


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ission was characterized by a strong genetic bottleneck.
2 ogy as per Moore's law has reached a serious bottleneck.
3 f PB saccharification is still an industrial bottleneck.
4                  Managing such datasets is a bottleneck.
5 eedling recruitment, a potential demographic bottleneck.
6 nce of genetic diversity after a demographic bottleneck.
7 pling methods has been proposed to ease this bottleneck.
8 on accuracy and reduce the manual annotation bottleneck.
9  clear hallmarks of an ancient out-of-Africa bottleneck.
10 tence, and importance, of the "Now-or-Never" bottleneck.
11 he ability to process these images remains a bottleneck.
12 he existence of a binding funnel as the main bottleneck.
13 nclear, including the size and nature of the bottleneck.
14 ivated rice and experienced a strong genetic bottleneck.
15  confirming the TE domain as a key catalytic bottleneck.
16 s and environments remains a major technical bottleneck.
17 get of the host immune response, in the MTCT bottleneck.
18 spinach and spinach domestication has a weak bottleneck.
19  biosynthetic reactions creating a metabolic bottleneck.
20 ce of a recent selective sweep or population bottleneck.
21 onobo having experienced narrower population bottlenecks.
22 ected towards alleviating specific metabolic bottlenecks.
23 ale approaches for alleviating both of these bottlenecks.
24  founder populations with little evidence of bottlenecks.
25 h models resulted in substantial information bottlenecks.
26 at the phase transition) are the algorithm's bottlenecks.
27 tigate the effects of information processing bottlenecks.
28 ariants, in part due to strong domestication bottlenecks.
29 ecific clones or cause repeated evolutionary bottlenecks.
30  insightful information (e.g., communication bottlenecks) about directed networks, but are missed if
31 genetic structure, connectivity and signs of bottlenecks across the populations of I. fasciculata and
32 boxy-terminal half of the TM1 helices form a bottleneck along the ion conduction pathway and serve as
33  VNBI, suggestive of a history of population bottlenecks, along with unique evolutionary trajectories
34 allow for human consumption, the concomitant bottleneck and clonal propagation have resulted in a lar
35 ology significantly widens the communication bottleneck and has the potential to fundamentally change
36 ally supportive both of the existence of the bottleneck and its potential implications.
37                         Here we address this bottleneck and report on the development of new fluoroge
38  size due to both a protracted domestication bottleneck and serial founder effects during post-domest
39                            The domestication bottleneck and subsequent spread led to an increase in d
40                        Both the Now-or-Never bottleneck and the chunking mechanisms hypothesized to c
41 f transgenic plants, which include metabolic bottlenecks and a decrease in the rate of fatty acid syn
42                              Consistent with bottlenecks and allele surfing during northward expansio
43 election of drug resistances, and population bottlenecks and clonal interference can strongly influen
44 xt, the assessment of the genetic diversity, bottlenecks and connectivity of these sponges has become
45  these microbial groups remove thermodynamic bottlenecks and enable diverse metabolic reactions to oc
46 ees migrated northward, experiencing genetic bottlenecks and founder effects, which left high haploty
47 n a single farm as a consequence of separate bottlenecks and founder effects.
48  because their history is dominated by known bottlenecks and intense artificial selection.
49        We did a systems analysis to identify bottlenecks and opportunities for mental health service
50        Obtaining protein crystals is a major bottleneck, and inducing their nucleation is of crucial
51  in several ways, including the intensity of bottlenecks, and it is not yet clear if they accumulate
52 e also discussed, including business models, bottlenecks, and policy and education strategies.
53 ur clusters, and the fact that thermodynamic bottlenecks are more readily overcome by thioester rathe
54 ntifying the transmission-associated genetic bottleneck as well as fluctuations in viral genetic dive
55 n by less efficient natural selection due to bottlenecks associated with domestication and breed form
56 opose an empirical approach to detect recent bottlenecks based on our sampling scheme.
57 tring matching problem, is the computational bottleneck because: (i) it is implemented using quadrati
58 enetrates into the neck, but is stopped at a bottleneck before the tail tube.
59 s can be prohibitively expensive, creating a bottleneck between collected images and desired data-pro
60 ce of Arab ancestors after the out-of-Africa bottleneck but before the major Neanderthal admixture ev
61 is not required to unwind or to overcome the bottleneck but is essential for full nucleotide-flipping
62 n the network declined after the demographic bottleneck but that less allelic diversity was lost from
63 c modeling not only indicates an LGM genetic bottleneck, but also provides surprising evidence of a m
64            Some poor responders pass through bottlenecks, but re-grow by the time of surgical resecti
65           Here, we have bypassed the culture bottleneck by means of a targeted strategy never applied
66 s, unlike in cell culture, this is currently bottlenecked by the non-quantitative nature and percepti
67 rate) calculations, sliding window analysis, bottleneck calculations and corrections, statistics to c
68 imply that transmission events with a looser bottleneck can propagate minority variants and may be an
69 pendent radiations that have emerged since a bottleneck coincident with 1960s DDT spraying campaigns.
70                             To overcome this bottleneck, computational tools that aim to predict the
71                                 However, two bottlenecks constrain efforts towards fast imaging of la
72 ages, presumed to have experienced a genetic bottleneck, contain less CentC than their tropical relat
73                       Such identification of bottlenecks could provide a bridge between the two field
74                                      A major bottleneck delaying the further commercialization of thi
75 modes (summering, south migration, community bottleneck, dispersal, north migration).
76  current small size with relative population bottlenecks due to climate changes.
77                                       Severe bottlenecks due to small founding sizes reduced genetic
78 population size through time show a dramatic bottleneck during the last glacial cycle in all but one
79                                   Stochastic bottlenecks during bacterial colonization of animal host
80 on of ancestral demographic history revealed bottlenecks during founder events, likely promoting ecol
81  is important to elucidate the stringency of bottlenecks during transmission to shed light on mechani
82 tion of scotopic niches during the nocturnal bottleneck early in mammalian evolution.
83 haracterises the location of a wide range of bottleneck edges in these algorithms.
84 ness of flow allocation, and the location of bottleneck edges.
85 ta can be potentially useful to estimate the bottleneck effect during HBV MTCT, which provides inform
86 ciliata in China may have undergone a recent bottleneck effect.
87 nors to molecular transmitters is one of the bottlenecks, emphasis is on the design of transmitters i
88 in white cells and that alleviation of these bottlenecks enables efficient mating by these "sterile"
89 erated and controlled for the host infection bottleneck, enabling robust assessment of genetic contri
90 ta suggest that the influence of extinction, bottleneck events and/or selective sweeps within a sprin
91 istributions, frequent and severe population bottleneck events associated with infection and compartm
92                                     A severe bottleneck exists during HIV-1 mucosal transmission.
93 others, the HIV mother-to-child transmission bottleneck favors the transmission of consensus-like vir
94 f strong selective sweeps and narrow genetic bottlenecks, followed by the shift in frequency of selec
95  biomaterial implantation poses an important bottleneck for developing breakthrough solutions.
96 ving rise to small polarons that serves as a bottleneck for further Li-ion insertion.
97                 While this removes a serious bottleneck for laser-induced diffraction imaging, we fin
98 to establish what diffusional process is the bottleneck for Li-ion transport requires the ability to
99 tical area of plasma science and a knowledge bottleneck for many promising applications.
100 genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) remains a bottleneck for many studies and it is therefore imperati
101 astal habitats could represent a significant bottleneck for oyster reproduction which may have profou
102 tion and facilitate discovery is a potential bottleneck for precision medicine, systems genetics and
103 f the mounting datasets remains a concerning bottleneck for providing cost-effective clinical service
104 multi-branch junction conformations, a major bottleneck for RNA 3D structure prediction.
105 the absence of dingoes relaxed a recruitment bottleneck for shrubs.
106 edundant processing of non-useful peaks is a bottleneck for streaming high-throughput processing of b
107 omeric structures, very challenging and is a bottleneck for structure-activity studies.
108  and tumorigenicity of human PSCs remain the bottleneck for successful clinical application.
109 that in the bulk Li6PS5Cl, appears to be the bottleneck for the performance of the Li6PS5Cl-Li2S batt
110                                   A critical bottleneck for the use of natural gas as a transportatio
111                                            A bottleneck for their synthesis had been a poorly selecti
112                                      A major bottleneck for traditional multiarm trials is the requir
113 e third electron/proton transfer step is the bottleneck for water production, competing with formatio
114 inference suggests that previously estimated bottlenecks for African Drosophila melanogaster are too
115  the output from mixed-membership models are bottlenecks for investigators across multiple discipline
116 ctral contrast and occlusion are three major bottlenecks for non-invasive inspection of complex sampl
117 Christiansen & Chater's (C&C's) Now-or-Never bottleneck framework is similar to the Good-Enough Langu
118 n language processing under the Now-or-Never bottleneck framework.
119        These advances will help overcome the bottleneck frequently encountered in genome wide epistat
120 al assessment of most noncoding variants has bottlenecked gene discovery.
121                                          The bottleneck governing infectious disease transmission des
122                                      A major bottleneck has been our inability to observe GCs and the
123                  Therefore, the Now-or-Never bottleneck has different ramifications for these languag
124                             The Now-or-Never bottleneck has important consequence for understanding w
125                                         This bottleneck has limited the widespread adoption of this t
126 ery of genetic diversity after a demographic bottleneck has not been clearly demonstrated in an empir
127                              One of the main bottlenecks, however, is to correctly identify the diffe
128 ) light, reduced the structural and chemical bottleneck imposed by lignin in secondary cell walls.
129           Compaction has recently become the bottleneck in assembly pipelines, and improving its runn
130  in cue-induced cocaine seeking, revealing a bottleneck in brain processing of drug-associated cues w
131                                  Lipid II, a bottleneck in cell wall biosynthesis, is the target of s
132 igh-resolution mass spectrometry, creating a bottleneck in chemical identification.
133  be laborious and presents a major practical bottleneck in cryo-EM structural determination.
134 erful, data transfer times still represent a bottleneck in data processing because of the increasingl
135 cations devices to address the interconnects bottleneck in high-speed computing systems.
136 imately 500-fold hence eliminating the major bottleneck in high-throughput bottom-up shotgun lipidomi
137 A>G, consistent with a tighter mtDNA genetic bottleneck in m.8993T>G/C pedigrees.
138 comprehensive metabolite annotation, a major bottleneck in metabolomics, we here present the novel R-
139 f specific nucleic acid sequences is a major bottleneck in molecular diagnostics.
140 dy advances our understanding of the genetic bottleneck in MTCT by revealing that viruses transmitted
141 cal sample matrices represents a significant bottleneck in nucleic acid analysis.
142                    To date, however, a major bottleneck in optimizing the performance of MeRAM device
143               Such limitations have led to a bottleneck in our understanding of chaperome-related dis
144 ance of specific alterations remains a major bottleneck in our understanding of the genetic determina
145                                      A major bottleneck in our understanding of the molecular underpi
146 tions of Tyr(215) can thus lead to a kinetic bottleneck in product release.
147                                       A main bottleneck in proteomics is the downstream biological an
148           This removes a major computational bottleneck in RNA-seq analysis.
149 iguous resonance assignments remains a major bottleneck in solid-state NMR studies of protein structu
150  that are not contiguous in sequence-a major bottleneck in structure prediction.
151                   This key process remains a bottleneck in synthetic biology, especially for genome e
152 enome-scale interactions constitutes a major bottleneck in systems biology.
153                                 The apparent bottleneck in the accumulation of oil during seed develo
154        Sample preparation is the most common bottleneck in the analysis and processing of forensic ev
155 n the bound riboswitch and the P3 helix is a bottleneck in the apo riboswitch.
156 cus on linkage to care as the most important bottleneck in the cascade.
157 ntify key residues that potentially act as a bottleneck in the communication flow through the distinc
158              Since seedlings represent a key bottleneck in the demographic cycle of trees, efforts to
159  process is time-consuming and often a major bottleneck in the evaluation pipeline.
160 ts complex etiology has proved to be a major bottleneck in the identification of its genetic risk fac
161 ant time, overcoming the major computational bottleneck in the neighbor distance method.
162  clamp (varphi-clamp), the known conductance bottleneck in the PA translocase, gates as either a more
163         Transmission represents a population bottleneck in the Plasmodium life cycle and a key interv
164 s through the IES, the narrowest circulatory bottleneck in the spleen, our results offer a broad appr
165  Although previous studies have documented a bottleneck in the transmission of mtDNA genomes from mot
166  freshly formed aerosol particles can be the bottleneck in their survival to cloud condensation nucle
167 t act as drivers of cancer remains a crucial bottleneck in therapeutic development.
168 on sugars into the cell remains an important bottleneck in this endeavor.
169 idation process of unknowns is often a major bottleneck in this process.
170 pulation genomic analysis shows a population bottleneck in this species that began approximately 13,0
171 nstrating that habitat limitation presents a bottleneck in this species' later life history.
172                                 However, the bottleneck in today's single-cell studies is quantitativ
173            Thus, CLS removes a long-standing bottleneck in transcriptome annotation and generates man
174                                    A related bottleneck in VLP-based products is the presence of cell
175 on of marine fish larvae is one of the major bottlenecks in aquaculture due to high mortalities mainl
176 ng of these proteins often amount to kinetic bottlenecks in cellular energy conversion, but despite t
177                                   One of the bottlenecks in creating a sandwich assay is identifying
178    In this review, we discuss the scientific bottlenecks in existing SNP arrays and GBS technologies
179                                     However, bottlenecks in imaging and image processing often make i
180 than in domestic sheep, consistent with past bottlenecks in mouflon.
181      These results therefore reveal multiple bottlenecks in pheromone MAPK signaling in white cells a
182                    These measurements target bottlenecks in small-volume, high-throughput solid form
183  infection, and provide insights to overcome bottlenecks in TB vaccine efficacy.
184  not been observed, most probably because of bottlenecks in the controlled fabrication of subnanometr
185    We identify a series of severe population bottlenecks in the history of the Iberian lynx that pred
186 ave undergone selective sweeps and/or severe bottlenecks in the New World, houseflies (n = 14) displa
187 sformation and plant regeneration, which are bottlenecks in the process.
188                                   Population bottlenecks, inbreeding, and artificial selection can al
189                                       Common bottlenecks included regulatory challenges (ten of 12 co
190 plotypes was observed after a narrow genetic bottleneck, indicating an important role of the genetic
191 , sequential logic overcomes the information bottleneck inherent in complex networks.
192 the complexity becomes dominated by O(log N) bottlenecks inside the spin-glass phase, where the gap s
193                                         This bottleneck is particularly severe for benthic surveys, w
194                   An important technological bottleneck is the exposure time of the EBL systems, whic
195         One critical factor influencing this bottleneck is the fly's peritrophic matrix (PM), a semip
196                                     The main bottleneck is the growth of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (
197  mechanisms that can expand from a persister bottleneck is unknown.
198 id substitutions, and that the domestication bottleneck led to a decline in the efficiency of purifyi
199 ta that predict the locations of CREs, but a bottleneck lies in functionally interpreting these data.
200  Energy loss due to ohmic heating is a major bottleneck limiting down-scaling and speed of nano-elect
201                                   A critical bottleneck limiting the performance of rechargeable zinc
202 into simple molecules is a key technological bottleneck limiting the production of plant-derived biof
203                                      A major bottleneck limiting understanding of mechanisms and cons
204  structural tools is identified as a crucial bottleneck, limiting the full development of glycoscienc
205             Their notion of a "Now-or-Never" bottleneck may be elaborated by recognizing that timesca
206 or the shift to inbreeding; (2) a population bottleneck may have played a role in driving the transit
207    However, not addressed by C&C is that the bottleneck may interact with who is doing the learning:
208 ations that already have undergone a genetic bottleneck may play a vital role in preserving genetic d
209 d evolutionary forces governing between-host bottlenecks may therefore change throughout host adaptat
210                       Our results support a "bottleneck" model for cloned conceptus survival during t
211 mes transmitted to offspring under different bottleneck models; a variable bottleneck size model prov
212 ns such analysis is making the data-download bottleneck more evident, placing substantial burdens on
213                      From this "Now-or-Never bottleneck" (NNB), C&C derive "wide-reaching and fundame
214 lied to Escherichia coli which overcomes the bottleneck of complex sample preparation and has the pot
215                    Little is known about the bottleneck of HBV transmission and the evolution of vira
216 F1 x F0 crossing scheme to overcome a severe bottleneck of male hybrid incompatibilities that enabled
217            As lipid identification remains a bottleneck of modern untargeted lipidomics, we developed
218 an ensure that appropriate signals cross the bottleneck of the optic nerve in changing stimulus condi
219 ss of nuclear import is considered to be the bottleneck of the viral replication cycle and therefore
220           Our approach overcomes the typical bottleneck of weak electron-phonon scattering by couplin
221 n programs to determine the capabilities and bottlenecks of current predictions.
222 ctions is considered as a key for overcoming bottlenecks of genetic association studies.
223 g sufficient genetic diversity to escape the bottlenecks of the host's antiviral response.
224 oxidation catalysts (WOCs) remains a crucial bottleneck on the way to artificial photosynthesis appli
225 etic variation is lacking, such as in small, bottlenecked, or asexual populations.
226  behind these therapies and how an important bottleneck-patient selection-can be approached.
227  offers the immediate benefit of identifying bottlenecks, pinpoint sections which could benefit from
228                          We also discuss the bottleneck presented by the utilization of certain bromi
229                                Removing this bottleneck previously associated with forward genetic sc
230 s support the existence of different genetic bottlenecks primarily determined by the underlying mtDNA
231 ntified a thioesterase (TE) domain catalytic bottleneck processing unnatural substrates in the pikrom
232                   However, the "Now-or-Never bottleneck" raises a paradox for language evolution.
233 pathogens such as influenza virus, as narrow bottlenecks reduce the amount of transferred viral genet
234 he ecotype divisions, together with founding bottlenecks, selection, and cultural hitchhiking, likely
235                            Thus, the mucosal bottleneck selects for viruses that are able to replicat
236  unresolved, question is whether the mucosal bottleneck selects for viruses with increased transmissi
237                               We present the bottleneck sequencing system (BotSeqS), a next-generatio
238 gh levels of inbreeding in all locations and bottleneck signs in most locations.
239 Transmission through the air imposed a tight bottleneck since most recipient animals became infected
240 ows a positive association between estimated bottleneck size and donor infection severity, as measure
241 ological factors.IMPORTANCE The transmission bottleneck size describes the size of the pathogen popul
242            We find that the IAV transmission bottleneck size estimates in this study are highly varia
243               Because these factors can skew bottleneck size estimates, we introduce a new method for
244 vide a standardized statistical approach for bottleneck size estimation for viral pathogens.
245 vances in sequencing technology have enabled bottleneck size estimation from pathogen genetic data, a
246               Accurate quantification of the bottleneck size is particularly important for rapidly ev
247 nder different bottleneck models; a variable bottleneck size model provided the best fit to the data,
248 le across transmission pairs, while the mean bottleneck size of 196 virions is consistent with a prev
249 re, we introduce a new approach to infer the bottleneck size that accounts for variant identification
250 perimental transmission studies showing that bottleneck sizes across transmission events can be varia
251              Previous studies have estimated bottleneck sizes governing viral transmission by using s
252 tes, we introduce a new method for inferring bottleneck sizes that accounts for these factors.
253 l sampling, accurately recovers transmission bottleneck sizes, whereas other methods fail to do so.
254 these factors leads to an underestimation of bottleneck sizes.
255 consistent with a past expansion following a bottleneck (small ROHs) and recent population substructu
256 leading to RPo; formation of RP2 is likely a bottleneck step at the majority of mycobacterial promote
257 sphofructokinase 1 (PFKL), which catalyzes a bottleneck step of glycolysis, forms various sizes of cy
258 acylglycerol, cAMP/Epac signaling blocks the bottleneck step of the converging pathways of oxidative
259                    Protein hydrolysis is the bottleneck step: it is time consuming and the protein de
260 ence understanding of populations undergoing bottleneck, stress, and conservation strategy for popula
261 ld and maternal health commodities had fewer bottlenecks than reproductive and neonatal commodities.
262  computational costs, which has introduced a bottleneck that is currently limiting throughput and the
263 ts of macromolecular structures has become a bottleneck that necessitates further algorithmic improve
264 with the viral stock resulted in a selective bottleneck that reduced nonsynonymous genetic diversity
265 ed to synapses occupying buffers, creating a bottleneck that reduces noise without significantly decr
266  the intestinal lumen to the eggs introduces bottlenecks that cause chemically-distinct classes of ca
267                 We will highlight biological bottlenecks that potentially limit mutation-specific T-c
268 argue that, to deal with this "Now-or-Never" bottleneck, the brain must compress and recode linguisti
269 inks in the presence of a small transmission bottleneck, these links are highly accurate.
270  pharmacology helps to overcome target-based bottlenecks through systems biology analytics, such as p
271 in during the developmental stage, acts as a bottleneck to bilirubin elimination and predisposes the
272 ease progression, and inevitably represent a bottleneck to cure.
273                              We exploit this bottleneck to define roles for glial Netrin and Semaphor
274 ts remains a grand challenge and becomes the bottleneck to essential studies and applications of h-BN
275 ar ET was the main kinetic and thermodynamic bottleneck to ET from donor substrate to the anode for a
276 e unsuccessful; this was identified as a key bottleneck to future large-scale implementation.
277                                      A major bottleneck to infection occurs as parasites attempt to c
278 peptides and assembly intermediates create a bottleneck to routinely preparing large proteins by comp
279                                A significant bottleneck to the application of these methods in divers
280 ns in quantitative yields represents a major bottleneck to the production of molecular tools for glyc
281                                            A bottleneck to this technology occurs when a gene encodes
282 cooperatively growing bundles as a dynamical bottleneck to tube formation.
283       Here, we review the current and future bottlenecks to gene discovery and suggest strategies for
284 -cut degradation of PE samples, showing that bottlenecks to reach optimal biodegradation clearly exis
285 process, thereby addressing one of the major bottlenecks to structure determination by X-ray crystall
286 point temperature (LPT) in quenching are the bottlenecks to the heat transfer advancements.
287 erform synthesis processes appears to be the bottleneck toward their greener fabrication, thereby lim
288                                          The bottleneck towards achieving an efficient bio-electronic
289 ntifying the 10-ms step as the rate-limiting bottleneck towards opening specific DNA site, we uncover
290 tion of the theory to the response-selection-bottleneck view of attention?
291 ion size changes indicated that a historical bottleneck was associated with a reduction of sugarcane
292                             To overcome this bottleneck, we fused GCSF with the Fc domain of IgG1 at
293                                To avoid this bottleneck, we have developed a user-friendly software p
294                       To help alleviate this bottleneck, we present Glycoforest 1.0, a partial de nov
295  must be squeezed through a narrow cognitive bottleneck, what are the implications for language proce
296 alf that in the wild Xs, probably due to the bottleneck when hermaphrodites were selected during dome
297 oach should help to alleviate this important bottleneck where both 1D NMR and DIMS data sets have bee
298 t that error detection causes an attentional bottleneck, which can diminish sensory processing on sub
299 ted by spatial localization and a population bottleneck, which makes stochastic effects important by
300 y a loose, but highly variable, transmission bottleneck whose size is positively associated with the

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