


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ted and appears to have an important role in bone metabolism.
2  a basis for further studies on 18F-fluoride bone metabolism.
3  of various cellular interactions, including bone metabolism.
4  protein and potassium to predict markers of bone metabolism.
5 ne mineral density and peripheral markers of bone metabolism.
6 E4D, and SATB2, which all closely related to bone metabolism.
7 lactinemia did have an impact on the rate of bone metabolism.
8 sine phosphorylation is a major regulator of bone metabolism.
9 metric parameters and biochemical markers of bone metabolism.
10 xial and peripheral bone mass and markers of bone metabolism.
11 nts, which may contribute to disturbances in bone metabolism.
12 ietary protein may have different effects on bone metabolism.
13 d that sex steroids have profound effects on bone metabolism.
14 udy of the effects of estrogen deficiency on bone metabolism.
15 ts and osteoclasts, suggesting a key role in bone metabolism.
16 clear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) and thus bone metabolism.
17  with low levels of NH4 (+) and no change in bone metabolism.
18 olism have been related to direct effects on bone metabolism.
19 e link between pediatric nephrolithiasis and bone metabolism.
20 ink between phosphatidylserine synthesis and bone metabolism.
21 ious proteins involved in blood clotting and bone metabolism.
22 ontributing to region-specific regulation of bone metabolism.
23 bout its potential role in breast cancer and bone metabolism.
24  antipsychotic-induced hyperprolactinemia on bone metabolism.
25 that these autoantibodies directly influence bone metabolism.
26 rst report describing a role for XLalphas in bone metabolism.
27 ctive outcomes, neuroendocrine function, and bone metabolism.
28 tein synthesis, carbohydrate homeostasis and bone metabolism.
29 ith calcium to improve calcium retention and bone metabolism.
30 e carefully evaluated as they may impinge on bone metabolism.
31 MD, BMC, T scores, or biochemical markers of bone metabolism.
32 odstream can hence be indicative of abnormal bone metabolism.
33 one and may play a role in the regulation of bone metabolism.
34  of interest, termed K(i), reflects regional bone metabolism.
35 signaling network plays an essential role in bone metabolism.
36 understanding of the role of this pathway in bone metabolism.
37 re important for coagulation, signaling, and bone metabolism.
38 D], which regulates calcium, phosphorus, and bone metabolism.
39 well as some already known to be relevant to bone metabolism.
40 oduce a wide variety of factors important to bone metabolism.
41 e inducers, are associated with disorders of bone metabolism.
42  TNF on PTHrP-induced changes in calcium and bone metabolism, a murine tumor model of hypercalcemia w
43 athyroid hormone (PTH), a major regulator of bone metabolism, activates the PTHR1 receptor on the ost
44 ed signals have emerged as key regulators of bone metabolism, although their mechanisms of action hav
45 -4 (DPP-4) have shown pleiotropic effects on bone metabolism and anti-inflammatory properties.
46 a promising noninvasive method for measuring bone metabolism and bone blood flow.
47 than weight gain and obesity alone modulates bone metabolism and can therefore influence alveolar bon
48  (TCO-BP, 2) that binds to regions of active bone metabolism and captures functionalized tetrazines i
49 ty for investigating the correlation between bone metabolism and clinical outcome during bisphosphona
50 ET allows noninvasive evaluation of regional bone metabolism and has the potential to become a useful
51 associated with major changes in calcium and bone metabolism and in bone mineral status before and af
52 that phenytoin is associated with changes in bone metabolism and increased bone turnover.
53     In animal studies, TCDD exposure impairs bone metabolism and increases fragility.
54 ctors may disrupt the physiologic balance in bone metabolism and lead to the pathologic loss of alveo
55  blood and urine and are used to investigate bone metabolism and manage bone diseases.
56     (18)F-fluoride PET quantitatively images bone metabolism and may serve as a pharmacodynamic asses
57 3, collagenase-3) plays an essential role in bone metabolism and mineral homeostasis.
58 insic mechanism that is important in both MM bone metabolism and normal physiology.
59 elopment centered primarily on its effect on bone metabolism and not on its antineoplastic activity.
60  of research in which these nutrients affect bone metabolism and skeletal health.
61 ect of inhaled glucocorticosteroids (ICS) on bone metabolism and subsequent osteoporosis is controver
62 ways and also influence insulin sensitivity, bone metabolism and sympathetic outflow; all of these ha
63 R) signaling regulates both inflammation and bone metabolism and that the receptor activator of NF-ka
64 we tested the effect of anti-DKK1 therapy on bone metabolism and tumor growth in a SCID-rab system.
65 sociated local factors on cross-talk between bone metabolism and tumour biology.
66 d from normal and tumor cells that regulates bone metabolism and vascular tone, is a naturally occurr
67 lterations in behavior, insulin sensitivity, bone metabolism, and acquired immune responses.
68 ctivated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) regulate bone metabolism, and because steroid receptor coactivato
69 turbances of glucose, insulin resistance and bone metabolism, and body weight changes.
70 amines insights into molecular mechanisms of bone metabolism, and discusses the prevention and treatm
71 tamin K has been suggested to have a role in bone metabolism, and low vitamin K intake has been relat
72 -FMS play a key role in the immune response, bone metabolism, and the development of some cancers.
73 one mineral density, biochemical measures of bone metabolism, and the incidence of nonvertebral fract
74 uated cortisol and growth hormone secretion, bone metabolism, and vitamin D-receptor alleles.
75 thereby potentiate altered lipid metabolism, bone metabolism, and weight status of transplant recipie
76   Pathological alterations in the balance of bone metabolism are central to the progression of inflam
77 ation, but roles of specific phosphatases in bone metabolism are largely unknown.
78               However, the effects of CLP on bone metabolism are unknown.
79 ) mice showed phenotypes related to impaired bone metabolism as increased carboxy-terminal collagen c
80 bed mechanism may contribute to the abnormal bone metabolism associated with IBD.
81 o-activator of Nox2 is lost, to characterize bone metabolism at 6 weeks and 2 years of age.
82 ess play a key role in switching the mode of bone metabolism between formation and resorption.
83 hysiologic testosterone levels may influence bone metabolism, but only subphysiologic levels signific
84 m studies show no effects of these agents on bone metabolism,but long-term data are not available.
85                           Pathophysiological bone metabolism can be induced via exposure to LPS and d
86                               Alterations in bone metabolism can result in decreased bone mass (osteo
87      Three genes potentially contributing to bone metabolism, CCR3 (chemokine receptor 3), HDC (histi
88  SOST in the adult bone and had an impact on bone metabolism, consistent with the model that the VB n
89 tonin and glucocorticoids, known to modulate bone metabolism, could have opposite actions on bone cel
90 nsive and rapid point-of-care (POC) tool for bone metabolism detection and prognostics.
91 ric measurements, laboratory measurements of bone metabolism, disease activity, dietary intake, and p
92 advances in our understanding of calcium and bone metabolism during human pregnancy and lactation and
93 participate in the regulation of calcium and bone metabolism during lactation.
94 n increased in response to two modulators of bone metabolism, estradiol and intermittent mechanical l
95  necrosis factor [TNF]-alpha) that may alter bone metabolism have been previously found to be increas
96 mproved resolution, sensitivity and speed in bone metabolism imaging -- without any of the health ris
97 ormation and resorption were used to measure bone metabolism in 14 Caucasian female patients with sch
98            Correcting acidosis also improves bone metabolism in CKD and hence should be a goal of the
99  study was to identify genes associated with bone metabolism in GC-treated mice, by performing a micr
100 he effect of resistance exercise training on bone metabolism in heart transplant recipients.
101 curate interpretation of changes in regional bone metabolism in response to treatment.
102 flurbiprofen nitroxybutylester (HCT1026), on bone metabolism in vitro and in vivo.
103 previously that caffeine intake could affect bone metabolism in vivo.
104 , and total body; blood and urine markers of bone metabolism; incident falls, clinical fractures, and
105            Serum was analyzed for indices of bone metabolism including calcium, 25-hydroxyvitamin D,
106                                 Furthermore, bone metabolism is altered by a high-protein acidogenic
107              Conventional in vivo imaging of bone metabolism is dominated by gamma-ray bone scintigra
108         But a physiological role of SIRT3 in bone metabolism is not known.
109                                           In bone metabolism, it has been shown that numerous TNF fam
110       Apart from the effects of vitamin D on bone metabolism, it is also known for its immunomodulato
111                To preserve or restore normal bone metabolism, it is crucial to determine the mechanis
112 cally obvious are significant alterations in bone metabolism leading to osteoporosis, which can affec
113 en of calcium and phosphorus due to abnormal bone metabolism; low levels of circulating and locally p
114 rotein), erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and bone metabolism markers (osteoprotegerin [OPG], osteocal
115                Bacterial challenge decreased bone metabolism markers in all groups (P < 0.01).
116 cant improvement in bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers.
117                            Lead toxicity and bone metabolism may be involved in ALS pathophysiology.
118 on associations with intermediate markers of bone metabolism may not reflect optimal levels for other
119 in D, in addition to its established role in bone metabolism, may regulate the immune system and affe
120 oride metabolic values as well as changes in bone metabolism measured by SUV and Patlak analysis were
121 ), and may be related to increased levels of bone metabolism observed in ace(ti282a)/fgf8 heterozygot
122 expression thus contributing to the abnormal bone metabolism observed in IBD.
123 signaling pathways play in the regulation of bone metabolism offers great promise for the development
124              Like its role as a regulator of bone metabolism, OPG also influences processes in the im
125 ders has been associated with alterations of bone metabolism, or of bone maturation, as well as with
126 ion (tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-alpha), and bone metabolism (osteocalcin [OC], carboxy-terminal coll
127                In addition to its effects on bone metabolism, osteoprotegerin (OPG), a soluble member
128                                  Calcium and bone metabolism remain key concerns for space travelers,
129                   We investigated changes in bone metabolism, renal processing of Ca(2+), and express
130                                  Physiologic bone metabolism requires the coupled activities of bone
131        However, the effect of adiponectin on bone metabolism shows contradictory results according to
132 d glycation end products, leading to altered bone metabolism, structure, and strength.
133   We also demonstrated changes in markers of bone metabolism suggestive of bone formation, but no cha
134 ticosteroid administration may be better for bone metabolism than continuous use of orally administer
135  favorable changes in biochemical indexes of bone metabolism than does calcium supplementation alone.
136 corticoid (GC) excess induces alterations in bone metabolism that weaken bone structure and increase
137 lB-p52 heterodimer, plays important roles in bone metabolism through an unknown mechanism.
138 to be critical for hemostasis, immunity, and bone metabolism via its role in integrin activation.
139 ere initially identified as having a role in bone metabolism via the analysis of their phenotype afte
140 released during inflammation plays a role in bone metabolism via the H2 receptor, stimulating bone re
141 of IL-23 in the development of arthritis and bone metabolism was studied using systemic IL-23 exposur
142     To further determine the role of OF45 in bone metabolism, we generated a targeted mouse line defi
143 ased on leptin's recently discovered role in bone metabolism, we hypothesized these glands were the s
144      Changes in serum biochemical markers of bone metabolism were also assessed.
145              Clinical markers of calcium and bone metabolism were measured.
146         Cathepsin-K is an enzyme involved in bone metabolism which may make this feature important fo
147 beneficial effects on plasma cholesterol and bone metabolism while maintaining antiestrogenic activit
148 health, and drug use factors known to affect bone metabolism with incident nonvertebral fractures.
149 es (cytokines, inflammation, oxidant stress, bone metabolism) with osteonecrosis in patients with sic
150                The presence of biomarkers of bone metabolism within saliva and their correlation with

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