


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 , by an average of only approximately 10 000 bp.
2  The delivery of large DNA vectors (>100 000 bp) remains a limiting step in the engineering of mammal
3                            Indeed, the 3,000 bp flanking the excised transposons can contain over 10
4 , 15,027 bp) and Florida (mt-FLpsy, 15,012 bp), USA, were acquired.
5  of 76,206 transcripts, with an N50 of 2,016 bp and average length of 1,222 bp.
6 circular mt genomes range from 13,948-14,019 bp in size and encode 12 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosom
7 sequences from California (mt-CApsy, 15,027 bp) and Florida (mt-FLpsy, 15,012 bp), USA, were acquir
8 rdB copies were in long form (nrdB(L), 1,059 bp) and two were in short form (nrdB(S), 378 bp).
9 izes of the mtDNAs were 49,489 bp and 49,061 bp for A. astaci and A. invadans, respectively.
10 ,613 unique transcripts with an N50 of 1,085 bp.
11 esticated barleys thought to have either a 1 bp deletion in Btr1 or an 11 bp deletion in Btr2.
12                      We identified a novel 1 bp deletion in YAP1 in a boy with bilateral microphthalm
13 s have been reported, but all result in a +1-bp frameshift and generate a novel protein C terminus.
14                A heterozygous novel c.C88T 1-bp substitution resulting in amino acid change R30W in c
15 r deletions, especially those longer than 10 bp.
16                                   Whereas 10 bp of DNA was sufficient to support PU.1 binding as a mo
17          Remarkably, the approximately 1,100 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding the envelope protei
18 eight marker plasmids which produce both 100 bp and 1 kb DNA ladders when digested with two common re
19 he distal PAS, which differ in length by 100 bp.
20 rage depth using longer reads (e.g., >/= 100 bp).
21 ction of structural variants from length 100 bp to 4 kbp, and species and strain-specific identificat
22 rived DNA fragments in the size range of 100 bp to 118 kbp, fragments large enough to contain whole o
23 cultures for the two plasmids to produce 100 bp or 1 kb ladders for 1000 gels.
24  However, for DNA fragments shorter than 100 bp, all sets of parameters performed poorly yielding res
25                                      The 100 bp ladder fragments have been optimized to migrate appro
26 nrichment of specific DNA motifs in the 1000 bp proximal promotor, some of which associate with known
27 provide reference fragments from 50 to 10000 bp at a fraction of the cost of commercial DNA ladders.
28 (ORF) lengths of TmELO1 and TmELO2 were 1005 bp and 972 bp, respectively and the corresponding peptid
29                                One large 101 bp intergenic spacer between trnY and cox1 was in S. var
30 to assays with larger amplicon sizes (>/=105 bp) (P < .001).
31  RgsA inhibits fis expression via an 11 + 11 bp RNA duplex, whereas this interaction region is not su
32 have either a 1 bp deletion in Btr1 or an 11 bp deletion in Btr2.
33 es to one cleavage site per approximately 11 bp.
34                            The element is 11 bp long, hundreds of bases apart from the WRE, and exhib
35 ida fusca type I-E Cascade: (1) unwinding 11 bp of dsDNA at the seed-sequence region to scout for seq
36 uencing of ELF3 in ICCV 96029 revealed an 11-bp deletion in the first exon that was predicted to resu
37 not only driven by WREs but also tuned by 11-bp NREs.
38 f the 11-bp negative regulatory elements (11-bp NREs) broadened dorsal expression of siamois.
39                                       The 11-bp deletion was associated with early flowering in globa
40        In Xenopus patterning, loss of the 11-bp negative regulatory elements (11-bp NREs) broadened d
41 P sequencing in human cells, we found the 11-bp NREs co-localizing with the WRE in 45%-71% of the pea
42 yonic stem cells, genomic deletion of the 11-bp NREs in the promoter elevated Brachyury expression.
43 xin gene sr5 overlap at their 3' ends by 112 bp.
44 ties with a linking hinge, which bound to 12 bp in human telomeric repeats (5'-(TTAGGG)n-3') and coul
45 , 16 synonymous nucleotide changes, and a 12-bp insertion strongly associated with the E7 T20I/G63S v
46 o different DNA regions in beef (106 and 120-bp) and buffalo (90 and 138-bp) mitochondrial genes to d
47 eloped RNA-Seq procedures, as well as a 1200 bp 5 RACE product coupled with PACBio sequencing that ca
48 nd 126 bp fragments for TT, 294, 168 and 126 bp fragments for CT and undigested PCR product 294 bp in
49 he restriction digestion yielded 168 and 126 bp fragments for TT, 294, 168 and 126 bp fragments for C
50 and genome resequencing, we identified a 129-bp deletion in Glyma.11G190900 encoding Argonaute5 (AGO5
51         Here, we generated mice lacking a 13 bp fragment, including this int-1-GATA site (T AGATAA: A
52 e (RNAP) holoenzyme unwinds approximately 13 bp of promoter DNA, forming an RNAP-promoter open comple
53 hat involves a 4,977-bp region flanked by 13-bp repeats.
54 PRE, and also to a proximal region near -130 bp that contains PRE half-sites and a RA response elemen
55 as recruited to the -1.1 kb PRE and the -130 bp PRE/RARE regions with P4, but not RA alone or RA plus
56 8 bp) and one large single copy (LSC; 89,132 bp).
57  CENP-A protects DNA lengths centered on 133 bp, consistent with octameric nucleosomes with DNA unwra
58 e classical okra leaf shape allele has a 133-bp tandem duplication in the promoter, correlated with e
59 inds to its cognate operator at -114 to -135 bp of the transcription start of the operon.
60 ls, we found that a novel AP-1 site at -1363 bp of the human TF promoter region is highly conserved a
61 eef (106 and 120-bp) and buffalo (90 and 138-bp) mitochondrial genes to discriminate beef and buffalo
62 ated by the interaction of Nkx6.1 with a 139 bp enhancer sequence within CR2.
63 e tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, and a 140-bp region in the moricin promoter contains binding sites
64 hree forkhead (Fkh)-binding sites in the 140-bp region of the moricin promoter and several Fkh-bindin
65 sembly of high quality DNA barcodes of >1400 bp.
66                            tyr (a) has a 142 bp deletion and similar engineered alleles recapitulated
67               Meanwhile, two copies of a 146-bp direct repeat motif flanking the deleted region were
68 ertile strain, but only one copy of this 146-bp motif (a part of the MAT1-1-1 gene) was present in th
69    The nucleosome contains approximately 147 bp of DNA wrapped approximately 1.7 times around a centr
70 3'-LTR of the mouse mammary tumor virus (147 bp MMTV-A).
71  analyzed through the amplification of a 148 bp fragment from the cyt b gene with a universal primer
72 engths (of 4-5 bp) and stem lengths (of 7-15 bp).
73 tively large minimum sequence lengths (>/=15 bp) compared with the average length of known transcript
74               Here we show that identical 15 bp regions in dsRNA are sufficient to trigger non-target
75 vealed that a region between nucleotides -15 bp and -9 bp of the Smad7 promoter was required for the
76 enome, the insertion was accompanied by a 15-bp direct target site duplication (TSD).
77 ter and its serial deletions identified a 15-bp repressor element at the 3'-UTR of CDKN1A, which cont
78  extends to the regions flanking the core 15-bp site, where isothermal calorimetry measurements revea
79 nger of ZF3-7 contacts three bases of the 15-bp consensus sequence.
80 ignificantly, both within and outside the 15-bp core binding site.
81  2, but insensitive at position 12 of the 15-bp core sequence.
82 nome sequencing using short-read (e.g., <150 bp), next-generation sequencing technologies has reinvig
83   When homology at the matched end is </=150 bp, efficient repair depends on the recombination enhanc
84    When homology at the second end is </=150 bp, second-end capture becomes inefficient and repair sh
85 get deaminations were detected more than 150 bp away from the target site.
86  defect in tissue culture, contained a 2,158-bp deletion in open reading frame (ORF) 12.
87 imately ten petabases of DNA sequence (10 16 bp).
88 intermediate particles containing 154 or 161 bp, corresponding to 7 bp protruding from one or both si
89 cted mitochondrial DNA ( approximately 16660 bp in length) without previous fragmentation.
90 ed force-extension curves on arrays with 167-bp NRLs best supported an underlying structure consistin
91 fied TALENs or TALE-TF plasmids targeting 17 bp target sequences can be produced within three days, w
92 nica, CvAOXA and CvAOXB, which differ by 170 bp but encode AOXs of the same size.
93                      A defined number of 171-bp monomers are organized into chromosome-specific highe
94 Luciferase reporter assays highlighted a 173-bp region of CXCL8/IL-8 promoter that responded to ZO-1.
95 ence of croaker elovl4, which contained 1794 bp (excluding the polyA tail), including 909 bp of codin
96 ted p53 REs contain spacers between 1 and 18 bp; however, their functional significance is unclear at
97 t detection algorithm missed a pathogenic 18 bp duplication in myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) beca
98 of the neomycin cassette and deletion of 184-bp sequence in intron 3.
99  the mammal-specific Area II (-2139 to -1958 bp) affects minor or major aspects of organogenesis.
100       We investigated the structure of a 197 bp nucleosome bearing symmetric 25 bp linker DNA arms in
101                          For arrays with 197-bp NRLs, we previously inferred solenoidal folding, whic
102 ibutions exhibit a peak at approximately 1-2 bp.
103 structure of 461,553 genetic variants from 2 bp to 28 kbp in length.
104 ole-exome sequencing revealed a homozygous 2 bp deletion, n.c.G623DEL-TC (p.V208VfsX20), in Arp2/3 co
105  hypotonia, and we identified an inherited 2 bp deletion causing a frameshift in BRPF1 (c.1052_1053de
106 t ebouriffe (ebo/ebo) harbors a homozygous 2-bp frameshift mutation in Lrrc8a that truncates the 15 t
107 of random genomic fragments upstream of a 20-bp barcode is constructed, and decoded by paired-end seq
108     CES contain one or more approximately 20-bp GA-rich sequences called MSL recognition elements (MR
109 tified a complex homozygous 4-kb deletion/20-bp insertion in DSTYK (dual serine-threonine and tyrosin
110 n the transcription start site (TSS) and 200 bp upstream of the TSS.
111 d by Hi-C, ChIA-PET and eQTL analyses at 200 bp resolution.
112  of 55,532 transcripts with lengths over 200 bp were de novo assembled.
113 smallest human pathogens, encoded by a 3,200-bp genome with only four open reading frames.
114 MuGENT require large arms of homology (>2000 bp) surrounding each genome edit, which necessitates lab
115 es DNA at a rate of up to approximately 2000-bp/s.
116 e mitogenomes were 15,188, 15,235 and 15,207 bp, respectively.
117 dicum Diap1 dsRNA, despite the absence of 21 bp identical sequence regions in the dsRNA.
118              Furthermore, we identified a 21-bp insertion in the 3' UTR of the fifth exon of Cflar in
119  mutation in CAPN3 could be identified; a 21-bp, in-frame deletion (c.643_663del21).
120 g DNA packaging (pac) site containing two 21-bp direct repeats and a major terminase cleavage site in
121 d mutations, we determined that the first 22 bp of exon 3 contain cis-acting elements that enhance th
122  N50 of 2,016 bp and average length of 1,222 bp.
123  (+76 bp) and decreased in the controls (-23 bp) (p=0.050).
124           Species-specific SNP position (230 bp) in the matK region that is characteristic of D. hami
125  a mean search footprint of approximately 24 bp at predicted physiological ionic strength.
126 ucture that resembles the shape of a bent 24 bp DNA molecule.
127 posed of four hairpin moieties, targeting 24 bp in telomeric repeats, the longest reported binding si
128                        The assembly is a 240-bp Holliday junction (HJ) bound specifically by 11 prote
129                     We further identify a 25 bp DAF-3 binding element required for the DTC lag-2 repo
130 targeted methylation were observed around 25 bp upstream and 40 bp downstream of the PAM site, while
131  of a 197 bp nucleosome bearing symmetric 25 bp linker DNA arms in complex with vertebrate linker his
132 ve to DNA of an equivalent sequence or to 25 bp poly(rA):poly(rU) RNA.
133 son to that for a distal ( approximately 250 bp) location of the same sequence.
134 humans: a mean converted tract length of 250 bp and a probability of [Formula: see text] per generati
135  paired-end tags is increased (up to 2 x 250 bp).
136 holog (C130071C03Rik) for a region over 2500 bp in length within its exon 3.
137 nogaster, with a particular focus on the 260-bp and Responder satellites.
138  cognate binding sites and the shape of a 29 bp DNA sequence that bridges these sites.
139 12 species of Drosophila, we discovered a 29-bp consensus sequence that we designated as the Clock-As
140 gments for CT and undigested PCR product 294 bp indicating CC genotype.
141                        The PCR products (294 bp) was subsequently digested with HinfI (New England Bi
142 irectly adjacent bases, allowed 1-, 2-, or 3-bp substitutions in MMR-proficient mouse embryonic stem
143 0 bp downstream of the PAM site, while 20-30 bp of the binding site itself are protected against meth
144 d to occur after testing approximately 20-30 bp.
145 ing technique that captures approximately 30 bp long ribosome-protected mRNA fragments during transla
146  (VNTR) and for 6/6 homozygotes of SLC6A3 30 bp VNTR.
147 MxRU) comprising two MXREs separated by a 30-bp spacer.
148              Inserts with lengths of 100-300 bp produced the most complete transcriptional and visual
149                                        A 300 bp specific fragment from the cDNA fragment was chosen t
150 e, amount to 17,579 unigenes longer than 300 bp were selected and analyzed from 68,547 candidates.
151                                      The 300 bp Fms intronic regulatory element (FIRE), within the se
152 or the V1-V3 region using Illumina's 2 x 300 bp chemistry.
153 tion of eccDNAs varied significantly from 31 bp to 19,989 bp.
154                             The P-element 31-bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) contain sequences es
155 ntifies binding specificity over a large (31-bp) binding site by iteratively fitting a feature-based
156 We used MeC and non-MeC (C) versions of a 32 bp exon 7 fragment of the p53 gene.
157   The final assembly resulted in a 1,165,328 bp continuous gap free sequence with 35 manually curated
158 ctors that dictate the 3D structure of a 336 bp DNA minicircle under torsional stress.
159 r, we uncover a transition point in which 34 bp of telomeric (TG1-3)n repeat sequence renders a DNA e
160 Cre recombinase, was designed to target a 34-bp sequence within the HIV-1 LTR (loxLTR).
161  mitochondrial genome is comprised of 16,345 bp, and contains the expected 37 genes and control regio
162 rgeted CpG methylation in a approximately 35 bp wide region by the fusion protein.
163 , have additional deletions ranging from 350 bp to 6900 bp in non-contiguous loci on several chromoso
164 eract with and activate the rat proximal 358-bp promoter/enhancer (p358P/E) of lung alveolar epitheli
165                  HP1a recruitment to the 359-bp repeat was required for its programmed shift to later
166  SEC-MALLS analyses of CodY binding to 19-36-bp operator fragments are consistent with isoleucine-dep
167 We show that this effect is mediated by a 36-bp insulator located in the foamy virus long terminal re
168 zation and the lengths are 15,352 and 15,364 bp with an A + T content of 78.7% and 76.6%, respectivel
169 bp) and two were in short form (nrdB(S), 378 bp).
170 ed with rapid, large-scale ( approximately 4 bp) variations in DNA length.
171 achieved that is often stabilized by up to 4 bp of terminal microhomology.
172 izing direct repeats of 7-bp motifs with a 4-bp spacer.
173                A fully penetrant recessive 4-bp deletion was identified in the DIRAS family GTPase 1
174 d characterized by junction sequences with 4-bp of perfect homology.
175 n were observed around 25 bp upstream and 40 bp downstream of the PAM site, while 20-30 bp of the bin
176 obabilities were 100% and 54% at a 10 and 40 bp spacing, but dropped to only 10% at 80 bp.
177 f homology can be reduced to as little as 40 bp while still promoting integration of genome edits at
178 iments suggested that site transfers over 40 bp followed a DNA 'hopping' pathway in human cells, indi
179  allele 9R of dopamine transporter SLC6A3 40 bp variable tandem repeat polymorphism (VNTR) and for 6/
180 osome ends, where telomeres shorter than 40 bp are inefficiently extended by telomerase.
181 eferentially to DNA molecules longer than 40 bp, and two CAF1-H3-H4 complexes concertedly associate w
182 othesis, BoHV-1 DNA fragments (less than 400 bp) containing potential GR and KLF binding sites were i
183 s A23 has a linear compact genome of 395,405 bp, with a 33.62% G+C content.
184                        The completed 629,409-bp 'Mnola' genome (Candidatus Mycoplasma girerdii str.
185 ion of Ankrd26 promoter at the -436 and -431 bp CpG sites (CpGs) and impaired its expression.
186  transgene with coincident deletion of 5,444 bp of host genome within the gene Gm12695 has striking m
187 gulatory activity was contained within a 455 bp element derived from the CBX3 region when tested in t
188  class II genetic risk to three SNPs only 47 bp apart, located within a predicted super-enhancer in a
189 9-6 haplotype, the dopamine receptor DRD4 48 bp VNTR, and the enzyme COMT SNP rs4680.
190          The sizes of the mtDNAs were 49,489 bp and 49,061 bp for A. astaci and A. invadans, respecti
191 ion of hairpins such as loop lengths (of 4-5 bp) and stem lengths (of 7-15 bp).
192 pot exons in CNTNAP2 led to discovery of a 5 bp insertion in 23/37 ASD patients.
193 ation events at both short ( approximately 5 bp) and long ( approximately 1 kb) genomic distances, sh
194                                 Certain 10.5-bp periodic nucleotides in phase with these geometric co
195                  The structures revealed a 5-bp consensus sequence GGC(GC)|(CG) as the binding site f
196           A typical ProtoRAG is flanked by 5-bp target site duplications and a pair of terminal inver
197 variants (SNVs) plus 0.7 million small (1-50 bp) insertions and deletions (indels) that are consisten
198  novel large insertions, small indels (10-50 bp), and short tandem repeat expansions and contractions
199                        Cost-saving short (50-bp) single-end reads and Nextera (R) library preparation
200 in human cells at the 1-3 nucleosome (50-500 bp) scale, obtained using ionizing radiation-induced spa
201 ccumulation over the first approximately 500 bp, suggesting that Spt5 is required for transcription p
202  sites in pools of mutants by obtaining >500 bp of flanking genomic sequences.
203 eccDNAs (<500 bp) than the larger ones (>500 bp) (p < 0.01).
204 y higher GC content in smaller eccDNAs (<500 bp) than the larger ones (>500 bp) (p < 0.01).
205 s and introns) and 28% (7217) are within 500 bp of a gene.
206 hromatin entry sites (CES) are 100- to 1,500-bp elements that recruit male-specific lethal (MSL) comp
207           Binding occurred mainly in the 500-bp promoter regions of these genes.
208 model of the most common CALR mutation, a 52-bp deletion.
209                             We amplified 521 bp upstream promoter sequences containing alternative ha
210                        An azide-modified 523 bp PCR amplicon with all 335 thymidines replaced by AHP
211 hloroplast genome was sequenced with 161,528 bp in length, composed with one pair of inverted repeats
212 er-leukotoxin producing strains with the 530 bp deletion have been studied in detail.
213    However, regions contained within the 530 bp deletion that could be responsible for modulation of
214 or the first time, on regions within the 530 bp that are responsible for high-levels of ltxA expressi
215                      Blocks of >244 and >539 bp of HSV-1 DNA within genes UL29 and UL30, respectively
216             Re-sequencing revealed that a 54-bp insertion mutation in the upstream region of miR-15a-
217                                       The 54-bp insertion was significantly associated with increased
218 ngth template (>300 nt) within a longer (545 bp or 3 kb) duplex.
219       Binding sites were found as far as 550 bp upstream from the start codon, or 1 kb into the codin
220 e chromosome's relatively small size (16,569 bp) necessitates the ability to detect extremely focal e
221 9 bp positions and between the -1018 and -57 bp positions.
222 ontaining variant T alleles at -1018 and -57 bp) exhibited the highest promoter activity.
223 ansgenic approach, we demonstrate that a 594 bp sequence encompassing the ECR recapitulates specific
224 rates of Y chromosome STRs (Y-STRs) with 2-6 bp repeat units that are accessible to Illumina sequenci
225 sional diffusion constant, 26+/-1.8 x 10(6) (bp)(2) s(-1).
226 ctsM), which methylates an overrepresented 6-bp sequence in the chromosome.
227 of internucleosomal linker DNA from 25 to 60 bp results in more efficient EPC.
228                           We find that a 600 bp homology in both arms leads to high-level genome knoc
229 ferential DNA methylation localized to a 600 bp region in the promoter of the Ifitm3 gene.
230 der of tens of minutes for approximately 600 bp of DNA to be re-annealed.
231 ion involves step-like events of 200 nm (600 bp) size and is strongly suppressed by forces above 1 pN
232  we also obtain large deletions of up to 600 bp.
233                 We have sequenced its 30,608-bp mtDNA and characterized organelle function through a
234 anti-silencing properties for the small (679 bp) CBX3-UCO element and we now confirmed this observati
235 tional deletions ranging from 350 bp to 6900 bp in non-contiguous loci on several chromosomes, most c
236                            We identified a 7 bp duplication (c.3838_3844dupGAAAGCG [p.Glu1282_Glyfs(
237  for genetic variants ranging in size from 7 bp to 1 kbp compared with short-read sequence data.
238 containing 154 or 161 bp, corresponding to 7 bp protruding from one or both sides of the nucleosome c
239  separate nickase enzyme that recognizes a 7-bp motif genome-wide.
240 ive dimer by recognizing direct repeats of 7-bp motifs with a 4-bp spacer.
241 n helix made contact with the bases of the 7-bp motif in the major groove, and the wing interacted wi
242  promoter region, and regions upstream of 70 bp to 3 kbp are dispensable for AT2R induction.
243 e cell differentiation and found that the 70 bp upstream of the AT2R transcription start site contain
244 f perfect sequence identity encompassing 700 bp at the hotspot core, the presence of PRDM9 binding si
245 ion of large genomic deletions at sizes >700 bp around the break.
246 07,744 unigenes, with a mean length of 1,717 bp and with this information an online Mango RNA-Seq Dat
247 products with lengths up to approximately 75 bp.
248 at in the presence of ATP hydrolysis even 75 bp sequence-matched strand exchange products remain quit
249 arated by one small single copy (SSC; 18,758 bp) and one large single copy (LSC; 89,132 bp).
250 2, TL increased in the intervention arm (+76 bp) and decreased in the controls (-23 bp) (p=0.050).
251 hed mitochondrial genome sequence of 135,790 bp was obtained, which contained 75 predicted genes.
252  dehydrogenase allele (SbCAD2) that has an 8-bp deletion in its 5'-untranslated region (UTR), conferr
253 lated with elevated expression, whereas an 8-bp deletion in the third exon of the presumed wild-type
254 endonuclease PacI) that also recognizes an 8-bp target site consisting solely of A:T base pairs.
255 activator STAF, specifically binds to this 8-bp sequence to activate C/EBPalpha expression in myeloid
256 NG2) excised two uracil lesions spaced 10-80 bp apart in a single encounter without escaping the micr
257 40 bp spacing, but dropped to only 10% at 80 bp.
258 genomic microarray chips covering about 8000 bp flanking the predicted transcription start sites in X
259 one pair of inverted repeats (IRs) of 26,819 bp, which were separated by one small single copy (SSC;
260 , was sequenced and shown to contain 132,831 bp with 145 putative ORFs (open reading frames) of at le
261 onstructed HBV haplotypes in a region of 836 bp, which contains the major immune epitopes and drug re
262 truct a single DNA-nanogold conjugate, an 84-bp double-stranded DNA with two 5-nm nanogold particles
263             Assays with amplicon sizes </=86 bp had significantly higher results compared to assays w
264 among SNPs at the -1014, -988, -462, and -89 bp positions and between the -1018 and -57 bp positions.
265 t a region between nucleotides -15 bp and -9 bp of the Smad7 promoter was required for the induction
266 o identify conserved sequences as short as 9 bp with false discovery rate </=0.05.
267  order of magnitude when positioned close (9 bp) to the promoter, in comparison to that for a distal
268 edian deletion size using single sgRNAs is 9 bp, we also obtain large deletions of up to 600 bp.
269                                        One 9-bp duplication and one splice-site, five missense, and t
270 ges both ends of a wrapped, approximately 90-bp nucleosomal loop of DNA, suggesting a means for nucle
271 some density was found in the region of -900 bp relative to the transcription initiation start (TIS)
272 bp (excluding the polyA tail), including 909 bp of coding region that encoded a polypeptide of 302 am
273 utions per site within the concatenated (945 bp) nucleotide dataset, implying that probabilistic phyl
274 genes, ranging in size from 24,910 to 24,970 bp with highly conserved gene synteny.
275 hs of TmELO1 and TmELO2 were 1005 bp and 972 bp, respectively and the corresponding peptide sequences
276  the "common deletion" that involves a 4,977-bp region flanked by 13-bp repeats.
277 data set with a median read length of 11,979 bp for a self-compatible accession of the wild tomato sp
278 As varied significantly from 31 bp to 19,989 bp.
279 ously explained by an initial >457 basepair (bp) HSV-1 x HSV-2 crossover followed by back-recombinati
280 Conversely, the Arabidopsis brevipedicellus (bp-9) mutant was complemented by the PpMKN2 gene from th
281       Lycophyte KNOX genes also complemented bp-9 whereas fern genes only partially complemented the
282 mics simulations, to examine how a single HG bp trapped using the N1-methylated adenine (m1A) lesion
283 als that in both cases, m1A forms a m1A*T HG bp, which is accompanied by local and global structural
284 anscription, which are found within areas I (bp -2694 to -2561), II (bp -2139 to -1958), III (bp -187
285 ound within areas I (bp -2694 to -2561), II (bp -2139 to -1958), III (bp -1879 to -1799), and IV (bp
286 2694 to -2561), II (bp -2139 to -1958), III (bp -1879 to -1799), and IV (bp -6200 to -5670).
287  to -1958), III (bp -1879 to -1799), and IV (bp -6200 to -5670).
288  in carbon dynamics at 10.3, 4.1 and 2.8 kyr bp provide compelling evidence for the sensitivity of th
289 glaciated North America before 12.6 cal. kyr bp, are unlikely to have travelled by this route into th
290  the stabilization of low-boiling point (low-bp) perfluorocarbons (PFCs) at physiological temperature
291 rmed that cats homozygous for a 2 base pair (bp) deletion within IQ calmodulin-binding motif-containi
292                  We oxidized a 32 base pair (bp) double-stranded (ds) oligonucleotide representing ex
293 e, recognizes a palindromic eight base pair (bp) symmetric sequence, 5-ATTTAAAT-3, and cleaves that t
294 ajority of the approximately 270 base pairs (bp) of vector space required for shRNA expression.
295 es short paired-end tags (2 x 20 base pairs (bp)) to detect two genomic loci that are far apart on li
296 of intervention (difference -163 base pairs (bp), p=0.001).
297  oligonucleotides longer than 20 base pairs (bp).
298 otential to define chromosome breakpoints to bp resolution.
299 -5-FX interaction with FX-binding protein (X-bp) inhibited transduction in the presence of C57BL/6 se
300 bfossil pines that were growing c. 13 000 yr bp in Zurich, Switzerland.

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