV spectra.
236 lectromagnetic simulation suggested that the blue shift on the nanoLCA is because of the hybridizatio
237 ed chromophoric films exhibit a dramatically blue-shifted optical maximum (325 nm) while maintaining
238 chromophore is found to exhibit a remarkably blue-shifted optical maximum (357 nm in CH(2)Cl(2)) whil
239 membrane-intercalating COE, DSSN+, which has blue-shifted optical properties making it compatible for
240 pi-hydrogen bonds (red-shifting O-H...pi and blue-shifting ortho-C-H...pi) contribute to the stabilit
241 parts, the near-IR absorption of the HNPs is blue-shifted owing to the hollow interior.
242 ion of a previously unknown light-sensitive, blue-shifted photocycle intermediate L (lambdamax = 495
243  the solid-liquid interface) by anti-Stokes (blue-shifted) photons following upconversion of Yb(3+) e
244 ted for the formation of emissive spectrally blue-shifted photoproducts.
245 red photoconvertable variant, PSmOrange2 has blue-shifted photoswitching action spectrum, 9-fold high
246 a series of 12 N-acetates 2 predict the most blue-shifted pi --> pi* transition for the alkoxy substi
247 -165 are key side chains responsible for the blue shift, presumably by localizing chromophore charge
248                                          The blue-shifted products give a dark-field sensing scheme t
249 Chl c homologs with smaller side chains, (c) blue-shifted Qy absorption maxima, and (d) a sigmoid-sha
250 ng an absorption maximum at 898 nm, an 85 nm blue shift relative to the beta-carotene radical cation
251 lecules with Ag-Fe(CO)5 bonds show a notable blue shift relative to those observed for free Fe(CO)5,
252 nocrystals (E(g) = 1.71 eV) is significantly blue-shifted relative to the bulk value (E(g) = 1.30 eV)
253 re strongly coupled, and the frequencies are blue-shifted relative to the free gas.
254       Here we report the detection of highly blue-shifted resonance lines of the singly ionized radio
255 find evidence for a functional and unusually blue-shifted rhodopsin that is expressed in small single
256                                Specifically, blue-shifts seen upon treatment of H-bonding catalysts w
257 cence quenching together with a Trp emission blue shift showed that the Trp residues remain largely s
258 fted side of the spectrum faster than on the blue shifted side, facilitated by cascaded stimulated Ra
259        The adsorbed CO vibrational frequency blue-shifts slightly (approximately 4 cm(-)(1)) compared
260 solution exhibit RLS when excited within the blue-shifted Soret band (H band) and produce AFM images
261 nite or natural redox partners), including a blue-shifted Soret band and development of a strong feat
262 d the intermediate 1, which displays a weak, blue-shifted Soret band at 402 nm and an absorbance at 6
263 eins with BV covalently bound to Cys256 have blue-shifted spectra and higher quantum yield.
264 Ps with both Cys residues have the narrowest blue-shifted spectra and the highest quantum yield.
265 th respect to that in the gas phase, but the blue-shifted spectrum observed in water at pH 3 is domin
266 nd triplet energy levels (E(S) and E(T)) and blue shifts the absorption and emission bands.
267 onating group at the meso position of BODIPY blue shifts the absorption and emission with decreased f
268 and addition of a water molecule is found to blue-shift the absorption by approximately 50 nm (0.23 e
269 the unmodified thiolate Fe-S bond length and blue-shift the ligand-to-metal charge-transfer band (wit
270 ogel, reduce the 2D PC particle spacing, and blue-shift the light diffracted from the PC.
271              The excitonic effects split and blue-shift the Soret absorptions, and slightly broaden t
272 reasing the photoluminescence efficiency and blue-shifting the emission of the conjugated cores, in t
273  The purpose was to test the hypothesis that blue-shifting the pigment by switching from A2 to A1 wil
274                                            A blue shift to higher frequencies of the CN vibration to
275 ECL emission of 640 nm, which is about 55 nm blue shift to its fluorescence, was observed in MeCN wit
276 BChl c in the mutant cells were narrower and blue shifted to various extents.
277 e fluorescence intensity emission maximum is blue-shifted to 309 nm.
278 a, and Phe250Ser, whose emission maximum was blue-shifted to 549 nm, providing a set of enzymes whose
279                      Only a Trp in azurin is blue-shifted to a greater extent (308 nm).
280                  The relevance of the sensor blue-shifts to the LUMO-lowering abilities of the H-bond
281 he absorption onset of the CdSe quantum dots blue shifted toward higher energies at 3 eV (414 nm), wh
282 ts in the solid state displayed an analogous blue-shifted transient with a lambdamax= 510 nm that fir
283 mines the PL wavelength and thus the PL peak blue shifts upon decreasing the Si NC size.
284 f W29-MDE is paradoxically both quenched and blue-shifted upon nucleotide binding.
285 increased variance of Doppler frequency, and blue-shifted UV absorbance (stimuli-responsive imaging).
286                                        Large blue-shifted UV-vis absorption and PL spectra have been
287 ween 1 and 3 nm, which resulted in sharp and blue-shifted UV-vis and PL peaks due to one-dimensional
288         Even for E181D, an anomalously large blue shift was observed in the absorption spectrum of th
289 nking meso-aryl groups leads to a sharpened, blue-shifted wavelength lambdamax band, bucking the gene
290 rant concentration results in a continuously blue-shifted wavelength maximum.
291 uencies relative to the harmonic values, and blue shifts were attributed to the overall positive coup
292              At the highest level of theory, blue shifts were obtained for BF...HCl and CO...HCl, whi
293 ons are larger than the Eu(2+) dopant, but a blue shift when the M = Ca host is smaller.
294 e UV absorption of these fused thiophenes is blue-shifted when compared with their hydrocarbon counte
295 measured absorption spectrum is unexpectedly blue shifted, which is potentially due to the intense el
296 ine conjugate at position 178 yields a large blue shift with alpha-bungarotoxin association, whereas
297 oluminescence measurements reveal an unusual blue-shift with increasing temperature, closely linked t
298 nic properties: (i) fluorescence emission is blue-shifted with respect to [8]cycloparaphenylene 1, an
299 cluster reveals that the optical band gap is blue-shifted with respect to a cluster containing only 1
300 cements in emission intensity coupled with a blue shift (Zn(2+)).

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