


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  addition to the activation that accompanies brain pathology.
2 s in the brains of transgenic animals causes brain pathology.
3 ction in TNF-alpha levels, leukocytosis, and brain pathology.
4  life for their memory, learning ability and brain pathology.
5  underlying adaptation, stress response, and brain pathology.
6 creased blood-brain barrier permeability and brain pathology.
7  or risk adjustment, and how this relates to brain pathology.
8  group A PfEMP1 may be effective at reducing brain pathology.
9 tant role for monocytes/microglia in causing brain pathology.
10 meningeal-located immune cells in modulating brain pathology.
11 significantly associated with all markers of brain pathology.
12  it may provide a noninvasive way to examine brain pathology.
13 sy development, even in the absence of major brain pathology.
14  population but do not usually contribute to brain pathology.
15 n levels being associated with more advanced brain pathology.
16 thologically verified AD and correlates with brain pathology.
17 ese systems and the degree of Alzheimer type brain pathology.
18 equire greater recognition as a mechanism of brain pathology.
19 at oral intake of DHA reduces Alzheimer-like brain pathology.
20 tween neuronal vimentin expression and local brain pathology.
21 d in the Tg2576 mouse model of AD-like Abeta brain pathology.
22 ven before the development of substantial AD brain pathology.
23 ausal TSE virions that induce late-stage PrP brain pathology.
24 s with HS and 12 patients without structural brain pathology.
25 ain yet have different disease latencies and brain pathologies.
26  of biological data across a growing list of brain pathologies.
27 lia, potentially implicating Cyp1b1 in other brain pathologies.
28 k and vasculature are ubiquitous in numerous brain pathologies.
29 ell cycle checkpoint control with a focus on brain pathologies.
30 ledged as prime regulators involved in human brain pathologies.
31 ons have been extensively studied in various brain pathologies.
32 NA editing process itself is dysregulated by brain pathologies.
33  system and is important in stroke and other brain pathologies.
34 ype could be useful for treatment of various brain pathologies.
35  Hcy-thiolactone and lead to vascular and/or brain pathologies.
36 eficial role in neuroprotection from various brain pathologies.
37 ring stroke, brain injury, and certain other brain pathologies, anaerobic glycolysis produces severe
38 perinatal period to block the progression of brain pathologies and allow normal brain development to
39 ntrations, and dynamics cell volume in other brain pathologies and normal brain function.
40 ies have demonstrated a relationship between brain pathology and AD progression, the Alzheimer's path
41 rozygous TSC animal models do not show gross brain pathology and are seizure-free, suggesting that su
42 ssion were assessed at 15 and 24 months, and brain pathology and biochemistry were assessed at 24 mon
43 ationship between neocortical Alzheimer-type brain pathology and dementia in consecutive autopsies fr
44 o be identified (E46K) results in widespread brain pathology and early onset Parkinson symptoms.
45 have been proposed based on genetic studies, brain pathology and imaging, but a major impediment to t
46 dvances understanding of Alzheimer's disease brain pathology and provides new insights into the subce
47 use of the many-to-many relationship between brain pathology and psychiatric symptoms, true natural d
48 r a quarter of a century despite severe host brain pathology and with no evidence of immune response.
49 hagocytosis of viable neurons contributes to brain pathology and, surprisingly, blocking this process
50 ute to the development of lactic acidosis in brain pathologies, and suggest targeting it as a novel t
51            Complex interactions among sleep, brain pathology, and cardiovascular disease may occur in
52 showed viral persistence in the CNS, chronic brain pathology, and demyelination in the spinal cord wh
53 elates, in fatal cases, with the severity of brain pathology, and has diagnostic and prognostic signi
54 hose aged 90 and older, other ageing-related brain pathologies are prevalent in addition to Alzheimer
55 studies have linked particulate exposures to brain pathologies associated with Parkinson's and Alzhei
56 tudies suggest that antibodies contribute to brain pathology associated with autoimmune diseases such
57                           In later adulthood brain pathology becomes common and trajectories of cogni
58 hed exosomes appear to exacerbate AD-related brain pathology by promoting the aggregation of Abeta.
59 t R47H and evaluated the variant's effect on brain pathology, cellular morphology, and expression of
60 severe weight loss and hypoventilation, with brain pathology characterized by TDP-43 immunostaining.
61  markedly reduced meningeal inflammation and brain pathology compared with wild type, despite similar
62                                  Analysis of brain pathology demonstrated cortical and hippocampal la
63 tenuated Bartha strain does not cause severe brain pathology despite viral replication and spread thr
64     These results suggest that expression of brain pathology differs between left-handed and right-ha
65         This report broadens the spectrum of brain pathologies elicited by protein misfolding and pro
66                          The independence of brain pathology from visceral complications in Niemann-P
67 riant in a Wnt pathway gene and ASD-relevant brain pathology has not been established.
68 ty, and the relationships of OE pathology to brain pathology have not been established.
69 lack of correlation between serum titers and brain pathology have, no doubt, contributed to a delayed
70  CamKII-Cre driver and examined behavior and brain pathology in 12-18 month old animals.
71  lysates and purified protein can accelerate brain pathology in a manner similar to prions.
72 knockout of Sirt1 results in exacerbation of brain pathology in a mouse model of Huntington's disease
73 gyrus mean diffusivity as an early marker of brain pathology in children with OSAS.SIGNIFICANCE STATE
74  Rhes alleviates motor deficits and improves brain pathology in HD mice.
75  to the generation of recurrent seizures and brain pathology in patients with medically intractable m
76 function associated with Alzheimer's disease brain pathology in terms of functional network organizat
77 te specific cognitive abnormalities to focal brain pathology in the presence of widespread disease su
78 to contribute directly to multiple sclerosis brain pathology in the vast majority of cases.
79                This study reports on a novel brain pathology in young patients with frontal lobe epil
80 t signaling has been associated with several brain pathologies, including Alzheimer's disease.
81 of nitric oxide, is expressed in a number of brain pathologies, including cerebral ischemia.
82 brain edema are hallmark features of several brain pathologies, including traumatic brain injuries (T
83 in midlife might increase risk for late-life brain pathology, including dementia.
84                               However, since brain pathology induces astrocytes to become reactive, i
85                                              Brain pathology is a poorly understood systemic manifest
86                                      Similar brain pathology is also seen in a familial FTD pedigree
87 acid (GABA)-A receptor during progression of brain pathology is challenging because of the lack of im
88                                       The AD brain pathology is characterized by deposits of amyloid-
89 l head impact and the pattern of progressive brain pathology is poorly understood.
90 re birth is a major risk factor for multiple brain pathologies, notably periventricular leukomalacia
91 neural development, but when, where, and how brain pathology occurs remain elusive.
92                           The 2 hallmarks of brain pathologies of prematurity are a restricted gestat
93 olfactory epithelium correlating well to the brain pathology of AD patients.
94  neurodegenerative disorder characterized by brain pathology of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles
95 evidence for the involvement of microglia in brain pathology of mouse models of the two diseases.
96                    In addition, the hallmark brain pathology of TSC, cortical tubers and giant cells
97 actor that modifies or buffers the impact of brain pathology on cognitive function.
98 ever, L-DOPS treatment did not arrest global brain pathology or improve somatic growth, as gene thera
99 y syndrome (AIDS) dementia complex (ADC) and brain pathology remains uncertain.
100 ces can be revealed by the fact that certain brain pathologies render inhibitory processing ineffecti
101                    Regenerative processes in brain pathologies require the production of distinct neu
102  Tourette's syndrome, the absence of evident brain pathology resulted in vacillation between organic
103 istic linkage between A-to-I RNA editing and brain pathologies should be revisited.
104 etween IDO expression, IFN-gamma levels, and brain pathology signs observed in neuro-AIDS.
105 in Alzheimer's disease is a manifestation of brain pathologies such as accumulation of amyloid-beta p
106 tion is an important pathogenetic factor for brain pathologies such as Parkinson's disease, ADHD, sch
107  and the influence of aging and co-occurring brain pathologies that commonly arise in the elderly.
108 users show early Alzheimer's disease-related brain pathology that may be the basis for cognitive impa
109  wakefulness, and specific patterns of local brain pathology-thereby possibly providing a mechanistic
110 "DC8" and "DC13" have been proposed to cause brain pathology through interactions with endothelial pr
111 y are frequently used in patients with acute brain pathologies to facilitate sedation or surgical and
112  results suggest that TDP-43 is an important brain pathology underlying cognitive decline and dementi
113                                              Brain pathology was ascertained with standardized method
114 ical scrapie, but it was unclear whether the brain pathology was caused by damage to astrocytes, neur
115                            No improvement in brain pathology was observed.
116 or-beta/Smad2/3 activation and hydrocephalic brain pathology were evaluated at Day 14 and the inflamm
117                   Neurologic examination and brain pathology were scored by blinded observers.
118           Notably, neurological function and brain pathology were significantly improved in MPS I mic
119                                              Brain pathology with extensive microglial infiltration,

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