


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y redundant for basal promoter activities in both directions.
2 A, and we analyse the effect of mutations in both directions.
3 cross Caco-2 monolayers was characterized in both directions.
4 ns as an activator element for expression in both directions.
5 GFL) to quantify transcription activation in both directions.
6 elial cells (BEC) they migrated similarly in both directions.
7 promotes transcription of a reporter gene in both directions.
8  origin are replicated by forks that move in both directions.
9 tegrins signal across the plasma membrane in both directions.
10 knowledge and technology transfer flowing in both directions.
11 m is slower, reversible, and unimolecular in both directions.
12 an increase in the frequency of switching in both directions.
13 this region of DNA promotes transcription in both directions.
14  be partially rate limiting for chemistry in both directions.
15 bition quickly arrests Mbp mRNA transport in both directions.
16 y Zn(2+) (K(i) approximately 0.15 microm) in both directions.
17 ands across the pig-human species barrier in both directions.
18 utations disrupt fast organelle transport in both directions.
19 deA and aspartate 212 of RegA, and occurs in both directions.
20 ery rapidly (approximately 122 microm/hr) in both directions.
21 ion) will reduce the success of migration in both directions.
22 r the GlmES-catalyzed reaction proceeding in both directions.
23  the same equilibrium had been achieved from both directions.
24 easing distance from the selectable locus in both directions.
25 ent is sufficient for the transfer of DNA in both directions.
26  rod and cone pathways are interconnected in both directions.
27 -oncogene (LYN) is required for signaling in both directions.
28 nscription from EBEs on either strand and in both directions.
29 neously transported through the epithelia in both directions.
30 between excitatory and inhibitory neurons in both directions.
31  inserted a resistance cassette into PsbN in both directions.
32 rectional CTC mechanisms entailing delays in both directions.
33 ediated learning-evoked changes in acuity in both directions.
34 ce of targeting expanded RNAs transcribed in both directions.
35 rs, suggest an active transport mechanism in both directions.
36  such topological dynamics are reversible in both directions.
37 s and MreB filaments moving independently in both directions.
38 larities between the motility mechanisms for both directions.
39 e cyanobacterial enzyme works effectively in both directions.
40 a combination of both for saccades in one or both directions.
41  were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation in both directions.
42 y among pairs of MPAs generally decreased in both directions.
43 CSC2, MYH9 inhibits the promoter activity in both directions.
44 ad, high rates of gene flow were inferred in both directions.
45 med by co-immunoprecipitation experiments in both directions.
46  known to involve the delivery of signals in both directions.
47 anslocate DNA through the protein complex in both directions.
48 rotrusion waves propagating transversally in both directions.
49 nversions, with 1 site exhibiting editing in both directions.
50 eplicates early in S by forks progressing in both directions.
51 ptor FcRn traffics immunoglobulin G (IgG) in both directions across polarized epithelial cells that l
52                                Operations in both directions afforded equal sequence coverage.
53 f calcium ions across the plasma membrane in both directions, allows sustained [Ca(2+)](i) oscillatio
54  such as the gamma-tubulin complex travel in both directions along interphase MTs.
55 ESA complexes moved at similar velocities in both directions along microtubule tracks.
56 tion of tubulovesicular endosomes travels in both directions along microtubules in dendrites and axon
57 sualize fluorescent motor proteins moving in both directions along neuronal processes, some of which
58 rtance of considering radical propagation in both directions along the DNA duplex.
59 ultiple Z rings that could move laterally in both directions along the length of the liposome and coa
60 d continuous stimulus dimensions occurred in both directions, although it was stronger from the conti
61 e task relevant and task-dependent shifts of both direction and color tuning.
62  successive weekdays improved sensitivity to both direction and colour, suggesting a generalizable be
63  and climate warming in China are similar in both direction and intensity to those reported in global
64  of these neurons contains information about both direction and luminance downstream neurons are face
65 ases PF2 responses mirrored those in PF1, in both direction and magnitude even though this second pat
66                   The rotation is similar in both direction and magnitude in the crosslinked and wild
67 ed improvement in symptom severity predicted both direction and magnitude of LDX-induced change in in
68                      Because astigmatism has both direction and magnitude, its analysis is more compl
69  the transfected chromogranin A promoter, in both direction and magnitude.
70 fective connectivity networks by considering both direction and sign (inhibitory or excitatory) of th
71 irs that were consistent across databases in both direction and statistical significance, which was 9
72 sions altered the appropriateness ratings in both directions and affected only 50 cases (4%), the net
73 idirectional genes initiate transcription in both directions and contain shared elements that regulat
74 light chain 1 (KLC1) remaining associated in both directions and during pauses.
75 beta3Y747A) that confer loss of signaling in both directions and others (eg, beta3T762A) that confer
76 sion flow between stromal and tumor cells in both directions and that Tpl2 plays a pivotal role in th
77 s thus able to sense the extracellular pH in both directions and therefore to dynamically adapt its a
78  of protein flipping in the lipid bilayer in both directions and transbilayer flipping of lipids trig
79 d from comparison of the values of k(cat) in both directions and were 0.307+/-0.053 at 293.4K and 0.3
80 ely correlated with AHV during head turns in both directions, and (2) asymmetric, in which the firing
81 populations cross in between these organs in both directions, and are able to adopt the fate of the o
82 e were detected in all samples, sequenced in both directions, and found to have 97% to 100% homology
83 apparent Ca2+ affinity of synaptotagmin 1 in both directions, and that Ca2+ binding to both C2 domain
84 us transmigrated T cells was also similar in both directions, and this pattern fit with uniform prese
85 d unimanual noise and strength accounted for both direction- and handedness-dependent choices that yo
86 n domain VI can produce selective defects in both direction- and tissue-specific guidance.
87             CyArg is significantly faster in both directions ( approximately 300 s(-1) H2 production
88           Solvent kinetic isotope effects in both directions are inverse on V/K, but normal on V.
89   Emerging evidence suggests that motors for both directions are simultaneously present on cellular '
90 urface, to rotate, and to move in patches in both directions around the cell surface.
91 ping around these structures and aligning in both directions as long fibers parallel to the body axis
92 e, indicating that the cilium is "driven" in both directions at all times.
93 t a model in which NMIIB can readily move in both directions at stall, which may be important for a g
94 ternally by melting dsDNA and can proceed in both directions at up to 40-60 bp/s.
95       Regeneration of donor sensory axons in both directions away from the site of transplantation wa
96  wasps), there have been many transitions in both directions between solitary nesting and sociality [
97 critical for HD cell activity is conveyed in both directions between the AD and the PoS; whereas the
98 s and the rates of primer strand transfer in both directions between the polymerase and the exonuclea
99  perturbation can propagate along a track in both directions between the retinal and the Asp-96/Thr-4
100 iation in gene flow estimates among loci, in both directions between the species.
101 ected transcription with equal efficiency in both directions, but at a lower level than the human pro
102 ts basolateral recycling and transcytosis in both directions, but only minimally reduces apical recyc
103  to microtubule growth rates, are similar in both directions, but slower than growth from the poles i
104 sicles containing DHE traversed the cells in both directions, but vesicular export of DHE from the SA
105 e system toward equilibrium was monitored in both directions by (11)B{(1)H} NMR spectroscopy in a ran
106 the closed-open conformational transition in both directions by computing trajectories that are shown
107 nd subsequent transmigration were blocked in both directions by monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against
108 ding CDPK forms could be induced in vitro in both directions by treatment with either phosphatase or
109  These forms could be selectively shifted in both directions by using near-IR excitations tuned at th
110 ]2+ + [Os(III)(bpy)3]3+ have been studied in both directions by varying the pH from 1 to 8.
111 s because only an enzyme that can operate in both directions can turnover at a high rate even under c
112 present isotope effects for this reaction in both directions, catalyzed by the enzyme isolated from M
113 arge numbers of patients who crossed over in both directions, conclusions about the superiority or eq
114  cell gap junctions allow tracer coupling in both directions, consistent with previous physiological
115  antagonists by three orders of magnitude in both directions (D2- to D4-like and D4- to D2-like).
116     The pH dependencies of the V/K values in both directions depend on the ionization of two groups,
117 espectively, allowing vectorial transport in both directions depending on the relative activity (rati
118  simulations predicted an oblique effect for both direction discrimination thresholds and MAE tuning
119 D that is responsible for DNA degradation in both directions during the reaction with double-stranded
120  rate constants for the conformational step (both directions) during insertion opposite several N(2)-
121 dy-state kinetic analysis of the reaction in both directions employing stopped-flow absorbance and fl
122                              NF transport in both directions exhibited a broad spectrum of rates with
123 mbinases observed in vivo (FimB switching in both directions; FimE switching from on-to-off only) was
124  (MudJr1) produced transposition immunity in both directions from one insertion point in the Salmonel
125 ules in which the chains were in register in both directions from the deletion site, accommodated eff
126                                 They fray in both directions from the interaction region, due to a pr
127                   Charge migration occurs in both directions from the NDI intercalator and on both DN
128 hairpin hydrogen bonds propagate outwards in both directions from the partial cluster.
129               Although unwinding occurred in both directions from the strand break, it was biased tow
130 he primitive translation machinery worked in both directions (from RNA to protein and from protein to
131 tural sites can be artificially converted in both directions: from deletion to insertion or from inse
132 cating that Fe atom movement had occurred in both directions: from the aqueous phase into the solid a
133   Energy (E) thresholds for isomerization in both directions have been measured [796 wave numbers </=
134                   Zinc can be transferred in both directions-i.e., from the enzymes to thionein (the
135 ific attachment level change was detected in both directions in 100% subjects and at 51.0% measured s
136 y 30 mm/sec; the activity could propagate in both directions in cortical slices.
137 of phase variation was approximately 1.3% in both directions in gonococcal strain FA1090.
138 es the frequency of microtubule transport in both directions in the axon, prevents growth cones from
139 0 nm wavelength when waves are injected from both directions in two different operating configuration
140 '-UTR suppresses the neighboring promoter of both direction, independent of the cell line and its loc
141 ystal structures also results in movement in both directions, indicating that directed movement to th
142 n foreign DNA produce equal transcription in both directions, indicating that divergent transcription
143 r than 10 pN, we often observe 8-nm steps in both directions, indicating that the stepping of multipl
144 ), suggesting that the rate-limiting step in both directions is a conformational change in the enzyme
145 te constants for this conformation change in both directions is about 2-4 s(-1) and is attributed to
146                  Rapid microtubule motion in both directions is dynein dependent.
147             Furthermore, branch migration in both directions is equally impeded by insertions of non-
148  suggests that the isomerization reaction in both directions is not accompanied by a rate-limiting pr
149 o a phase with coexisting magnetic orders in both directions is observed.
150                   Most notably, unfolding in both directions is rate-limited by the unzipping of the
151 includes clinically important differences in both directions, making a clear conclusion difficult (HR
152  to improve over time while others declined; both directions of change were associated with, and pred
153 lity in both sexes of species hybrids and in both directions of crossing.
154 gh viability of hybrid seeds was impaired in both directions of hybridization, the cause for seed arr
155 al Cin8 molecules produce additive forces in both directions of movement.
156  excitatory synaptic currents in response to both directions of movement: thus, twice per vibration c
157 the surface of the sensor was observed under both directions of polarization.
158 ted increased with age and was consistent in both directions of stimulation and at both angular veloc
159                                              Both directions of the relation between restriction and
160 ort was its ability to independently examine both directions of the warfarin/tamoxifen allosteric int
161  Redox agents are asymmetrically involved in both directions of zinc transfer.
162 ent of DNA, determined by FimB (switching in both directions) or FimE (switching from the ON-to-OFF o
163  was associated with important variations in both directions over time.
164  axons connecting the thalamus and cortex in both directions pass through the thalamic reticular nucl
165  found that fibril fragmentation occurred in both directions--perpendicular to and along the fibrilla
166                    The normalized effects of both direction repulsion and attraction were the stronge
167 axis in cranial and caudal directions, or in both directions simultaneously, until they reach the mar
168                     Transitions can occur in both directions, so it is not currently possible to pred
169 etween signal and noise for complex data, in both directions-sometimes identifying and promoting real
170 AR receptors, responded to changes in VPD in both directions strongly and symmetrically, indicating t
171 ss-talk between the A2A receptors and TCR in both directions support the possible role of A2A recepto
172 cting redistribution of cellular contents in both directions that are perpendicular and parallel to t
173 quilibrium position for these transfers from both directions, the relative stability of the 1-phenyls
174  we found that replication forks progress in both directions through the constant-region genes, which
175 anslocation of the receptor-cargo complex in both directions through the NPC requires the GTPase Ran,
176 and poorly educated prodromal AD patients in both directions to identify regions of high education-re
177 which act either positively or negatively in both directions to regulate these processes.
178 res the ability of bacteria to navigate from both directions toward the optimum location and is disti
179  sequence, extensive translocation of DNA in both directions towards the enzyme bound at the target s
180      GlpF appears to conduct equally well in both directions under physiological conditions.
181 n a kinetochore was dynamically stretched in both directions upon microtubule interactions, and Mad2
182                   In sequencing 54 clones in both directions, we did not find archetype JCV either in
183                                 Movements in both directions were characterised by the usual triphasi
184    That is, connections between V1 and V2 in both directions were quite similar; in each case, the gl
185 can translocate along single-stranded DNA in both directions when substrates have a very long single-
186 can channel between the pol and exo sites in both directions while remaining closely associated with
187 c residues in tRNA synthetases correlates in both directions with cross-species aminoacylation phenot
188 l their activity against Escherichia coli in both directions with light in the visible region.
189 grown samples, we measured lower ET rates in both directions with respect to high-light ones, which i
190 d that individual motors stepped sideward in both directions, with and against loads, with a broad di
191    The L-21G414 reaction has been studied in both directions, with G414 acting as a leaving group in
192 l mutants, while only L172T released DNA, in both directions, without cation depletion following prot

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