


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 which force a six-membered ring into a twist-boat conformation.
2 on, with ring B being formed in the required boat conformation.
3 he -1 subsite is distorted into a (1)S3 skew boat conformation.
4 glycosyl oxocarbenium ion reacting through a boat conformation.
5 .H interaction that imparts stability to the boat conformation.
6 nnosyl intermediate, which adopts a 1S5 skew boat conformation.
7 he cyclohexane ring adopts a distorted twist-boat conformation.
8 f the central sigma bond is prevented in the boat conformation.
9 ts glucopyranose rings from the chair to the boat conformation.
10 ting the crown, twist-crown, boat-chair, and boat conformations.
11  states are in crown (chair-chair) and chair-boat conformations.
12                                            A boat conformation (1d; C(2v) symmetry) was generated and
13  and the latter locks the A-ring in the half-boat conformation and decreases flection of the ABC-ring
14 he interactions realized between a scytalone boat conformation and key active site residues as modele
15 squaraine rotaxane shows the macrocycle in a boat conformation, and NMR studies indicate that the boa
16 h axial-rich substituents contained skew and boat conformations, and three-state models were generall
17       The more axial-rich donors in skew and boat conformations are thus preorganized closer to the a
18 occurs at the electronically favorable twist-boat conformation, facilitated by intramolecular H-bondi
19             The beta form of GeSe displays a boat conformation for its Ge-Se six-membered ring ("six-
20 lar modeling are consistent with a flattened boat conformation for monomeric and oligomeric residues
21 crystallography shows an approximately twist-boat conformation for the tetra-O-benzyl-protected (Z)-m
22 ase in the fraction of residue G in the skew boat conformation (from 64 to 85%).
23                       Resorcinarene adopts a boat conformation in 1-4 and a bowl conformation in 5 an
24 of the ligand into a (1)S(3) skew (or twist) boat conformation in the middle of the reaction cycle.
25                 All of the compounds adopted boat conformations in solution irrespective of the solve
26 ible and undergo rapid exchange of chair and boat conformations in solution.
27 mide bridging units are more likely to adopt boat conformations in the solid state than analogous squ
28 ions and destabilize pathways that occur via boat conformations, in accord with the experimental obse
29  particular, we have calculated that a twist-boat conformation is relevant to the reactivity and faci
30 group into the axial orientation of a pseudo-boat conformation; N131 hydrogen-bonds to the C8 hydroxy
31 rn was in agreement with a chair-chair-chair-boat conformation of the (S)-2,3-oxidosqualene precursor
32 tion by negative hyperconjugation; the twist-boat conformation of the addition and intermediate is st
33                                          The boat conformation of the pyranose observed in the comple
34                        Our reaction uses the boat conformation of the substrates to achieve palladium
35 This structure class is characterized by the boat conformation of the tropane ring and the orientatio
36 e chelate rings of the cyclic ligands are in boat conformations, placing two pendant amines close (3.
37 ion of the planar triphosphabenzene toward a boat-conformation provides a suprafacial combination of
38 n and interconversion of the chair and twist-boat conformations, slow rotation of the tert-butyl grou
39  the result of the N(t)Bu groups enforcing a boat conformation that brings the two metals into close
40  C4 of the nicotinamide ring, which adopts a boat conformation that is postulated to be relevant for
41   Substrate is bound in a distorted 1S3 skew-boat conformation, thereby presenting the anomeric carbo
42 e sugar in the -1 position is distorted to a boat conformation, thus providing structural evidence in
43 an Angstrom-scale transition from a chair to boat conformation under a stretching force.
44 show that these isomers exist in a flattened boat conformation with pseudoequatorial substituents.
45 ormed by the diphosphine ligands and Ni have boat conformations with an average Ni- - -N distance to
46 e two complexes are slightly puckered (quasi-boat conformation, with torsion angles of 5.9 degrees fo

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