


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ting from the sky and in shadows tends to be bluish.
2           Cerulean cataracts have peripheral bluish and white opacifications in concentric layers wit
3 ing IMP images of the predawn sky show thin, bluish clouds that probably represent water ice forming
4 ite or gray when their color is varied along bluish directions, compared with equivalent variations a
5 s was accompanied by a whitish opalescent or bluish discoloration of a palpebral surface bulge.
6                                  They may be bluish due to the fluid and may cause pressure resorptio
7  (Hordeum vulgare) plants, that is the light bluish-gray look of flag leaf, stem, and spike surfaces,
8 bis(9H-carbazol-9-yl)biphenyl host exhibited bluish green electroluminescence.
9 y DFHBI, which produces fluorescence that is bluish-green and is not optimized for filters commonly u
10 eutropenic patients, produces conidia with a bluish-green color.
11       The alb1-complemented strain producing bluish-green conidia exhibited inefficient C3 binding an
12 us fumigatus, a filamentous fungus producing bluish-green conidia, is an important opportunistic path
13 rescued cosmid was sufficient to restore the bluish-green conidial pigment.
14  Our studies suggest that arp1 modulates the bluish-green pigmentation of conidia as well as compleme
15                                          The bluish-green transformant exhibited a level of C3 bindin
16 avelength-sensitive cones, short-wavelength (bluish) light is so blurred that it cannot contribute to
17 rystal hydrogel with parallel filaments--the bluish-opaque hydrogel--with notable mechanical and wate
18 ain lesions of varying degrees, ranging from bluish-red infiltrations to mutilating necrotic ulcerati
19 he intubated patient showed a hard, swollen, bluish scrotum and an externally rotated and slightly sh
20 year-old boy with cystic fibrosis reported a bluish skin color after he began ingesting a colloidal s
21 ed natural phenazine, is responsible for the bluish tint of sputum and pus associated with P. aerugin
22 ive bias may reflect a tendency to attribute bluish tints to the illuminant rather than the object, c
23 s with a notably darker colour and with more bluish tonality.
24 f-trapped excited states that give efficient bluish white-light emissions with photoluminescence quan
25 nts of the epicuticular layer leading to the bluish-white glaucous trait in reproductive-age plants.

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