


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ium-223 ((223)Ra; for men with predominantly bone metastases).
2 genomes and new tumor biological properties (bone metastases).
3 e) or cancer (RAGE/leukocyte proteinase-3 in bone metastases).
4 stases (lymph nodes < 3 cm and five or fewer bone metastases).
5 preventing skeletal-related events caused by bone metastases.
6 ration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) and bone metastases.
7 luated CT, FDG PET, and FDHT PET features of bone metastases.
8 dicine to patients with prostate cancer with bone metastases.
9 and is associated with formation of prostate bone metastases.
10 on-resistant prostate cancer and symptomatic bone metastases.
11 on-resistant prostate cancer and symptomatic bone metastases.
12 n and response to treatment in patients with bone metastases.
13 recently approved in patients with CRPC with bone metastases.
14 ile bone microenvironment that might promote bone metastases.
15 e bone or planned orthopaedic surgery due to bone metastases.
16 d bisphosphonate and anti-RANKL therapies on bone metastases.
17 ith castration-resistant prostate cancer and bone metastases.
18 tate cancers and 87%-100% of prostate cancer bone metastases.
19 th castration-resistant prostate cancer with bone metastases.
20 d 2 drug candidates for the brain, lung, and bone metastases.
21  diagnostic and therapeutic implications for bone metastases.
22 ith castration-resistant prostate cancer and bone metastases.
23 s, including osteoporosis and cancer related bone metastases.
24  for local tumor, lymph node metastases, and bone metastases.
25  inaugurate innovative approaches to inhibit bone metastases.
26 bone that is coexpressed with cathepsin B in bone metastases.
27 onses similar to those observed in human PCa bone metastases.
28 ing therapeutic target for solid cancers and bone metastases.
29 ion in metastatic prostate cancer, including bone metastases.
30 est that osteoclast inhibition might prevent bone metastases.
31 tive in reducing the progression of melanoma bone metastases.
32 t with persistent androgen signaling in CRPC bone metastases.
33 in the progression of the disease, including bone metastases.
34 ng dissemination and plays a central role in bone metastases.
35 ntion of skeletal related events in men with bone metastases.
36 ncer patients have an extremely high rate of bone metastases.
37 PCa-133, were generated from prostate cancer bone metastases.
38 f the osteoblastic component of PCa skeletal bone metastases.
39 potential treatment option for patients with bone metastases.
40 s (SREs) in patients with breast cancer with bone metastases.
41 ly translate to more effective treatment for bone metastases.
42 ination, resulting in clinically significant bone metastases.
43 benefit for the treatment of lytic breast-to-bone metastases.
44 ith a neutralizing antibody reduced lung and bone metastases.
45 one-resorbing osteoclasts in human breast-to-bone metastases.
46 gies are commonly used to treat osteoblastic bone metastases.
47 osclerotic (i.e., excessive bone production) bone metastases.
48 , and (18)F-NaF PET/MRI for the detection of bone metastases.
49 predictor of RD in patients with MBC who had bone metastases.
50 llow-up in patients with osteolytic or mixed bone metastases.
51 o regional lymph nodes, and 10 patients with bone metastases.
52 nts used to treat osteoporosis and malignant bone metastases.
53 rategies designed to control prostate-cancer bone metastases.
54 s are the approved treatment for solid tumor bone metastases.
55 ng the value of surgery for the treatment of bone metastases.
56 rostate cancer produces painful osteoblastic bone metastases.
57    At 2 years, 33% of patients had developed bone metastases.
58 ed in the pathogenesis of FTC and subsequent bone metastases.
59 uld be considered early in the management of bone metastases.
60  marrow from colorectal cancer patients with bone metastases.
61 h a single 8-Gy radiotherapy dose for 1 or 2 bone metastases.
62 ials of BMAs in control of pain secondary to bone metastases.
63 g radiotracer for quantitative assessment of bone metastases.
64  the detection of otherwise occult nodal and bone metastases.
65 toring treatment response in prostate cancer bone metastases.
66 s and lymph nodes and shows several PET-avid bone metastases.
67 attenuated cancer immune surveillance and/or bone metastases.
68 aging of the skeleton in patients at risk of bone metastases.
69 ing new approaches to therapeutically target bone metastases.
70 tal-related events and pain in patients with bone metastases.
71 or SD208 effectively reduces prostate cancer bone metastases.
72 ression to determine the presence of growing bone metastases.
73 oved muscle function in mice with MDA-MB-231 bone metastases.
74 irculating tumour cells to colonize and form bone metastases.
75 ent to promote the growth of prostate cancer bone metastases.
76 s that are responsible for the initiation of bone metastases.
77                         For the detection of bone metastases, (11)C- or (18)F-choline PET/CT has had
78 pulation with a relatively low prevalence of bone metastases (14%) is likely limited.
79  Our study included 53 RCC patients (19 with bone metastases, 25 with visceral metastases and 9 with
80 ical recurrences, 66 secondary treatments, 3 bone metastases, 3 prostate cancer deaths) during 2,750
81 s follows: nodal metastases, 6.1 versus 3.1; bone metastases, 8.8 versus 3.4; and visceral metastases
82               PET/CT has a very high PPV for bone metastases (98%) when the findings at PET and CT ar
83       In those patients identified as having bone metastases according to the reference standard, SPE
84                              The presence of bone metastases affects a patient's prognosis, quality o
85 t was present in human breast carcinomas and bone metastases after chemotherapy.
86 umans with breast- or lung cancer-associated bone metastases also had oxidized skeletal muscle RyR1 t
87 t the establishment and subsequent growth of bone metastases, although brain metastases were subject
88 idered suggestive for the detection of early bone metastases, although further validation is needed.
89 ograft (PDX) models from patient-derived HTR bone metastases and analyzed tumor cells, stroma, and mi
90 at is as good or better for the detection of bone metastases and better for the detection of lymph no
91 beta may prevent the development of melanoma bone metastases and decrease the progression of establis
92 istochemical analysis of human breast cancer bone metastases and functional imaging of the Smad pathw
93 isphosphonates are used for the treatment of bone metastases and have been associated with a lower ri
94 apeutic agents to limit tumor cell growth in bone metastases and in other microenvironments in which
95 4 contributes to the formation of osteolytic bone metastases and is essential for the induction of IL
96 n of PSMA in prostate carcinoma cells and in bone metastases and lymph nodes related to the disease.
97         Associations of changes in volume of bone metastases and median apparent diffusion coefficien
98 he potential to effectively image osteolytic bone metastases and monitor the physiologic changes in t
99 standing of the molecular events involved in bone metastases and new therapeutic avenues for an incur
100 n-resistant prostate cancer with two or more bone metastases and no known visceral metastases, who we
101 e accurately and independently estimated for bone metastases and normal vertebrae.
102 he pathogenesis and clinical presentation of bone metastases and provide an update on existing and fu
103 one significantly increased the detection of bone metastases and reduced the time for interpretation.
104 aberrantly activated in both primary PCa and bone metastases and regulate distinct and overlapping fu
105 e, but little is known about prostate cancer bone metastases and TGF-beta.
106 4)Cu-RGD) as an imaging agent for osteolytic bone metastases and their associated inflammation by tar
107 lation of parameters to biologic features of bone metastases and to response to therapy.
108 f radium-223 dichloride for the treatment of bone metastases and with the ongoing clinical developmen
109 ledronic acid does reduce the development of bone metastases and, for women with established menopaus
110 sponse in the primary tumor, soft tissue and bone metastases, and bone marrow.
111 ped hypercalcemia, high-frequency osteolytic bone metastases, and enhanced osteoclast activity.
112 e metastasis in men with prostate cancer, no bone metastases, and rising PSA despite androgen depriva
113 ratio, on cancer type, age, sex, presence of bone metastases, and SEER geographic region.
114 es associated with cancer aggressiveness and bone metastases, and the most upregulated gene was PMEPA
115                                              Bone metastases are a frequent cause of morbidity in can
116                                              Bone metastases are a major cause of morbidity and morta
117                                              Bone metastases are a major cause of morbidity for men w
118                                              Bone metastases are a major cause of morbidity in metast
119                                              Bone metastases are a significant cause of morbidity in
120                                              Bone metastases are common in patients with advanced bre
121 astasis in prostate cancer and patients with bone metastases are deemed incurable.
122            Two of the 3 patients treated for bone metastases are free of disease at the treatment sit
123                                              Bone metastases are incurable.
124                              Prostate cancer bone metastases are primarily osteoblastic, but the sour
125                                 Osteoblastic bone metastases are the most common metastases produced
126                                              Bone metastases are the most common skeletal complicatio
127                         Prostate cancer (PCa)bone metastases are unique in that majority of them indu
128 n has produced unprecedented improvements in bone metastases as detected by (99m)Tc-MDP bone scans.
129 he number of patients reporting no pain from bone metastases, as measured by the BPI, increased from
130 ses in volume and increases in median ADC of bone metastases assessed with whole-body DWI can potenti
131 bout using strontium-89 for the treatment of bone metastases because of concerns that it may limit fu
132  with pain at sites of previously irradiated bone metastases benefit from reirradiation.
133                              Iodine-positive bone metastases (BMs) are often resistant after initial
134   Zoledronic acid reduced the development of bone metastases, both as a first event (HR 0.78, 95% CI
135 ith castration-resistant prostate cancer and bone metastases but its role earlier in the natural hist
136 ld better sensitivity for liver and possibly bone metastases but not for pulmonary metastases, as com
137 tic resonance imaging of his spine confirmed bone metastases but showed no evidence of extension into
138  hypercalcemia, tumor growth, and osteolytic bone metastases, but it is not known how PTHrP is upregu
139 tracers have been shown to be able to detect bone metastases, but more research regarding their use f
140                  The enhancement of lung and bone metastases by CCL2 was associated with increased ma
141 ents, including 30 with and 30 without known bone metastases by conventional imaging, underwent Na(18
142 ene, which was confirmed in larger series of bone metastases by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (F
143    TGF-beta derived from bone fuels melanoma bone metastases by inducing tumor secretion of prometast
144  apoptosis, whereas the PDZ1 domain promotes bone metastases by stimulating podosome nucleation, moti
145                                              Bone metastases can cause pain and greatly elevate the r
146 n 12 mo (P = 0.003), suggesting that earlier bone metastases cause an increased recruitment of alpha(
147                          Breast cancer (BCa) bone metastases cause osteolytic bone lesions, which res
148 tion prevented the development of osteolytic bone metastases compared with vehicle.
149 ain response was assessed with International Bone Metastases Consensus Endpoint Definitions.
150 and normal bone, (18)F-fluoride transport in bone metastases, correlation with progression-free survi
151 ouraging activity in patients with mCRPC and bone metastases; definitive phase III trials of this age
152 patients with breast cancer with evidence of bone metastases; denosumab 120 mg subcutaneously every 4
153 me points (baseline and week 12) and who had bone metastases detectable at baseline.
154   (18)F-FES PET was especially sensitive for bone metastases, detecting 341 bone lesions, compared wi
155 PET/CT outperformed conventional imaging for bone metastases, distant lymph nodes, and liver metastas
156                          Among patients with bone metastases due to breast cancer, prostate cancer, o
157 tions of (223)Ra-dichloride in patients with bone metastases due to castration-refractory prostate ca
158 45 patients with castration-resistant PC and bone metastases during (223)Ra-dichloride were retrospec
159                  Na(18)F PET/CT detects more bone metastases earlier than (99m)Tc-BS and enhances det
160 ith castration-sensitive prostate cancer and bone metastases, early treatment with zoledronic acid wa
161 s (SRE) in patients with advanced cancer and bone metastases (excluding breast and prostate) or myelo
162 ients responding to reirradiation of painful bone metastases experience superior QOL scores and less
163 e palliative radiotherapy interventions, and bone metastases fractionation has become the first radio
164                                              Bone metastases frequently cause skeletal events in pati
165  performed on eleven patients diagnosed with bone metastases from breast and prostate cancers before
166 ting tumor cell (CTC) count in patients with bone metastases from breast cancer treated with standard
167  randomized 416 women (>/=18 years old) with bone metastases from breast cancer who previously receiv
168  for therapeutic monitoring in patients with bone metastases from breast cancer.
169 been shown to palliate pain in patients with bone metastases from multiple primary origin sites, data
170 rown in mouse bone xenografts, as well as in bone metastases from patients with breast cancer as comp
171 tial for outcome prediction in patients with bone metastases from PC.
172 highly sensitive method in the evaluation of bone metastases from prostate cancer, but it has problem
173 e tumor specimens and in 16 of 38 samples of bone metastases from prostate cancer.
174 essed in human prostate cancer specimens and bone metastases from xenograft mouse models of human pro
175 ke (TLF10) and total volume of fluoride avid bone metastases (FTV10).
176 of SK3 and Orai1 in primary human tumors and bone metastases further emphasized the clinical relevanc
177   Changes in (18)F-fluoride incorporation in bone metastases had borderline correlation with PFS by S
178  >/=2 points using the Brief Pain Inventory) bone metastases, had received previous radiation therapy
179 errantly expressed in PCa cells derived from bone metastases, has been shown to play a role in the me
180                                Patients with bone metastases have a mortality rate >93%, indicating a
181 ologic therapies that target prostate-cancer bone metastases have shown promising results in animal m
182  quality of life (QOL) after radiotherapy of bone metastases have small sample sizes and do not use s
183  increased prometastatic gene expression and bone metastases in a mouse prostate cancer model.
184  bisphosphonates can reduce the incidence of bone metastases in early breast cancer.
185 gulation of the EGFR signaling axis enhances bone metastases in many solid cancers.
186 ight modulate the development of symptomatic bone metastases in men with prostate cancer.
187 s attenuates their ability to form brain and bone metastases in mice, independently of effects on tum
188 rated specific localization to breast cancer bone metastases in mice.
189 ay be vital to the development of osteolytic bone metastases in patients with breast cancer, and that
190 vide greater specificity in the detection of bone metastases in patients with prostate cancer.
191 ted primary tumors as well as lymph node and bone metastases in patients with sarcoma.
192 luable biomarker to assess the occurrence of bone metastases in RCC patients.
193 s should be offered re-treatment for painful bone metastases in the hope of reducing pain severity as
194 is particularly true of pain associated with bone metastases, in part because existing analgesic drug
195                             Complications of bone metastases include pain, fractures, and spinal cord
196 ession of TGF-beta target genes that enhance bone metastases, including PTHrP, CTGF, CXCR4, and IL11.
197 aracrine factors modulate various aspects of bone metastases, including tumour proliferation, skeleta
198                                              Bone metastases interact with the bone microenvironment.
199 on-resistant prostate cancer and symptomatic bone metastases, irrespective of previous docetaxel use.
200 castration-refractory prostate cancer (CRPC) bone metastases is a common event.
201                                    Biopsy of bone metastases is challenging; hence, sampling circulat
202 bisphosphonates and the apatite structure of bone metastases is strong.
203 c activity, the relation between them in PCa bone metastases is unknown.
204  as osteosarcoma and prostate cancer-induced bone metastases, its regulation of breast cancer bone me
205 rge proportion of solid tumor metastases are bone metastases, known to usurp HSC homing pathways to e
206     Coinjection of patient-derived CAFs from bone metastases led to de novo HTR tumors, which was rev
207 hat OPG expressed in prostate cancer patient bone metastases may be at least partially responsible fo
208                       T cells at the site of bone metastases may be functionally suppressed by factor
209 ta (TGF-beta) in the myeloid lineage, in BCa bone metastases, MDA-MB-231 BCa cells were intra-tibiall
210 Three of these patients had CT-guided RFA of bone metastases (mean size, 40.0 mm; range, 30-60 mm), a
211 emotherapy itself induces chemoresistance of bone metastases, mediated by osteoblast Jagged1-induced
212 ment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Bone Metastases Module (QLQ-BM22) and the European Organ
213 tionation schedules in patients with painful bone metastases needing repeat radiation therapy.
214 nt prostate cancer, at least two symptomatic bone metastases, no known visceral metastases, and who w
215  samples and regions of interest placed over bone metastases, normal vertebrae, and cardiac blood poo
216 sumab in patients with breast cancer-related bone metastases not previously treated with intravenous
217                                              Bone metastases occur in approximately 70% of metastatic
218 e evaluated the ability of GM-CSF to promote bone metastases of breast cancer or prostate cancer in a
219  known or shelved drugs for brain, lung, and bone metastases of breast cancer with the hypothesis tha
220 significantly contribute to osteoporosis and bone metastases of cancer.
221 t3 is active in 77% of lymph node and 67% of bone metastases of clinical human prostate cancers.
222 stimated for a breast cancer patient with 31 bone metastases of known sizes.
223 e report that HER2 expression is elevated in bone metastases of prostate cancer independently of gene
224  of the factors involved in the osteoblastic bone metastases of prostate cancer.
225 ells and favors osteoblastic response during bone metastases of prostate cancer.
226 ring 20 years of follow-up, 44 men developed bone metastases or died of cancer.
227 y 660 men were anticipated to have developed bone metastases or died.
228 s of RCC patients with regard to visceral or bone metastases or localized disease (p = 0.22).
229  secondary causes of high bone turnover (eg, bone metastases or multiple myeloma).
230 lity of Na(18)F PET/CT to detect and monitor bone metastases over time and its correlation with clini
231 on-resistant prostate cancer and symptomatic bone metastases, overall survival was significantly long
232 ECOG performance status (P < .04), number of bone metastases (P < .008), presence of visceral metasta
233  tumors within the dynamic field of view) in bone metastases (P = 0.0002), with a significant differe
234 ssed in two of three specimens of osteolytic bone metastases (P=0.0119).
235  cancer cells isolated and cultured from the bone metastases produced significantly more prostaglandi
236 e in the prostatectomy bed as well as LN and bone metastases, rating their diagnostic confidence with
237 able prognostic information in patients with bone metastases receiving bisphosphonates.
238 ee large, randomized trials of patients with bone metastases recently demonstrated that zoledronic ac
239 ution of CD8(+) T cells in the regulation of bone metastases regardless of OC status, thus including
240 atients, beta3 was significantly elevated on bone metastases relative to primary tumors from the same
241  metastases, its regulation of breast cancer bone metastases remains unknown.
242 n different mouse models of human osteolytic bone metastases-representing breast, lung and prostate c
243                     In patients with painful bone metastases requiring repeat radiation therapy, trea
244 h factor beta (TGFbeta) signaling pathway in bone metastases, sequentially over time in the same anim
245          A single 8-Gy radiotherapy dose for bone metastases should be offered to all patients, even
246 ents with breast cancer who have evidence of bone metastases should be treated with BMAs.
247  at days 10 and 42 after radiotherapy with a bone metastases-specific QOL tool.
248 e metastatic sites and those with hepatic or bone metastases, specifically.
249 y of prostate cancer to produce osteoblastic bone metastases suggests that cancer cells and osteoblas
250 cause PTHrP contributes to hypercalcemia and bone metastases, switching of G-protein usage by the CaR
251 ry significantly more tumorigenic in forming bone metastases than fast-growing cells (55 vs. 15%) and
252 nd symptom control (including pain relief in bone metastases) than those treated with either incomple
253 tients with well-differentiated NETs who had bone metastases that were positive on [(111)In-DTPA(0)]o
254 hile activation of the RalGEF pathway led to bone metastases, the most common organ site for prostate
255 n advanced disease, especially for assessing bone metastases, the prevalent form of metastases in thi
256                     In mice with established bone metastases, the size of osteolytic lesions was sign
257                     In about half of matched bone metastases there is significant dystroglycan re-exp
258 quences for the detection of probable spinal bone metastases, thereby providing an opportunity to red
259 ith castration-resistant prostate cancer and bone metastases; therefore, single-agent docetaxel shoul
260 vasive DFS (IDFS), overall survival, time to bone metastases, time to distant recurrence, and subgrou
261 e, is commonly administered to patients with bone metastases to reduce the risk of skeletal-related e
262 ging biomarker for assessing the response of bone metastases to therapy.
263 hted imaging (DWI) to assess the response of bone metastases to treatment in patients with metastatic
264           Furthermore, mice with established bone metastases treated with halofuginone had significan
265 PS of 1 or 2, dyspnea, weight loss, liver or bone metastases, unmarried, presence of adrenal metastas
266                 By analysing prostate cancer bone metastases using high density microarrays, we found
267 gnosis of local recurrence and pelvic LN and bone metastases was met in 87, 70, and 95 patients, resp
268 ocumented local recurrence and pelvic LN and bone metastases was present in 61 of 87 (70.1%), 50 of 7
269 hanges associated with breast cancer-induced bone metastases, we identified cathepsin G, cathepsin K,
270       As endothelin-1 has been implicated in bone metastases, we measured serum endothelin-1 levels b
271 gnosis of local recurrence and pelvic LN and bone metastases were 0.909 versus 0.761 (P = 0.0079), 0.
272 eas those of PET/CT for detecting body LN or bone metastases were 92.3% (72/78), 100% (18/18), and 93
273 ith chemotherapy-naive mCRPC and evidence of bone metastases were assigned (2:1) to receive tasquinim
274                                              Bone metastases were confirmed in 16 patients and exclud
275 gnal intensity on DWI images in keeping with bone metastases were delineated to derive total diffusio
276                                              Bone metastases were found in 67 of 408 consecutive pati
277                                              Bone metastases were identified and delineated on whole-
278 d 2 patients did not undergo surgery because bone metastases were identified preoperatively on (18)F-
279  +/- 11.8) performed for suspected vertebral bone metastases were included in this retrospective, ins
280                                              Bone metastases were present in 70% of patients, and vis
281   Participants referred for radiotherapy for bone metastases were required to have a pain score at th
282 e women (n = 255) with breast cancer-related bone metastases were stratified by type of antineoplasti
283 d SK3-dependent Ca(2+) entry, migration, and bone metastases were subsequently impaired.
284  age >/= 18 years, had radiologically proven bone metastases, were scheduled to receive radiotherapy,
285 ny disease and (223)RaCl2 for the therapy of bone metastases-were recently shown to be superior to st
286 rylation is significantly increased in human bone metastases when compared with normal tissues, prima
287  may be achievable in prostate cancer and in bone metastases, whereas disadvantages exist in lung nod
288 up-regulated in primary prostate cancers and bone metastases, whereas PDGF B, a classic ligand for be
289 ake reflects the immediate tumor activity of bone metastases, whereas the radiographic morphology cha
290         The endothelin pathway has a role in bone metastases, which are characteristic of advanced pr
291 ur findings was the occurrence of osteolytic bone metastases, which are prominent in human breast can
292 ith castration-sensitive prostate cancer and bone metastases whose androgen-deprivation therapy was i
293 agement of patients with prostate cancer and bone metastases with a particular emphasis on recent adv
294 -223), an alpha emitter, selectively targets bone metastases with alpha particles.
295 eate treatment response of dasatinib in CRPC bone metastases with borderline correlation with PFS.
296  dichloride (radium-223) selectively targets bone metastases with high-energy, short-range alpha-part
297                                By monitoring bone metastases with sequential [(18)F]fluorodeoxyglucos
298 l relevance of [(18)F]FDG uptake features of bone metastases with various radiographic appearances.
299 e T1-weighted sequences for the detection of bone metastases, with the hypothesis that diagnostic per
300 tient population with a higher prevalence of bone metastases would have to be studied to demonstrate

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