


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 w their clinical and radiographic effects on bone regeneration.
2 tion control while simultaneously initiating bone regeneration.
3  both embryonic skeletogenesis and postnatal bone regeneration.
4 l pathway that may be targeted for enhancing bone regeneration.
5 ffold for drug delivery and stem cell-guided bone regeneration.
6 hat establishes an environment for efficient bone regeneration.
7 dontal disease may have a negative impact on bone regeneration.
8 monstrated that radiation damage led to less bone regeneration.
9 increased angiogenesis and markedly improved bone regeneration.
10 aracteristics influence the process of adult bone regeneration.
11 re therapeutic applications for craniofacial bone regeneration.
12 ciated with poor clinical outcomes in guided bone regeneration.
13 ive to the currently accepted techniques for bone regeneration.
14 that synergistically interacted to stimulate bone regeneration.
15 2, a growth factor currently used to promote bone regeneration.
16 he most recent research in the area of local bone regeneration.
17  (780 J/cm2) exhibited the greater amount of bone regeneration.
18 fect were obtained to evaluate the amount of bone regeneration.
19 ted by insufficient vascularization and slow bone regeneration.
20 branes must be in position to promote guided bone regeneration.
21  ramifications in terms of wound healing and bone regeneration.
22 IGF-I resulted in a significant promotion in bone regeneration.
23 with established techniques including guided bone regeneration.
24  part of a sequence of experiments on guided bone regeneration.
25 cially the placement of implants at sites of bone regeneration.
26 dicating a prominent role of DA in effective bone regeneration.
27 elineates their essential role in functional bone regeneration.
28 ting adenosine receptors in the promotion of bone regeneration.
29 BMP2-modified MSCs can significantly promote bone regeneration.
30 d represents a novel approach to stimulating bone regeneration.
31 that A2AR might be a novel target to promote bone regeneration.
32 opontin (hOPN) in plants for inducing dental bone regeneration.
33 improved therapeutics to achieve predictable bone regeneration.
34 r 1 muM dipyridamole (EC50 = 32 nM) promoted bone regeneration.
35 d the effect of CGS21680 and dipyridamole on bone regeneration.
36 ributions of the periosteum and endosteum to bone regeneration.
37 velopments in stem cell delivery via CPC for bone regeneration.
38 on of bone grafting materials; and 4) guided bone regeneration.
39 otent stem cell (hiPSC) seeding with CPC for bone regeneration.
40  that control the periosteal contribution to bone regeneration.
41 combinant biglycan (GST-BGN) on craniofacial bone regeneration.
42 Cs) could significantly enhance vascularized bone regeneration.
43 se cellular functions, from wound healing to bone regeneration.
44 nflammation, prevents bone loss, and induces bone regeneration.
45 ells is still a challenge in stem cell-based bone regeneration.
46 mpatible and has proper biodegradability for bone regeneration.
47 for hematopoiesis, immunological memory, and bone regeneration.
48 tion for MSCs and EPCs dramatically promotes bone regeneration.
49 morphogenic proteins (BMPs) directly augment bone regeneration.
50 , whereas at a later time point, it enhanced bone regeneration.
51  BMP signaling can be achieved to accelerate bone regeneration.
52 concluded that smoking negatively influenced bone regeneration.
53 hey could be a viable therapeutic option for bone regeneration.
54 t averaged 3.7+/-0.3 and 3.9+/-0.3 mm, total bone regeneration 0.8+/-0.6 and 1.5+/-0.8 mm, and total
55 n clinical and/or radiographic indicators of bone regeneration after periodontal therapy.
56 hat their smoking habit may result in poorer bone regeneration after periodontal treatment.
57             Smoking has a negative effect on bone regeneration after periodontal treatment.
58 stematically assess the effect of smoking on bone regeneration after periodontal treatment.
59  has been placed on the impact of smoking on bone regeneration after treatment.
60            They have been used for orofacial bone regeneration and autoimmune disease treatment.
61 on of aspirin, markedly improved BMMSC-based bone regeneration and calvarial defect repair in C57BL/6
62 is 2-year randomized clinical trial compared bone regeneration and esthetic outcome between immediate
63                 Simvastatin (SMV) assists in bone regeneration and has an anti-inflammatory effect wh
64  processes of the main cells responsible for bone regeneration and help support the positive clinical
65 promoting factors and cytokines that promote bone regeneration and maturation of soft tissue.
66 mbining NELL-1 with BMP2 to improve clinical bone regeneration and provide mechanistic insight into c
67 rstand the regulatory mechanisms involved in bone regeneration and provides a mathematical framework
68 F-kappaB may have dual benefits in enhancing bone regeneration and repair and inhibiting inflammation
69  of IKKVI promoted MSC-mediated craniofacial bone regeneration and repair in vivo.
70                                    Promoting bone regeneration and repair of bone defects is a need t
71  Wnt-4 may have a potential use in improving bone regeneration and repair of craniofacial defects.
72 sts and provide an excellent cell source for bone regeneration and repair.
73 omerase therapy may be a useful strategy for bone regeneration and repair.
74 tion is a promising therapeutic approach for bone regeneration and repair.
75 istologic findings suggest that PRP enhanced bone regeneration and resulted in increased horizontal b
76 e a basis for clinical strategies to improve bone regeneration and treat defects in bone healing.
77 s directed toward ridge augmentation (guided bone regeneration) and had the membranes removed either
78 d bone marrow MSC (hBMSC) seeding on CPC for bone regeneration, and (5) human embryonic stem cell (hE
79 ade, leading to improvement of SHED-mediated bone regeneration, and also upregulates TERT/FASL signal
80 ains unclear, however, whether cells used in bone regeneration applications produce a material that m
81 gn and application of SF-based scaffolds for bone regeneration are discussed.
82               Safe, effective approaches for bone regeneration are needed to reverse bone loss caused
83 defect height and area, membrane height, and bone regeneration area, showed high correlations among t
84                                              Bone regeneration (area) was 2-fold greater in cGTR site
85 ination growth factor cement (GFC) on guided bone regeneration around dental implants.
86 locally applied alendronate sodium on guided bone regeneration around dental implants.
87 rimary closure and delayed loading to ensure bone regeneration around implants were not critical in t
88 PTH 1-34 (cys-PTH 1-34) was shown to enhance bone regeneration around implants.
89 ic viability and function, implying enhanced bone regeneration around NAC-treated inorganic biomateri
90 s study was to evaluate osseointegration and bone regeneration around nonsubmerged or submerged impla
91 neration than the scaffold alone and as much bone regeneration as BMP-2, a growth factor currently us
92 hat half-dose gene of Fgf-9 markedly reduced bone regeneration as compared with wild-type.
93 polymer matrix (gene activated matrix) using bone regeneration as the endpoint in vivo.
94  CGS21680 and dipyridamole markedly enhanced bone regeneration as well as BMP-2 8 wk after surgery (6
95 logical analyses revealed significantly more bone regeneration at 2 and 4 weeks post-injury.
96          Although there was no difference in bone regeneration at 4 weeks, at 8 weeks there was a sig
97 t to evaluate the effects of HFDDS on guided bone regeneration at sites with 1.5-mm peri-implant defe
98 ft substitutes, barrier membranes for guided bone regeneration, autogenous and allogenic block grafts
99 cts were treated with FDBA, differing guided bone regeneration barrier membranes, and PCTG.
100  cells (hiPSC) represent a powerful tool for bone regeneration because they are a source of patient-s
101 tion of cytokines even before the process of bone regeneration begins.
102                  BMPs facilitate periodontal bone regeneration but also are implicated in causing too
103                Because dipyridamole promotes bone regeneration by an A2AR-mediated mechanism we deter
104 cycline in the form of natrosol-based gel on bone regeneration by examining critical defects in rat c
105 on, which translate into more robust in vivo bone regeneration by neural crest-derived cells.
106             This clinical study compared the bone regeneration capacity of a commonly used GTR proced
107                        We concluded that the bone regeneration capacity of Cox-2KO MDSCs was impaired
108 lds resulted in a significant improvement in bone regeneration compared to PEI-pBMP-2 embedded in col
109 ted matrices promoted significantly enhanced bone regeneration compared to PEI-plasmid DNA (BMP-2)-ac
110 mplant defects did not significantly enhance bone regeneration compared to the carrier, polyglactin m
111 6-deficient mice, which have both a nail and bone regeneration defect.
112 ment of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) directed bone regeneration during in vivo assays is dependent on
113 the osteogenic potential of Nell-1 to induce bone regeneration equivalent to BMP-2, whereas immunohis
114 ccelerates xenograft resorption and enhances bone regeneration, especially in the early stages of bon
115 an embellishment of this paper and describes bone regeneration experiments in 18 adult male Macaca mu
116 ling have or may have in periosteal-mediated bone regeneration, fostering the path to novel approache
117 n materials have also been applied in guided bone regeneration (GBR) and root coverage procedures wit
118 e long-term outcomes and the need for guided bone regeneration (GBR) are still topics of debate.
119 , and bovine bone mineral on vertical guided bone regeneration (GBR) in rabbit calvarium.
120                                       Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a similar procedure used to a
121                                       Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a viable treatment for osseou
122                                       Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a widely used procedure for a
123 let-derived growth factor (rhPDGF) in guided bone regeneration (GBR) is debatable.
124 ation is often performed as part of a guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedure.
125 rimary soft tissue closures following guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedures.
126 cularization underlies the success of guided bone regeneration (GBR) procedures.
127  may enhance bone formation following guided bone regeneration (GBR) techniques alone or in combinati
128  bone height and width created during guided bone regeneration (GBR) to augment alveolar ridges is no
129                                       Guided bone regeneration (GBR) using a non-absorbable barrier h
130 t the amount of healed bone following guided bone regeneration (GBR) with demineralized freeze-dried
131 ntial of this technique--often called guided bone regeneration (GBR)--to regenerate bone defects in t
132 morphology on the clinical outcome of guided bone regeneration (GBR).
133                                  For in vivo bone regeneration, HCCS-PDA or HCCS particulates with or
134                                              Bone regeneration (height) was significantly increased i
135 e alpha V beta 3-vitronectin is important in bone regeneration, hence the compounds were also tested
136 he difficulty in achieving spatially uniform bone regeneration in 3D.
137  two previous studies of periosteum-mediated bone regeneration in a common ovine model, it was shown
138 r angle defect, which is used to investigate bone regeneration in a nonload-bearing area, and the inf
139 eliable and predictable methods to stimulate bone regeneration in alveolar bone defects.
140 ld enhance bone marrow stromal-cell-mediated bone regeneration in an osseous defect.
141 ng platform is proposed to assist functional bone regeneration in cases of larger bone defects, inclu
142 ped calcium phosphate cement used to promote bone regeneration in craniofacial defects was examined t
143 cell-CPC constructs are highly promising for bone regeneration in dental, craniofacial, and orthopedi
144 dy shows that treatment with SA-PAE enhances bone regeneration in diabetic rats and accelerates bone
145 e effect of polymer-controlled SA release on bone regeneration in diabetic rats where enhanced inflam
146 bjective of this pilot study was to evaluate bone regeneration in mandibular, full-thickness, alveola
147 one substitutes or growth factors to enhance bone regeneration in membrane-protected defects.
148 egeneration in diabetic rats and accelerates bone regeneration in normoglycemic animals.
149                           Efforts to enhance bone regeneration in orthopedic and dental cases have gr
150 ical, histologic, and radiographic effect on bone regeneration in patients with AgP.
151 GF-2) could be an effective way of promoting bone regeneration in patients with diabetes.
152 and retrospective clinical studies assessing bone regeneration in smokers and non-smokers after perio
153                                 The impaired bone regeneration in the Cox-2KO MDSCBMP4/GFP group is a
154 us strategies have been developed to promote bone regeneration in the craniofacial region.
155 itro, and suggest a therapeutic strategy for bone regeneration in the future.
156           By studying a model of large-scale bone regeneration in the lower jaw of adult zebrafish, w
157                The increased vascularity and bone regeneration in the pVHL mutants were VEGF dependen
158 r without rhTGF-beta1, significantly enhance bone regeneration in the rat calvaria defect model.
159 here was a significant (P <0.05) increase in bone regeneration in the VEGF-Alg-treated defects.
160 oblast differentiation in vitro and inducing bone regeneration in vivo when compared with its closely
161 that each pathway has in periosteal-mediated bone regeneration, in this review we analyze the status
162  result in complications, such as inadequate bone regeneration, inflammatory reactions, and wound inf
163                                              Bone regeneration involves a series of events in a coord
164                                              Bone regeneration is a complex process, that in vivo, re
165                                              Bone regeneration is an indispensable procedure for impl
166                                     Alveolar bone regeneration is frequently necessary prior to place
167                                       Guided bone regeneration is frequently performed to augment def
168                      The microenvironment of bone regeneration is hypoxic.
169 ailure of commonly used materials for guided bone regeneration is rare; however, different batches of
170                Unfortunately, the science of bone regeneration is still in its infancy, with all curr
171 how that although VEGF alone did not improve bone regeneration, it acted synergistically with BMP4 to
172       Premature membrane exposure for guided bone regeneration may result in complications, such as i
173 y induces new bone formation in the alveolar bone regeneration model.
174 e delivery of multiple growth factors to the bone regeneration niche, specifically 1) dual growth fac
175                                              Bone regeneration occurs as a series of events that requ
176 TR) techniques have been reported to enhance bone regeneration of molar furcation defects.
177 rate that MSC and pericytes have significant bone regeneration potential in an atrophic non-union mod
178                              A staged guided bone regeneration procedure prior to the implant install
179                                     A guided bone regeneration procedure was performed to protect the
180 ane has been shown to be effective in guided bone regeneration procedures and in treating periodontal
181 ollagen matrix is commercially available for bone regeneration procedures.
182  matrix material has been used clinically in bone regeneration procedures.
183 ducing the different tissues involved in the bone regeneration process.
184   Bone regeneration was tested in the guided bone regeneration rat calvaria model.
185 hat 10% doxycycline gel had a good effect on bone regeneration regarding the filling of critical defe
186 surgery (60 +/- 2%, 79 +/- 2%, and 75 +/- 1% bone regeneration, respectively, vs. 32 +/- 2% in contro
187 mation, the recruitment of immune cells, and bone regeneration, resulting in delayed fracture healing
188 enesis coupled with its ability to stimulate bone regeneration revealed a potential therapeutic role
189                                   Cell-based bone regeneration strategies offer promise for traumatic
190                                 Here, we use bone-regeneration successes to highlight cartilage-regen
191 ed within 3-D constructs may be employed for bone regeneration techniques, such as onlay and sinus gr
192  narrow ridges without the use of membranes, bone regeneration tends to be inferior on the side of th
193 ial bone defect, promoted significantly more bone regeneration than the scaffold alone and as much bo
194 regulate fracture repair are contrasted with bone regeneration that occurs during distraction osteoge
195                  In the realm of therapeutic bone regeneration, the defect or injured tissues are fre
196 or fused fiber construct may be suitable for bone regeneration therapy for dental implants.
197 m our laboratory described the use of guided bone regeneration to fill large bone voids in the mandib
198 m our laboratory described the use of guided bone regeneration to fill large bone voids in the mandib
199 onstrated no significant differences between bone regeneration treated with lyophilized AdBMP-2 befor
200                 VBA was performed via guided bone regeneration using titanium mesh and allografts.
201  in muscle-derived stem cell (MDSC)-mediated bone regeneration utilizing a critical size calvarial de
202 reviously used this procedure to investigate bone regeneration, vascularization and infection prevent
203         NELL-1/Nell-1 can promote orthotopic bone regeneration via either intramembranous or endochon
204 n addition, contour augmentation with guided bone regeneration was able to establish and maintain a f
205            In this case presentation, guided bone regeneration was achieved around an immediate endos
206                    After 12 weeks, calvarial bone regeneration was evaluated radiographically, histol
207  application of barrier membranes to promote bone regeneration was first described by Hurley et al. i
208 d or lost the ePTFE membrane, the percent of bone regeneration was reduced in group A.
209                                              Bone regeneration was tested in the guided bone regenera
210                                   To measure bone regeneration, we implanted virally transduced BLK c
211                       Neovascular growth and bone regeneration were quantitatively evaluated 3 wk aft
212 vitro osteogenic differentiation and in vivo bone regeneration when compared with either CD105(high)
213  the effects of TiO(2) nanotube surfaces for bone regeneration will be discussed.
214 eveloped in this article, future advances in bone regeneration will likely incorporate therapies that
215          Current gene therapy approaches for bone regeneration will then be summarized, including rec
216 teins may be a powerful tool for stimulating bone regeneration with significant potential for clinica
217 nt MSCs, the hydrogel's elasticity regulated bone regeneration, with optimal bone formation at 60 kPa
218 e effect of local delivery of alendronate on bone regeneration within peri-implant defects.
219 e area of bone tissue engineering focuses on bone regeneration within sterile, surgically created def
220 e laser treated specimens showed evidence of bone regeneration within the ablation defect regardless
221                                              Bone regeneration within the defects increased in all gr
222 study, it is hypothesized that BMP2-mediated bone regeneration would be positively affected by simult

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